The Alpha's Baby

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The Alpha's Baby Page 19

by M. E. James

  Moaning, she opened her mouth and accepted his sweet kiss. He pushed his tongue inside of her and explored the roof of her cave. It felt good to be kissing him again after so long without his touch. Yearning for more, she tangled her fingers in his hair, forcing their mouths together harder. As they kissed, he ran his fingers over her stomach, likely reveling in the fact that his baby was within her. The action made her adore him all the more. He, the man who accepted her and his child without batting an eye, was an amazing individual. She could not have landed a better life mate…even if that life mate happened to be a werewolf.

  A shiver ran down her spine, though she wasn't sure if it was a shiver of horror or pleasure. Sebastian pulled back and nuzzled her before grabbing the ice cream spoon. He fed her another bite of thick vanilla goodness, but before she could swallow, he captured her mouth again. The man drank the warming cream from her lips. She gasped in shock as he swept his tongue along her mouth, lapping up the last bits of sweetness. When he pulled back a moment later, she stared at him, stunned.

  Sebastian's grin was devilish. "I don't think I've ever had ice cream that tasted so good."

  "Me either," she said sheepishly.

  With the same roguish grin, Sebastian loosened the remaining buttons of her blouse and then tore it off. Her chest heaved as he ran his fingers over her bare bosom. He laid a tender kiss on each breast and then grabbed the spoon. Slowly he swirled the ice-cream-covered utensil along the ridge of her bra. The creamy liquid was chilling, and goose bumps covered her skin as her hair prickled.

  A moment later he lapped at her creamy swells. His warm tongue soothing her chilled skin made her arch her back and mewl. God, she'd never fostered fantasies about being licked, but there was something about him feasting on her ice cream covered flesh that sent juices flowing straight to her pussy.

  "I think my serving dish needs to be horizontal." Sebastian sucked the skin of her breast into his mouth and then looked up at her with a wicked grin.

  Her eyes widened. "What dish?"

  Before she could blink, Sebastian picked her up and placed her on the counter. He laid her down so her back was on the granite surface. In order to keep herself steady, she wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him nearer. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her throbbing cunt, and the need to fuck rose. Unable to contain herself, she writhed against him.

  Chuckling at her squirming, Sebastian wrapped his arms around her back and unhooked her bra. "Let's get this bra off, shall we?"

  Her breasts were released from the silky black confines. Already, her nipples were hard from her arousal. Sebastian cupped her right breast and traced the sensitive nub with his thumb. Meanwhile, he laid a kiss against her belly button. After a moment of layering her skin with kisses, he drew back, his eyes sparkling wickedly.

  "Time for more dessert." Sebastian picked up the spoon again.

  A whimper of desire escaped her lips. Sebastian continued to smirk as he picked up his spoon and dumped a massive mountain of cold ice cream between her breasts.

  "C-cold," Emmy stammered.

  "Sorry, sweetheart." Sebastian nuzzled her breast. "It'll warm up soon enough."

  And warm up it did. Soon the mountain of ice cream became cool vanilla soup. Sebastian used the chilly spoon to smear the melted dessert all over her heaving breasts. After she was sticky and cooing, he returned to lapping at the flesh of her bosom. He spent ages just running his tongue along her chilled body. When he reached her nipple, he sucked the hard rosebud into his mouth and tortured the nub.

  "Sebastian!" she screamed, loving the titillating kiss.

  Spurred on by her enthusiastic response, Sebastian suckled on the nipple, teasing her. Meanwhile, he massaged her alternate breast. She groaned, wishing they'd tried this before. There was nothing better than ice cream and sex—and now she had both.

  She was still whimpering as Sebastian licked her skin clean and then moved on to her other breast. The man lapped at the alternate nipple, then traced the tip with his tongue. His tongue on the aroused bud was enough to make another wave of heat go straight to her pussy. Though she'd never been the type of woman who'd squirted, she was so aroused that she could swear that lubricant was shooting out of her cunt.

  "Oh God, I'm so wet." Moaning, she rubbed her crotch.

  Sebastian chuckled and unzipped her jeans. "I bet you are."

  "Fuck me, please." Her cunt throbbed.

  "All in due time, sweetheart." Sebastian eased her pants down her legs.

  The moment Emmy was free of the constricting jeans, Sebastian grabbed the ice cream container. The dessert had turned into a thick, creamy soup. Still Sebastian didn't appear to mind. He picked up his spoon and drizzled the cool liquid all over her panties. Even through the fabric, Emmy could feel how frigid the ice cream was. The coldness of the dessert contrasting with the building heat in her pussy was almost enough to send her straight into Orgasm Land. She gasped, lifting her hips off of the counter, longing to come.

  "Oh, please," she begged.

  Sebastian buried his fingers into the flesh of her outer thighs and then leaned down to suck on her pussy. The sensation of his hot tongue lapping at the damp silken fabric of her panties was enough to leave her whimpering. And Sebastian knew just how to kiss a woman's cunt. He buried his head deep between her thighs, feasting on her sex hungrily as if her pussy was the only thing keeping him alive. As he lapped at her lips, her legs were shaking because of how much she wanted him.

  "Take off my panties." If she waited any longer, she might just explode.

  After Sebastian ran his tongue along the silken fabric one last time, he eased the panties down her legs. Soon she was bare and quivering on the kitchen counter, feeling as though she was in the middle of some sort of sexy experiment. But she didn't give a damn that she was naked in the middle of the kitchen with her legs spread. No, all she wanted was to be fucked mercilessly.

  Sebastian, knowing her desire, picked up his spoon yet again. This time, he drizzled a line of ice cream from her belly button all the way to the sodden lips of her pussy.

  "I told you the cherry is my favorite part." The man grinned at her, then ran his tongue along her heaving stomach.

  "Oh, God." Her cunt pulsed in response to his tongue bath.

  The man chuckled, then ran his tongue along the ice cream covered plains of her pelvis. He traveled downward until he reached the lips of her pussy. He fingered her clit, then met her eyes and stuck his damp digits in his mouth.

  "You're delicious, sweetheart."

  Oh. Dear. God.

  As Emmy was certain that she was going to explode from the pressure building within of her, he buried his head in her ice cream sodden pussy. He attacked her cunt, his tongue lapping at her creamy curls. He was wilder and more primitive than ever before. After his tongue drank up every last bit of ice cream, he journeyed to her clit and sucked it into his mouth. He ran his tongue along the sensitive nub, teasing her until she was certain that if she didn't come soon, she might just die.

  But then Sebastian's lips journeyed to her hole. His tongue plunged inside of her, spearing her without fail. He fucked her pussy mercilessly with his mouth, sending her over the edge. A hot orgasm tore through her body, and she screamed, digging her fingers into Sebastian's scalp as she forced his head further against her damp cunt. As he fucked her pussy with his mouth, he made encouraging grunts against her sex.

  After the mind-blowing orgasm, she slumped against the counter, sweaty and sticky and exhausted. "Oh, heavens."

  "That was only the first course." Sebastian kissed her nipple.

  "First course?" She glanced up, her chest heaving.

  "I haven't fucked you yet." Sebastian pulled off his shirt, revealing his hard body. "I'm going to take you on this counter right here and now. I won't rest until I make you come again."

  Desperate to have him do just that, she spread her legs wide. He ran his fingers along her inner thighs and then studied her pussy with lu
st in his gaze. A moment later, he unbuttoned his pants and then tore off his jeans and briefs. Soon he was naked in front of her, and his hard purple cock was practically screaming her name. Still he did not enter her right away. Instead he ran his dick along her pussy's lips and then tickled the sensitive ridge of her clitoris. She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him closer. He grinned in pleasure at her enthusiasm.

  "You're so eager to be fucked." He kissed the tip of her nipple. "I love that."

  Before she could so much as moan his name again, Sebastian speared her sopping wet pussy at long last. His cock disappeared into her cunt, filling her and driving her crazy. She screamed his name every time his cock dipped into her hole. With each thrust, he plowed into her deeper, fucking her until all she knew was him.

  "Look." He stared at where his cock joined her cunt.

  Emmy, driven wild by pleasure, looked down at where their bodies met. She saw his long dick disappear into the sodden lips of her pussy and heard the sound of his balls slapping against her ass. The sights and sounds of sex were what made a second orgasm loom nearer. Sebastian was going to make her come again, and she'd never been more eager. Mewling, she met his eyes.

  "I love you, sweetheart," Sebastian said as he pounded her.

  "I love you, too," she managed to gasp.

  Sebastian leaned over her and captured her lips while he fucked her. His tongue darted into her mouth to the same rhythm as his cock. Soon he was moving faster until the heat inside of her grew so intense she wasn't sure if she could take it anymore. She lifted her hips, desperate to have Sebastian in her as deep as possible. And then…

  "Oh, my God, yes, Sebastian!" Emmy yelled as she erupted a second time.

  Her orgasm was so intense that she bucked wildly. Sebastian rode her through the orgasm, but she could tell by how he was whimpering that he would come soon, too. She buried her fingers into his ass, urging him to orgasm. After he thrust inside of her a last few times, his body tensed. He came, filling her up with his marvelous seed. A moment later, he draped himself on top of her, sweaty and spent from passion.

  As she recovered, she soothed her lover by running her fingers through his sweaty hair. "That was incredible."

  "I think it was the best dessert I've ever had." He kissed her cheek.

  "I agree." Even chocolate cake wasn't better. "In fact, it was so good that I think you'll be in charge of dessert from now on."

  Sebastian pulled back enough to stare deep into her eyes. "If you think that's good, just wait until you see what I can do with Chinese food."

  "What?" Her eyes widened.

  "Kidding." Sebastian chuckled.

  "You ass." She punched him playfully in the arm—and then kissed him silly.


  "'A dream you have will come true,'" Sebastian said, reading the quote from his fortune cookie. "Now that's something I can live with."

  Two and a half hours later, Emmy sat in bed next to Sebastian, enjoying Chinese food and a little pillow talk. She couldn't remember ever feeling so mellow. It was all the good sex, she reasoned. Nobody in the world would need Valium if they had a lover like Sebastian. Grinning, she snuggled up to the man, pressing her naked breasts against his arm.

  "Want to open your fortune cookie too, sweetheart?" Sebastian kissed the tip of her nose.

  "Ah, that's all right." She nuzzled his shoulder. "They're silly."

  He handed her the cookie. "Humor me."

  Shaking her head, Emmy opened her fortune cookie—and froze. The slip of paper inside said, “Will you marry me?” She looked up, startled, and saw that Sebastian had conjured up a jewelry box out of nowhere.

  "Surprise." Sebastian gave a nervous laugh.

  She gasped. "Is this why you disappeared this afternoon?"

  "I went to buy the ring," Sebastian said. "My brother helped with the fortune-cookie bit."

  "Oh." She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but it wasn't this.

  Shaking, she took the jewelry box from him and opened it. Inside was a ring with a dazzling white gold band with rubies set in the middle. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever laid eyes on. Though Sebastian had proposed before and she'd accepted, she was so touched that tears welled in her eyes. The ring and the proposal made everything seem more real.

  "I know that this isn't the first time I proposed, but I thought you deserved something romantic." He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "And I just want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. I promise I'll stand by your side no matter what happens, and I'll take care of you and our baby."

  "Oh, Sebastian." She let out a sob of happiness.

  "What do you say?" he asked.

  "I said yes already, didn't I?" She took the ring out of the box.

  Sebastian helped ease the ring onto the correct finger. "I wouldn't mind hearing the answer again."

  Emmy grinned. "Yes, I'll marry you."

  Then she flung her arms around his neck and cried out in joy.


  Seven Months Later…

  Emmy stared down at the newborn baby in her arms. Her son, Noah, was seven pounds of sheer wonderfulness, and she couldn't remember a time when she felt more whole. Sebastian, who'd been at her side during the entire birth, touched his son's hand.

  "He's so beautiful," Emmy whispered.

  "You're both beautiful." Sebastian kissed her cheek. "I think this is the best day of my life."

  Emmy traced her son's cheek, surprised by how human he looked. "Since he's the Alpha's son, does this mean he's going to be, you know, a leader like you?"

  "He can be whatever he wants to be." Sebastian still hadn't torn his eyes away from his baby's face.

  An answer couldn't have pleased her more. After all, she wanted her son to have a happy life full of freedom and love. She sighed, immersed in the peaceful moment.

  Unfortunately, that was when Mary Lou cried from outside the door, "Can we see him now? I'm dying out here."

  "Yeah, I want to see the little quarterback," her dad called.

  "Oh, Doug, don't start already," her mom said. "Noah was just born."

  Emmy rolled her eyes, but then she exchanged glances with her husband.

  "Suppose we should let them in?" She grinned.

  "I guess." Sebastian nodded. "After all, we'll have a lifetime to spend with this little guy. I suppose we can share him for a few minutes."

  As the two of them exchanged smiles, Emmy realized that her one-night stand with Sebastian had been the best mistake she'd ever made.


  Sugar and Spice Press

  Where romance is everything nice.

  Table of Contents

  Title page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven





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