His Little Earthling

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His Little Earthling Page 12

by Katie Douglas

  “You okay?” Sarah asked through a mouthful of ice cream.

  Ral nodded and tried to shake his brain away from where it was going. He liked Sarah, and while she was staying with him, he couldn’t not discipline her when she was clearly so lacking in it. School was important, too, but actually playing with her? Dressing her up as his little girl and… doing what his cock was straining to do? It would be taking advantage. In fact, if he had sex with her, the words ‘taking advantage’ would have to be redefined as ‘doing a Ral.’

  “So I remembered why I got frozen yesterday,” she said through a mouthful of ice cream.

  “All of it? At once?”

  “Yup. It was like I relived the whole thing. Weird, huh?”

  “That’s pretty unusual. What happened?” As Sarah recounted her newfound memories, Ral went from intrigued to shocked. “What was on the program?”

  “Beats me. Must’ve been important to someone. Guess we’ll never know, now.” Sarah looked thoughtfully at her ice cream. “It’s been bugging me for a couple days, though. I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something else I don’t know about this whole situation.”

  So that was why she had been in a strange mood after Laila and Riela left. Ral wondered if he had any information from the two sites he’d excavated at Luna that might help her piece things together, then he remembered the issues with the other finds from the site where Sarah had been discovered.

  “We found some paperwork near where you were frozen. I hoped it would give me an idea about the whole site, but I didn’t get an opportunity to catalog or read anything at the time, and now I can’t find those papers.” He shook his head and frowned as he tried to think of anywhere he hadn’t searched in his office. He’d even gotten Vartuk, his assistant, to contact the ship hire company he’d used, in case the papers had been left somewhere in the spaceship. By all accounts, they’d completely vanished.

  Sarah sighed. “I swear I’m doomed to be a mystery forever! If you find them, I’d sure like to read them.”

  He finished his ice cream and put the tub in a recycling bin, so it could be taken apart and remade into something new. Sarah had about twice the amount of food in her little container because of all the toppings she’d gotten, so she continued eating as they slowly began to walk down the beach. When she was done, he helped her identify the correct recycling bin to put the empty tub into.

  “Daddy?” Sarah’s word made Ral’s heart clench. Why did it suddenly feel so wrong to get her to call him that? Was it because he wanted nothing more than to pull her panties down and bury his cock in her until she called his name so loud that everyone on the beach heard them? But he’d always known he was attracted to her. From the moment he’d first seen her, so alone and vulnerable in the cryogenic freezing unit that had been dumped on Luna, he’d wanted to brush her hair away from her face, kiss her cut forehead better, wrap her up in a blanket, and tell her that it was going to be all right, that he would take good care of her, that she didn’t have to be scared of anything.

  The idea of telling Sarah how he felt had suddenly become very real, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear her tell him she didn’t feel the same way.

  Ral inwardly accosted himself for his silliness. He was supposedly an adult, allegedly intelligent, and apparently a very responsible person. Yet, he was getting tangled up like a lovesick teenager over a girl he had every reason not to sleep with, let alone fall in love with.

  “Daddy! You’re not watching!” Sarah called, and when Ral dragged his eyes back into focus, he saw she was leaping from rock to rock and avoiding the sand.

  “Why in the world are you…” Comprehension dawned. “The sand is the shark-filled lava.”

  Sarah’s eyes lit up and she nodded emphatically.

  “C’mon, it’s fun! The rocks are the safe places!”

  He got up on a rock so Sarah could play her game, and he tried to distract his heart by reciting all four hundred and three elements of the periodic table. It wouldn’t be fair to tell her how he felt, when she couldn’t exactly leave if she didn’t like what he said. Especially because she was so vulnerable, in a world she didn’t understand and couldn’t navigate without him.

  Ral tried to reason with himself. If she was attracted to him, she would say something. If she didn’t say anything, then he hadn’t lost anything by not saying anything either. It was the worst logic he’d ever come up with and he knew it.

  “What are these?” Sarah was waving something at him. He peered down at it.

  “It’s a seashell,” he explained. “They fall off sea creatures and get washed ashore by the tide.”

  She started to giggle. “I know what a seashell is! Never seen one that shape though. It’s pretty. Why’s it look like a turret?”

  “Something to do with making it easier for that particular sea creature to swim through the water.” Ral had no idea but he thought that was a reasonable explanation for the shape. Didn’t all sea creatures just have a standard set of shell shapes? Why did anything look the way that it did? This was why he hadn’t been a pathologist; morphology didn’t make any sense to him at all.

  “Can I keep it? It’s clean.”

  “Okay, Sarah, but put it in your pocket so you don’t lose it.”

  They kept walking along the beach until they were so far from where they’d started that the city was beginning to turn into the occasional building and lots of sand and palm trees. After a couple of hours, Sarah flopped down on the sand heavily.

  “My legs are tired,” she said. Ral looked down at her. She was so helpless and tiny. One day, when she was more settled, he wanted to put her in a stroller because she’d look so adorable. He lifted her easily.

  “Ohmygosh,” Sarah declared. “You can’t! You’ll hurt yourself! I’m too heavy!” She tried to wriggle free but he held her fast and raised her above his head until she was sitting on his shoulders.

  “Don’t try to get down, you’ll only hurt yourself, and then I’ll spank you for putting yourself in harm’s way. You’re not too heavy. I’m seven feet four inches tall and I move large amounts of rocks and soil every time I work on a site. Your legs are tired and we’re miles from where we live, so I’m carrying you home.” He began to walk back the way they’d come, and to his amusement, Sarah seemed too stunned to say or do anything.

  “I’m so tall,” she announced, several minutes after he’d started carrying her. Ral smiled to himself. She was going to have to get used to being taken care of, he decided, because he wasn’t going to let her out of his life as easily as she’d tumbled into it.

  “If you drink all your milk and eat all your cookies, you might grow that tall one day,” Ral suggested.

  “No, I won’t!” she shrieked with laughter. “Cookies don’t make you grow! They just make your teeth shrink. Well, they make you grow sideways, I guess,” she conceded.

  The sun was setting in the sky as they reached the apartment building, and the undersides of the clouds were glowing the color of rubies. Ral opened the main door and carefully placed Sarah on the floor so she could walk up the stairs by herself.

  She waited for him to close the front door, then she gazed up at him, wide-eyed, her hand held out.

  “Daddy?” she said it with such naivety and innocence that Ral couldn’t help but melt. He took her tiny hand and watched her carefully make her way up the stairs to their apartment door. When he fumbled for the key, she tugged on one of the corners of his shirt, then reached her hands up toward him. He left the key dangling in the lock. Any hope of staying away from her was blasted to smithereens as he lifted her up and pressed her against the locked door, kissing her with passion and urgency. At first, she yielded to him, then she wrapped her legs around his waist and started to kiss him back. He was overjoyed that she wanted this too.

  She ran her fingers through his hair and made little moans as the kiss seemed to go on forever. He tasted the ice cream flavor in her mouth and his cock turned to iron in his pants.
He supported her weight with one hand and clicked the door open, then carried her through. By the time the door slammed closed, he was already halfway to his bedroom. He knelt on the bed, aware of how much smaller she was, and gently laid her back on the soft mattress, still kissing her deeply.

  When he broke apart for air, she looked like he’d abandoned her.

  “C’mon, Daddy, I need you,” she said softly, and any thoughts of holding back disappeared as he pulled her pants down. The shell fell out of her pocket, skittering across the mosaic floor, and he gazed at her underwear. Pale blue cotton panties with a little bow front center. They had a darker patch peeking out from between her legs.

  “You’re wet,” Ral remarked. Sarah had no sense of shame as she looked him squarely in the eye and nodded. He saw the need in her blue eyes as she writhed on the bed.

  “Please,” she murmured again. Ral raised an eyebrow.

  “Beg me,” he told her, “and I might consider it.”

  She looked up at him with a mixture of disbelief and surprise, which amused him. He guessed this wasn’t how she was used to doing things. She could stand to know where he wanted her. Sarah was so hot that she’d have him wrapped around her littlest finger if he didn’t take charge.

  “What are you waiting for?” he teased her. “Don’t you want to feel me inside your wet tunnel?”

  She opened her mouth and closed it again. Then opened it once more.

  “Please, will you fu… fill me with your… self?” she tried. Ral was highly entertained by the fact that she was hiding behind approximations. He shook his head.

  “You can do better than that.” He fixed her with a dispassionate gaze that belied the ache in his shaft.

  Sarah screwed up her eyes then practically barked, “Please, will you fuck me, Ral?”

  Ral chuckled, and when she unscrewed her eyes, he nodded, like he was indulging someone’s fondest dream.

  “All right, little one. Since you asked me so nicely and all.” He took his shirt off, and watched her eyes drink in his tanned body, then he pulled his pants down and watched her eyes widen in amazement, followed by a sudden intake of breath.

  “Y-y-your cock is h-huge!” she stammered.

  He looked down. “It’s the same size it normally is.”

  “That’s never going to fit! Ohmigosh, but I want it so bad!” Sarah writhed on the bed again and one of her hands strayed to her sex. Ral stepped toward her. He reached down and caught her wrist, then pulled her hand away from her.

  “We’ll go slow,” Ral said. “But you’re going to lie back and let me take care of you, baby girl.”

  “I’m scared.” Her voice was tiny. From this angle, Ral saw a droplet of liquid trickling out of her.

  “I’d be willing to bet that you’ve never been so turned on in your entire life,” he observed, swirling one finger around her opening. When she tilted her hips toward him ever so slightly, he plunged his finger inside her, as her silky tunnel let him penetrate her. He savored the little sounds she made as he slowly moved his finger inside her, lightly stroking her clit with his free hand. Touching her so intimately, when he’d wanted her for so long, was making his erection ache in a way it hadn’t done since he’d been in high school. Every ounce of his self-control was going into the task of taking this slowly.

  When she expanded a little more, he added a second finger.

  “Ohhhh… that’s so good.”

  Once he judged she was completely ready for him, he removed his fingers and gently turned her over so she was on all fours. He positioned the head of his cock against her opening. As his tip went most of the way in, she stiffened in fear again.

  “Is my little girl going to take Daddy’s big cock?”


  He spanked her bottom smartly and she pulsated around the head of his cock. So that was what she needed. He brought his hand down a few more times, and he gradually slid into her delicious channel. The wetness inside her tingled slightly against his cock.


  Sarah was delightfully incoherent. Ral trailed his fingers over her skin, relishing the tightness of her around him, then he spanked her again. He couldn’t believe how wet it made her; he’d never been with a woman this responsive to his touch. Slowly, he pulled his shaft out of her, then pushed in again. He felt like his cock was glowing as he stroked her channel. She was so hot and tight, and it was very hard to keep himself from coming inside her straight away.

  He swatted her cheeks again, watching them start to turn pink, then he thrust into her. She moaned and clawed at the bedsheets, and her pussy seemed to coil around him. Ral brushed a fingertip against her clit, circling it, and he felt her start to come several seconds before she cried out, contracting around him until his own orgasm was imminent, then he thrust into her harder than before, impaling her on his huge cock and filling her with his essence. She squeaked and writhed under him, and he knew then that his liquid had the same effect on her that her wetness had on him.

  When they separated, they fell onto the bed and he pulled her into a snuggle, nuzzling her neck and stroking her hair as she shuddered and shook against him with aftershocks.

  “This is gonna sound so corny, but that was the best sex of my entire life,” Sarah breathed.

  Ral cuddled her and grunted in agreement, too stunned to talk. He’d never had sex with a human before, and it had been mind-blowing. Then he remembered all the reasons why he shouldn’t have had sex with her.

  * * *

  Lying in Ral’s arms, Sarah was thoroughly satisfied and mostly content, but a feeling of dread was starting to permeate the afterglow still tingling through her body, and she wondered what it was. With horror, she realized she was falling in love with Ral. Suddenly, the game of pretending she was his little girl was turning serious, and she was scared to tell him how she felt. He was so full of rules, and so busy telling her what she ought to be doing at any given moment, he probably wouldn’t think it was right for them to be anything other than cast together by misfortune. But if they’d just had sex, didn’t that change everything?

  She didn’t want things to get awkward between them. What if he decided that he couldn’t be in the same apartment as someone who felt that way about him, then chose to throw her out, so she never saw him again? Wouldn’t that be worse than hiding the fact that she was falling in love? Even ignoring the fact that she was utterly helpless without him, she was completely at his mercy. She couldn’t risk losing him for some selfish, crazy, and stupid feelings. Then another thought occurred to her.


  “Yes, little one?”

  “Uh… you didn’t use… uh… protection, did you?”

  “Don’t worry, the door was locked.”

  “I meant the sort of protection that would stop me getting… uh… pregnant.”

  “We’re different species. It’s never going to happen. Don’t worry, little one.” He kissed the back of her head. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed. That was one very good reason why this would never work as a long-term relationship. Sarah had always wanted a big family. The idea of not having one was unthinkable.

  The more she thought about it, the more she was able to tell herself that it was best to say nothing about the fact she was falling in love with him. She had no right to tell him. Something very deep inside her seemed to agree, because she had the distinct impression that there was some big and serious reason for why she mustn’t fall in love with anyone.

  The husband she remembered being married to had been useless; he never had a job if he could spend her money instead, he never bothered tidying up his appearance, because she was far too in love to refuse to be seen out with him, and she distinctly remembered him being drunk a lot of the time. To top it all off, he had cared so little about her that he had never stopped her from doing anything, even when she made bad decisions. Any love or respect for him had been lost years ago, she was certain of that. Maybe there had been a new husb
and? Surely she would remember something so important? What kind of a person went around forgetting the person they loved?

  If that wasn’t enough to stop her talking to Ral, there was the fact that she had actually liked it when he’d spanked her during sex. Even as she cast her mind back over how it had felt, her clit buzzed with excitement once more. What was she supposed to say to him? ‘I love you, Ral, oh, and by the way, I never came so hard in my life as I did after you spanked me and filled me with your enormous cock’? That was woefully inappropriate. Why was everything so complicated and confusing? Pushing her feelings away, a tear escaped her eye as she lay motionless in his arms. Then she finally got her emotions under control in time to fall asleep and dream about him spanking her.

  Chapter Eleven

  When she awoke early on Monday morning, Sarah got dressed by herself. Over the course of the day before, she’d done a lot of thinking and decided it was best if she was less dependent on Ral to take care of her. He might want to treat her like she was his little girl, but that seemed to be making her love him more, and that was bad. Ral wasn’t up yet, so she went to the kitchen and poured herself some Breakfast Bites, which was sort of like granola, except that it was pink and contained some things that looked like dried strawberries. Ral seemed to like fruit a lot, she noticed, as she poured the milk over her food. Milk was weird here, too. It didn’t smell or taste like milk from her own time, but instead seemed to be closer to soymilk. Since she hadn’t seen any cows, she could only guess what the milk was made of. By the time he rose from his bed, she was mostly ready to leave.

  After Ral walked her to school, Sarah met up with Laila and Riela at Dagon’s Drinks. They both always seemed to arrive before her, but Sarah didn’t mind. It meant she got one hot chocolate instead of two, and then she didn’t have to ask Ral for more money. It was embarrassing enough that he was giving her an allowance; going over it would be mortifying.


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