Magic Awakened: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

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Magic Awakened: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Page 6

by K.N. Lee

  Egan, she thought, sensing that something was horribly wrong. I’m coming.

  When she reached the end of the hallway, she skidded to a stop.

  Livia covered her mouth with her hand as her eyes lifted to a blonde woman, hovering in the air.

  Egan's footsteps hammered toward her. She came to a halt next to Livia. Quickly unsheathing her gun, she aimed it at the blonde. “Livia. We’ve got the bitch who killed Jason.”


  The voluptuous short-haired blonde, dressed in skin tight pants and a form fitting top, writhed like a snake as she hovered in the air before Egan. She had thigh-high boots that ended in stiletto heels, giving her the appearance of a Midtown hooker.

  “This should be fun,” she said, in a deep, husky voice.

  Her lithe form snapped and crackled, infused with some sort of electrical charge that no human could endure.

  Behind Egan, the prison staff murmured, practically lowing like cows in a field. Idiots. She kept a firm two-handed grip on her Glock, trained at the blonde’s chest.

  “Get down on the ground,” she shouted. “Get down and put your hands behind your back.”

  The woman threw back her head and let out a loud, cackling laugh. “Oh, you’re precious. Right, officer. I’m going to drop from the air and get down on the ground with my hands behind my back. What will you do to me if I don’t?”

  “I’ll shoot, that’s what.” Egan’s hands stayed steady.

  “With that little thing?” the woman said. She flicked her long, black-painted nails and the gun dissipated with a soft pop.

  Egan jerked, staring at her now empty hands.

  “Oh, no, you did not,” she said willing her dark power to rip.

  She pointed her hands at the blonde, letting a stream of fire shoot from her fingertips.

  The flames surrounded the woman, and her mouth fell open in a large O-shape. Her eyes widened.

  Gotcha! Egan kept the stream of fire flowing, and stepped toward the blonde.

  “You’re so dead, bitch,” she snarled.

  The woman smiled and evaporated with a crisp pop.

  “What the…?” Egan whirled in a circle. She drew back her fire power. Spying Livia, she said, “What the hell is she?”

  “I don’t know but…” Livia shrieked. “Watch your back!”

  Egan spun around.

  The blonde shimmered into view, her hands clasped, her arms arced like she held a bat in her grip. She swung hard, clocking Egan in the face.

  Recovering, Egan let out a roar, put down her head, and charged.

  The blonde faded from sight at the last minute. Egan slammed her shoulder into the brick wall of the prison hallway. “Shit!” Her shoulder throbbed with sharp, stinging pain.

  “Egan!” Livia called. “Are you okay?”

  “Not in the least,” Egan said, holding her shoulder. “But I’m more pissed than anything. Where did the bitch go?” She looked in all directions. The only signs of life she could see were the staff, huddled together at the end of the hall, and Livia. “This is spooky. What the hell is she?” she said again. “And doesn’t she look just like that socialite…?” She snapped her fingers. “Alicia Saunders! That’s the one!”

  “Oh, my God, do you think so?” Livia looked pale. “How did she get so…? Behind you!”

  Egan whipped around in time to be pounded in the jaw by Alicia’s fist. She stumbled back then lunged, grabbing for her hair.

  Again, Alicia faded from sight. She let out a disembodied laugh.

  Egan assumed a low crouch, hands curled. Keeping her back to the wall, she waited. Her breath chuffed in her lungs.

  “You see anything, Liv?” she whispered.

  “Not yet,” Livia whispered back.

  When Alicia shimmered into view this time, Egan landed a hard kick to her abdomen.

  Alicia crumpled in half, with a loud grunt.

  “You like that? Payback sucks, doesn’t it?”

  Alicia unfolded, her face dark with lines.

  Egan assumed a defensive stance, ready for whatever came next.

  Alicia kicked.

  Egan’s power flowed through her arm as she caught Alicia’s ankle and jerked up.

  Her blonde locks ablaze, she fell back with a scream.

  Egan directed her dark fire power through both hands and took aim. Right as the flames touched Alicia’s skin she popped out of view.

  “Damnit!” Egan willed the fire power to retreat.

  A hard blow, probably from the invisible woman’s booted foot, struck Egan’s cheek.

  Egan stumbled backward. Righting herself, she assumed her crouched stance.

  Two strong hands wrapped around her neck and lifted her in the air. Egan kicked and screamed, trying to pry the invisible fingers from her neck.

  “Help…me…Liv…” she managed to squeak out.

  Livia rushed to her side, her arms flailing. “I can’t find her. I’m trying.”

  “Grab…my…leg,” she bit out.

  “I’m trying,” Livia said, hopping up and down.

  “Can’t…breathe…” Egan gasped. Stars danced in front of her eyes. She kept kicking, trying to connect with the bitch.

  Alicia became visible again, floating in front of her, leering at Egan. She raised her arms, lifting Egan even higher. “Told you this would be fun. I’m having the time of my life. Ready to be dead? Three…”

  “Egan!” Livia screamed. She jumped in the air, trying to reach Egan’s ankle.

  “Two…” Alicia laughed hysterically.

  Egan poured every ounce of strength into her muscles. But without breath, what could she do? Her vision blurred. She grew faint. Her legs hung limp. She dangled from the woman’s grip, silently saying her good-byes to Livia. She stared at her best friend, willing Livia to feel how much she meant to her.

  “Egan, no!” Livia dropped to her knees, and let out a sob.

  “And one…” Grinding her teeth together, Alicia squeezed harder, her fingers like a vice-grip. Then, a look of surprise washed across her face. “What the…?”

  Her head snapped to the side with a wet clicking sound. She fell in a heap on the concrete floor.

  Egan fell to the ground, landing on top of Alicia’s still form. She gasped for breath. “What the hell happened? Some invisible thing snapped her neck.”

  “I…I think I did it.” Livia stared at her trembling hands. “Oh, God, what have I done?”

  “Whatever it was, thank you,” Egan wheezed.

  Livia’s gaze snapped toward Egan. “Yes, but, you’re supposed to be the destructive one. Not me.”

  Egan’s eyes widened. “Seriously? You did what needed to be done. You can process any linger emotion later, girl. We’ve got to get out of here.” She tried to get up but pain held her in place. She groaned and rolled to her side.

  Livia rushed to her and put her arms around her. “Are you okay? Where are you hurt? Let’s get you some care.”

  “Everywhere, I think.” Egan groaned as she pushed up to sitting. “Oh, God, I feel like crap.”

  “Shhh,” Livia soothed. “Let me help you up.”

  Egan accepted the assist, getting to her feet like an ancient woman. She slung her arm around Livia as they hobbled down the hallway, away from the staff, who kept to their huddled vigil.

  “That crew is useless.” Egan stabbed her thumb over her shoulder. “What a bunch of idiots.”

  “Yes,” Livia agreed. “But, to their credit, they seem to be under some sort of spell.”

  Egan scoffed. “I don’t think they are all that when they weren’t under a spell, either.”

  Livia chuckled.

  “And Renner? What happened to him?” Egan choked out the words.

  She lifted her hand to gingerly touch her neck.

  “Gone, baby, gone.” She flashed her beautiful brown eyes at Egan, the concern and care evident. “You look awful.”

  Egan winced. “Looks aren’t everything. I’m more concerned with what
just happened to Alicia, and where Renner went. I’ll be okay. Let’s keep up the search.”


  Egan and Livia beelined it for the downtown station, heading away from Oblivion as fast as the Corvette would go.

  “I really think we should get you looked at. There are urgent care centers near the station.” Livia flashed Egan a sympathetic gaze.

  “Nope. Not happening. Let’s head to the station, let Danvers know what happened, and see if he has any ideas.”

  Livia giggled. “Right. The man who barely acknowledges the supernatural? He tolerates our abilities. I see him roll his eyes when we tell him what we’re capable of doing. Then, he makes up palatable stories to tell his staff. I doubt if he’ll be any help.”

  “At least it’s something. And, at least he keeps an open mind. Not like some of the other officers.” As Egan gripped the steering wheel, the car screeched around corners, headlights set to high. Then, Egan accelerated through the straightaways, powering toward the starlit horizon.

  “Slow down, Egan,” Livia said, clutching the door handle. “I’m getting queasy.”

  “What? Sorry.” Egan gave her a side-eyed glance. She eased up on the gas, and then peered at the sky through the windshield. “Isn’t it strange that Oblivion is always surrounded by fog? It rarely gets light out there. But here we are, a few miles out and the sky is sparkling with stars, like diamonds.”

  Livia shuddered. “I don’t think it’s weird at all. That place is evil through and through.”

  “Yeah.” She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. “Do you think Alicia Saunders is a supernatural? I’ve seen her in the news a lot and I don’t sense any mysterious abilities. Do you?”

  “No. It’s strange.”

  “Could it be someone made up to look like her?”

  Livia shrugged. “Don’t know.”

  “And those were crazy abilities. What kind of supe can do that?”

  “I sure don’t know,” Livia said. “We’ll have to research it.”

  “Yes. How can you fight something you can’t see?”

  “Right?” Livia said. She twisted to look at Egan. “And Renner. What did he do to my mental abilities? I was like, what? They don’t work?” She shook her head. “We’ve got to be stronger than them or we’ll be the ones with our necks snapped.”

  Egan touched her throat, recalling the feeling of nearly being strangled to death.

  “How’s your neck?” Livia said.

  Egan glanced at her. “I’ll live. Getting some shut-eye will help. Do you think Danvers will let us take some time off?”

  Livia stiffened. “Probably. Why don’t you ask him?”

  They merged onto the interstate highway and Egan floored the accelerator. “Please, Liv. Which one is he going to grant favors to? You, or me?”

  Livia said nothing. She pressed her lips together and stared out the window.

  They arrived at the station a short while later.

  As Egan got out of the car, she winced at the stabbing sensations shooting through her knees and ankles. “Damn. I hurt all over.”

  “At least nothing’s broken.” Livia got out and hustled around the car to Egan’s side. “Let me help you get inside.”

  “I’ve got this. I can do it myself.”

  “Egan.” Livia gave her a warning glare. “Stop acting so tough. Let. Me. Help.”

  Egan threw up her hands. “Fine.”

  Livia put her arm around Egan’s waist, lending support.

  “Thanks, girl.” With Livia’s help, Egan hobbled up the stairs, and into the building.

  Inside, the space was relatively quiet. A couple of officers sat at their desks, reading newspapers.

  Egan took a long whiff. “Smells like home.” She chuckled. “If home were an old barn with a nearby bar.”

  “Right?” Livia said, as she strode next to Egan. “It smells like history.”

  “And a bunch of stinky men,” Egan said, glancing at Mike Willis, one of the patrol officers. She pushed away from Liv, and tried to stand on her own. Ouch. Throbs of pain coursed up her leg.

  “Hey.” Mike lifted his gaze from his computer monitor.

  She forced a grin.

  He raised his arm and took a sniff of his pits. “Smells like heaven to my wife.”

  “She has to say that or she wouldn’t be getting any from you,” Egan joked.

  The officer grinned back. Then, he cocked his head and studied her. “What happened to you? You look pretty beat up.”

  “Oh, we got in a tussle with a prisoner over at Oblivion.” She and Livia exchanged eye glances.

  They knew better than to tell the main staff what really happened. Few in the department knew what their abilities were, other than skilled at solving cases. Otherwise, they could be thrown in a loony bin.

  The officer shuddered. “That place gives me the creeps.”

  “Can’t say we’re a fan, either.” Egan turned to Livia. “You think Danvers is here?”

  “I think so,” Livia said, her cheeks flushed. “He mentioned something about pulling an all-nighter.”

  “You head over to his office and ask him, then. I’ll get to work on these police reports.”

  Livia looked visibly relieved. “Would you? That would be great. I hate paperwork.”

  “Uh huh,” Egan said. “While I can’t get enough of it.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Livia said. She hesitated, like she couldn’t decide whether to stay and help Egan or go and do whatever it was she did with Danvers.

  Egan let out a sigh. “Just go and talk to him.”

  Livia scurried away, smiling. Before turning down the hallway, she pivoted to look at Egan, trying to hide her smile. “You going to be here a while?”

  “Not long.”

  “I’ll, uh…I’ll take a taxi home. I’m bushed.”

  “I’ll be ready to go in ten. I’m pretty fast with these reports.”

  Livia’s face grew red. “No, thanks. My chat with Danvers might take a while.”

  Egan arched an eyebrow. “Uh huh.”

  “What?” Livia asked, looking all innocent.

  “Nothing. See you at the house.”

  When Livia whirled to sashay away, Egan thought, That girl’s guilty, guilty, guilty. No doubt she’s going to give Danvers a good morning blow job.

  She wrinkled up her nose at the thought.

  After writing and turning in her report, Egan headed to her and Liv’s home. There, she whiled away the morning drinking coffee and Googling paranormal activity, which led to the afternoon. She also perused Alicia Saunders’s Facebook page, finding nothing untoward. No blubbering notice of the bitch’s demise had been posted. Maybe no one knows anything yet? Or maybe they’re keeping it on the down low? Or, maybe, just maybe, that woman wasn’t the actual Alicia Saunders. She jotted some notes. Contact Alicia. Go over autopsy report. She tapped her pen over her tablet. Seeing to the autopsy report meant seeing Rion.

  Her tummy rumbled. “Okay, okay. Stop grumbling. I’ll feed you.” She pushed away from her desk and stretched, intending to head to the kitchen. “But maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. Maybe if we discuss it over a meal it will seem all casual.” She picked up her phone, swiped the screen, and held her hand over the keypad display.

  “Hello?” His deep voice vibrated through the phone.

  “Hey, Ri. It’s Egan.”

  “Egan! Your number says ‘anonymous.’ I thought you might be my mom.” He let out a nervous sounding chuckle.

  “Definitely not your mom. I wondered if you wanted to grab a bite with me.”

  A loud crash sounded, followed by Rion shouting, “Shit!”

  “Rion? What just happened?” She held the phone away from her face, staring at it. “Rion? Are you still there?”

  “Sorry, sorry. I just knocked something off my desk.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway…sure. I’d love to have dinner with you. What time?”

  “Now. I’m famished. I can’t
remember eating anything today.” She twirled a lock of her hair around her fingertip.

  “Uh, give me twenty? I can meet you at 5th and Vine. There’s a great Italian restaurant there. I know the chef.”


  “Yeah, that’s the one.” He cleared his throat again.

  “Great, I’ll head out and meet you there. A plate of spaghetti sounds fantastic.” She hung up the phone, stood, and wandered into the bathroom.

  She grabbed a washcloth and dabbed her armpits clean, added fresh deodorant, and then brushed her hair into a ponytail. Satisfied, she exited, snatching a clean shirt from the closet and sliding her arms into it. Deciding not to drive—traffic’s a bitch at this hour-- she tapped her destination into her Uber app.

  Fifteen minutes later, she stood outside of Luigis, muzzy-headed from lack of sleep and deep in thought from the mystery of their current case.

  Rion rounded the corner and raced toward the restaurant. When he spied her, he slowed. He smoothed his brown waves back with the palm of his hand.

  “Hey, Egan.”

  She clutched her hands together. “Hey, Rion.” He’s wearing a suit. Does he think this is a date?

  He scanned her attire. His eyebrows drew in and up.

  She glanced at her clothes. Jeans—the same ones I had on yesterday—and a fresh linen shirt. I don’t look that bad, do I? She lifted her gaze toward him.

  Putting his hands on her shoulders, he leaned in to kiss her…on the mouth? She jerked her face to the side, giving him access to her cheek.

  He took a step back. Staring at her, with cheeks the color of a sunrise, he said nothing.


  “I’m starving,” she said, attempting to sound casual. “What’s with the fancy clothes? You going somewhere after we’re done here? I’ll make it quick if I need to.”

  He scowled. “No, I…” He shook his head. “Never mind. Let’s go in. I got us last minute reservations. I called in a favor.”

  “You…” Her face grew uncomfortably warm. “I’m sorry I wasn’t more clear on the phone. I haven’t slept in twenty-four hours. My brain’s a little fuzzy. I need some answers and hope you can give some.”


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