Edge of Chaos

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Edge of Chaos Page 6

by Des Pensable

  ‘Unfortunately she discovered that the seekers were greedy and coveted her memories for themselves. They were also destructive and used the knowledge to damage and destroy other Seekers, Searchers and Gatherers. So she gave some of the Seekers special powers to protect the Gatherers and Searchers against the excesses of other Seekers. She called these Preservers.’

  ‘You are a Preserver and you may be the only one in this land for I have never heard of another. Perhaps that is why you have had your memories stolen.’

  ‘You mentioned that a Collector asked you to help me. What are they? asked Moonbeam.

  ‘With great sadness the Creator discovered that some Seekers would destroy her memories rather than let others know of them. So she gave special powers to some Seekers to allow them to collect her memories from others so that they wouldn’t be lost. These she called Collectors. They are usually very powerful and able to store great amounts of memories but are forbidden to use them or to share them with others. Their job is to collect the memories of others and deliver them to the Creator.’

  ‘Are there any others?’ asked Moonbeam.

  ‘Yes. There is one other, a very rare type. They are called Wardens. The Creator found that Seekers could organize themselves into groups and use knowledge that corrupts and defiles the very structure of nature itself. To combat this she occasionally appoints a Seeker to be a Warden. His or her job is to fight this corruption and restore balance to her grand plan.’

  ‘That is a wonderful story Ironwood. Thank you very much. I shall try to find my missing memories and be the bestest Preserver ever.’

  ‘I’m sure you will child,’ replied Ironwood. ‘I’m sure you will.’

  Miranda sat down and said ‘I want to do some drawings now.’ And a book and set of colouring pencils appeared beside her.

  ‘What are you going to draw child?’ asked Ironwood thankful that she had stopped running around.

  ‘My mother told me that in our dreams we can make anything we want happen. I’m going to make my own Gatherers and Searchers to find my lost memories.’

  Moonbeam drew a picture of a flower containing two butterflies in an erotic embrace. When she was happy with it she kissed the flower and the two butterflies on it opened their wings and fluttered off the page of her book and headed off in opposite directions. She looked up at Ironwood and said.

  ‘That is my own very special flower. Someone that loves me gave it to me sealed with his love. I have sent it out to find him. Each butterfly will fly for a few minutes until it gets tired then it will land and burrow into the ground and grow into another of these flowers. Each will in turn give off butterflies which in turn will fly until they get tired and the process will repeat until my message is delivered.’

  ‘But in no time that could fill the whole of the world of dreams with flowers and butterflies.’ said Ironwood suddenly concerned.

  ‘Yes.’ replied Moonbeam. ‘Won’t it look pretty. Now I want to do some more skipping.’

  ‘Goodness what have I done?’ thought Ironwood. ‘I don’t think the Gods will like this.’


  Several hours later at first light the two carers went down to see if the Felynx was still alive. They took one look and quickly went to see the Prime Healer. Ten minutes later he was standing over Miranda.

  ‘Amazing! The stench has almost gone.’ thought the Prime Healer. ‘That moss seems to be growing on her wounds. It must have healing properties. She is sleeping and breathing regularly. I have never seen anyone survive the vile rot. This is truly amazing. I will be famous if she survives.’

  ‘Do nothing to disturb this creature,’ said the Prime Healer. ‘She is now in my care. Leave, I will attend to her needs from now on.’

  Chapter 5 Secret Revelations

  Aquitain wasn’t sure how to react to Darkmantle. This was the former husband of Snowbelle before she had become a nymph. He had heard several versions of the story of this Elendari Lord and his Newman druid wife Sindel. They had all varied in who was to blame for the outcome. Perhaps he could now find out the true story from Darkmantle himself as it seemed to be somehow relevant to the current situation.

  ‘Lord Darkmantle.’ said Aquitain. ‘Would you mind if I asked you some questions.’

  ‘Err … excuse me Your Majesty and my Lord.’ whispered Prendergrass. ‘We are very exposed here. Perhaps it would be better to talk somewhere else.’

  ‘Quite right Prendergrass.’ replied Darkmantle.

  ‘Would you care to accompany us to my estate? We’ll answer your questions there.’

  ‘Careful.’ said Yllandril through the mind link. ‘It could be a trap.’

  ‘Maybe.’ replied Aquitain ‘but we need some answers fast and this seems like a good opportunity. You search for Llalorax and find out what he’s thinking. Take Rat Catcher to watch for any Mentarin and I’ll go with Darkmantle. I think Darkmantle will be a little wary with our Warden here protecting me.’

  Aquitain picked up Crys and both she and Darkmantle placed a hand on Prendergrass’s shoulder and the group were teleported to Prendergrass’s room in Darkmantle’s estate. Prendergrass offered Aquitain and Darkmantle a seat and suggested that they wait until he cast some wards to give them privacy. Aquitain stood Crys on the table between them and it stood looking at Darkmantle and in turn Darkmantle stared at Aquitain.

  ‘You look remarkably like my former wife before she left me and turned into that … nymph.’

  Aquitain said nothing but watched Prendergrass carefully to be sure that he didn’t do anything other than set up wards. After about five minutes the room became slightly misty and he declared that it would be safe to talk. Aquitain asked him how secure the wards were. He replied that no one as far as he was aware would be able to eavesdrop or scry within the room.

  ‘Do you mind if I check.’ asked Aquitain and she activated her aura vision. Her eyes glowed with golden light and she immediately saw that Darkmantle for all that had been said about him had a neutral aura but Prendergrass’s aura had a suspicious reddish glow and as she scanned the room he caught sight of another small neutral aura about Trixie size.’

  Casually she said ‘Looks clear to me.’ but using mindspeak she said to Prendergrass.

  ‘Can you block teleport from this room?’

  Prendergrass was a little surprised to hear mindspeak in his head and simply nodded that he could.

  ‘Then do it!’ commanded Aquitain again using mindspeak.

  Prendergrass turned a little red and said

  ‘Excuse me for a moment your Majesty and my Lord, I seem to have forgotten something.’ and disappeared into an adjoining room returning shortly with a scroll. Using the scroll caused the mist in the room to turn a magical purple.

  ‘Will that do your Majesty?’ he inquired.

  ‘Yes.’ replied Aquitain and she used her power to create a sphere of hardened air around the small aura trapping it.

  ‘Show yourself.’ She said looking at the invisible Trixie.

  Prendergrass immediately caught on and raced out of the room quickly returning with another scroll.

  ‘Good thing I keep a scroll for every occasion.’ he said then used a power revealing the Trixie trapped in the sphere of air.

  Aquitain was surprised, it was Bellen, but his eyes were glazed over as if he was charmed.

  ‘He looks charmed. Can you dispel it please Prendergrass?’ asked Aquitain.

  Prendergrass looked for direction from Darkmantle afraid that he may be about to upset some scheme of his employer but Darkmantle didn’t seem worried.

  ‘You heard Her Majesty, dispel that charm spell I want to know what’s going on here.’

  Prendergrass nodded and dispelled the charm and Bellen’s eyes regained their normal appearance. He looked around as if unaware of his surroundings and saw Aquitain, Darkmantle and Prendergrass all looking at him with serious expressions on their faces. His first reflex was to flee but when he tried to teleport nothing happened.
r />   ‘You can’t leave this room Bellen, it is sealed. Someone has charmed you to eavesdrop on us. I won’t hurt you but you must tell me what you remember after leaving the remembrance ceremony for Queen Miranda tonight.’ commanded Aquitain.

  ‘I … err. um… left after the ceremony and the … um … book, it called to me.’

  ‘What book?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘The one we gets all our magic from.’ replied Bellen.

  ‘So the book called you and then what?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘I don’t remember.’ replied Bellen meekly.

  ‘You’re lying.’ shouted Darkmantle angrily.

  ‘No.’ said Aquitain. ‘He may not know anything after he was charmed.’

  ‘Does the book talk to you often.’

  ‘Yes. It wants to know everything that happens around the palace.’

  ‘And what does it give you in return?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘It gives us any magic we wants.’ replied Bellen.

  ‘How does it do that?’ asked Prendergrass suddenly curious.

  ‘I poke this wand into the back of the book. I tells it what I want and when I pulls it out the wand will do it.’ said Bellen.

  ‘Remarkable.’ replied Prendergrass.

  ‘Very cunning.’ added Darkmantle.

  ‘And very dangerous.’ added Aquitain. ‘It’s a fountain of unending magic as long as you give it information. It sounds like we have found one of the ways the Mentarin keep up to date on what’s happening. It charms Trixies into eavesdropping on the Elendari and then gets them to tell it what they heard. It presumably then passes the information onto our enemy.’

  ‘What do you wish to do with this knowledge Darkmantle?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘I’m not sure. What does the Lord Warden think we should do?’ asked Darkmantle looking at Crys.

  ‘You may find this a little confusing but I am the Warden of Moonmist.’ said Aquitain. ‘The spirit of Miranda was stolen from her stoned body by the Mentarin last night and I believe that it is being held captive by our enemy. I moved my spirit from the small crystalline construct into her body to save it from dying.’

  Both Darkmantle and Prendergrass were shocked.

  ‘But how?’ asked Darkmantle. ‘Are you a Mentarin?’

  ‘No. I am a mind wizard from another world with some special gifts.’ replied Aquitain.

  ‘I was made a Warden by your world when I agreed to help find out what was going wrong. It’s your choice now to either help or hinder me. What is it to be?’

  ‘We’ll help you of course, won’t we Prendergrass?’ replied Darkmantle but Prendergrass said nothing and turned pale. Aquitain noticed and said

  ‘You haven’t answered me Prendergrass.’

  He looked awfully uncomfortable then ran for the door. Aquitain quickly hardened a wall of air in front of the door stopping him from passing through. He spun around and cast a bolt of lightning at Aquitain. Darkmantle dived for cover. Fortunately Miranda’s armour absorbed the bolt.

  Aquitain used his power to control sound and garbled Prendergrass’s next spell and the next again. Prendergrass knew he was beaten as he couldn’t escape and he couldn’t fight. He backed against the wall and slid slowly down to the sitting position and began to sob.

  ‘I’m sorry. This is all my fault.’ He blabbered.

  ‘What are you talking about?’ snapped Darkmantle as he jumped to his feet and walked over to Prendergrass.

  ‘Miranda is my daughter.’ said Prendergrass not game enough to look Darkmantle in the face.

  ‘That’s rubbish.’ said Darkmantle. ‘Sindel didn’t like you. She knew you lusted after her but wouldn’t go near you but she did feel sorry for that Newman slave we caught in Mudrun. It was him.’

  ‘There was no slave. I used a powerful spell to change my shape to that of the slave. No one could detect it. Even she couldn’t with all her magic.’ said Prendergrass.

  ‘Well you must be dead now.’ said Darkmantle.

  ‘Because I caught him trying to get through Llanlorian’s gate and had him killed and his body burnt to ash while I watched.’

  ‘That’s impossible.’ replied Prendergrass.

  ‘The slave didn’t exist. It was me.’

  ‘Perhaps you are both wrong.’ suggested Aquitain.

  ‘Lord Darkmantle, you said to me last night that the evil Mentarin Schlum had been tormenting you for years. Perhaps this was another way to torment you. Did it ever possess you? Could it have changed your memories? Perhaps Miranda isn’t Prendergrass’s or this other slave’s daughter. Maybe she is really your daughter.’

  Darkmantle was shocked by the thought. He staggered over to the chair and sat down thinking deeply.

  ‘Yes, yes it’s possible I suppose.’ he said then pulled his boot and stocking off and pointed to his small toe.

  ‘All my family have a toe like this. If Miranda is my daughter she should have one like it.’

  Aquitain thought for a few moments. She had seen most of Miranda’s body back on Mudrun but couldn’t remember having a close look at her little toe. However, she knew that Miranda’s toe was going to look the same. She sat down and pulled off her boot. Both Prendergrass and Bellen came over to have a look. The toes were the same and Darkmantle was elated.

  ‘You’re my daughter.’ he shouted excitedly. ‘I’ve been deceived all these years. I hated your mother for what she did and yet deep down I still love her.’ and he hugged into Aquitain with tears streaming down his face.

  ‘Calm down a bit Lord Darkmantle, I might look like your daughter but I’m actually someone else. Your daughter’s spirit is still held by the Mentarin. Perhaps that’s why they captured her in the first place to use her as a hostage if you ever gained too much power.’

  Darkmantle let go of Aquitain and stepped back a couple of paces.

  ‘Oh. I am sorry. You’re right. This is all so damn confusing. We have to work out how to save my daughter’s spirit. Prendergrass get off that damn floor and start thinking about this. She’s not your daughter; you no longer need to feel guilty about anything. Work out a way to block those damn Mentarin from getting into us.’

  ‘I already know how to do that my Lord.’ said a much happier Prendergrass jumping to his feet.

  ‘If the Lady Warden would unblock the door I have some bracelets with a warding spell on them and I know how to make more.’

  Aquitain nodded and cleared the air barrier. She was a little unsure whether it was wise to let Prendergrass out of sight but he soon returned with a cloth bag containing several silver bracelets and handed one each to Aquitain and Darkmantle. Aquitain used her ability to detect magic and looked at the glow on the bracelet. It had divine warding magic similar to that on the Rat Catcher’s collar. This immediately stimulated a chain of thoughts.

  If the Rat Catcher was warded against the Mentarin, then Llanlorian knew about them, and if she knew then it was odds on that Llalorax her brother, the Royal Magician knew. He must have known about Queen Aurora as well. So whose side was he on now? Was Yllandril in danger? Who would she stand with when she found out, Aquitain or her previous husband? She suddenly yawned and felt tired. What an absolute mess this was.

  ‘You look tired Your Highness ... err ... Lady Warden how long since you’ve had any sleep?’ asked Prendergrass.

  ‘Sleep. Of course! I have to sleep in this body. I’m so used to not having to sleep I forgot. No wonder I’m feeling tired.’ thought Aquitain.

  ‘Yes I am feeling a bit tired. I didn’t get much sleep while I was a statue but we have to fix this problem about Bellen’s book first. If we can cut off all information from that source the Mentarin will have to work a little harder to know what we’re up to.’

  ‘Have you got some fighting wands handy Prendergrass?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘Bellen can you tell me what this book looks like?’ said Aquitain.

  ‘Umm ... it’s as big as me and it can float and you don’t have to open it as it talks into yo
ur head.’

  ‘But what does it look like? What is its cover made of and what colour is it?’

  ‘Umm ... I can’t remember too much.’ replied Bellen a little embarrassed.

  ‘Why?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘Well I haven’t actually seen it for years. Yer see it’s in a dark room and I can’t see through the dark. I sort of use it by feel.’

  ‘You can normally see in the dark can’t you?’ said Aquitain getting a little worried.

  ‘Yes, but not this dark. It is magic dark. I can’t see in this room.’

  ‘Well what does it feel like when you touch it?’

  ‘I tries not to touch it but when I have it feels real cold.’ replied Bellen.

  Aquitain searched her memory for any books that she had heard of like that and came up with only one type, a sentient book, a book that had a spirit trapped within it. It obviously didn’t like the light so it must resent people seeing it. Perhaps it was ugly or made from some malign creature that favoured darkness or maybe it just hated being trapped in the book. It would be smart and magically powerful.

  Prendergrass returned with several wands.

  ‘I have two fireball wands, a lightning wand, a hailstorm wand and a dispel magic wand. Which one would you like?’

  ‘We will be fighting in a small room I think the fire ball and hailstorm wands will more than likely do more damage to us than the book. The dispel wand is likely to be the most useful.’

  ‘Have you ever fought a sentient book before?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘No have you?’ replied Prendergrass. ‘I have never even heard of sentient books before. Are they like constructs? If so they would be resistant if not immune to most magic. We might even need a special weapon to destroy it.’

  ‘I’ve never seen one but my Granddad did mention once that he had a lucky escape from one but I can’t remember any more than that.’ offered Aquitain.

  ‘Perhaps we had better go tomorrow after we have a sleep.’ said Darkmantle, ‘we’re all tired.’


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