Edge of Chaos

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Edge of Chaos Page 14

by Des Pensable

  She dreaded flying in the dark. She was traveling so fast on the air currents that one small mistake and she would collide head on into one of the shear walls of rock that would suddenly appear out of the dark.

  ‘That storm was aimed at you. Whoever, you’ve upset, knows you’re here. It’s lucky you called me.’ said Glammer.

  After a couple of minutes Aquitain began to calm down a bit and realized that flying as a mothra was quite good fun. She began to enjoy herself tempting fate as she shouted into the wind.

  ‘You’ll have to try harder than that. Catch me if you can!’ and swooped off into the darkness following the cleanest wind that swirled her off around the mountains away from the volcano into the distance. Finally she flew into clear air off the edge of the mountain range, circled and got a glimpse of the volcano. She had flown several leagues away from the mountain stronghold and night had come. It was absolute darkness everywhere and the purple glow of the sky had faded.

  ‘By the Powers!, that was close.’ said Slivver suddenly. ‘You have a charmed life.’

  Aquitain looked around and noticed Glammer was not nearby. She called out but got no answer. The mind link was broken. They must have been blown apart.

  ‘We’re not out of this yet. I’ve never been a large mothra and I don’t know how long this transformation will last. We might suddenly fall out of the sky in the dark. I don’t think I can land safely in this darkness as the wind is too strong and I have no idea where we are. ’

  Aquitain chanted the mantra of calming and then started going through their options. None seemed very good. In option one she could cast light on herself and hope to see the ground or cliff or whatever before she hit it. However, she wasn’t confident landing and would be visible for leagues and would likely attract unwanted attention.

  In option two she could fly around all night and wait until dawn where she might be able to see enough to land. She decided on option two until she could think of something else. She caught an updraft and fixed her gaze on the volcano. As long as she could see it there would be nothing in the way. She didn’t need to flap her wings all the time, as there was plenty of uplift.

  A few minutes later Glammer caught up with her and re-established the mind link.

  Aquitain examined Glammer’s spirit aura. It was the green aura of an Elendari.

  ‘You’ve hidden your spirit aura.’ she said.

  ‘Of course; would you expect anything else.’ stated Glammer.

  ‘No I suppose not.’ replied Aquitain as he put Slivver to sleep.

  ‘I’ve put Slivver to sleep so that you can talk if you wish. I feel relatively safe while I can see the volcano. How long will the mothra transformation last.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘I have given it to you as a gift. You should be able to shape change to mothra form from now on and stay in that form as long as you wish. The main problem is that you are a very large mothra and that will attract attention. So you should use it wisely.’

  ‘Thank you, Glammer.’ I am in your debt again.

  ‘It is important for everyone that you stay alive. I am just doing my job.’ she replied.

  ‘You think that was an attack on me? If so they would have to be incredibly powerful to direct an anti-magic storm at me.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘We are not playing games anymore.’ replied Glammer.

  ‘This is the real deal. Releasing Granite has changed the balance significantly. He is very powerful and was at one time very influential. He will not rest until he finds out that I was involved in trapping him. He will be enraged by what has happened to Mudrun and seeking retribution.’

  ‘The Powers with a vested interest in Mudrun and Moonmist will all be examining their options. Some will see new opportunities but others will have plans ruined and be looking for someone to blame. Everyone will be interested in you. They will want to know all about you and displays of power like remaking me will only increase their interest. The next few weeks will be very important. You need to keep moving, keep out of sight and not try to upset anyone for a while. Eventually they will forget about you as more important matters arise.’

  ‘Isn’t that what Agents of Chaos are supposed to do. We rock the boat and upset everyone!’ replied Aquitain.

  ‘Yes but sometimes even the most powerful need to hide for self-preservation. If you become annoying enough then you will be eliminated.’

  ‘Won’t the Lady protect me as I seem to be involved in one of her schemes?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘You are not bound to her. She may offer limited protection while you are of use but she will discard or destroy you the moment she sees a benefit. Don’t be deceived gods are interested only in themselves and they are the main cause of much of the imbalance in our worlds.’

  ‘Can my father offer any protection?’ asked Aquitain curiously.

  ‘No not while he is trapped.’ Glammer replied.

  ‘So you know who my father is?’ she asked carefully.

  ‘Of course! You wear his mark.’ Glammer replied.

  ‘Can you tell me anything about him? asked Aquitain expectantly.

  ‘Look, there is a light in the distance.’ said Glammer. ‘You should check it out. Goodbye for now. I must go.’ and she vanished.

  Chapter 12 Family Reunion

  Moonbeam awoke from a long refreshing sleep in the damp muddy smelling cave. She felt much stronger but very hungry. She had woken earlier after she had a bad dream about Ironwood but then fell into a dreamless sleep for nearly twelve hours.

  ‘Ah. You’re awake at last.’ said a voice in Mudrun Common.

  She looked around and spotted an average looking middle-aged Newman. He had short grey hair and a neatly trimmed beard. His clothes didn’t give any indication of wealth or station. The only indication that he was important was his voice and his body language.

  ‘Who are you?’ asked Moonbeam getting to her feet and stretching.

  ‘I am in charge here. My name is Navarro and I have to decide whether you are a genuine runaway slave or a threat sent by the Lord of the Mentarin to infiltrate our safe house network. If you are genuine we will help you reach your family for a small donation from them of course. If you are an agent, well I will say no more.’

  ‘Would you like some food. I’ll bet you’re hungry. I had to escape from the Mentarin myself a few years ago and the experience is still vivid in my memory. The sneaking around in the dark, the heart stopping moments, the fear of getting caught, the sound of the hounds and the exhaustion, it makes you very hungry.’

  ‘Yes I am hungry.’ replied Moonbeam.

  ‘Good.’ said Navarro and he walked over to a wooden barrel and pulled out two live fish, stunned them against the rim, placed them on a rough wooden plate and passed them to Moonbeam. He then poured himself a mug of water and sat watching her.

  Moonbeam didn’t care who was watching she sat on the ground and ate the fish scales and all. She did, however, take the opportunity to have a good look around.

  She was in a small greyish rock cave, about twenty paces wide. Half the floor area was occupied by pool; the other half where she was seated was damp rock. Across the other side of the room was a sort of door that blocked off the pool. It looked like a cave ceiling and was hinged on the far side of the room and stood at an acute angle to the water. It could be lowered flat against the surface of the water using a system of ropes and pulleys. She had no doubt that once lowered into position anyone entering the cave from the outside side would discover an underwater cave that was a dead end.

  It was when she tried to stand again she realized that she had been drugged. Her legs wouldn’t work properly and her mind began to get foggy.

  ‘What have you done to Moonbeam?’ shouted Tigerlilly running into the room.

  ‘Well what have we here.’ said Navarro.

  ‘It looks like a little Newman made out of wood. Possibly a Newman child’s doll but it can walk and talk using mindspeak. Who are you little wooden person.’

  ‘I am Princess Tigerlilly and what I say happens.’

  ‘Goodness then I will have to be careful.’ replied Navarro.

  ‘I wouldn’t want you to say anything bad. Can I ask you some questions?’

  ‘I suppose you can but I don’t know much.’ said Tigerlilly.

  ‘Why don’t you know much?’ asked Navarro quite curious at this turn of events.

  ‘Well Moonbeam’s been ill and she hasn’t had time to teach me yet, silly. She’s a princess like me and someone stole her spirit out of her real Newman body and put it in that one that looks like a big cat. They stole her memories too so she can’t remember much. If you can help her get her memories back I’m sure she’ll tell you lots of things.’

  Moonbeam heard Navarro talking through the fog and said.

  ‘What’s happening I feel drugged? What do you want from me?’

  Navarro then concentrated on Moonbeam. He asked a lot of questions and checked her answers using a lie detection power. It really appeared that what Tigerlilly had said was correct but he was scared that it was another cunning plan of the Mentarin. They had been getting more devious the last few months. The slave safe houses were obviously irritating the Mentarin badly. Perhaps he had better close up shop for a few months. But what should he do about this Felynx and her little companion?

  If their story were true then he could expect a huge ransom from her family. Perhaps he should have her memory read. That way he could be sure of her identity. It was the little doll that he was both curious and worried about. What was she? The Felynx seemed to believe that she was a construct given to her in a dream. That was patently false; no one can bring anything back from a dream, how absurd, so how did she fit into the story?

  His thoughts were cut short, as two reptilian creatures surfaced in the pool. Burlap was one of them.

  ‘We are in danger. The Mentarin Lord has recruited several of my species to search for us. They are not far away. We must drop the gate slowly, keep absolute quiet and hope they do not find us.’

  Navarro himself worked the gate mechanism and slowly and carefully lowered it down to lock off the pool area.

  ‘We must turn off the magic lights as when I checked a few days ago some light seeped past the seals on our door.’ said Burlop.

  ‘Okay.’ replied Navarro and walked over to the crevice where the light controller was normally located.

  ‘It’s not here.’ he exclaimed. ‘Someone has not put it back in its correct place!’

  ‘We must find it quickly.’ said Burlop with a note of panic in his mindspeak.

  ‘If they see the light they will know where we are.’

  ‘There will be darkness!’ said Tigerlilly and there was, absolute darkness.

  ‘What did you do?’ asked Navarro.

  ‘What I say happens.’ said Tigerlilly and Navarro became a lot more interested in her.

  Several minutes later Navarro had a plan.

  ‘Ladies, I know someone who may be able to get Moonbeam’s memories back again. I will teleport the three of us to the mountains where we can meet this person and with luck Moonbeam will remember everything and you two ladies will be free to get on with your lives.’

  ‘Oh that would be wonderful, Navarro. You are such a nice man.’ said Tigerlilly. Moonbeam was still confused and unable to understand anything much and it would take an hour before the drug wore off.

  They waited silently in the dark for what felt like ages and when nothing happened everyone finally began to feel a little more secure. When Navarro was convinced that their cave hadn’t been found he collected his backpack and staff, then they teleported off to the mountains to visit the person that might be able to recover Miranda’s memories.

  They arrived on rocky ground in the dark. It was so dark that even Moonbeam’s feline vision could hardly detect anything. Navarro lit a crystal on the top of his staff that gave off a bright white light allowing them to see a dozen paces around. Guards speaking in Elendari immediately challenged them but Navarro didn’t seem unduly perturbed, in fact he expected it. He explained whom they were and that they had come to visit Rosanllea for advice.

  They were told to wait, and several minutes later a person wearing an opaque black glamour much like a hooded cloak that completely disguised his or her features approached them. Navarro seemed to know the person and chatted with him or her for several minutes then turned to Miranda.

  ‘It seems that Rosanllea, has relocated to another settlement located about four hours walk away. Our options are to stay here until moonrise and then leave or continue on our way now. Either way I can’t teleport us as I don’t have a teleport marker location for the place, so we will have to walk. This woman is a student of Rosanllea and was leaving at moonrise to see her. Her name Gazel, and she has kindly offered to guide us.’

  ‘Do you wish to travel now or later?’

  ‘I would like to go now please Navarro.’ stated Moonbeam politely.

  ‘Okay.’ replied Navarro. ‘As you wish. There are predators around but this light should keep them away.’ and off they went with the guide in the lead and Moonbeam wondering how she knew the way in the dark.

  They travelled in a single line in silence each wrapped in their own thoughts. The path was tedious as there was little to see within their small circle of light. The ground predominantly consisted of broken chunks of volcanic rock, which was hard on the feet and ankles, while the sparse vegetation was limited to a primitive type of lichen, covering the occasional boulder.

  A league away high in the sky, Aquitain rode the warm air currents generated by the volcano. She had noticed in the distance a small white light. She altered her flight path slightly and went into a gentle glide to take her on an intercept course.

  As she approached within half a league she felt a gentle touch on her mind. Someone was searching for living creatures. Moments later she felt the subtle but distinct sensation of a mindlink.

  ‘Someone’s tried to link with me.’ thought Aquitain as she concentrated her attention on the light ahead and slowly moved into position a hundred paces above it. There were three people, one leading the group wearing a black cloak, one holding a staff that was lighting their way, and the third that looked like a cat but walked on its hind legs.

  They had travelled for about two hours without incident when Tigerlilly suddenly broke the silence.

  ‘Stop, come closer together. There is something up in the sky.’

  They all moved together and looked up but couldn’t see very far.

  ‘What is it?’ queried both Moonbeam and Navarro almost in unison.

  ‘I don’t know but it’s hovering there looking at us.’ replied Tigerlilly.

  Moments later a creature swooped past Aquitain diving towards the group, then the last thing she would have thought possible happened. Someone tapped her source and drew on her power through a mindlink that she had thought didn’t connect. She was both furious and puzzled.

  ‘How can anyone tap my source?’ wondered Aquitain.

  ‘Alpha could do it but I would be surprised if he did without my permission unless it was an emergency.’ she thought. ‘Maybe Alpha is down there.’

  As the creature entered the sphere of light it became visible. It looked like a large winged lizard with a long narrow snout filled with razor sharp teeth and large bat like ears suggesting that it hunted using sound like a bat. It was certainly large enough to grab any one of the party members but it appeared to be heading for the catlike creature, the smallest of the three. Then it literally exploded into a smudge of blood and viscera as it rammed at high speed into an invisible igloo shaped barrier over the group.

  Aquitain noticed the faces looking up in the sky. Perhaps they thought that there were more of these things around so she activated her aura vision. If there were any more of them within two hundred paces they should be able to see the glow of their spirit auras. She looked in all directions but could see no other spirit auras other than the five below. Tha
t was curious, she could only see three people but five auras. Time to investigate!

  She few down and broadcast a mental token message landing in the edge of the circle of light. She could see the barrier was still in place as the blood and entrails of the smashed creature were still dribbling down its side.

  Both the wizard and the dark clad woman stood with a wand in their hands. He examined their spirit auras. A male Newman, a young female Elendari and Miranda, what luck! What incredible luck. But Miranda possessed a Newman spirit aura hiding within her own spirit aura.

  Finally there was a small but bright and distinct spirit aura, which came from a small wooden doll, which she recognized immediately as Tigerlilly. It wasn’t the spirit aura of a construct; it was a spirit aura like her own.

  Aquitain was shocked. She had created a child, not a construct in the land of dreams! She had created a real live girl, a daughter. Miranda and Aquitain were now parents. Tigerlilly was a mind wizard. Aquitain immediately understood how Tigerlilly could create a mindlink with her so perfect that she couldn’t detect it. Aquitain had given Tigerlilly that ability so that she could mindlink with him and Miranda.

  ‘By the Powers, this will upset the gods!’ She thought with a chuckle.

  ‘Who are you?’ asked Navarro.

  Aquitain shape changed to her Miranda form.

  ‘I am Aquitain, the new Warden of Moonmist. I have been seeking the person known as Moonbeam. She is traveling with a small person called Tigerlilly.’

  ‘These people are under my protection.’ replied Navarro then asked Moonbeam if she knew Aquitain.

  ‘I ... I don’t know her but she does look like Tigerlilly and I know a person called Aquitain but he looked different.’

  ‘Why do you look like me.’ asked Tigerlilly indignantly.

  ‘I don’t like people copying me!’

  Aquitain smiled and said

  ‘In actual fact, I made you to look like me so that I could find you and Moonbeam. You might recognize this.’ and he took off his mind clay collar, removed the crystal figurine embedded in it and turned the mind clay into a flower then kissed it. Using telekinesis he floated the flower towards Moonbeam but it stopped when it hit the barrier.


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