Edge of Chaos

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Edge of Chaos Page 38

by Des Pensable

  Miranda’s courage returned.

  ‘Thank you Quab. Thank you Rori. It is so good to have friends like you two.’ she replied with a smile.

  ‘It’s my pleasure, Your Highness.’ said Quab with a bow.

  ‘I’m not having been doing anything yet but maybe I’m feeling that I can be thinking of something.’ said Rori with a toothy smile.

  Xentos returned and said

  ‘We have about half an hour left before the trial Princess, have you thought of how I might be of assistance?’

  ‘Please address Queen Miranda as Your Highness.’ said Quab.

  ‘Oh. Okay err…Your Highness.’ replied Xentos.

  ‘I gather you have discussed a defence with Senior Druid Quab. That should be acceptable.’ And he left.

  ‘I do have a surprise for you Quab and Rori’ and she shape changed to her new body.

  ‘Why are you now wanting to be a different person? asked Rori.

  ‘It’s a strange story but when I was born someone swapped my spirit into another baby’s body and it’s into mine. It turns out that she was my half-sister. Our spirits have been swapped back to their correct bodies. This is the body I was born in.’

  Quab just stood lost for words. ‘This is not good. It’s going to confuse everybody. I suggest that you change back to your Miranda form for the trial.’

  ‘Yes, I suppose that you’re right Quab.’ and she changed back to her old Miranda form.

  Rori excused himself and left the city. Once outside he ran off into the forest for several hundred paces, found a clearing, collected some wood and started a fire. He emptied a small leather coloured bead decorated pouch onto the ground then searched amongst the contents until he found a packet of dried mushroom. He replaced the rest of the contents in the pouch and attached it to his belt and began to chant.

  He crumbled the mushroom in his fingers and began sprinkling it on the fire while continuing to chant and breathing in the smoke.

  ‘Great R’ptor hear my words. I have an urgent need. Grant me an audience, your greatness!’

  He repeated it over and over for several minutes until suddenly the fire flared and he heard a voice in his mind.

  ‘What do you seek Shaman Rori?’

  ‘I must speak with the spirit bear Aquitain, your greatness, his chosen one is in danger.’

  There was blur and Rori found himself standing in front of a rock wall facing a circle of glowing runes.

  ‘Spirit Lord Aquitain may I have a word with you. Your Queen Miranda is in danger!’

  Aquitain was sitting talking with Franciscus when he heard Rory’s voice loud and clear.

  ‘Where did that come from?’ he asked.

  ‘Just outside gate one, I suspect my Lord.’ replied Asterix.

  Aquitain teleported to gate one, changed to his little person form and stepped out to find Rory standing in front of him looking wide eyed.

  ‘Hello Rori, what’s the problem?’ as he adjusted his eyes to examine spirit auras. He saw the small aura of Rori and floating behind him the normally invisible aura of a huge powerful spirit.

  ‘So at last we meet. I am R’ptor guardian spirit of the blue little people and you are the hero of the little people.’ said the spirit using mindspeak.

  ‘That is what they call me although I think Rori is really the true hero of the little people.’ replied Aquitain.

  ‘Very true.’ said the spirit. ‘You have given my little ones hope and self-respect. For that you have my gratitude. Perhaps we might talk after the current problem is resolved.’

  ‘I will look forward to it.’ replied Aquitain then paid attention to Rori.

  ‘Queen Miranda is being put on trial by the Crin. Her mother has been accusing her of terrible things. Xentos said she could be being sentenced to death.’

  ‘Oh damn.’ said Aquitain. ‘Why does everything have to happen at the same time? Asterix mind the shop will you please! I’ll be back in a few minutes, I hope.’

  ‘I wonder if you would mind returning Rori and myself to the entrance of Queen Beatrix’s city.’ asked Aquitain using mindspeak.

  ‘Certainly!’ replied the spirit and a blur later they were standing there.

  Aquitain changed to his Newman form.

  ‘This doesn’t look like the entrance to the Crin City.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘The Crins are having lots of new entrances Spirit Lord it is being very confusing coming here.’ replied Rori.

  ‘It must be a part of their defence strategy I guess. Lots of false entrances.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘Queen Beatrix, this is Gatekeeper Aquitain of Astaria, might I have an audience.’ He shouted in a clear loud voice.

  ‘I seem to remember that you were banished from my territory!’ she replied using mindspeak.

  ‘I have been informed that you have my chosen Miranda within your city and that she has been falsely accused of ill deeds.’ he said.

  ‘That is true. She is being tried at the moment.’ replied the Queen.

  ‘As the chosen of a gatekeeper she has the status of Queen of a realm. Under Druid Council rules, which even you must obey, you have no authority to try her for anything. Will you please send her out now!’

  ‘No I will not. Don’t you dare tell me what I must or must not do in my territory! There is a war on, the rules have changed. Leave now or suffer the consequences!’ and thirty Crin warriors came streaming out of the entrance of the city and encircled him.

  He felt a mindlink and heard a voice he knew.

  ‘Hello, Captain Brown Bear, it is Xentos. Miranda is unharmed and wishes to defend herself against the charges. She has the druid Quab with her and they have worked out a defence or so I believe.’

  ‘Hello Xentos, I am in no mood to be toyed with. Link me with Miranda. If I have to come in there uninvited many Crin will be hurt.’

  ‘I’m not sure that the Queen would want me to do that!’ replied Xentos meekly.

  ‘DO IT NOW!’ commanded Aquitain and moments later a mindlink was formed with Miranda.

  ‘Are you okay, my love?’ asked Aquitain.

  ‘I think so.’ replied Miranda.

  ‘Quab is here with me and we have told them I am not obliged to tell them anything but as friends I will tell them what has happened. I’m not sure they will believe some of the things as I hardly believe them myself. However, I’m not guilty and if I can’t convince these people who have been my friends all my life I won’t be able to convince anyone.’

  ‘All right, be quick will you. We still have problems back at Astaria.’ said Aquitain and the mindlink dissolved. He was annoyed and burst into a cloud of smoke with a multitude of eyes bobbing around in it.’

  ‘Are you being all right, Spirit Lord?’ asked Rori hesitantly.

  ‘Damn, this is irritating’ he thought and changed to a yellow scaled little person and sat down beside Rori and began mentally chanting a calming mantra.

  ‘That is being much better, Spirit Lord.’ said Rori.

  ‘It is being much like old times.’

  ‘Congratulations, I see you are now a full shaman, Rori. When did that happen?’

  ‘It was happening just a few days ago, Spirit Lord. Not long after the war between the druids and the invaders was happening. Kami decided that it was time for me to becoming a full shaman. I have been learning many secret shaman things.’

  ‘Damn. More problems.’ thought Aquitain.

  ‘I have never been hearing or seeing Great R’ptor before. It was a great honour that he came to be helping you.’

  ‘Yes, Rori, it was and I am also thankful to you for calling him. If you are in trouble, you may be able to get a message to me by talking to your dead. I will try to help if possible but don’t count on it as there are lots of problems in my world to fix.’

  ‘I am thanking you, spirit lord and will only ever be calling you if the tribe is being in great peril and R’ptor cannot help.’

  ‘What has happened with Shastritara, I was not
able to come to the Making of Eggs.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘That is being very strange Spirit Lord. She did not come as we were expecting. Perhaps she was knowing that you were not able to be coming.’

  Aquitain and Rori talked about a variety of things then Miranda was linked through to him again.

  ‘It’s so frustrating, I told them selected parts of our story and they can believe most things but not the important things. Mother has been infuriating. She says you are not a spirit bear and it’s impossible for you to move your spirit between bodies. She says the Mentarin don’t exist and its impossible for you to go into my dream and make Tigerlilly as only gods can do that. They just couldn’t believe it.’

  ‘Hmm … okay. Seems a little proof is necessary.’ And Aquitain changed back to a Newman form.

  ‘Rat catcher come here!’ he commanded and the cat appeared.

  ‘Where is Tigerlilly at this moment?’

  ‘She is with Lord Darkmantle, Gizel and your Grandfather, in Templegate my Lord.’ The cat replied.

  ‘Good. Please bring all four of them here.’ commanded Aquitain.

  ‘As you wish, my Lord.’ And a minute later they all appeared looking rather startled.

  ‘Hello Tigerlilly, Gizel, Granddad, Wyvern. I’m sorry to bring you here on such short notice but Queen Beatrix and Snowbelle doubt the existence of Tigerlilly.’

  Tigerlilly and Gizel ran over and cuddled into him.

  ‘Is this being your child?’ asked Rori with a strange look on his face as he saw Gizel in Miranda’s old body.

  ‘Yes.’ replied Aquitain as he mentally called for Xentos’s attention.

  ‘Tell the Queen that I have brought our impossible daughter Tigerlilly to meet her.’

  Moments later Xentos created a mindlink with Aquitain and said ‘Please show us your daughter.’

  Aquitain sent a mental image of her sitting in his arms waving. He was then asked who the other people were and he replied, her great grandfather , his second pledged and Miranda’s father.

  ‘Five minutes later they were all escorted into the city. The Queen wished to have a closer view.

  When they arrived in the Queen’s chamber Miranda and Quab moved over to greet them.

  ‘They’ve erected a wall of force in front of the Queen.’ whispered Quab.

  ‘Come closer so I can see you.’ said Queen Beatrix to Tigerlilly.

  Aquitain placed her on the ground and she walked over towards the Queen until she bumped into the wall of force.

  ‘Hello are you a Queen like my mummy.’ she said. ‘I’m Princess Tigerlilly. Why are you so big?’

  ‘It’s because I have so many children.’ replied the Queen.

  ‘Well I’m not going to have many if it makes me that big.’ replied Tigerlilly.

  The Queen laughed and asked.

  ‘How old are you Tigerlilly?’

  ‘I think about five days.’ she replied.

  ‘The queen then said. ‘It appears we have two Queen Miranda’s can someone explain.

  Miranda changed shape to her Gizel body form.

  ‘I am the person who you know as Miranda. This is my sister Gizel. We had our spirits swapped by a malign person at birth. We have chosen to have our spirits moved back to our birth right bodies.

  ‘This is ridiculous.’ said Snowbelle.

  ‘The child is some type of construct and the idea that they have switched bodies is a load of lies. They are trying to fool you.’

  Tigerlilly turned around and said

  ‘I am not a construct. I am a real Princess and Aquitain is my daddy and Miranda is my mummy, and Gizel is my nanny. So there!’

  ‘This is crazy.’ said Snowbelle.

  ‘My new partner Adonis will tell you the truth. Adonis Come here!’ and Adonis appeared in the room and strutted over to Snowbelle then looked around and spied Aquitain.

  If Aquitain had a heart it probably would have stopped but he was in his Zenostruct body, so nothing happened.

  Aquitain heard a whisper in his mind.

  ‘Tell Adonis to go away.’ So he did.

  ‘Go away Adonis! You’re not welcome!’ and Adonis vanished to the surprise of everyone including Aquitain.

  Snowbelle was shocked beyond belief.

  ‘You … you can’t do that to him … he’s a minor power.’

  Suddenly an incredibly beautiful woman wearing a simple hand spun druid gown glowing with light appeared in the room.

  ‘Do not be afraid.’ She said in a musical voice.

  Everyone except Aquitain, Miranda, Gizel, Tigerlilly, Snowbelle and Queen Beatrix appeared to be standing there asleep.

  She looked at Snowbelle and said

  ‘You have saddened me by choosing another god. Our contract has ended. You are no longer a druid.’

  A piece of paper appeared in her hand and it burst in flames then disappeared. Snowbelle went to sleep like the rest.

  She looked at Aquitain, then smiled at Miranda and Gizel then Tigerlilly sailed through the air landing in her arms.

  She looked closely at Tigerlilly then at Aquitain and said.

  ‘Crude, very crude. I would do it the normal way next time Miranda.’ and Tigerlilly floated back to Miranda.

  ‘Are you another Queen?’ asked Tigerlilly.

  ‘Something like that.’ replied the Lady.

  She smiled at Miranda again then vanished and Miranda felt different, more confident of herself and more powerful.

  Everyone woke up.

  Rory looked at Aquitain and said

  ‘Was something happening then, Spirit Lord.’

  Aquitain replied using mindspeak.

  ‘Yes Rori some of us we were blessed by a wonderful vision.’

  Snowbelle looked distressed.

  ‘I wish to withdraw all charges, Queen Beatrix. I must have made a mistake. Something strange has happened. I wish to take my leave now to contemplate what has happened and she teleported away.’

  Queen Beatrix mind linked with Miranda and asked.

  ‘Was that really who I think it was?’

  ‘Yes Your Majesty.’ Miranda replied. ‘We have been honoured beyond imagination.’

  ‘Today, I will rescind your partner’s banishment from Crin territory. You and your new family are welcome to visit any time. You will be a marvellous queen, Miranda.’

  ‘Thank you, Your Majesty. I’m glad we can be friends again.’

  ‘So am I.’ said Queen Beatrix.

  Then Miranda had an idea.

  ‘Your Majesty, It has become very unstable and dangerous for us all on Mudrun and on Moonmist. Aquitain and I are very worried about the safety of our daughter Tigerlilly. I wonder whether she and my sister Gizel could stay here under your protection for a while.’

  ‘Gizel is also our Ambassador for Moonmist and Astaria and can arrange a treaty between us if you wish.’

  Queen Beatrix thought about it for a minute or two and agreed.

  Miranda then told Aquitain about her idea and pointed out that it would allow her the freedom to find Allalanllea and give the Crin and Gizel a chance to know each other.

  She finally told Gizel that this was a perfect opportunity for Gizel to arrange a treaty between Astaria and the Crin and a safe place for her and Tigerlilly to be while war raged outside.

  Gizel was still in a sort of blissful shock. Things were happening so fast it was hard to keep track. She just nodded in agreement.

  ‘It’s very nice to meet you Gizel. Miranda has been here and stayed with us many times. With your body looking like hers it will take time for us to accept that you are not Miranda. I would welcome some discussions on how we might make some type of treaty arrangements with Gatekeeper Aquitain.’

  ‘Thank you’ replied Gizel still coming to grips with what had just happened. She had seen and heard a goddess. She had seen her real mother Snowbelle and witnessed her being disowned by the goddess. She was standing before the Queen Beatrix of the Crin. She had witnessed an epic moment
in their history and was becoming a part of an epic story.

  Miranda was pleased with how things had turned out.

  ‘Your Majesty, we are interested in finding Allalanllea. Have you heard anything about her whereabouts?’

  ‘Curiously, she was here a couple of days ago. She told me that she was there when you challenged for the Moonmist throne. She said you were magnificent and she was never more proud of you. She was afraid for you when the false Queen turned you to stone but believed Aquitain would save you.’

  ‘A lot has happened since then and I would love to tell you the story but there are many urgent things that need to be done. Do you know where she went? asked Miranda.

  ‘She told me that she was going to visit a little people shaman that she knew called Kami. That’s all I can tell you.’

  ‘Thank you again, your majesty.’ replied Miranda. ‘I will take my leave.’

  ‘Well that was interesting!’ said Granddad.

  ‘I think we should all return to Templewood and inform the High Wizard of what has transpired here. We also need to have a serious talk Rob.’

  ‘Why don’t you come back to Astaria with me, Granddad. I’ll bet that you’ve never been there.’

  ‘Thank you, that’s a good idea.’ he replied but I’ll go back and fill in the king about what has happened first and meet you at your gateway.

  Aquitain hugged and kissed Miranda, Gizel and Tigerlilly and left for Astaria.

  Before he left Granddad turned to Miranda and Darkmantle and said.

  ‘I’ve been wondering if it’s possible to retrieve Zephira.’

  ‘You told Queen Beatrix that she had helped the Yith take control of your mother’s gate world. That was only a couple Moonmist days ago. That suggests she might still be there. Since we have access through the gateway on this world we should try to get her back.’

  ‘But … there’s probably hundreds of Yith all over the place!’ said Miranda.

  ‘True.’ replied Granddad ‘and that’s why I think we might be able to pull it off.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’ replied Miranda a little confused.

  ‘Well the place will be crowded with people who don’t really know their way around inside your gate world. They’ll be all over the pace. There’ll be strangers everywhere. All we have to do is to blend in and since you know every nook and cranny. Once we are inside we should be reasonably safe. It’s the getting in that’s likely to be the main problem.’


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