Edge of Chaos

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Edge of Chaos Page 56

by Des Pensable

  ‘Jump on it Glammer I’m inside.’ He yelled through their mind link. Glammer leaped out of the ground grappled the free head and dropped as a dead weight across the dragons body.

  Adonis suddenly realized something was going wrong inside him and in a panic tried to teleport but it failed as Granddad’s zone of stasis blocked it.

  ‘Pull’ Raptor ‘Pull’ yelled Aquitain frantically as his spirit expanded inside the dragon pushing Adonis’s spirit towards its heads. Suddenly the spirit drained like a bucket of water with a hole in its base and Aquitain detected a different spirit pushing back against his.

  ‘Get out of here, quickly.’ said Raptor abruptly and Aquitain withdrew and started flowing his mass off the dragon body.

  ‘Back off!’ shouted Raptor as he regained his footing.’

  Aquitain reformed as a very large bear and gave out a monstrous K’wala growl.

  ‘Here’s your chance Raptor.’ he said.

  ‘What do you think I should do Rori.’ asked Raptor using mind speak.

  Rori looked up at the huge dragon and said. ‘I am believing the spirit bear, Lord Raptor. ‘I am thinking that you were being caught in the trap without him being knowing.’

  ‘Then I will accept that is what happened.’ he replied.

  ‘You definitely sound and look like K’wala, gatekeeper.’

  ‘I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Can you show me how to get out. Lithgala will not be happy about what we have done but it will give me happy thoughts for an age. I will spread several stories and she will be at her wits end trying to decide which one is correct. Beware her vengeance.’

  Both Raptor and Aquitain changed to Newman forms and teleported to the portal connecting to the southern entrance portal in Mudrun and opened it. However, before Raptor could leave, in walked an angry Newman women, dressed in gold radiating power.

  ‘Where’s my son?’ she asked.

  R’ptor quickly replied

  ‘He’s not in here. He’s gone and didn’t say where he was going.’

  She was not sure whether to believe R’ptor or not but as he had no reason to lie, she accepted it. She then focused her attention on Aquitain.

  ‘You insulted me by killing my priest Ishtar. What shall I do with you?’

  Moments later a cockroach shot in through the portal.

  ‘What are you doing here Lithgala? I have been informed by the Lady that this area has been designated by the Council of Gods as a Divine Reconstruction Zone whatever that means and no one is allowed except for the approved reconstruction staff.’ stated Helix sounding very officious.

  ‘This mortal has insulted me and it is my right to punish him in any way I choose.’ replied Lithgala.

  ‘This mortal has two seeds and as such has the right to explain to the Council of Gods why he acted in the way he did and that might be somewhat embarrassing to your colleagues.

  ‘He’s an abomination they would laugh him out of the council and have him executed for wasting their time.’ she replied.

  ‘But only after he had revealed the secret of this Divine Reconstruction Zone and perhaps whatever else he knows about it.’ replied Helix.

  While she was considering the consequences, in walked another woman wearing a simple druid gown. The woman curtsied to Lithgala and said. ‘I have a message from your Goddess your grace and handed her a scroll. Lithgala snatched it glanced quickly at it and turned to Aquitain.

  ‘You’ll keep. I won’t forget what you have done.’ and she left.

  R’ptor and Helix both left curtly through the portal after acknowledging the messenger of the Goddess of Nature.

  ‘I was wondering when you would show up, mother’ said Aquitain as he hugged her.

  ‘You are either very brave or very foolhardy. Which is it?’ she asked.

  ‘Neither. I’m very smart thanks to having the best teachers in the Cosmos.’ he replied.

  ’I wondered who could have arranged to have Helix, a Fount and advisor to gods as my tutor. How did I end up having an avatar of K’wala protecting me and teaching me? It couldn’t have been K’wala as she was trapped in the Nether world.’

  ‘Who could create a half elemental dragon when all the elemental dragons were against it? Not even Borse would be game to do that. It had to be the Lady.’

  ‘I had my first clue that you were involved somehow when Miranlla revealed that it was you that blocked her memory and it was likely you that placed the tattoo on her.’

  ‘I now know why you were never around to be a real mother. You were too busy running around doing the Lady’s errands.’

  ‘I gave you all the time I could spare. We had a wonderful time together in Alpha and after we got out you had Terren with you ever moment of every day. You also had my sister as a surrogate mother as well.’

  ‘I take it that Granddad and the rest of the family don’t know about your real occupation?’ replied Aquitain.

  ‘That’s correct. It’s our little secret and let’s keep it that way. Astaria is a very interesting place as no god has claimed it as a part of their territory. To claim it would mean that they are somehow involved in its secret. Since it is unclaimed Astaria can be your own kingdom if you are strong enough to hold it. Have you any plans?’

  ‘Yes Mother, I wish to bring Astaria to life. I will be Astaria and Astaria will be me. I want make it a living city, a centre of magic and a wonder to rival Panmagica. I want to use it as a base to help Moonmist develop and evolve. I want half dragons and Llanlleans and the other creatures on Moonmist to be recognised as the unique creations they are. I want us all to be recorded in the Book of Life so that they might live and exist with dignity like all other creatures in existence.’

  ‘I know that we are all a part of some big plan of the Lady’s. Please beg her to give us time to develop, to learn and grow.’

  ‘Interesting!’ she stated. ‘What are your intensions with Astaria’s secret?’

  ‘I know the secret. I know about the portal to the netherworld and the Cadalthian. It should not be allowed back into our world. I have the power to keep the portal closed and forget it exists until such a time as the Lady wishes it to be opened. I also know how the Cadalthian was made and given time, I may be able to work out how to unmake it, if that is her desire.’ he replied.

  ‘She has taken a liking to Tigerlilly. She needs protection and training. I will ensure she gets it and petition the Lady to give you the time until she comes of age. I cannot promise anything, however, if she approves of your action you will be rewarded.’ and she vanished.

  He teleported back to Miranlla and moved her and Glammer into a mind arena.

  ‘What’s happened?’ they asked.

  ‘I’ve just had a chat with Lithgala. Raptor covered for me telling her that her son had left. She wanted to punish me for Ishtar but Helix showed up and convinced her that it was a bad idea. Then a messenger from the Lady showed up and Lithgala left in a huff. I would guess the Lady warned her off. It seems Astaria is not claimed by any gods so we can do what we like here. I asked the messenger to ask the Lady to give us time to develop Astaria. She said she would pass the message on. So we have a free hand until someone objects.’

  ‘There’s one more thing. It seems the Lady has taken Tigerlilly under her protection for training.’

  ‘What! Doesn’t she trust me? She’s taken Tigerlilly as a hostage.’ cried Miranlla.

  ‘No. I think she feels that we will have a hard enough time trying to hold onto Astaria without worrying about Tigerlilly’s safety. She is giving us the time until Tigerlilly comes of age to grow more powerful and find work out how to fix Astaria’s problem.’

  ‘But she’s taken our daughter.’ cried Miranlla.

  ‘She also said that she liked Tigerlilly and that guarantees her protection and that if we do the right thing by her we will see Tigerlilly again.’

  ‘But she’ll grow up never knowing us.’ replied Miranlla.

  ‘It’s better than Tigerli
lly never getting the chance to grow up.’

  ‘I suppose that you’re right’ she replied. ‘I do hope that she safe’s and happy and I’ll really miss her.’

  ‘I’ll miss her too Mandy and I’ll sure we’ll see her again in the future but for now we’ve been given a few years to learn and grow and then I’ve no doubt there will be more problems.’

  ‘Until then let’s build a magical city state that everyone on all the worlds will want to visit, one where being different is something to be proud of not something to be despised.


  Chapter 48 Epilogue

  Aquitain advised the Yith troop that had accompanied the dragon Adonis that their leader had left in haste for some reason and deserted them. He offered them safe passage but they refused to listen so he invited the Yith Lord Asaba to come and convince them to go. This was more successful and Asaba was both pleased to help and grateful for the opportunity to discuss possible business arrangements with Aquitain.

  Aquitain offered them a deal. He would trade in magic items with the Yith Federation on similar terms as with the Panmagicans if they kept out of both Mudrun and Moonmist. He also promised to disallow any transport or trade in Lizardbane. The Yith could set up an embassy with an agreed number of staff. The Yith would be allowed to visit Astaria for trading purposes but would at all times be required to adhere to Astarian regulations. They accepted these conditions and signed a treaty recognising Astaria as an independent sovereign state.

  Once the Yith troopers had left Ignatius visited and advised Aquitain that the Mentarin Council had accepted his broad proposal in principle and wished to work it out in more detail. Ignatius and Katarina would be the liaison between the two parties. After some time, they finally agreed on a new Mentarin trade agreement with Astaria but kept an agreement with the Panmagicans until such a time when Aquitain could show that Astaria could act as reliable middleman.

  Aquitain and Miranlla visited the Crin to find out what had happened to Tigerlilly and Allalanllea. She was told that Allalanllea had arrived and stated that Miranlla wanted her taken to a secure place so as not to endanger the Crin. Gizel was unhappy letting Allalanllea take Tigerlilly away but the Queen had vouched for her as Miranlla’s nanny so she reluctantly agreed.

  Allalanllea had left with Tigerlilly and Ratcatcher without telling anyone where she was going. Miranlla was not happy but couldn’t blame either the Crin or Gizel. They returned to Astaria with Gizel and put her to work negotiating treaties and business contracts.

  Glammer was put in Charge of Astarian security and the army. With advice from Granddad she divided the army into four groups each lead by a wizard labelling them for ease red, blue green and yellow units. They were put to work cleaning up the mess created by the invaders which gave them exercise at controlling their new bodies and provided a useful clean up.

  She also suggested they discretely retrieve Astaria’s stolen treasure from the Mentarin occupied Solaron castle treasure vault before signing any agreements with the Mentarin. They did this and the Mentarin didn’t discover the treasure gone for several weeks later. They suspected Aquitain but had no proof so had to let it go.

  Glammer and Aquitain together searched the whole of Astaria looking for Astarian Group mind, Asterix and the portal to the netherworld, but found no sign of them. This worried Aquitain as Asterix knew every part of Astaria intimately. Where were they hiding? Were they still alive?

  Granddad created a magnificent plan for redesigning the city with magnificent buildings, a shopping arcade, entertainment areas, fountains, parks and accommodation for different types of people but of course they needed people to come and live there and that would take time.

  He brought his family to Astaria and discretely offered friends and acquaintances back in Panmagica good deals to come and set up businesses in Astaria. Some agreed and came. A group of 35 gnomes from the gnome gate world agreed to a contract to work in Astaria. A few dozen Llanlleans and Newmans that had been slaves joined them and the Crin Queen sent a young Queen to set up an embassy and a small colony there. No little people came. Astaria began to take shape and grow.

  After a few weeks and dwindling supplies Kelnor Head of the Panmagican invasion sent a delegation to talk to King Heteronymous to discuss peace and withdrawal from Mudrun. However, when told that the gateway at twin Towers was no longer functional he first blamed the Panmagicans and refused. Then later after discussions with Lord Asaba of the Yith, he realized the real situation. Aquitain had out manoeuvred the lot of them.

  The king recontacted Kelnor, agreed on a plan for safe contact to the southern portal but refused to negotiate transport offworld on their behalf. Aquitain waited until he had word that they were hungry and dispirited then allowed transport to one on the worlds allied with Panmagica for a suitable ransom. This of course didn’t make him popular with the Council of Unity who had to fund the ransom.

  Featherdown pointed out that Aquitain’s plan had worked. He had averted a war, and the possible start of the prophesy of the Time of Troubles. Both the Panmagicans and Yith now had no reason to stay in Mudrun so for all intents and purposes Mudrun was now an independent world.

  However, the king was not happy. There was no joy in being king of a peaceful jungle world that nobody could visit and nobody but the Inter-World Society of Druids wanted. He knew that they would demand it be returned to their control and further demand that he resign and possibly even leave the world he loved.

  Miranlla occupied the summer palace as Queen of Moonmist. She was protected by Darkmantle and loyal Llanlleans but only half of the Lords recognised her as the Queen. Some of the others recognised Gemelica and others wanted no King or Queen. Lord Darkmantle tried in vain to unite the Lords but there was always a suspicion that he had caused all the problems and few trusted him.

  The Trixies were less enthusiastic for some reason. Even after Aquitain found a cure for their malformations there was still a problem hidden from sight and from Rory who acted on behalf of the Warden.

  Gizel became the de facto Queen of Moonmist. She was beautiful, graceful, sociable, diplomatic and very astute. She handled the finances and public relations. She was well loved by all the Astarians.

  Granite searched for Kami and Shastritara in vain. They had vanished with an egg and he guessed that Lithgala had provided them with a safe haven somewhere until the young hatchling came of age then he knew there would be trouble. Snowbelle had also vanished somewhere within the Yith empire and he knew without doubt that she world return bringing trouble with her.

  Aquitain studied his seeds and discovered keeping three partners happy was a full time job even for an Agent of Chaos. He also knew that when they next he saw Tigerlilly trouble would not be far behind her. Perhaps that’s when the prophesy of the Time of Troubles would come true. Until then a period of relative stability occurred throughout the region.

  Meanwhile a whisper got around among the gods that a secret was hidden within Astaria and they began to work out ways in which they might find out what it was.

  The end – for now!


  People (books 1-3)

  Aquitain (Rob), a young mind wizard and magic item maker, the hero.

  A.G., supposedly Aquitain’s missing father.

  Adonis, powerful elemental dragon, second son of Lithgala..

  Allalanllea, Queen Snowbelle’s female Llanllean Royal Wizard also nanny and close confidante of Miranlla.

  Alin Amber, a mystical Yith druid, agent of Lithgala and supposedly agent of Aquitain’s father.

  Alpha, Aquitain’s sentient memory crystal, a walnut sized construct.

  Aquiveratis, alias Aquiveritusgranitoberilax, stone dragon son of Granite and Lithgala.

  Ansidian, yithmardu, alias of Alin Amber.

  Asterix, gnome worker in Astaria.

  Aurora, Queen of the Elendari on Moonmist.

  Barra, sprit totem of the green-scaled (water) Little People.

  Beatrix, Qu
een of the Crin on Mudrun.

  Bellen, Mudrun born Trixie Leader of the Queen’s castle Trixies.

  Belloe, mercenary fighter, leader of Zephira’s expedition.

  Bengorrin, dark Elendari Leader of Dark Ones at Banshee

  Bhopingar, barra herder from the great swamp Little People.

  Borse, Head of the Mentarin, a minor Power

  Buluk, shaman of the Bear people.

  Burlop, sentient amphibian who saved Miranda

  Cadalthian, artifact of immense power.

  Chantalot Rhythmesgrande, bard and spy, Featherdown’s brother.

  Crys, Aquitain’s small green crystal construct body container

  Curbut, Senior Wizard, Featherdown’s second in charge, Unity spy and assassin.

  Daisy Theolaur, Aquitain’s grandmother, a weak mind wizard.

  Darkmantle, Lord Wyvern, Elendari Lord, ex-husband of Snowbelle when she was a newman called Sindel.

  Dragonfly, Miranda’s name and persona on Moonmist after she is captured by Darkmantle.

  Erastius, chaotic spirit mind wizard inhabiting the Mask of Chaos.

  Esller, Llanllean clan leader

  Facit Decoid, Logicon spy and Aquitain’s shape change trainer.

  Featherdown, Archmage and Lord High Wizard of Mudrun.

  Franciscus, human Archmind wizard, trapped in the form of a sentient book, collector.

  Gaston the Great, wiry old wizard in Zephira’s expedition.

  Garret Axegrinder, newman low level wizard whose father made the Rod of Lordly Might.

  Gemelica, Princess, Elendari daughter of Queen Aurora.

  Glammer, neutral Truth Radiant , half dragon and 3rd Chosen of Aquitain..

  Goth, a large metal construct used by the Theolaur family.

  Granddad, Sol Theolaur, Aquitain’s grandfather, a powerful wizard and mind wizard.

  Granite, common name of an ancient stone dragon, previously Warden of Moonmist, Aquiveritas’s father, Lord Protector of Mudrun and Moonmist.


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