Boss Daddy

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Boss Daddy Page 8

by Shanna Handel

  The very tip of his tongue slipped into my mouth. His quiet exploration of my mouth made my pussy liquid and warm, my core flowing with lava. His large hands wound around my waist. Lifting me, he pulled me onto his lap. His hands caressed my back, moving up my neck and once again tugging on my hair.

  I opened my mouth further, sliding my tongue into his. Our mouths moved against one another’s, deepening the melty, sensual calm that was taking over my body.

  One of Hayes’ arms scooped underneath my thighs, the other around my lower back. Still attached at the lips, he scooped me from his lap and up into the air as he stood from the couch. Pulling away, I laughed as he carried me like a bride over the threshold.

  To my bedroom. My heart pounded hard in my chest. I had never had a man in the bedroom of this house before. Nerves fluttered in my stomach as I quickly counted how many months I’d been celibate. It was too many to count.

  In my room, my dresser was covered with the same vanilla pillar candles. Their tiny flames flickered in the mirror. I watched our reflections as Hayes carried me into the room. The soft lighting on our faces looked lovely, romantic. Calm flowed over me, my nerves settling. I was surprised by the sensual smile that rose on my face. Gently, Hayes laid me on the white piles of comforters and pillows. “Someone once told me LED candles were for people who didn’t have enough class to light a real one. I wanted to show you just how much class I have.” I laughed as he lay down beside of me. “Hey, you,” he said, brushing my hair back. He considered my face. A small smile rose on his lips. “You are drop dead gorgeous. You know that?”

  I smiled, unable to answer him.

  He said, “You don’t, do you? I guess that’s my new number one job. Luna, moon goddess.” He kissed my forehead. “Good thing that I’m up for a challenge.”

  Shyly, I admitted, “You already make me feel like the most gorgeous girl in the world. You always have.”

  “I’ve always known you were. I still remember you sitting there at your desk, eyeing me as the teacher introduced me to the class. I caught you watching me on the playground a couple of times. Then, as we grew older, I looked forward to holidays on the ranch—I just wanted to get home to see you,” he said.

  “What about your girlfriends? There was a long line of those,” I teased.

  “They were just distractions. While I waited for you to finally see you were meant to be with me. Do you know why I moved home?” he asked.

  “Brody needed you. The ranch just wasn’t the same without you,” I whispered.

  “It was something Georgia said,” he said.

  “Georgia?” I asked.

  “Yes. She’s been giving me a hard time ever since she moved on the ranch—she knew how I felt about you from day one. She said she could tell just by the way I looked at you that I loved you. Anyway, over breaks and holidays, we would all go to Bud’s. Everyone would tease me, asking me why I hadn’t told you how I felt, yet. I ignored them. I lived out of state and you weren’t exactly giving me any signals. Then, that Christmas that Bridgette came around, she was pretty blunt with me. So blunt, I actually didn’t really like her when we first met.” We both laughed, knowing Bridgette could be a handful. “She was constantly telling me to ask you out. Later, I was complaining to G about Bridgette not minding her own business. And you know what Georgia said to me?”

  “What?” I asked.

  Hayes drew lazy circles on my upper arm with his fingertip as he spoke. “She said, ‘Hayes, Louanne isn’t leaving this ranch. And if you don’t tell her how you feel, you will always regret it. Come home. At least then, you will never wonder what could have been. You’ll know.’ I spent a few more months mulling over G’s advice. I decided she was right. Then, the very next time Brody called me, telling me to come home and work on the ranch, to his surprise, I said, ‘yes.’ And, here I am.”

  My heart fluttered in my chest as I whispered, “You came back for... me?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  I had no idea. When Hayes came back on the ranch, I—along with everyone else—had been delighted. But I had assumed he had tired of his corporate job. Or missed his family. Or was tired of Brody giving him guilt trips. It would never have crossed my mind in a thousand years that he had returned... for me. “But you had to quit your job... and move. And, go back to ranch work. Is that what you wanted?” I asked.

  “I want you,” he said.

  “But that doesn’t seem fair for you to have to do that,” I said, overwhelmed by the sacrifice he had made.

  He held my face in his hands. “Louanne, I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing if I have you. And G was right—you aren’t leaving the ranch. So, I’m not either.”

  “You would do that for me? Turn your whole life upside down?” I asked. Was I worth that? What was so special about me that Hayes would give up everything he had worked for away from the ranch?

  “My life without you was upside down. Now, my life is right. I was living with a moon-shaped hole in my heart.”

  His words settled over me like a blanket. I couldn’t speak. The urge to kiss him overtook me. I moved from where I lay on the bed, leaning over him and bending down. I pressed my lips against his, my hair fell in a curtain over our faces. “I love you, Hayes,” I whispered.

  “I love you too, baby girl. And now, I’m your daddy.” Without waiting for me to speak, his tongue slipped between my lips. His hands grabbed my ass, his fingers digging into my flesh.

  My nipples hardened. I pressed my breasts against his chest. I slid my leg over his, pressing my pussy against his muscular thighs as I breathed, “And a damn good one, too.”

  A grin spread across his face. His hands went beneath my skirt, rubbing my bottom over my panties. My hips gyrated, grinding my clit against him as we kissed.

  Hayes’ hands traveled up my ribcage, beneath my shirt. In one smooth motion, he had my shirt off and up over my head. He kissed my mouth, my neck. I leaned forward, and he unhooked my bra, freeing my breasts. I lifted the hem of his shirt, pulling it up over his muscular torso. He took the fabric from me, pulling the shirt over the back of his neck. I lay back down and he lay on top of me, his bare skin pressed against mine. The heat from his body radiated through me.

  Our tongues intertwined. Then, his mouth left mine, his kisses trailing down my body to my breasts. His mouth moved to my nipple, taking it between his lips. Lightly he nipped it with his teeth. I sucked in my breath as shivers ran through me. His hand massaged my breast as his mouth continued to tease.

  Then, his mouth was kissing my torso, making his way down my stomach. My hands went to his hair, my fingers running though his soft locks. He sat up on his knees, a lustful smile on his handsome face. A hungry look flashed in his eyes in the light of the candles. His hand went to my waist. He pulled my skirt and panties down as one.

  I trembled as I lay, fully nude, under his gaze.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured. And then, his face was gone from my sight and nestled between my legs. I gasped as the tip of his tongue parted my slick folds. He licked up and down until I was groaning. Then, he circled my clit. My hips arched in the air, my clit begging him for more direct caresses. Finally, he gave me what I wanted. Closing his lips around my swollen bud, he licked and sucked. His mouth was warm and wet, and it was the most delicious thing I had ever felt.

  Within me, my muscles tightened, my pussy gushing with sexy juices, preparing for his cock. My hips moved in rhythm with his mouth as the orgasm built. “I—I’m going to come!” I screamed. My entire body tensed. My muscles broke into a hard shudder as the orgasm rocked my body.

  When my eyelids fluttered open, Hayes was above me. Slowly, he lowered himself on top of me. My hands caressed his muscular shoulders. The tip of his cock pressed against my wet opening. I bit my bottom lip so as not to cry out as his cock pressed past the tight entrance. Pain gave way to intense pleasure as he plunged his member deep within me.

  I cried out then. He slowly pulled away, leaving me
empty inside, begging for him to return. Again, he thrust within me, the walls of my pussy tightening around him. My hips rose to meet his, pushing him even further inside of me. In and out he rocked, each push bringing me closer to another earth-shattering orgasm.

  Foreign little whimpers that sounded strange came from deep within me as I released, giving myself over to the unstoppable climax. Hayes pressed inside of me one last time. He came within me, an animal-like groan escaping his lips.

  His forehead pressed against mine as we panted in one another’s arms. We had finally done what our bodies had been telling us to do for years. And it was incredible.

  * * *

  How could I have possibly gone so long without sex? And sex with Hayes—I had no idea lovemaking could be so delicious, so intense. A rosy glow covered my cheeks as I sat up in my bed. Thoughts of the night before drifted through my mind. Hayes’ fingers and lips, his words, his hands, all giving me intense pleasure.

  I hopped out of bed, throwing my curtains back and taking in the sunshine. I was a new woman. One with a boyfriend. A hot, dominant boyfriend who liked to spank. I took a hot shower, almost sad to wash the traces of lovemaking from my body. Rushing over to my closet, I wondered what one wears to work the day after. Flipping through my cardigans and long skirts, nothing seemed quite right for a woman whose body had been ravished by her daddy.

  Did I not own anything black? Suddenly my clothes looked like the wardrobe from the set of Little House on the Prairie—which made sense, I loved that show. Digging through my drawers, I tried to find something that looked more like Madonna and less like Ma Ingalls.

  I finally settled on a pair of black work pants that were slightly tighter around the rear than I usually wore, and a white sleeveless high-neck shirt made of lace. I slipped on my black shoes. Looking in the mirror, I fluffed at my hair. It was slightly tousled from the night before, giving it a sexy morning-after look. A little eyeshadow, blush and mascara, and a touch of lipstick, and I was out the door.

  My bag slung over my shoulder, I made it down the first three steps before I remembered, “Oh, I have to lock the door! Or I’ll be in trouble.” The thought of Hayes’ fulfilling the threat he had left me with last night—lock this door, or else—warmed my core and made my pussy tingle. Hopping back up the stairs, I dug through my purse, found my keys, and locked the door.

  Back down the stairs, into the Jetta, and I was off.

  To see my daddy.

  * * *

  Walking in to my office, I was delighted that Hayes, once again, sat at my desk. Dropping my bag in the chair, I walked over to him. There was a huge smile on his face as he stood to greet me.

  “Hello, you,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist. My arms went around him. Reaching down, his kissed my lips.

  “Hello to you, too.” Heat rushed through my body as his kiss deepened, his tongue finding its way into my mouth, tasting me, exploring me.

  I jumped about a foot in the air when I heard Bridgette’s voice shouting, “Oh, my God!” My head whipped around, facing her.

  “I’m sorry... I had no idea... erm... the door was open, and I just needed to ask you where you buy those little pastel butter mints from—”

  My hand went to my mouth, wiping at my smudged lipstick. “Uh, no, its fine. We were just...”

  “Sucking face?” Bridgette answered helpfully, a smirk on her face.

  I looked to Hayes. He was not amused. “Bridgette—you need something?” he asked, walking over to where she stood.

  “Yeah—like I said, the mints. Hey, are you guys like official, now—” Hayes had Bridgette firmly by the upper arm and was guiding her right out the door, her blonde curls bouncing as she went.

  Hayes said, “She’ll find them for you. Bye, Bridgette.”

  Bridgette peeked over her shoulder at me, mouthing ‘text me’ as Hayes pushed her out the door. Closing the door behind her, Hayes’ smoldering eyes locked on mine, asking, “Where were we?”

  Suddenly shy, I smiled, looking down at my shoes. We were in my office, during a workday... but why not? I had always done the right thing and look where that had gotten me... lonely. I spent one night doing the wrong thing and it had resulted in me having amazing orgasms.

  Biting my bottom lip, I reached for the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my bra. I tossed the shirt on the desk, eyeing Hayes and beckoning him to come closer.

  Giving me a sexy grin, he twisted the lock on the doorknob. “Come to Daddy,” he said. The words sent a thrill though me.

  He strode toward me. Goosebumps rose on my flesh at his nearness. His hands wrapped around the bare skin of my back. His fingers walked up my spine, reaching the clasp of my bra. Snapping it open, he removed my bra, freeing my breasts. Stepping back, his eyes took me in, the grin spreading on his face. “You are a beauty, Louanne. A work of art.” Eyes locked on mine, he began to unbutton his shirt. I watched as the smooth tanned skin of his chest was slowly exposed.

  Placing his shirt on the desk, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me against his chest. My bare breasts pressed against him, my nipples hardening. His mouth went to my earlobe, nibbling and sucking. He whispered in my ear, “I can spoil you when you’re good,” his hand went to my ass, grabbing it tightly, “spank you when you are bad,” his fingers walked their way around my hip, slipping down the front of my pants, “pet your little pussy till—”

  I jumped out of my skin at the sound of the door opening again.

  “Oh, my God! I’m sorry! Why the hell wasn’t this door locked? Don’t you guys know how to lock a door!” I peeked over Hayes’ shoulder to see Georgia. Her pale skin was flushed, her cheeks red. Her green eyes were wide, her mouth open to continue her explanation.

  Hayes’ head lolled back, exasperation etched in his face. “Leave now, Georgia. And close the door behind you.”

  Georgia continued to mutter her string of apologies on her way out, closing the door behind her.

  “Those girls are in so much trouble,” Hayes said, running his fingers through his hair.

  “Why? We were the ones kissing at work. And it totally slipped my mind that the lock on my office door is funky—you have to turn it all the way around and hear it click to be sure it’s locked—but I’ve never needed it before.”

  Hayes raised a brow to me. “You mean to tell me you think it was a coincidence that Bridgette and Georgia both visited your office this morning?”

  I shrugged. “Well, Bridgette needed the mints and Georgia—”

  “Bridgette does not need mints. She just saw you come in this morning, got nosy, and wanted to see if I was in here with you. Then, she saw us kissing, went straight to Georgia. Georgia wanted to see it for herself, then came busting in here. They had best hope I don’t tell my brothers on them,” he said.

  I thought about Hayes’ theory. As much as I loved those two girls, I couldn’t defend them. It was likely what he said was true.

  I sighed, moving toward him. “Nosy girls. We have really got to find them both a hobby.”

  Hayes wrapped his arms back around me, kissing my cheek. “Their hobby is going to be standing in the corner with smacked bottoms if they don’t stay out of this office.” His lips went to my neck, sucking and kissing. “Where were we?”

  Finally, my good girl took a break and let my bad girl have the office sex she had been craving—right on top of my perfectly polished desk. It was amazing. I didn’t want to risk going back to the Louanne who didn’t take chances, who was always the good girl. Being that way had delayed my getting together with Hayes, and I didn’t want to move backwards.

  How could I keep that from happening?

  I would write myself a list. A list of reasons why I needed to loosen up and let life happen. Better yet, a letter—a reminder of all the times I didn’t take a chance and should have. I plopped my notebook down on my christened desk and wrote a letter to myself.

  Dear Louanne,

  Please, please, please don’t mess thi
s up! For the first time in over two years your body has gone from being a retired old bag of bones with cobwebs forming between your legs, to a marvelous palace of pleasure.

  Do not mess this up with Hayes.

  It’s time for old Louanne to loosen up and let her hair down. To embrace the daddy/baby girl way of life and live outside the good girl box.

  Let it be known, yes, your Type A, nose to the grindstone personality is no doubt the reason for your success, but it has often gotten in the way of having fun! Too often, you say ‘no’ when you should be saying ‘yes.’ And that stops now, because finally saying ‘yes’ to dating Hayes has been the best decision of your life.

  Here are some reminders of times you said ‘no’ and should have said ‘yes.’ For example, when Bridgette and Georgia were going to the Male Review for Georgia’s bachelorette party and didn’t go because you wanted to finish up tying personalized M&M’s in those little netted baggies, you missed out! Although after seeing the tanned, muscular chest of Hayes Jenkins, you had more than made up for what you didn’t see that night on the Chip and Dale stage. And they both got in super big trouble when Brody found out. And you would have probably hated the experience anyway—sweaty half naked strangers rubbing their neon green thong banana hammocks on your thigh... yuck.

  Bad example.

  What about when Josie wanted you to go to that concert in Jackson Hole but you stayed behind because the pygmy goats were being delivered for the yoga retreat and you wanted to make sure they were comfortable? The drummer thought Josie was cute and brought all the girls backstage to meet the band. Josie got her bra signed by the lead guitarist and six months later the band was so big she was able to sell her 32B cup for three hundred dollars. Oh, but getting a few extra hours holding those precious little animals was priceless! And Hayes had just come back on the ranch as your boss. He knew you had passed up the concert to work and so he took you to the diner, just the two of you, you ate hamburgers and fries and spent three hours in the same booth catching up one another’s lives. It was the best evening. So, also not a good example.


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