Boss Daddy

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Boss Daddy Page 16

by Shanna Handel

  I laughed.

  “Seriously though, Luna. This could be a good opportunity for you. They want you to speak at the bloggers conference in New York, even though you had no idea that you were running a blog. You’d be great. And if that many people like your style, you may as well meet them. Not to mention, the additional income you’d be earning, just by doing what you are already doing.”

  I felt sick. “But New York? I’ve never even left the state of Wyoming. And speaking in front of hundreds of women—”

  “Thousands, actually,” he added.

  “I can’t even wrap my head around it. And being gone from the ranch. I don’t think I want to do that.”

  “You’ve worked your entire teen and adult life on this. Why not see where it could go?” he asked.

  Another woman might jump on the opportunity to go to New York City, become a fancy blogger, double their income. But I was happy here. And I had a wedding to plan. Also, I rarely left Little Peak, much less the ranch. The idea of getting on a plane and flying to a conference to speak to women... it turned my stomach.

  “I don’t think it’s such a good idea—”

  “There she is! The queen of Ranch Romance herself!”

  I cringed as Pamela and Derrick made their way into the kitchen.

  Pamela put her hand over her belly. “Memaw—I have to hand it to you. That meal beat our delis any day. We really must talk about a food blog for you.”

  Hayes laughed as I slouched down beside him. He whispered into my ear, “Just hear her out, Luna. Then, we can send them on their way with a doggie bag of ribs.”

  I knew I should be flattered at the least. Maybe even excited by the opportunity. But all I could think about was that plane ride to a strange city I had never been to. And the faces of all those women, expecting me to say something brilliant.

  What could I say? I just liked things to be organized. And pretty. How does one turn that into a bloggers workshop for thousands of people?

  * * *

  “You have to go to New York, Louanne! You just have to!” Georgia sat on my desk, her long legs folded over one another. The second Pamela and Derrick left, she pounced on me, wanting the scoop about the two strangers who had visited me. “If you don’t go, I’m going to go and pretend I’m you, just for the free trip! When I lived in Idaho, our high school class went there for our senior trip and it was awesome. And that was only getting to see the boring stuff, like the museums. Think about all the cool bars and restaurants you could go to.”

  Though Pamela had promised the trip of a lifetime, the idea of braving the conference still turned my stomach. “Trust me, Georgia. If I could send you in my place, I would. Big cities and crowds are not my thing.”

  Georgia stared at me in disbelief. “How do you know? You’ve never been anywhere bigger than Jackson!”

  I heaved a sigh. “I just know, okay? I know myself. I’m just boring old Louanne Dixon. Born and raised right here in Little Peak and perfectly happy—”

  Josie burst into my office, her eyes wide as saucers. “Shut up! We are going to New York! Oh, my God, I’m so excited—Colton just told me about the bloggers conference and I can’t wait. I have to decide what tattoo I’m going to get while we’re there.” She plopped herself down in the club chair Pamela had helped herself to just hours before.

  “There is no ‘we,’ Josie. I’m not even sure if I’m going to go, yet. But I am sure about one thing and that is the invitation was not extended to the entire ranch,” I said.

  “But I’m your assistant,” she pouted. “I have to come.”

  “I don’t think Pamela is going to be springing for first-class air fare, all paid meals, and a five-star hotel for two people, Josie,” Georgia said.

  My sister was going to kill me when I added to the fact she would not be coming to the trip. “Well... actually. Pamela did offer to pay for two airfares and meal allowances. But the other ticket would be for... Hayes.”

  Josie’s mouth opened in shock. Then, she wailed, “What? Why?”

  A new voice to the discussion chimed in with her opinion. “She probably knew Louanne would never leave the ranch without that, and I’m quoting, ‘hunk of a cowboy’ by her side.” I looked up to see Bridgette standing in the doorframe, her arms crossed over her chest. “Am I right, Louanne?”

  Georgia had a glimmer in her eye as she countered with, “Or maybe Pamela knew Hayes would never let Louanne off Wyoming soil without him by her side. Is that what happened, Louanne?”

  I thought back to the discussion between Hayes, Pamela, and me. When Pamela said, “It would be best if Louanne came alone so she has fewer... distractions,” I believe Hayes’ exact words were, “Oh, hell, no. That’s just not the way things are down here on the ranch, Ms. Greenwich. A young lady traveling to a big city requires a male escort to ensure her safety.” I looked at Georgia. “We have a winner.” I quickly added, “Not that I wouldn’t have gone on my own, if I wanted to that is.”

  Three pairs of doubtful female eyes stared back at me.

  “I’m surprised he letting you go at all,” Bridgette said.

  “There is no ‘letting’ me. Besides, it was his idea. I didn’t even want to go in the first place. Hayes is worried down the road I might regret having let the opportunity pass me by. But yes, if I go, he will come with me. Which is what I want.”

  Josie threw me another pouty face. “But we’d have so much fun together, Louie. Let me come and be your escort!”

  “I think your escorting is exactly what Hayes is afraid of,” Georgia mumbled, grinning.

  “I resent that comment,” Josie sniffed at Georgia.

  Looking Josie’s way, Bridgette said, “I think you meant ‘resemble’ that comment. The last time we went to Jackson, wasn’t it you that got all the girls up and dancing on the bar?”

  “Yeah—and I’m the one who got in trouble for it,” Georgia said, shooting Josie a dirty look.

  Bridgette wiggled her brows. “Not me. Travis found it to be very sexy.”

  I gave a loud groan, putting my head on my desk. “Can’t you all just get out of here? With all this New York talk, I haven’t gotten a single thing done.” Lifting my head, I placed my face into my hands, begging the girls with my gaze to shoo.

  Ignoring my face, Bridgette took a seat in the chair next to Josie. “I for one think Louanne should stay. I mean, who wants to cash in on their fame, get a free trip—”

  Georgia interrupted, “With first-class airfare.”

  Bridgette continued, “With first-class airfare, and money to blow on the best food. Then, back at the hotel, a hot cowboy in between your thousand count thread sheets, and room service. Then the giants of the blogging community showing you how to turn your pretty pictures into dollar signs.”

  Josie rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Who would want that?”

  There was knock on the door. We all looked over to find Brody and Hayes standing in the doorway. The way they were chuckling made it obvious they’d overheard our little convo.

  Brody spoke first. “Ladies, sorry to interrupt, but we have some good news.”

  “Derrick is not only straight, he’s single?” Josie asked cheekily.

  “I think Derrick likes cowboys as much as you do, Josie,” Brody said with a laugh. “But you can find out for sure when we fly to New York to meet up with him.

  My little sister’s jaw dropped open. “What? I get to go?”

  Hayes said, “Pamela said that as a woman she just couldn’t pass up the opportunity of funding a ‘girls gone wild’ trip. So, she offered to pay for all four of you ladies to go.”

  Josie hopped up from her seat, dancing around, chanting, “Girls’ trip, girls’ trip!”

  Georgia eyed Brody suspiciously. “What’s the catch?”

  “Hayes and I will be joining you as escorts,” Brody answered.

  “More like bodyguards,” Bridgette laughed.

  Brody put his hands up. “Look at it however you want to, but we know yo
u ladies would be fine on your own. You are all strong, independent women. But as Jenkins men, we can’t help but to feel a little better accompanying you. We promise we won’t cramp your style.”

  “Unless you get yourselves into trouble. Then, we will most definitely be cramping your style,” Hayes added sternly.

  Josie tried to look casual as she asked, “Is Travis coming? Oh, and what about... Colton? Is he coming as well?”

  Brody tried to hide his smile. “Travis said he wanted to stay here with Lila Bell and that Bridgette deserves a girls’ trip.” He raised a teasing brow to Bridgette. “And that I can spank her ass if she gets out of line. Colton offered to stay behind and watch the ranch for us.”

  Hayes’ gaze landed on mine. “But it’s all up to Louanne. Luna, you can say no to this if you want to. The trip, the speaking engagement, if it’s not something you want to do, just tell us. The girls will understand.”

  A fully paid first-class trip to New York City with my fiancé and best girlfriends. Who wouldn’t want that? Boring old plain Jane, never been out of the state, Louanne Dixon. That’s who. I looked over the faces of the girls. My sister was shooting me ‘I will kill you if you say no’ looks. Georgia was looking at me with her big green Bambi eyes. Bridgette was smiling broadly, already knowing my answer. There was no way out. Even if I wanted one. They would badger me until I conceded. Heaving a sigh, I said, “I’m going to need an audience to practice on. Pamela said I have a full forty-five minutes to fill.”

  A joint squeal erupted in my office. We were going to New York.

  * * *

  “Ever heard of the mile-high club?” Hayes squeezed my thigh, his eyes looking blue as he raised a saucy brow at me.

  The idea of any part of my body making contact with that tiny, filthy toilet gave me a shudder. “You have to be joking. There is nothing sexy about doing... it... in a nasty airplane bathroom. Besides, did you get a look at the guy that just walked out of there holding a newspaper? No, thank you.”

  Hayes gave a chuckle. “Good point. Let’s save it for the five-star hotel.”

  I held out my 2.3-carat diamond, joking in a snobby tone, “Three thousand count thread sheets—that’s so much more my style.”

  He leaned over, whispering in my ear, “Like I haven’t had you on the floor of the barn on a pile of hay?” My pussy clenched at his words, my nose filling with the soft, sweet smell of hay. “And in the bed of my truck. And in the changing rooms at the lake. You dirty girl, you’d do it anywhere I said if I just touch you.” Throwing the thin blue felt airplane blanket over my lap, his fingers wandered toward my pussy. I leaned my head back on the headrest of the plush leather seat.

  Hayes leaned back as well, closing his eyes as if he were asleep. He murmured to me, “There is more than one way to become a member of the club.” I closed my eyes as well, feigning sleep, should a stewardess walk by. His hand slipped underneath my skirt, cupping my pussy. My head lolled back.

  His fingers found their way into my panties. He dipped into my folds, collecting my juices. Then, he began rubbing my clit, softly at first. Then harder and faster. He spoke as he rubbed. “Remember that time in the barn? When you were being naughty and teasing me?” I nodded my head slightly, holding in a moan.

  “I took you over my knee and spanked your bottom a pretty pink. You liked that, didn’t you, you naughty tease? Little girls that tease Daddy get their asses spanked.” My hips moved discreetly underneath the blanket as he continued to rub. My pussy clenched, a fresh wetness drenching my panties. “Then I bent you over the hay bales, flipped your skirt up over your back, and fucked you from behind. Remember that? Your pussy was so tight, and you were screaming. I pulled your hair and slapped your ass. You loved every minute of it, didn’t you, you dirty girl?”

  “Uh-huh,” I moaned quietly as he stroked. My pussy tightened, and I came in a quick bursting rush. “That was my kind of mile-high club,” I whispered. Shuddering, I lay my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, chuckling as I fell asleep.

  * * *

  We were all thrilled when we reached the hotel. Exhausted from the day’s travels, I lay on the crisp white sheets of the bed.

  “You only have a few minutes to rest. We’re meeting the others for dinner,” Hayes said, walking about the room as he unpacked our luggage.

  I moaned. “But I’m tired and you know how I get when I’m tired. Grumpy.”

  “And you know what happens when you get grumpy. Spanked,” Hayes replied as he hung his white button-down shirt up in the closet.

  I was beyond tired. But also, I was incredibly nervous. I lay on the bed, hating that I felt so on edge when I should be enjoying this trip with the man of my dreams and my closest friends. What I really wanted was to crawl into my bed at home underneath my piles of comforters and have Daddy tuck me in.

  The hour of rest time went by too fast. Dressing for dinner, I lacked my usual care for hair and makeup. Hayes wrapped his arms around me, kissing me and fussing over me. When he asked me what was wrong, I brushed him off and told him I was fine.

  The meal was plated beautifully, the décor and lighting in the restaurant elegant. I should have been enjoying myself, or at least gathering ideas for my next black-tie event, but instead, I moodily pushed food around on my plate. Only Hayes could sense my unhappiness; he kept one arm around me the entire meal. The girls were excited to be at a fancy New York eatery, and the three of them kept up the chatter, too excited to notice how quiet I was.

  The conversation eventually turned to me and the speech I would be giving the next day. I tried to change the subject few times, but they persisted until I could stand it no longer. Out of nowhere, and completely out of character for me, I shouted, “Can we please stop talking about the damn speech?” Hayes quietly excused us from the table, pleading fatigue and escorted me from the table.

  During the taxi ride back, I knew I was in trouble. An uneasy feeling came over me as I sat back in my seat, arms crossed over my chest. Once we were alone in the room, Hayes gathered me onto his lap.

  “Baby girl, this is a once in a lifetime trip. You are miserable. This is so unlike you. What is going on?” he asked, stroking my hair.

  I put my head in my hands. “It’s so stressful. Public speaking is collectively the human race’s greatest fear and here I am preparing to go on stage and talk to hundreds of women! Don’t I get a free pass to be a bitch this one night? Cut me a break.” I pushed myself up and out of his lap.

  His hand wrapped around my waist, tugging me back down onto his lap. His face was inches from mine. His tone was low and laced with anger. “You are my woman and so that excludes you from having a pass to speak to people the way you spoke to them tonight. Ever.”

  I froze. Words lodged in my throat. I couldn’t speak. My gaze locked with his, his eyes flashed.

  I gulped.

  “Tonight, we are going to have a little chat. Tomorrow, you are going to find everyone and apologize to them for your behavior and thank them for coming on this trip with you,” he said.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I whispered. Ice formed in my stomach as my buttocks clenched. When a daddy says ‘little chat,’ it means one thing... spanking.

  “Good girl. Looks like someone needs a little stress relief spanking,” he said.

  My eyebrows shot up. We had covered the ‘sexy make you dripping wet’ spanking, and the ‘you’ve been a bad girl and are going to spend the rest of the day standing’ spanking, but a stress relief spanking was something I had never heard of. “What’s that?”

  “It’s somewhere between a playful spanking and a punishment spanking. It’s for baby girls that need a release. It will help you let go, relax. And, as your daddy I will get the satisfaction of spanking your ass for the way you were acting tonight.”

  It sounded like exactly what I needed after the traveling and with the pressure of the big speech on my mind. I sniffed, “Sorry, Daddy.”

  “I know you are, sweetheart. Undress and
lie over my lap,” he demanded.

  I stood up, my hands trembling as I removed my shirt. My bra was next. I was embarrassed by how hard my nipples were from the prospect of my spanking. I took down my skirt and panties. Standing before him, naked, I blushed as his eyes traveled over my body.

  “Over you go,” he said, patting his thighs. I carefully crawled over his legs. My upper body rested comfortably on the bed. My legs spread out straight on top of the bed. My bare bottom was perfectly centered over his lap. His hand rested on my ass as he spoke. “You are under an intense amount of pressure. But that’s no excuse for your behavior, is it, young lady?”

  “No, Daddy,” I murmured. His hand came down on the center of my right cheek in a hard smack that echoed through the room. My ass jiggled, the sting spreading. My pussy was already getting wet—how I loved the feeling of being nude and lying over his lap while he was fully dressed and in complete control of me. It made me feel vulnerable and safe and chastised all at once. It was a feeling I had longed for all my life, but had never known I was missing.

  He spanked my bottom again. “You are going to do your best tomorrow and that is all you can do. Let everything else go,” he said.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I said. The next spank landed on the center of my left cheek. My ass jiggled again, that cheek now stinging with a matching warmth.

  “And you are going to be a good girl on this trip and be nice to your friends.” he said, spanking as he lectured. My bottom was warming from the stinging spanks and my hips started to wiggle. “Because if you talk to Daddy like that again, I’m afraid I’ll have to punish you no matter who is watching. Do you want to be the naughty little girl who goes over Daddy’s knee and has her panties pulled down, her bottom spanked for all to see?”

  “Oh, no, Daddy!” A shiver ran through me at the thought. Would he really do that? What would people say? He was the most strict of the daddies. I could imagine there was a line with him that if it was crossed, he wouldn’t think twice to spank me in public. The idea made my pussy pulse and gush.

  He spanked the same spot on the right side, then the left side, then right, then the left again. My skin burned. I wiggled my hips in discomfort. I knew what he was waiting to hear. “I’ll be good the rest of the trip. I promise, Daddy.”


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