Battling Rapture

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Battling Rapture Page 7

by Stormie Kent

  “He’s been gone for some time, Niki. We should leave as well. This would be a good moment to sneak out.”

  This was a big-girl-panties moment. She pushed away from him and stood. He crowded her as he got up and she took a step back. They exited the room the way they’d come. She didn’t miss the two Contu guards who fell into step behind them. Her face flamed for a moment, knowing the men had been watching them. Rhine rubbed her arm. It soothed her.

  She glared at him. “Half of that was your fault.”

  “I was simply trying to help.”

  She spotted Gunter leaning against the wall at the end of the corridor. She felt her face heat again and took another deep breath. There was a guard standing two feet from him and Gunter looked bored. Gunter pushed away from the wall as they joined him and headed for the stairs. Niki practiced keeping her breathing even and her mind blank. She didn’t want to feel anything the other man might pick up on. She couldn’t tell if it was fortunate or not that her pussy always seemed to be wet around Rhine so she wouldn’t smell any different to his cousin. She hoped.

  They entered the suite. The others were already there, sitting and waiting. She walked over to the chair she’d occupied before and sat. She closed her eyes again.

  “No more eating,” she said.

  She heard a giggle. Niki opened one of her eyes to see Bronwyn clutching her stomach and her mouth and trying to force back a laugh. Niki smiled, closed her eyes again and shook her head.

  She knew it was Rhine who pulled her from the chair, sat down and arranged her on his lap. There wasn’t anyone else in the group as bold when handling her person. She moved to get up and he tightened his arm around her waist. She subsided. Niki would have to have a real talk with him later about manhandling her. It didn’t matter if his stupid bloodhound nose said she did like it, she shouldn’t.

  “Are they still out there?” she whispered.

  “No, they’ve gone,” Rhine said.

  “We should do this now then,” Tor said.

  Niki was startled as Rhine stood and deposited her back in her seat. She watched as the men each went into Tor’s room. She looked at Bronwyn, then followed them. She could feel the younger woman behind her. She opened the door without knocking and passed the door to Bronwyn. The men never looked up, but Rhine snagged her wrist as she tried to pass by and pulled her closer.

  The jammer was out and running again. The men were working on another machine. She assumed it was the communicator.

  “Won’t they know you’ve sent a message?” she asked.

  “We have to chance it,” Olaf said.

  “Do you have a secret code? You know, you’re saying, ‘hi, we’re having a blast in Tuetvon’ when you mean, ‘get us the hell outta here.’”

  “That would be nice, but no. They will know we sent out a signal, but they won’t kill us. They know Venn will be sending help,” Rhine said.

  “If Cam is in the room, I can get her a secret message,” she said.

  “How?” Bronwyn asked.

  “Sign language.” She used her hands to sign the words for send help.

  “Camryn understands this sign language?” Rhine asked.

  “We’ve used it since we were kids. She said we always should be able to talk to each other.” The words stung her throat a little.

  She hadn’t always kept in touch, but she’d wanted to. It just hurt sometimes to see Camryn. It hurt to remember her childhood. It hurt to remember, period.

  Strong arms came around her and she recognized Rhine’s masculine scent. She didn’t want comfort. She certainly didn’t want to get used to it. She stiffened, but he held on.

  “I don’t want to have to hurt you,” she said quietly.

  The Ordanians chuckled. Rhine patted her back. He wasn’t gentle about it either. She scowled at him when he turned her loose.

  “Just in case, we will let you send your sign language. Tell her where we are and that we are in danger. That should be enough.” Rhine went back to working on the machine.

  “We should be done with this in a few hours if we keep working on it. It would be better to have this done when most are asleep,” Tor said.

  “The jammer will have to go down in one minute,” Gunter said. “The mini jammer won’t cover every sight and sound.”

  In other words, they needed radio silence. “Do you think they are watching the room? They don’t seem very sophisticated,” Niki said.

  “It is the nature of the dictator to be paranoid,” Bronwyn said.

  “That’s right, little one,” Rhine said.

  Niki watched as Bronwyn preened under the slight praise.

  There was a knock on the outer door. Niki reached for her gun, then realized she didn’t have one and glared at Rhine.

  “Bronwyn and Niki, stay in this room,” he said.

  She wanted to curse him, but she’d agreed to be a team member and he was the lead. It galled her that he understood more about the culture than she did. She’d seen for herself that Tuetvon was male dominated, but she had a feeling Ordan was as well.

  Rhine and Gunter left the room and closed the door. The other men placed the semi-completed machinery out of sight. Niki cracked the door slightly and listened.

  “Bute Chaeen requests your presence, Sir Rhine.”

  It must have been one of those pesky guards again.

  “Where are we to meet him?” Rhine asked.

  “He asked only for you and he will see you in the library.”

  He better not leave without backup.

  “My cousin will accompany me. If this is a business matter, Sir Gunter has a head for numbers.” Rhine’s voice was quite firm on the matter.

  The only other sound was the closing of the door. She opened the door a little wider and peered out. The large room was empty. Everything in her urged her to leave and trail them. Rhine could be in trouble and he only had one cousin to guard his back. But she stayed.

  She’d said she would. She didn’t know Olaf and Tor. They were just as emotionless as Rhine could be sometimes. Tor was also a little scary. She didn’t want to make him angry. She liked all her limbs just how they were.

  Eventually she couldn’t take it any longer and drifted out to the larger room. No one tried to stop her and she was grateful. Sitting still wasn’t her forte.

  Why wasn’t he back yet? Surely Bute Chaeen could ask for whatever he wanted, Rhine would tell him no and that would be the end of it. Right after they had the talk about unwanted touching, they were going to talk about leaving her behind when there was danger.

  “Niki,” Bronwyn said.

  Niki spun around. Either the girl was quiet or Niki was distracted. She preferred to think it was the former.

  “What’s up?”

  Bronwyn blinked at her and looked at the ceiling.

  “I mean, why did you call me?” She guessed the term didn’t translate.

  “You’re worried,” Bronwyn replied.

  “Worried? I’m not worried.” Just because the man hadn’t returned yet and she’d been waiting

  “Would you like to play a game of cards? I have a pack in my room.” Bronwyn turned and entered one of the side rooms. When she returned, she held a set of holographic cards.

  They sat across from each other at the table.

  “You are already familiar with Warrior’s Curse. You want to try that?” Bronwyn shuffled the cards and began to deal.

  Niki supposed her choice was made for her. “Sure.”

  How did Bronwyn end up on this little rescue mission? These guys didn’t strike her as the types to bring their baby female cousin anywhere she wouldn’t be completely safe. It was uncomfortable not being able to get answers. She wasn’t even sure the room was being watched. Surely they would have busted in every time the jammer was on if that was the truth.

  Where was Rhine?


  Rhine looked around at the dictator’s library. It was more of a museum. The space was short on books, but big on
draped gaudy fabrics, and ugly statuary. Bute Chaeen was nowhere to be seen, but the room was full of scantily clad woman. Five beautiful slaves to be exact.

  The women loitered, draped over settees and opulent pillows. The room was full of whatever scented oils they had rubbed on themselves. It was probably Bute Chaeen’s attempt to hide the scent of all the men they’d lain with recently.

  The same Rary woman who attempted to show Niki how to serve, offered Gunter and him refreshments, which they declined. Suddenly music began to play. It was slow, sensual and full of woodwind and string instruments. The wordless song contained a throbbing undercurrent of percussion. The women began to dance. They undulated in sexually suggestive movements.

  It was a nice show. Maybe if he wasn’t waiting for a knife in the back, he would have enjoyed it. Tension could be seen in Gunter’s shoulders as well. Two of the women moved closer and removed their tops. The tanned one climbed into his lap and rubbed her pert breasts against him. Rhine gathered the woman shaking her soft fragrant tits in his face by the arms and set her on her feet away from him.

  “No,” he said firmly.

  Her face showed the shock he could feel coursing through her. She was a beautiful woman, but he had no desire to actually touch her. Looking was fine. Niki’s full, light brown, bountiful breasts flashed through his mind. He shifted uncomfortably.

  He noticed Gunter allowed the tittie rub to go on a while longer before pushing the woman away with a sigh. Rhine held in a smile.

  The dancing continued for a long time. Rhine opened all his senses despite the overload and strain it put on him. This was just the type of situation where distraction could lead to death. He heard the door open and turned to watch Bute Chaeen and what must have been one of his personal guard enter the room. The dictator looked irritated to have the focus on his entrance and not the distraction he’d laid out for them.

  Bute Chaeen clapped his hands, and the music ceased. The women bowed to the dictator and each found a spot reclining on pillows throughout the room. Rhine kept them in his peripheral vision. The women in his life had taught him it could be dangerous to underestimate the weaker sex.

  “How did you like the entertainment?” Bute Chaeen asked. He settled behind an ornate desk. He looked rather silly in a loincloth sitting on a finely upholstered chair.

  “Fascinating, yet I am sure it is not as fascinating as the reason you have…requested…our presence here.” Rhine wanted Bute Chaeen’s games to stop. The man made him angry and anger could lead to deadly mistakes.

  “I see you have no patience, Sir Rhine. I offer you the best of my slaves. I have been extremely hospitable and yet all you can think of is business. Very well. Your family has something I want.”

  Maybe now they could get somewhere. “What would that be?” He managed to keep irritation from his voice. He was the Huntu’s ambassador, after all.

  Bute Chaeen smiled and Rhine took stock of the man with all his senses. The dictator’s heart rate was elevated and he reeked of smugness.

  “My assistant spoke to you many weeks ago about the new mineral for space transport.” Bute Chaeen’s gaze was intent on Rhine’s face.

  Rhine remembered he’d turned down the Contu sent to purchase rights to the mineral. “I remember.”

  “Well, surely now we can come to an agreement.” The dictator leaned back in his chair.

  “I rarely change my mind once I’ve gotten final say from Lord Huntu.” Rhine was pretty sure he understood what Bute Chaeen would use as his bargaining chip.

  “Which do you think Lord Huntu values more, the edela or the trilliu?”

  He couldn’t believe the little bastard was so incredibly stupid. “Are you threatening Lord Huntu’s only sister.”

  “Threatening? No, why would you say that, Sir Rhine? I’m simply offering her the opportunity to enjoy my hospitality for a while longer. I am surprised she was allowed off world. Usually edelas are guarded more closely.”

  He was correct. She was here because of Bronwyn’s desire to see the universe combined with Camryn’s softhearted influence. He blamed himself. He’d allowed the desire to make both women happy to override his good judgment. The worst part was he hadn’t advised Venn to the best of his abilities and now Bronwyn and Niki were both in danger.

  “How do you think Lord Huntu is going to react to you extending such abundant and extended hospitality?” He knew how Venn would react. Bute Chaeen could expect war at his door soon.

  The dictator had forgotten Venn was an oonatookreegay or what Camryn often referred to fearfully as a berserker. Oonatookreegay didn’t turn off their violent tendencies simply because they weren’t in the midst of a killing rage. Oonatookreegay were killers every moment. This wouldn’t be something his cousin would let go. Usually Camryn could calm him, but…she could also be quite bloodthirsty. Bute Chaeen had captured her family, including her precious sister. Rhine couldn’t see her preaching mercy.

  “Eventually you will see things my way. Before you leave, you can explain all the benefits of the arrangement to him.”

  Bute Chaeen was either delusional or crazy. Rhine was going to enjoy putting him down like the rabid hundrivarg he was. Rhine peeled his fingers slowly from the arms of the chair. He could already feel Bute Chaeen’s throat under his hands.

  Gunter cleared his throat and Rhine remembered his role. He took a deep breath. They would have the long-range communicator up by morning. He wouldn’t have the satisfaction of killing the beast shifter right away, but he would return once the women were safe.

  “Bring me a communicator and I will explain your position to him now,” Rhine said.

  “No, return to your suite. Enjoy our hospitality for a few more days. We will speak more on this matter in the days to come.” The dictator stood. “Your honor guard is waiting to show you the way.”

  They exited the room and Rhine kept his senses open. It would be easy for someone to attack them here. He was anxious to return to the suite. The beast shifter’s threats weighed heavily on his mind.

  When they walked through the door, his eyes were drawn immediately to Niki. She stood, clutching cards in her hands. Her eyes devoured him briefly before her expression cleared and she sat back down and resumed the game she’d been playing with Bronwyn. He locked the door and set the alarm.

  Gunter stood behind Bronwyn and looked at the cards in her hands.

  “How did it go?” Bronwyn asked.

  “As expected,” Gunter replied.

  Rhine moved closer. He was drawn to Niki’s side. He had an overwhelming urge to touch her. He figured he should take advantage while she still belonged to him. He sat on the arm of her chair and smoothed her soft hair from her face. It fascinated him how it simply sprang back perfectly. He was surprised she allowed the touch without protest. He was even more surprised when she leaned toward him, grabbed his jacket and sniffed.

  “What is that smell?” she demanded. He watched her toss her cards down on the table. She glared up at him, and for a moment, he foolishly admired the fire in her brown eyes.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” he said slowly. He looked at Gunter, who shook his head at him furiously. Obviously he knew what was wrong.

  She hopped from the chair and turned to face him. Her chest heaved and he found himself distracted by the movement of her breasts with every inhalation.

  “Look at my eyes, darn you!”

  He did. “Why are you angry?”

  “I’m angry because while I was sitting here concerned that you and your cousin were being tortured, you were chasing tail.” She moved farther away.

  “What is chasing tail?” He wished she would just say why she was angry.

  “Ugh. Did Bute Chaeen invite you to another orgy and you joined right in?” Her fists were clenched and he watched her body language. If she was going to come at him, he needed to be ready.

  “Of course not. I haven’t been with another woman.”

  “You lie. Unless you and Gunter
were having some quality time spraying each other with cheap perfume.” She picked up one of the artificial lanterns. “And really, your first instinct when you walked in was to touch me. Shouldn’t you be tired?”

  Then the crazy woman threw the lamp at him. She had good aim too. If he hadn’t ducked, she would have gotten him in the head. From the corner of his eye, he watched Gunter move a fascinated Bronwyn out of the line of fire.

  “We haven’t been with any women, Niki,” Gunter said calmly.

  She turned her blazing eyes on him and he shrugged. “It’s true. There were dancers—”

  “You’re an idiot too,” she said.

  She stomped to their bedroom door, opened it, went inside and slammed the door behind her. He looked around and was surprised to notice that he hadn’t seen Tor and Olaf come out. They stood there with tools in their hands.

  “What did you do to make her mad now?” Tor asked.

  “I didn’t do anything. Bute Chaeen’s dancer rubbed against me. I set her away. I didn’t realize Earth women had such sensitive noses.” Rhine didn’t have a clue what he was supposed to do now.

  “Go apologize,” Bronwyn said.

  “I didn’t do anything.” Why should he have to apologize?

  “She doesn’t know that. All she can smell is another woman on you. She can’t tell the difference between a touch scent and a mating scent. She was hurt. She was worried when you left.” Bronwyn smiled at him.

  “How do you know what she was feeling?” he asked.

  Bronwyn actually blushed. “I can sense a little if the emotion is strong enough.”

  He would have to let Venn know. They could work with her to strengthen her gift.

  He eyed Gunter. “You just had to tell her there were dancers.”

  Gunter shrugged. “How was I to know she would be possessive? She never seemed to like you before.”

  Rhine eyed the bedroom door with wonder. His cousin was correct. Her strange reaction suggested she didn’t want another woman to have his body. He walked to the door. He would be patient with the little lunatic. He would seduce her and reassure her that she could have his body all to herself until they returned home. Maybe he would allow her to use his body even after they reached Ordan. At the moment, he couldn’t imagine wanting another woman.


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