Lategano, Cristyne, 86, 95
Lauder, Estée, 259
Lauder, Leonard, 128
Lauren, Ralph, 64-65
Lavergne, Denise, 60
Lavergne, Jean-Louis, 60
Lawrence, Segmow, 36
Lawrence, T.E., 239
Lazar, Irving “Swifty”, 45, 69
Lazio, Rick, 194
Leach, Nicole, 276
Lebowitz, Fran, 39, 83
Ledger, Heath, 343
Ledger, Matilda, 343
Lee, Spike, 35
Leiber, Judith, 165
Leigh, Janet, 295, 327
Leigh, Jennifer Jason, 56
Leno, Jay, 58, 128, 346
LeRoy, Warner, 93, 153
Lethem, Jonathan, 359
Letterman, David, 7, 24, 58, 86, 97, 143, 294, 304
Levi, Dolly, 336
Levine, Ellen, 87
Levine, Jack, 57
Levine, Philip, 359
Levitt Jr., Arthur, 27, 99
Levy, Jon, 55
Levy, Josh, 54
Lewinsky, Monica, 8, 174, 233, 267
Lewis, Ann, 320
Lewis, Richard, 231
Libby, I. Lewis (Scooter), 287
Libeskind, Daniel, 236
Lichtenstein, Roy, 54
Lieberman, David, 41
Liebling, A.J., 259
Liebman, Ron, 62-63
Liman, Arthur, 34
Limbaugh, Rush, 180
Lincoln, Abraham, 168
Lind, Alexandra, 131
Lipman, Joanne, 322
Lipskar, Simon, 359
Lipsky, Seth, 357
Lipson, D. Herbert, 16, 64
Liptak, Adam, 287
Lipton, Martin, 27
Lish, Gordon, 79
Logan, Andy, 24
Lohan, Lindsay, 320
Lonstein, Shoshanna, 5, 164
Lopate, Phillip, 359
Lopez, Jennifer, 201
Lott, Trent, 91
Love, Reggie, 361
Low, Robert, 91
Lowe, Chad, 224
Loy, Myrna, 126
Luce, Clare Boothe, 218
Luciano, Charles “Lucky”, 149
Lumet, Sidney, 7
Lynch, David, 55
Lynch, Jessica, 241
Lynch, Megan, 359
Lyne, Susan, 217
Maazel, Fiona, 359
Maccioni, Sirio, 119
MacFarquhar, Larissa, 359
Mackris, Andrea, 270
Macpherson, Elle, 88
Maddow, Rachel, 354
Madoff, Bernie, 64
Madonna, 8, 35, 69, 95, 325
Magid, Sarah, 348
Maher, Bill, 128, 224
Mailer, Norman, 6, 27, 39, 134, 186, 269, 278, 337, 358
Mailer, Norris Church, 359
Malabre, Alfred, 20
Malafronte, Victor, 173
Malcolm, Janet, 193
Malcolmson, Scott, 359
Malone, John, 190
Mamet, David, 20
Mandelbaum, Jean, 71
Mandese, Joe, 225
Mankoe, Merrill, 97
Mann, Thomas, 269
Manning, Taryn, 290
Mansfield, Jayne, 293
Manso, Peter, 139
Maples, Marla, 15, 72, 197
Mapplethorpe, Robert, 19
March, Frederic, 126-127
Marcos, Ferdinand, 283
Marcos, Imelda, 282-283
Marcus, Gail, 107
Marks, Matthew, 70
Markson, Elain, 139
Marsh, David, 107
Marshall, Anthony, 356
Marshall, Penny, 159
Martin, Dean, 152
Martin, Ricky, 168
Martin, Steve, 86, 138
Marx, Gilda, 17
Marzorati, Gerry, 348
Massing, Michael, 221
Matalin, Mary, 46
Matthews, Chris, 345, 364
Matthiessen, Lucas, 248
May, Elaine, 125
Mayo, Virginia, 127
Mays, Willie, 78
McCain, John, 184, 354, 355, 360
McCall, Carl, 230
McCall, Penny, 18
McCullers, Carson, 358
McDonough, Michael, 213
McEwan, Ian, 103, 278
McFadden, Cynthia, 266
McGillicuddy, John F., 27
McGinness, Joe, 36
McGrath, Charles, 37, 79, 337
McGrath, Sarah, 359
McInerney, Jay, 23, 41, 69, 252
McKaughan, Molly, 248
McKay, Jeanne, 111
McKellen, Sir Ian, 293
McLean, Ervin, 365
McLuhan, Marshall, 227
McMullan, Patrick, 264
McNally, Brian, 133
McNally, Keith, 133
Mead, Margaret, 246
Mehle, Aileen, 218
Mehta, Sonny, 79
Mehtu, Suketu, 359
Meier, Richard, 194
Melville, Herman, 45
Menaker, Daniel, 24
Mengestu, Dinaw, 359
Menkes, Suzy, 75
Messinger, Ruth, 138
Metcalf, Ben, 359
Metcalf, Stephen, 359
Meyer, Andre, 226-227
Meyer, Danny, 264
Meyer, Ron, 113
Michaels, Leonard, 103
Michaels, Lorne, 58, 202, 346
Michelman, Kate, 193
Milken, Michael, 8
Miller, Adrienne, 147
Miller, Ann, 295
Miller, Arthur, 85, 295, 358
Miller, Dennis, 304
Miller, John, 51
Miller, Judith, 218, 287
Miller, Rebecca, 328
Miller, Reggie, 157
Min, Janice, 309
Minelli, Liza May, 219
Mirren, Helen, 354
Mitchell, Andrea, 123
Mitchell, Joseph, 259, 294
Modine, Cari, 228
Modine, Matthew, 228, 364-365
Molloy, Joanna, 88, 94
Monbiot, George, 283
Mondale, Walter, 115
Monroe, Marilyn, 85
Montello, Joe, 63
Montgomery, Elizabeth, 306
Moody, Rick, 70, 359
Moore, Archie, 248
Moore, David, 289
Moore, Demi, 113
Moore, Marianne, 358
Moore, Michael, 310-311
Morales, Evo, 311
Mori, Toshiko, 213
Morris, Dick, 91
Morrison, Susan, 6-7, 30, 141-142, 179, 196-197, 232, 252, 294
Morse, Michael, 54
Mosbacher, Georgette, 184, 292, 364
Mosbacher, Robert, 184
Moss, Kate, 325
Moss, Mitchell, 78
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 61, 351-352
Moynihan, Pat, 181
Muhammad, Khalid, 240
Mulcahy, Susan, 106
Mullins, Thomas, 365
The future of newspapers? Father of the press Benjamin Franklin
Illustrated by Drew Friedman
Munson, Lee, 203
Murdoch, Lachlan, 362
Murdoch, Rupert, 20, 53, 95, 148, 195, 200, 280, 287, 314, 334, 352
Murphy, Eddie, 257
Murray, Alan, 220-221
Murray, Bill, 6, 269
Nachman, Jerry, 96
Nader, Ralph, 192-193
Naipaul, V.S., 103
Nash, Richard, 359
Navarre, Carl, 36
Nesbit, Lynn, 147, 218
Newan, Phyliss, 56
Newhouse, S.I. Jr., 6, 30, 37, 61, 69, 98, 119, 246
Newman, Joyce, 222
Newman, Paul, 357
Newton, Helmut, 20
Newton, Huey, 148
Nguyen, Khoi, 88
Niccolini, Julian, 5, 8, 295
Nichols, Mike, 22, 125, 173
Nieporent, Drew, 295
Nin, Anais, 322
Nixon, Richard, 22, 98, 200
Nobel, Philip, 359
Nolan, Christopher, 343
Nooraldin, Dara, 250
Norgay, Tenzing, 109
Norman, Jessye, 195
Novak, Robert, 351
Nugent, Benjamin, 359
Nye, Matt, 83
O’Brien, Conan, 58, 346
O’Brien, Miles, 291
O’Connor, Sandra, 115
O’Donnell, Cathy, 127
O’Donnell, Lawrence Jr., 61
O’Hanlon, Redmond, 103
O’Hara, Scarlett, 290
O’Neill Eugene, 268, 322
O’Reilly, Bill, 269, 270, 334
O’Rourke, Meghan, 359
Oakley, Charles, 157
Obama, Barack, 9, 314, 319-320, 321, 339, 344-345, 360, 361, 364-365
Ochs, Adolph S., 330-331
Ochs, Tom, 314
Odets, Clifford, 9
Olbermann, Keith, 354
Olivier, Laurence, 126
Olsen, Ashley, 349
Onica, David, 35
Osborne, Lawrence, 359
Ovitz, Michael, 7, 86
Pacino, Al, 269, 295
Packer, George, 359
Paglia, Camille, 53
Palin, Sarah, 355
Palladin, Jean-Louis, 203
Palmerino, Mike, 318
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 177, 325
Pantoliano, Joe, 195
Pappu, Sridhar, 6
Park, Ed, 359
Parker, Dorothy, 56, 82
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 218, 349
Pataki, George, 78, 328
Paterson, David A., 346, 365
Peacock, Walter Gillis, 282
Pearl, Daniel, 220-221
Pearlstine, Norman, 303
Pei, I.M., 113
Pell, Paula, 202
Penn, Irving, 19
Penn, Mark, 5, 91
Penn, Sean, 322
Pennington, Chad, 276
Perelman, Ron, 75, 89, 95, 166, 177, 269
Philbin, Joy, 82
Philbin, Regis, 82, 217
Phillips, Jayne Anne, 79
Phillips, Tom, 106
Phoenix, River, 61
Picasso, Pablo, 257
Pike, Joseph, 124
Pitt, Brad, 95, 113, 161, 168-169
Plimpton, Freddy, 248
Plimpton, George, 27, 85, 248-249, 332
Plimpton, Medora, 248
Poehler, Amy, 217, 363
Pollan, Michael, 142
Pollock, Jackson, 322
Pope-Hennessy, John, 74
Porter, Cole, 152
Poussin, Nicolas, 363
Powell, Colin, 237
Powell, Enoch, 91
Powell, William, 88, 112
Power, Matt, 359
Prem, Terry, 54
Presley, Lisa Marie, 88
Pressman, Gabe, 51, 86
Puck, Wolfgang, 69
Puente, Audrey, 318
Puzo, Mario, 326
Pynchon, Thomas, 103, 134, 136
Quittner, Thomas, 106
Radosh, Daniel, 359
Rafter, Patrick, 171
Rahl, Andrew, 153
Raines, Howell, 245
Rainone, Sarah, 359
Ramsay, Gordon, 328
Rangel, Charles, 364-365
Rather, Dan, 46, 210, 267
Ratner, Bruce, 343
Rattner, Steve, 362
Rauth, Grace, 357
Reagan, Nancy, 104
Reagan, Ronald, 126, 191, 311, 327
Reed, Rex, 6
Reeves, Keanu, 269
Regan, Judith 5, 139, 314, 334
Reilly, Charles Nelson, 292
Reines, Philippe, 280
Revere, Paul, 363
Rhodes, Nick, 363
Rice, Condoleeza, 237
Rich, Nathaniel, 359
Rich, Simon, 359
Richard, Ann, 218
Richards, Eric, 72
Richman, Alan, 146
Ringwald, Molly, 83
Rivera, Danny, 365
Rivera, Geraldo, 304
Robbins, Ira, 107
Robbins, Tim, 322, 364
Roberts, Johnnie L., 104
Roberts, Julia, 95
Robertson, Lindsay, 360
Robinson, Jimmy, 65
Rock, Chris, 257
Rockefeller, David, 226-227
Rockwell, Norman, 289
Roehm, Carolyne, 16
Rogers, Kenny, 295
Rogers, Mimi, 58
Rogers, Will, 257
Rohatyn, Felix, 27, 226-227
Roiphe, Katie, 222, 359
Rolling Stone, 147
Rosario, Daisy, 365
Rose, Charlie, 44, 337
Rosen, Jay, 94
Rosen, Jody, 359
Rosenberg, Ethel, 62-63
Rosenberg, Steven, 51
Rosenfeld, Mike Jr., 113
Rosenthal, A.M., 22, 331
Rosenwald, E. John Jr., 27
Rosenzweig, Franz, 263
Roshan, Maer, 253, 280
Ross, Diana, 331
Ross, Harold, 9, 294
Ross, Howard, 76
Ross, Lillian, 23, 69, 143
Ross, Steve, 25, 314
Roth, Philip, 68, 70, 134, 278
Rothwax, Julia, 266
Rowley, Cynthia, 349
Rubenstein, Atoosa, 187
Rubenstein, Howard, 206, 338
Rubin, Robert, 27
Rubirosa, Porfirio, 247
Rudolph, Alan, 56
Runyon, Damon, 259
Rush, George, 88, 94
Rushdie, Salman, 23, 103, 109, 152
Russel, Harold, 126
Russell, Jane, 266
Russert, Tim, 46, 216, 237, 351
Ruttenstein, Kal, 164
Ryan, Carol, 18
Ryder, Winona, 293
Sadat, Anwar el, 52
Safire, William, 351
Sagan, Paul, 46
Saget, Bob, 279
Saint Lauren, Yves, 75
Saloman, William R., 27
Sampras, Pete, 171
Sarandon, Susan, 273, 364
Sarris, Andrew, 6, 9
Satyal, Rakesh, 359
Savage, Stephanie, 329
Sawyer, Diane, 22, 218, 282
Scagliotti, John, 45
Scarborough, Chuck, 51, 363
Scarlett, Austin, 364
Schappell, Elissa, 359
Schieffer, Bob, 302
Schiffer, Claudia, 88
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., 57
Schlesinger, Irma, 75
Schlosstein, Ralph, 356
Schmidt, William E., 331
Schnabel, Julian, 292
Schoen, Douglas, 91
Schrader, Paul, 208-209
Schroeder, Heather, 253
Schroeder, Pat, 13
Schumer, Charles, 205
Schwartz, Delmore, 278
Schwartz, Jonathan Burnham, 359
Schwartz, Josh, 329
Scorsese, Frances, 292
Scorsese, Martin, 208, 292
Secor, Laura, 359
Seinfeld, Jerry, 112, 164, 177, 219
Seligman, Craig, 359
Sellers, Josh, 359
Selman, Dr., 285, 288
Sepinwall, Alan, 326, 327
Serling, Rod, 327
Seshadri, Vijay, 359
Sevigny, Chloë, 266
Sexton, Joe, 330-331
Shaffer, Jay, 169
Shaffer, Paul, 24, 295
Shakespeare, William, 327
Shales, Tom, 22
Shannon, Molly, 123
Sharon, Ariel, 262
Sharpton, Rev. Al, 5, 138
Shatner, William, 295
Shawn, William, 24, 45, 76, 352
Sheinkopf, Hank, 178
Shelby, Bryan J., 190
Shepherd, Cybill, 152, 209
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 239
Sherwood, Robert, 126
Shnayerson, Michael, 124
Sicher, John, 6, 140, 178
Sick, Gary, 311
Siegal, Peggy, 95, 187, 218
Siegel, Fred, 288
Silver, Ari, 74
Silver, Sheldon, 328
Silverman, Sarah, 206
Silvers, Robert, 336
Simmons, Russell, 322
Simonoff, Eric, 359
Simpson, Jessica, 256, 309
Simpson, Nicole Brown, 314, 334
Simpson, O.J., 8, 95, 250, 314, 334
Sinatra, Frank, 149, 152
Sklar, Jessica, 164, 177
Slotnick, Barry, 34
Slovak, Paul, 359
Slung, Michelle, 45
Smith, Al, 6, 115
Smith, Anna Deavere, 195
Smith, Jaclyn, 325
Smith, Liz, 5, 64, 88, 94-95, 161, 218, 266
Smith, Mary Elizabeth, 15
Smith, Shepard, 258
Snyder, Dick, 23
Sobieski, Leelee, 363
Solovitz, Sammy, 331
Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey, 220-221
Sorel, Edward, 76, 322
Soros, George, 363
Souter, David, 115
Spector, Phil, 295
Speyer, Rob, 196
Spielberg, Steven, 8, 62, 95, 138, 225
Spiers, Elizabeth, 359
Spinella, Stephen, 62-63
Spinoza, Baruch, 337
Spitzer, Bernie, 349
Spitzer, Eliot, 230, 306, 328, 342, 345-346, 349
Spitzer, Jenna, 306
St. John, Warren, 294
Stallone, Sylvester, 95
Star, Alex, 359
Starr, Ken, 267
Steczyk, Kasia, 344
Steiger, Paul, 220
Steiker, Valerie, 359
Stein, Andrew, 12, 57, 140
Stein, Anna, 359
Stein, Edward, 168
Stein, Gertrude, 82
Stein, Linda, 332
Steinberg, Gayfryd, 95
Steinberg, Jeffrey, Dr., 309
Steinberg, Saul, 25, 95
Steiner, Josh, 193
Steisel, Norman, 22
Stephanopoulos, George, 141, 250, 256
Stern, Henry J., 13
Stern, Jared Paul, 302
Stevenson, Adlai, 115
Stevenson, Peter, 7, 252-253, 294-295
Stewart-Gordon, Faith, 93
Stewart, Jon, 143
Stewart, Martha, 194, 218-219, 225, 256, 280
Stillman, Whit, 302
Stokes, Carl. B., 26
Stolley, Richard, 87
Stone, Robert, 134
Stone, Sharon, 325
Stoppard, Tom, 293
Strasberg, Anna, 295
Straus, Roger, 265
Strauss, Darin, 359
Strayhorn, Billy, 18
Streisand, Barbra, 8
Stribling, Elizabeth, 218
Stringer, Howard 46, 218
Stritch, Elaine, 218
Stumpf, Doug, 147
Styron, Alexandra, 359
Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs Jr., 64, 241, 287, 324, 330-331, 362
Surowiecki, James, 359
Susteren, Greta Van, 270
Swank, Hillary, 224
Takoudes, Emily, 359
Talbot, Dave, 106
Talese, Gay, 16, 149, 122, 222, 295, 303, 330
Talese, Nan, 303
Talley, Andre Leon, 177
Tarantino, Quentin, 363
The Kingdom of New York: Knights, Knaves, Billionaires, and Beauties in the City of Big Shots Page 74