Quarterback Daddy

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Quarterback Daddy Page 57

by Ava Walsh

  There was a knock on the door and her stomach tightened further. Logan grinned and walked in this super-happy, hopping step to the door. Thea wanted him to be that happy when she showed up.

  A moment later, a smiling Sophia and Logan reentered the kitchen. Logan popped a mint quickly into his mouth, then kissed her. Sophia giggled.

  “Hi,” she said cheerily.

  “Hey,” Thea muttered, forcing a smile.

  “Heya,” Elise said. “Want some coffee? It’s fresh.”

  “I’d love some.”

  Elise poured Sophia a mugful and handed it to her. Sophia put her hands around it and sipped, and Logan stood beside her, his arm around her waist.

  Thea hated the way he looked at her like she was the best thing in the world. She was pretty. And skinner than Thea. Usually, Thea didn’t pay attention to that sort of thing. She loved the way she looked and her thick, curvy body. But what if Logan didn’t? What if he thought Sophia was much better looking and that was his type? That wavy blonde hair and those long, stick-like legs. Maybe she could learn a spell to make Sophia uglier.

  Thea sighed. Anything like that was darker magic and she didn’t mess with that. None of them did. It was too risky and too dangerous. Those spells often went wrong and, even when they didn’t, they turned the caster wrong after a while. There had been one boy in their senior year of high school who couldn’t resist. He’d gone into dark magic and the change in him was obvious. They had all known what he was up to when his eyes started to be red all the time and he turned mean. They tried to help him, but he’d fallen for the dark side.

  Of course, as teens, they’d all tried it and been tempted to do more. But she and Elise had done just a little thing. They’d cast a spell to kill a bug. It'd been shocking at first, how powerful they felt. But the residual spell feeling in their souls felt gross, and they quickly regretted killing the spider. Neither of them had been tempted again. Luckily, most magic casters didn’t get into it. But those who did were usually easy to spot for their darkness inside and out.

  Logan leaned forward and kissed Sophia, who then giggled again. Ugh, that giggle was so annoying. She tipped her mug so he could take a sip of her coffee.

  How could he like her? She wasn’t even a witch or a shifter. Which meant, also, that she didn’t know his secret. That couldn’t make for a very strong relationship, or a very healthy one, keeping secrets like that. He would be much better off with someone like Thea, who could share his secret and help him to do magic, and who was already like a part of his family. They were a perfect match.

  And the love potion? Well, it really only worked if there were some feelings there already. It wouldn’t just create something out of nothing. Her magic wasn’t that strong yet. So it wasn’t really anything so wrong. She’d tell him eventually, anyway. He’d probably roll his eyes and think it was cute. Hadn’t they joked about it when they were kids?

  “Just wait until we get old enough,” he’d said when they were something like twelve and nine, “I’m going to give you a love potion and make you fall crazy in love with me!”

  At the time, she and Elise had squealed and made ewww noises. At the time, the thought had disgusted her and that’s why he said it. But then, at the time, the thought of loving anyone like that was so foreign to her. Over the years, they joked about it once in a while.

  “I don’t have a date for prom,” she’d whined in their junior year.

  “Better get working on that love potion,” he’d said.

  “It’s close,” she’d joked. “And don’t worry, you’ll be my first victim when I get it right.”

  “Well, duh.” He’d rolled his eyes. “Who else would put up with your dumb ass forever?”

  And then she’d tickled him and he’d tickled back and they’d laughed. And he had, in the end, taken her to prom. Which was the start of her falling for him for real.

  If they hadn’t been so close for so long, and she hadn’t been so close to Elise for so long, it would be easier. She could tell him. They could fall for each other and have a relationship spring up naturally.

  But it wasn’t so simple with someone who was your best friend’s older brother, who, really, was one of your best friends, too. What if he didn’t feel the same way? How many movies, TV shows, books, whatever, had the whole love-you-like-a-sister thing happen? What if he looked at her like that? Like another little sister to annoy, and not a young woman to love.

  That’s why she didn’t have a problem with the love potion. It wasn’t like he knew nothing about it. They’d all worked on them in high school and used them, though unsuccessfully, on their crushes. They’d joked about it together. They’d flirted once in a while. And if he didn’t have any feelings at all, it would do nothing. It might make him a little friendlier to her, was all. It might make him like her more as a friend or a sister.

  But if he did have feelings, if there was something deep down inside, then it would spring forth and blossom. It would grow and expand and take over any other feelings. And it would last for several months. Plenty long enough for her to drug him again if she needed to. She could maybe see how it went when the potion started to wear off. Maybe it would be long enough that he’d have fallen in love for real and she wouldn’t need it again.

  But, for now, he was with Sophia. So she needed this potion to see how he really felt and to see if something could come of their years of friendship. And if he ended up breaking up with Sophia over it and was with her, then she’d really only sped up something that would have happened anyway. So there was nothing wrong with this. Nothing at all.

  Chapter Three

  Later that day, they did all meet up at the library. Thea and Elise made plans to go out after, so Thea dressed a little nicer. She had a reason to now, a good excuse. Elise was dressed up, too. They walked in to find Logan and Sophia already sitting at a long table.

  There was space between them, Thea was glad to see. They weren’t all cuddled up and holding hands like they usually were.

  She slid into the seat across from Logan and Elise sat beside her. He looked up, blinked twice, then smiled.

  “Wow. You guys going out or what?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” Elise dropped her bag onto the table and took out her books. “Party on Fifth. You guys should come.”

  Logan glanced at Sophia, who raised a shoulder.

  “Maybe,” he said.

  Thea opened her book and stole a glance at Logan. He was looking at her. When their eyes met, he smiled gently and looked back down. Her phone buzzed a few minutes later.

  It was a text from Logan. She played it off like it was nothing, just a notification or text from someone not sitting across from her.

  “You look hot today. For real.”

  She forced her face to stay straight and not react. Her heart was slamming in her chest, though. It was working. It really was. So he had had feelings for her, then. And the potion was working.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” she texted back.

  She picked up her pen and wrote a sentence, like nothing was going on.

  “Like you have any secrets from me. I’ve seen you naked already.”

  She almost chuckled. She had to clamp down on her jaw to keep from even smiling. Sure, he’d seen her naked. Many times. She’d seen him, too. It just happened when you spent so much time together and when you’d been kids together.

  “Well, you haven’t seen me lately. Not with my big boobs.”

  He sent back a winky face. “Feel free to show me anytime.” Then, he said, “The secret?”

  “I was hoping you’d think I looked hot in this outfit.”

  “How is that a secret? Boo.”

  “What?! It is! I never told you that I wanted you to find me hot before.”

  “Right,” he said. “Because first of all, when I have ever not found you hot, and second, what girl doesn’t want guys to think that about them anyway? I call your secret double lame with dork potion on top.”

She couldn’t help it. A small giggle escaped her lips. Elise looked over at her, then Logan and Sophia did as well.

  “You have to see this stupid video on Facebook,” she said.

  “Are you kidding me?” Elise said. “We are supposed to be studying, not Facebooking.”

  Elise grabbed Thea’s phone and set it on the table. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Logan stiffen. Her phone was right in Sophia’s eyesight.

  “Whatever.” Thea snatched back her phone and shoved it in her pocket. “See, look, I put it away.”

  But it was killing her. What a time to have to stop messaging. At least he knew what was going on and why she couldn’t respond. She waited several minutes, then went to the bathroom, phone in hand, of course. As soon as she was closed away behind the stall door, she responded.

  “You really find me hot? I definitely think you are.” Smiley face. “You’re the only one whose opinion I really care about, anyway.”

  Then, for good measure and just for fun, she brought out one of their inside jokes from high school, like he had. “Even if you do drink dork potion every night.”

  It was something the three of them had made up together. Anyone who was being lame must be drinking dork potion. It started as a goofy joke, but they’d kept it up for years, bringing it out whenever it seemed funny again.

  “Pfft. I don’t know about dork potion, but I’m hoping to be drinking with you tonight. This party will be cool?”

  “Will be if you’re there.”

  She returned to the table. She didn’t want to just sit in the bathroom texting him and have everyone wonder where she was. But when she sat back down, it was hard to concentrate. She kept peeking glances at him and, many times, she caught him peeking back. And now this party tonight, which would have been okay, was going to be awesome if he came. And there was the added bonus that alcohol would make her love potion stronger, since he would be even less inhibited. It was all coming together nicely.

  A few hours later, Elise looked at her watch. “I think it’s time to go.”

  “I’m sick of studying anyway,” Thea said.

  Sophia yawned. “I’m kinda tired.” Then she turned to Logan. “Can we just stay in tonight?”

  “Oh, umm.” Logan looked at Thea, then back to Sophia. “I think I’m gonna hang out for a while, actually. I’ll stop by later?”

  “Okay.” She gave him a small smile and stood, then waited.

  He realized she was still standing there and stood to give her a brief kiss and a hug. She held up a hand to wave goodbye and walked away, looking sullen.

  “Alright then,” Elise said. “We ready?”

  “Yup,” Thea said.

  Logan stood between them and put an arm around each of them. “Definitely.”

  When they got to the party a few blocks later, Logan went off to find drinks and Elise disappeared into the crowd. Thea stood off to the side, observing the room. Logan came to her a few minutes later and handed her a cup.

  “Beer,” he said, and smiled.

  “I’m surprised Sophia didn’t want to come.” Thea took a long sip of her beer.

  “She’s not big into parties.” His face fell.

  “What?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “Starting to think she’s not right for me.”

  She took another long sip to hide her smile. “Why do you say that?”

  He leaned closer to her so he didn’t have to shout as loud. “Maybe I just need to spend more time with someone I’ve known longer.”

  Thea looked up at him, heart racing. He was so close. But he wouldn’t kiss her here in public, would he? Not while he was still with Sophia. No, he wasn’t like that.

  “I need another beer,” he said. “Want a refill?”


  He vanished into the throng of people, but it took a very long time for him to come back. So long that Elise had come to find her to check in, and she’d gone off to find Logan and make sure he was okay.

  Thea found Logan laughing in the kitchen, with several empty shot glasses in front of him, holding two beer cups. She walked over and took one of the cups.

  “Oh, hey!” he exclaimed. A huge smile spread across his face. “We were just doing shots. Want to do some?”

  She smiled back. Red cheeks, huge goofy grin, shiny eyes. He was drunk. She’d been drunk around him enough to know what it looked like.

  “How many have you had?” she asked.

  “Just two.” He handed her one and she downed it.

  “Can we maybe go dance?”

  “Yes!” He grabbed her hand, took a huge swig of beer before setting down his cup, then headed to the living room.

  They danced together, fast at first, shaking to the music. But when a slow song came on and she looked at him, he held out a hand. She took it and he pulled her close. He wrapped his arms around her and she held him back. They swayed together and the feeling of his body pressing against hers filled her with joy and excitement. The potion was working.

  After a few more songs, she turned to him. “Hey,” she whispered. “Will you walk me back to my room?”

  He nodded.

  “I’m just going to find Elise and tell her we’re leaving,” she said.

  Thea found her making out with a guy in the next room. She tapped her shoulder and said, “Logan is walking me back. Text me when you leave.”

  “Will do.” Elise hugged her and went back to kissing the guy.

  Logan pulled Thea in close as they walked outside. The air had chilled, but it felt good on her skin. He walked with his arm around her and they were quiet for a long time.

  The anticipation was building in her chest. She wanted to kiss him, to ask him to come into her room. Drunk and on the love potion, he just might. But was he ready to make a move like that?

  By the time they reached her room, he was looking less drunk.

  “Thanks for walking me back. I had a good time tonight.”

  “Me too.” He grinned at her and leaned close to hug her.

  “Do you want to come inside for a little while?”

  Her pulse raced as she watched his face, waiting for his answer. He looked down at his hands.

  “I do,” he said. “But I can’t. I have a girlfriend, you know that.”

  “I know,” she said. Her heart dropped as she dropped her arms and stepped back from him. She kissed his forehead. “Go to her.”

  He looked into her eyes for a long time. “Thank you for understanding.” He turned from her but then turned right back. “Thea?”


  “Do you ever think of me as… something more than just friends or your friend’s brother?”

  She took a moment to really look at him and let her gaze settle into his. “Yes.”

  His mouth pulled into half a smile and he turned to walk away.

  Chapter Four

  Thea had gone into her room and changed after Logan walked away. She put on her t-shirt and shorts and sat on the edge of her bed, thinking. Her roommate was already asleep and Thea sat in the dim light of her lamp.

  With a heavy heart, she turned out the lamp and slid under the covers. What should she do now? Had the potion not worked? It had seemed like it was working, though. Maybe that one sip hadn’t been enough. Maybe she’d done something wrong. It must not have been strong enough.

  Her phone buzzed from its place at her bedside table. “Leaving.” It was from Elise.

  “Be safe! You alone?”

  “Nope. Got Paul with me. Going to his place.”

  “Then be extra safe.”

  She set her phone back down and closed her eyes, but it buzzed again. This time, it was from Logan.

  “You still up?” he asked.


  “Let me in.”

  Her heart jumped in excitement, and she got up to open the door. He stood there, smiling at her. He was clearly sober now, which she figured, in the end, was a good thing. She wouldn’t want to think that if somethin
g had happened to them, it was only because of the alcohol.

  He stepped forward and pushed the door open farther. Then he stepped inside, reached out to put his hand at the back of her neck, and pulled her close. He pressed his mouth to hers. The shock hit her, but she quickly settled into his arms and kissed him back.

  She had to keep telling herself she was really kissing Logan. This wasn’t a dream. It was really happening.

  “Can I come in for a while?” he whispered.

  She nodded and turned her lamp back on. They sat on the bed, facing each other, legs crossed and tucked under them like they always did.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she said. “But I’m a little confused.”



  “I just broke up with her. I realized today, Thea, that my feelings for you have been growing for years. We know everything about each other and you’ve been such an important part of my life for so long. This just feels right.”

  “You broke up with her? Tonight?”

  “I did. I wanted to be here with you so badly, and I knew it wasn’t fair to her. So here I am.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her again. This wasn’t the first time Thea had wished she had a single room. Her roommate was nice and they got along, but she still didn’t want to wake her up with their kissing and talking.

  Logan crawled forward so that Thea had to lay back. She straightened her legs and he climbed on top of her.

  “I have wanted you for so long, Thea,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I want you, too, Logan.”

  He resumed kissing her, letting his weight press onto her. Heat rushed through her, making her sweat. His hands roamed over her body, pausing to squeeze her breasts.

  “We just have to be quiet,” she whispered in his ear.

  “I’ll try.” He kissed along her neck and breathed into her ear.

  Her mind raced. She was with Logan, making out with Logan. He was touching her. All the times she’d imagined this moment, it had never felt this good.

  He slipped his hand up under her shirt. She’d already taken her bra off for bed, so his fingers found their way quickly. She let out a soft moan as he pinched her nipples.


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