Quarterback Daddy

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Quarterback Daddy Page 71

by Ava Walsh

  He pulled away, resting his forehead against hers, gazing into her eyes. They both fought to get their breathing back under control. She’d known she wanted him so her response was no surprise. But why was he so out of breath, his chest heaving?

  “Get me out of here,” Mindy said. Her voice sounded funny to her own ears, thick with desire. It occurred to her that he might get the wrong idea from her words, but she’d clarify when they were away from the cameras.

  He grabbed her hand, stood, and tugged her against him. “Let’s go.”

  They made their way through the crowd. This time, when people called out Devon’s name, he ignored them.

  In the elevator, alone, Devon pushed the button for the twenty-third floor. Then he backed her against the wall and leaned his head down to hers.

  “No kisses in private, remember?”

  “What?” A line of confusion marred his brow. He ran a hand through his long blonde hair and took a step back. “Right. So when you said ‘get me out of here,’ it was more that you couldn’t take pretending to enjoy my kisses anymore?”

  “That’s not fair. You were there, you know I liked your kisses just fine.”

  “Then why?” The elevator dinged and the door opened. “Forget it. Come on, our room is this way.”

  He took off to the left, his long legs outpacing her with ease. When she rounded the corner, he stood there, key card in hand, waiting for her.

  After he opened the door without a word, she slipped past him and went straight for the bedroom. Their bags waited for them. She picked up his bag and dropped it outside the bedroom door.

  She felt so stupid now. She should never have agreed to this. It was too much, kissing him, being close to him. It might very well break her heart right out of the gate. It was like a slow sort of torture.

  Instead of focusing on her feelings, she shoved them down and went into the bathroom to change. She was glad Devon wouldn’t see her. She looked ridiculous in her long tee nightgown with Minnie Mouse on the front. Her washing machine had broken down the day before and this was the only nightgown that was clean. Still, what had she been thinking bringing it?

  Then she walked out and there he was.

  “Wow. A Minnie for Min.” He lets his gaze wander over her. “You look adorable.”

  “I look silly. What are you doing in here? You sleep on the couch, remember?”

  “Oh, I remember, sweetheart. But I needed a blanket and a pillow.” He pulled open the closet door to find both, then wandered back out of the bedroom.

  Mindy slammed the door behind him, her cheeks on fire. Well, that had been the humiliating cherry on top of a difficult day.

  Chapter Six – Devon

  Devon woke at six in the morning to his phone ringing on the coffee table beside him. It took a moment to remember why, exactly, he was sleeping on the couch. Then the kiss and the whole deal with Mindy came back to him.

  The ringing stopped, then started again immediately. He answered with a blurry “Hello?”

  Bret spoke quickly and Devon didn’t even catch half of what he said. Something about him and Mindy on television. “What the hell are you going on about?”

  “Put it on channel forty-seven,” Bret said, then hung up.

  Mindy opened the door, one eye open, the other squinted shut. “What’s going on?”

  “Come sit down and let’s see.” He patted the couch as he sat up to search for the remote.

  He flipped the television to channel forty-seven. A reporter was speaking and the headline was “Devon Jennings in a romance with Bret Cassidy’s little sister, Mindy.” Then the video of the two of them kissing came up on the large forty-two-inch television.

  The two of them watched the TV in silence. Damn, watching the two of them kiss, the way she had wrapped her arms around his neck and responded to his attention, it was hot. He glanced at her and she was watching him, her cheeks red as a hot pepper.

  They both looked away at the same time, back at the TV.

  His phone rang again and he pushed the button to answer the call. It was the band’s manager, Chet. “Sorry to call so early, Dev.”

  “No, it’s cool. I was already up. What’s going on?”

  “First of all, the record label called. They’re very pleased that you took their advice. Mindy looks like a nice girl.”

  Devon cast his eyes toward her. “She is.”

  “Well, this was a brilliant plan. Which leads me to the second thing. You might as well let me talk to her because I need to get a press sheet ready. People have already started calling my office to find out more about her.”

  Devon put his hand over the phone. “Our manager, Chet, wants to talk to you. They need to get some info on you.”

  “Me? Why would anyone want to know about me?”

  “Comes with dating a rock star, sweetheart.” He told his manager to hold on, then handed her the phone.

  She left the room with the phone, and Devon took a quick second to appreciate her legs as she walked away.

  Him wanting her was a wrinkle neither of them needed. The kiss had sealed the deal—he had to have her. Just once, to get it out of his system. He’d seduce her, while they were alone in their hotel room over the next few days. He hadn’t had to work so hard for sex in a long time; it would be a novel experience. And so worth it.

  Either way, now that this had hit the news and the press was in love with the two of them as a couple, they were stuck together for a while.

  He had to remember, he couldn’t let himself get too attached to her. This was a one-shot deal. He was too much of a screw-up to open his heart to someone as kind and giving as Mindy. And he’d only ever been hurt when he tried to trust someone, like Natasha. Hell, even his old man didn’t want anything to do with him. He’d destroy any good feelings she might have toward him.


  It was nothing but a photo op, Devon kept telling himself. Taking Mindy out to dinner and to the zoo, pretending like he was a normal guy on a normal date—it wasn’t real.

  They got a kitchen table at an exclusive restaurant in…hell, he didn’t even know where they were. Chicago, maybe? Once you were on the road, the days and the cities blurred together.

  They held hands going in, as photographers snapped their picture. He opened the door for her and pulled out her chair at the beautifully set table. It was odd: being “with” Mindy seemed to be doing more for his popularity than dating someone famous, like Natasha, ever had. And it made him feel like shit. He hated using Mindy this way. She deserved better than him, with his fake dates. The kiss—that had been real, though.

  “You have something on your mind,” she said, shaking out her napkin and placing it in her lap.

  He took a sip of water before he answered, trying to put into words something he didn’t quite understand himself. It wasn’t like him to care so much. “That I hope this isn’t something you’re used to.”

  “The news outlets calling out for a picture? Not exactly something that happens at college.”

  “Not that.” He took her hand across the small table because they were in public, so he could and she wouldn’t tell him no. “Being used for your pretty face and wholesome personality. I hope you’ve been romanced. You deserve that, Min. Real romance.”

  She stared at him, blinked once or twice. “Sure. I’ve had romance before.”

  “Good. So how is it you’re without a man right now? I imagine your attention is in pretty hot demand at your little college.”

  “First of all, my college isn’t little. It’s a state university. Second of all, I’m not so in demand that I don’t have time for a faux summer fling.” She gave him a secretive smile, and dimples deepened in her cheeks.

  Devon sat back in his chair as the waiter brought their appetizer. Their menu was at the mercy of the chef tonight.

  Mindy leaned forward and picked up her fork. “So this is really smoked foie gras and pigeon?” she whispered.

  He grinned at her, took a quick
bite with his fork, and chewed thoughtfully. “It’s actually delicious. Try it.”

  She gazed at him, and her perfect breasts rose and fell with a deep breath. She took a small bite onto her fork, blew on the steaming morsel, then popped it into her mouth. “Oh! That really is good.”

  “I told you so. Now you have to try at least a bite of everything he sends over. Besides” —he glanced toward the bustling cooking area— “they’re watching, so we have to at least pretend to enjoy it.”

  She swallowed and took a sip of her wine. “Good point.”

  They drank, ate and laughed through the next two courses. She told him a little more about her experiences at college, though she didn’t mention any boys. Maybe she was being discreet? Still, her anecdotes about what a normal life looked like were like water for him—refreshing and cool. He’d forgotten what it was like to be a regular guy.

  She made him remember that hungry younger man, willing to work as hard as it took for even a moderate amount of success. He missed those days. Just him and the guys. And Mindy, hanging around, watching them practice in the garage and telling them they were the best band ever.

  When dessert came, she smiled with a shake of her head. “Goat’s milk sherbet. Seriously? I’m game if you are.”

  “Why not, Mindy? Live life, be daring. Take a chance.”

  “On dessert?” Her cobalt blue eyes twinkled from the laughter they’d shared.

  On me. “Sure.” He took his spoon out and held it aloft, above the sherbet. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” She opened her mouth and he spooned the sherbet through her waiting, full lips.

  She closed her eyes and swirled the sherbet around on her tongue. “Mmm.”

  Her face was killing him right now. He wanted to be the one who put that look there. He wanted to kiss her senseless, touch her until she cried out his name.

  Tonight, he’d kiss her for the cameras, take every chance to touch her, and when they went back to the hotel room, he’d make his move. He could tell by the way she responded to his touches that she wanted him as well. He’d take her, and they’d both be satisfied.

  Chapter Seven - Mindy

  After they left the restaurant, they drove to the zoo. Some of the photographers followed behind the limo and took pictures as they were ushered into the closed zoo, his hand at the small of her back.

  She pulled up short and looked around. Despite the zoo being completely empty of tourists and visitors, popcorn and cotton candy vendors still sold their creations.

  “You want something?” he asked.

  “Cotton candy. This is very strange.”

  “What is?” He led her to the vendor and got her a cone of the spun-sugar substance. No money exchanged hands. “Here you go, sweetheart.”

  “Don’t you have to pay for that?” she asked as they walked away, looking over her shoulder. This was the first time she’d ever been to such a public venue with a “celebrity,” and it was weird. No one should be this important.

  “When you pay to shut down the park, it’s sort of included in the price.”

  “Why couldn’t we come here with everyone else?”

  He gave her a wide grin. “Because it would be a madhouse. Security for the record label would never allow it, for one thing. For another, people would recognize me, and then they’d all be staring at me instead of the monkeys.” He pointed at the primates frolicking in a pen beneath them. They had some branches and a couple of trees to hang from.

  “It’s kind of sad, without everyone else. Those poor animals.”

  He tore off a piece of cotton candy and held it out to her. He slid it between her lips with his fingers, and she let her tongue capture the sticky dessert. What was he trying to do to her? Everything inside of her went on high alert as his fingers left her mouth.

  “Do you want a bite?” she asked, unsure where her daring came from.

  “Definitely.” He opened his mouth and waited.

  She took some of the candy and placed it on his tongue. His mouth came around her fingers and sucked gently. Something shot straight through her. Desire, she shivered as the realization struck her. She’d never wanted anyone the way she wanted him, right now, in the middle of the massive zoo. Such an odd experience.

  He put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close as they walked toward the aquarium.

  In the darkness, they walked past brightly lit glass windows, where sharks swam aimlessly. An octopus fluttered by and she looked at him with a smile. “Okay, I’m starting to appreciate not being jostled by crowds. This is my favorite part of the zoo. It’s like a different world in there.”

  “Yeah, it is. It’s sort of… serene.”

  “Exactly. Wouldn’t it be great to escape to that world sometimes?”

  He leaned against the wall and slid down. “Let’s escape there now. Sit with me?”

  “Sure.” She sat down cross-legged beside him and looked up as a school of exotic fish swished its way across the top aquarium. “This is beautiful.”

  Taking her chin in his hand, he turned her face to him. “You’re beautiful, Min.”

  She giggled. “You can barely see me.”

  “I see you now like I never have before. I know we’re in private but…can I kiss you? You know, without endangering the family jewels?” He caressed her cheek with a knuckle.

  She wanted him more than ever now. She knew she risked her heart if she allowed it, but after all those daydreams where Devon finally noticed her, how could she say no? “Yes, please.”

  He gave her a soft smirk as he leaned in. “So polite.”

  Then his lips were on hers. Placing a hand on her cheek, he tilted her head back and deepened the kiss, gliding his tongue into her open mouth.

  Why shouldn’t she make out with him here? No one could see them. They were alone and it was dark in the aquarium.

  He wasn’t done with her yet. Just when she thought she might lose her mind from the kiss, he trailed his lips down her neck. “You smell so good,” he mumbled.

  She captured his mouth once again as his hands roamed over her shoulders and neck. Before she realized what was happening, he’d unbuttoned her blouse and slid his hand inside, into her bra, and toyed with her nipple. Mindy leaned her head back and gasped. The sensation sent tingles coursing down her body.

  “That’s right, Min.” He breathed in her ear, panting softly. “This could be so good. You and me.”

  She struggled to find her train of thought. Devon wanted her. That’s all there was in her brain right now.

  He pushed her back gently and leaned above her, his forearms holding him up. He let his mouth wander to the valley between her breasts and she let her head fall back on the carpet. This, she’d wanted exactly this for so long. To see the desire shining in his eyes as he devoured her with his mouth.

  “I don’t know much about these things. But—” He’d tugged her bra up and let his mouth find her nipple in the backlit darkness. A sea turtle and fish swam overhead as he touched her as no one else ever had. “But do you have a condom? Like, here, with you?”

  “Always.” He lifted his head and offered her a devilish grin. “What do you mean, you don’t know much? Like you don’t have a lot of experience?” A line slashed his brow.

  She leaned up on her elbows and kissed him slowly and thoroughly while his hands roamed her body. When she pulled away, she spoke in short bursts. His hands were driving her mad. “I have... no experience.”

  He stopped all at once and sat back on his haunches. She pushed herself up, simply because she wanted to be closer to him in this moment.

  “What does that mean? You’re… you can’t be.”

  She pulled his t-shirt over his head. “I mean…this will be my first time.”

  His hand came up between them and he grabbed his t-shirt from the floor where she’d tossed it. “Whoa, stop. You’re a virgin?”

  “It’s not a big deal,” she whispered. “Not with you.”

  “It’s a
very big deal, especially with me, sweetheart.” He tugged his shirt back on. “We’re not real.”

  Her lips parted in surprise and her heart stammered in her chest. Had he just said they weren’t real? “It feels pretty real.”

  “Sure, I want you, kid.”

  “I told you not to call me that.” She began tugging her bra down and buttoning her shirt back up, cheeks flaming with heat. All that, he’d touched her all over. And now, he was done because she was a freaking virgin? “What the hell was this to you?”

  “I thought we’d have some fun. I didn’t know you’d never… you know.”

  “You didn’t know I’d never had sex. If you can perform the act, you can say the words. Even a virgin can say them. Is that too shocking for you?” She stood up and gave him a long, cold stare. The colder she could be right now, the better. Her heart felt like an ice bucket.

  “You don’t act like a virgin.” He stood, tucking his shirt back into his jeans.

  Shoving a hand against his chest, she yelled at him, “Screw you, Devon! Are you saying I acted slutty? Is that what you mean?” Her voice echoed strangely in the aquarium.

  “You acted responsive. I just wouldn’t have expected that from someone who didn’t know anything about… what comes next.”

  “I’m leaving.” She turned and stalked away and he caught up with her at the exit.

  “You need to hold my hand while we leave.”

  “Forget you and your record label for five seconds. I’d die before I held your hand right now.” She stormed out. When the driver hopped out and opened the door for her, she climbed into the waiting car.

  He followed behind, waving at the yelling fans and reporters behind the gate. Mindy rolled her eyes in car. Was there anything about him that wasn’t for show?

  Chapter Eight - Devon

  Devon was finishing up a sound check on stage before their concert later that night. He’d been struggling all day to keep his mind on his singing rather than on Mindy.


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