Quarterback Daddy

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Quarterback Daddy Page 124

by Ava Walsh

  They tried to be as quiet as possible as she helped him up the stairs. Aaron could already feel himself regaining his strength, but he continued to pretend to be helpless, just so that she would go on holding him.

  It took them a whole three minutes to climb the stairs, and in the darkness of the hallway, she led him to his room. She opened the door and then dragged him to his bed.

  “Will you be alright?” she asked him. The room was dark, and only the moonlight shining through his window could be seen. He could barely see her face. But he could sense her closeness, the freshness and youth of her skin. He could hear her sweet voice, and the gentle way in which she touched his skin. He was afraid that she still thought of him as her surrogate older brother. After all, she had done what any sister would do, secretly brought him in his drunken state to his bed.

  So he surprised even himself, when he suddenly leaned forward and kissed her. Right upfront on her lips. She had been bending in front of him when he did it, and he felt her freeze.

  Their kiss was sweet and gentle at first, and he was conscious of the smell of alcohol on his breath, but when she moved her body closer to him, he realized that she wanted the same thing. At least for that one night, she too wanted to be with him.

  Chapter Eighteen - Chelsey

  That kiss had changed everything. Chelsey knew that then, in those moments and she knew it even now. The whole time that she had led him, dragged him and pulled him to his room, she was doing it because there was no other choice. Aaron was so badly drunk that she was sure he would have slept out in the yard if she hadn’t helped him to his room.

  But when he kissed her, in the darkness and stillness of the night, Chelsey had felt the change. He went from a drunken brother figure to the boy she had always fantasized about.

  She hadn’t allowed Hannah to figure out how upset she had been ever since she had heard the news that Aaron was leaving. She didn’t even think that she would have the chance to say goodbye to him. But here he was, kissing her.

  He was gentle at first and then his tongue parted her lips and forced itself inside her mouth. Chelsey could feel herself getting wet between her legs. A strange sensation.

  She had only kissed two other boys before that, in all the nineteen years of her life, and she had never had sex before. But both the times that she had kissed other people, she hadn’t felt this wetness. Probably because both the times she had been thinking about Aaron instead. And now he was kissing her, it was his lips on her skin.

  Her body instinctually leaned towards him, and she felt his hands climb up her back. Then they moved to the front, over her breasts.

  She hadn’t allowed anybody to touch her breasts before. Not that she was saving herself for Aaron, but it blew her mind that it was him who got to touch them first.

  Chelsey moaned into his mouth when he squeezed both her breasts, and her hands automatically travelled to his chest. She could feel his hard muscles underneath the fabric of his t-shirt, how broad his shoulders were, how tense his body was with desire for her. She got even wetter.

  Neither of them spoke when their lips parted, but Aaron quietly, in the dead of the night, lifted her blouse up over her head, till she was there in front of him, in her bra.

  She could still remember the way he looked at her. His green eyes were small and intense, like he was staring at a piece of art. She remembered thinking whether he would regret it the next morning, if he would even remember this had happened. She would never forget.

  He reached for her breasts again, but Chelsey stopped him. Instead she unclipped her bra and allowed her breasts to be revealed to him. She was standing right in the middle of the ray of moonlight entering his room, so that he could see her in all her naked glory.

  She watched as his eyes focused on her small pink nipples, the way his gaze travelled down her belly and then stopped on the spot between her legs.

  Chelsey had never done this before, but she wasn’t afraid. This is what she had always wanted. She didn’t care that Aaron was drunk. This was what she had always wanted him to do to her, how she had wanted him to look at her. And it was finally happening.

  Chelsey slowly undid the zipper of her skirt, so that it fell around her ankles. She stepped out of it and then pulled down her panties.

  Aaron was watching her in silence, his eyes tracing the shape of her naked ripe body. He was still sitting on his bed, fully clothed, while she stood naked, a foot away from him, in the moonlight.

  “I had no idea how beautiful you looked naked,” he finally said, whispered. Chelsey wanted to smile, but instead she reached out for his face and held his square strong jaw in her hands.

  “Make love to me, Aaron,” she said, before she could stop herself.

  That was all that he needed to hear. He sprung off the bed and caught her in his arms. He was kissing her again, her lips, her neck, her bare shoulders.

  She felt the coolness of the windowsill on her hip as he pushed her against it. Her body was arched, halfway over the windowsill as he licked her. From her throat, down between her breasts and then to her navel.

  She was really wet now, and a throbbing ache had developed between her legs. She had never realized how urgently she might want a dick inside her. She had never experienced this sensation before.

  She heard the sound of the buckle on his belt, as he undid his pants.

  “Are you sure, Chelsey?” he asked, and she smiled, lifting her head up to look up at him.

  He held her tightly by the waist, as her body swung over the window. She could see the trees swaying in the soft gentle Fall breeze. It was dark but she could hear the leaves rustling.

  Aaron entered her. She felt the girth of his cock inside her, slowly pushing through the flesh of her core and she closed her eyes.

  It was like her body was sucking him in. He kept pushing himself further in, her legs instinctively spread apart and his grip tightened on her waist.

  “Chelsey, you are so beautiful. Oh my God,” she heard him say as she felt him inside her, the full length of him. And then he was pulling out again.

  “No,” she whispered, afraid that he had changed his mind.

  “Don’t worry, we are only getting started,” he said, and this time he thrust into her with force. She felt her body shake. She had never imagined that sex could feel this good.

  Chapter Nineteen - Aaron

  As much as Aaron believed at the time that he had sobered up, the alcohol did have its effects.

  He could remember coming inside her, her body quivering in his hands as she came too. After that, the rest of the night was pretty much a blur to him.

  He had fallen back on the bed, after he had pulled himself out of her.

  “Come lie with me,” he remembered mumbling. His head was spinning now, and he could feel his brain shutting off. He did still remember that sensation of calm and warmth. He hadn’t processed the information properly yet, that he had just had sex with Chelsey, the girl he had fantasized about ever since he hit puberty. The alcohol had lent a dull ache in his head, and he wasn’t able to cope with serious thought.

  All he wanted to do then was lie in his bed and go to sleep with Chelsey in his arms.

  He remembered that she walked over to him, that she lay down beside him and touched his chest. After that it was all blank. He had passed out, exhausted, but happy. He couldn’t wait to be awake, to let the fog clear so that he could actually mull over what had just happened.

  Aaron wasn’t sure how long he had been sleeping. When he finally woke up, his mother was standing over him, pushing him to get up. He sat up in bed with a jerk, his face turning violently to the space next to him. It was empty. Chelsey had disappeared and he had no idea when.

  “Mom, please stop screaming,” he had said to his mother who was pulling the curtains open.

  “Did you have too much to drink? Get up now, Aaron. Your father is waiting to drive you to the airport,” she said, turning to face him with a concerned look on her face.
  “I need a few minutes, Mom. What’s the time?” Aaron asked, rubbing his eyes. The headache had gone nowhere, he could still feel it dully throbbing at the base of his skull.

  “It’s nearly two in the afternoon. I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past three hours.” His mother was standing with her hands on her hips, the way Hannah had stood in his room this evening, demanding to know what the hell was going on.

  Aaron looked at the clock.

  “Where is Hannah?” he asked, unsure of what to say. He was late, any longer and he’d miss his flight.

  “She’s downstairs, she’ll go with us to the airport,” his mother said, getting ready to leave the room.

  “Chelsey?” he mumbled, afraid of the reaction he’d receive.

  “Chelsey?” His mother turned to look at him with narrowed eyes.

  “She’s at her house, I presume. Why?” She stood with her hand on the open door. She was looking at her son inquisitively.

  “No reason. I just wanted to know. She’s always here on the weekends,” Aaron said, painfully swinging his legs over the bed. He was beginning to feel sick, but he didn’t want his mother to panic.

  “I’m sure she has her own planning to do. She’s going to New York, you know. She got a fancy internship,” she said, still looking at her son. Aaron rubbed his eyes again and nodded.

  “I see. Okay, I’ll try and come down in like fifteen minutes,” he said, wondering if he might be able to call her or something.

  “You’ll be late. Two minutes. Brush your teeth, put on some clothes and come out. Your luggage is downstairs and ready to go,” she said and slammed the door shut behind her. Obviously, his parents were upset that he was this hungover, but thankfully, she hadn’t detected anything odd about his question about Chelsey.

  He stretched his back and stood up from the bed. He wasn’t sure if anything had even happened. Had he imagined the whole thing with Chelsey?

  There was no evidence of her in his room. No piece of clothing, not even a strand of hair so that he could be sure that she had been in his room.

  He walked dejectedly to the bathroom and started brushing his teeth. Which is when he saw the mark of her teeth on his chest. It was clear as day, a faint red mark where she had playfully bitten him as he orgasmed inside her.

  He couldn’t help but smile. At least now he was sure that it hadn’t been a dream. She had actually been there and they had slept together.

  “Aaron! Mom says, hurry up!” It was Hannah’s voice outside the bathroom door.

  “A minute,” he yelled back and splashed a handful of water on his face. His head was still throbbing with a splitting headache, and his heart was filling with dread but he was happy about one thing, that at least he had lived out his fantasy. He had wanted Chelsey so bad for so many years, and the night before he was leaving town forever, he had finally had her, in his own bed.

  He didn’t want to think about how quickly she had left once he had fallen asleep. Whether she regretted it or not, whether she was embarrassed and hated him. He was going away now, with no ties, no regrets and no strings to hold him back.

  Aaron felt suddenly free. Like he wasn’t leaving anything unaccomplished. He had got what he wanted, even if it was something that he believed was unachievable. As long as Hannah never found out, and his family remained blissfully unaware, it would be alright. But he could trust Chelsey, she wasn’t the kind of girl to rat on him. Now he could leave this town without any regrets.

  What he hadn’t realized was that the memory of that night would haunt him forever, and that he would never be able to get over the girl who had got away.

  Chapter Twenty - Chelsey

  Chelsey could still remember how warm Aaron’s body felt when she snuggled up to him. He had whispered to her, in his half-sleepy state to come and join him on his bed.

  Chelsey had climbed in, still completely naked, and pressed her body to his.

  In the dark, she touched his cheek, his jaw, his neck, his shoulders, tracing his body with her fingertips.

  Aaron was asleep in a matter of seconds. She blinked and stared at him in the dark. At his peaceful sleeping body as he remained curled up next to her. She smiled, thinking about how many nights she had stayed awake in her own bed, dreaming about the impossible night that she might spend with him. It had all come true.

  Then, when she continued staring at him, he suddenly turned his body. He faced the other way, away from her and carried on sleeping.

  Chelsey was filled with a feeling of disappointment and embarrassment.

  She was completely sober but Aaron wasn’t. She had just had sex with her best friend’s brother who was too drunk to even know what he wanted or what he was doing. She had taken advantage of his inebriated state.

  She sat up in his bed and tried to look at him, but he was sleeping peacefully. She was panicking. She knew how he would react in the morning. He would wake up and be filled with disgust. He might tell Hannah, his parents, or his friends what she had done. How she had taken advantage of him while he was drunk.

  Chelsey leaped out of his bed and quickly started putting on her clothes. She had barely been in bed with him for ten minutes.

  Now she was hoping that he wouldn’t remember. That this would all be a hazy fog to him the next morning.

  She slid into her skirt, brushed her hair with her fingers and walked over around the bed. She wanted to catch a glimpse, a last glimpse of his sleeping face.

  Aaron was breathing normally, with a hint of a smile on his face. She saw the open notepad on his study desk, and she walked over to it.

  Now that she thought more about it, she couldn’t be sure what had overtaken her to write that letter to him. She had left evidence for him, despite hoping that he would forget any of this had happened.

  But she couldn’t help it. She wanted to tell him, tell someone what this night had meant to her. But even then, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to tell anybody. If Aaron did forget, then this would be her own secret to carry. Little did she know that he had already impregnated her, that she would have an even bigger secret to carry for the rest of her living days.

  Chelsey wrote the letter in a hurry and then walked over to the door. The sound of his breathing was gentle. She shut the door behind her softly and went down the stairs.

  The whole house was quiet, and she took her time to go to the door, wondering if that was going to be the last time she would ever be inside the house. Maybe if his family found out what she had done, they wouldn’t want her to be friends with Hannah any more.

  When Chelsey stepped outside, she saw the tree in front of his window. Tall and majestic, the leaves she had been watching as Aaron took her virginity, filled her with himself, and her body soared over the clouds.

  She couldn’t leave yet. She looked at her wristwatch, it was past two in the morning, but she couldn’t leave yet.

  In the darkness of the night, she walked over to the tree, just outside the Keels’ yard and sat down at the bottom of the trunk. She didn’t want to go home, she didn’t want to walk away so soon.

  She was ashamed of herself, of her actions, of her inability to control herself. She should have thought of Hannah, of their friendship. But instead she had only thought about the irresistible desire for Aaron that burnt her up.

  She slept at the tree trunk the whole night, till she heard voice coming from the house. Mr and Mrs. Keels had woken up. She could hear Hannah’s mother’s voice calling out to both the children to get out of bed. Her own mother probably thought she’d stayed over at Hannah’s, which she often did.

  Chelsey hid herself behind the broad tree trunk, sitting with her legs splayed about her. Time moved slowly, from nine to ten then eleven. She was tired, hungry and beginning to feel sick but she wanted to see him for the last time, before he left.

  She wondered what anybody who might see her in that position would think of her. But none of them would understand that she loved him. She loved Aaron and a
lways had, and now she was about to lose him forever, just after she had him. Even if it was for just one hour.

  It was past two in the afternoon when he finally appeared. His face was haggard, his hair disheveled and he looked like he hadn’t taken a shower. She was sure that he was still hungover, further proof that he wouldn’t remember anything from the previous night.

  The trunk kept her out of view, but she could see him as he got into the car.

  She could see the happy family, how Hannah squealed and hugged her brother. How happy they all appeared, and how tired Aaron was. But he still looked happy, victorious and proud. He was headed towards greatness and he knew it.

  The car drove away, and Chelsey remained sitting at the trunk, toying with the idea of retrieving the letter from his room. Eventually she got up and left. She wasn’t ever going back to that house, or that room, she didn’t have the strength to do it.

  She walked back to her own house, unknowingly carrying Aaron Keels’ child in her womb.

  Chapter Twenty One - Aaron

  Nothing would have prepared Aaron for the house he found when he arrived at the address. It was a derelict building, two stories high. He couldn’t imagine that Chelsey was living in it. What had happened to her? Hannah had warned him that he was in for a shock, but this was not the house he had been expecting to find.

  He parked his car and climbed out, his heart racing. He was excited to see her again, even though he had just had her in his bed, but he was also nervous. This was the second time that she had disappeared, suddenly, after they had sex. What was she trying to tell him? To stay away from her? But then why had she left him that letter?

  Aaron climbed the stairs to the apartment on the second floor. It was at the end of a corridor, and he was already beginning to feel dreadful. He couldn’t imagine what had happened to Chelsey. What had gone so wrong in her life that she was living in such a pitiful place?

  He stood outside the door that Hannah had informed him was Chelsey’s, and he waited a few seconds before he knocked. The sound of a loud television streamed out and he knocked a few times before he heard footsteps approaching.


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