Marked for Vengeance (Book One: The Alyx Rayer Chronicles)

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Marked for Vengeance (Book One: The Alyx Rayer Chronicles) Page 29

by Pierce, SJ

  Atticus paused, waiting for more questions, but everyone remained horrifyingly fixated on every word. “T-the next phase,” he continued, closing his eyes for courage, “was for the possessed to stay in the dark, enclosed rooms, and their souls and bodies be tortured by these Grobes. It’s my understanding that a human soul is most valuable to Serpious if it’s tormented. Then, something called an Amassor comes in. Amassors are more complex beings than Grobes, which can simulate the appearance of a human much like a Scout does. They appear at the different gathering sites and collect the souls that were tortured. They do this with a stone that they also wear around their neck. All they have to do is step into the room, and the tortured souls are drawn from the bodies and into it. Serpious assured us, however, that our souls would be safe from the Grobes and the Amassors, which is why he personally marked our foreheads. The number four signifies our place within his army. One is for the Scouts, two is for the Grobes, three is for the Amassors, and four is for his human accomplices.

  Alyx saw the mark clearer now. It looked like a tattoo and was definitely the shape of the number four. The way Serpious etched the symbol into this skin, it appeared like a child’s handwriting, shaky and disproportionate, but incredibly spooky.

  “After the Amassors collect the souls, we were to travel back to Serpious. But we weren’t privy as to what Serpious’ plan was with the souls or what the final phase would be. That was everything we were told.”

  Atticus searched the crowd again, but nobody said a word as they stared with frozen expressions. He finally pulled his hand from his pocket and wrung them together.

  Oman touched his shoulder. “Right, my child. That’s the only puzzle piece missing now. We know Serpious’ intention is to steal the human souls and can only surmise it’s because he seeks the infinite energy they possess. However, it’s probably better that we don’t know exactly what he does with them. It’s bad enough that he takes them against their will – and in such a horrible, brutal way. Thank you, Atticus.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied timidly.

  “Does anyone have any questions?”

  The large man in the back raised his hand, the only one who had the guts to say anything. “Why do you do this… tell us their secrets?” he groused in a thick Russian brogue.

  Atticus dropped his hands but couldn’t bring himself to look at the man directly. “Well, even though they promised my soul a place in their army, to live as one of them – powerful and undefeatable, as they called it – I had a change of heart. I felt like what they were doing was wrong. The souls that were created here should stay where they belong, in this part of the universe. And the next thing I know, Audrey snatches me up this afternoon at the store while I’m out buying something for dinner,” he replied while pointing to the red head next to Christineth. “I had only changed my mind the day before and was incredibly nervous about how I would get out of it.” His eyes lifted to Oman. “And I have to say, I was relieved to be brought here… away from them.”

  “I know, my boy,” he replied and pulled him close for another friendly embrace.

  Alyx looked to her brethren as they sat on the benches ahead of her and wondered if they finally grasped the seriousness of everything. They only had one chance, and who knew how much time, to avenge what was done. Tears formed in her brown eyes. Everyone she had known in this lifetime; Frederick, Stacey, Erica, Jessica, Moe, Agnosio, even Mona, these creatures had possessed and tormented them, all for greed and power, with not so much as one ounce of sympathy for their delicate, human lives. Serpious and his beasts were the epitome of everything monstrous and vile. But how long did they have until they left for good, along with the precious human souls?

  “If nobody else has anything further for him, I’ll introduce the next gifted human,” Oman said.

  Alyx raised her hand.

  Oman nodded in her direction.

  As all eyes blazed into her, anxiety crept in. “Y-yes,” she said shakily, and Cindra squeezed her hand tighter. “My question is about time. How long do we have to figure out how to defeat them before they leave?”

  Atticus shook his head. “Unfortunately, I don’t know how long they plan on staying. They didn’t disclose that to us either. Once they get what they came for, I’m sure it’s only a matter of hours or days. Although, like Oman suggested earlier, time to them bears little relevance. It could be a lot longer, or even shorter, than we could ever anticipate.”

  Alyx smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

  Willow’s arm shot into the air again. “So does that mean the souls are already taken?”

  “A lot of the souls have more than likely been captured, yes.”

  “Then what are we doing here? Everyone’s already dead! They’re all dead!” the Russian man cried from the back.

  “Do not be so narrow-minded, Yuri,” Prolificent said chidingly. “Just because these beasts ruined their vessels, doesn’t mean their life doesn’t exist in another form. They carry on in their spirits that Serpious stole. They deserve to be in the afterlife with their loved ones. We’re going to try and get them back.”

  “And, just as importantly, make Serpious pay,” Diamort added. “This isn’t only about justice, we’re seeking vengeance.”

  Yuri hung his head and mumbled.

  “Thank you, Atticus,” Oman said to move the meeting along.

  Atticus bowed and hurried off the stage.

  * * *

  Ever since arriving, not so much as a brief image flickered through Isaac’s mind during sleep. This was as much troubling as it was peaceful, however. His dreams had become increasingly disturbing over the past few days.

  As he roused, he much wished he could fall back to sleep. It was his only reprieve from the stabbing pain in his back. He did feel slightly better this time, although, nothing too significant, but his body no longer dripped with sweat and breathing didn’t induce waves of pain. Maybe the water, incense, dressings, and bitter tea were slowly working their magic. Very slowly.

  His back wasn’t the only thing that hurt him, though. Now that the pain of his inflamed wound had muted some, a gnawing burn churned on the inside as though he had swallowed a flaming pebble. Almost how a dreadful ulcer would feel. He recalled the moment in the stairwell when the beast invaded his body, how it tore at his insides before Alyx stepped in. This must be the after effects.

  His memory snapped back to their car ride to the gateway, how he connected the dots that Alyx’s snooping led the beasts to his home. For God’s sake, Alyx, he thought with a heavy bitterness. Every pain he experienced reminded him once again how her carelessness had brought the monsters to his doorstep, and he resented the fact that it could have been Micah.

  Interrupting his thoughts, Julie walked by the opening with her arms full of firewood, and she glanced in his direction. She dropped the bundle and scurried to his side. “You’re awake again! Do you need anything?” she asked, kneeling beside him with a cheery smile, “and your fever seems to have lifted.”

  “I’m ok,” he said with a noticeably smoother voice. “Now that the nasty incense has burned down some.”

  Julie giggled brightly. “Funny guy, I see.”

  He gave his best effort of a smile in return. His intention was to be honest, not witty.

  “I know, Dr. Wu insisted those stay lit while you heal, but I see your sweats are gone. Would you like another glass of water?”


  She poured the water into the glass, and her face scrunched as her thoughts churned. “When the incense burn out completely, I’ll just pretend I didn’t know. It will be our little secret,” she said with a resolute nod.

  She held the straw to his mouth, and he studied her features as his lips wrapped around it. When her face relaxed, her eyes remained somewhat squinted and shone with a rich green hue. His eyes remained fixated there as he was afraid that he might gawk at her quite sizable, perky breasts. His lips pulled from the straw. “So, how old are you, Julie?” he
asked to make conversation, trying his best to sound congenial and not like a pervert. He also wanted to make sure he wasn’t admiring someone underage. She could easily have been eighteen or younger.

  “I’m twenty-four,” she replied, and the apples of her cheeks blushed pink.

  He grinned with pressed lips in return, embarrassed that the personal question had flattered her.

  She set the glass beside the cot. “You should probably drink some more of Dr. Wu’s tea now.”

  His memory flashed back to the last time he drank it, and his tongue protruded from his lips involuntarily. “Ugh.”

  “I know,” she said with a chuckle. “It’s awful, but he says it will make you better. It has Bosweilia and Cats Claw. It’s supposed to help your immune system and keep you from getting an infection.” She looked over her right shoulder at the table filled with herbs in glass jars. “He’s a holistic doctor, in case you hadn’t already guessed.”

  Her toned legs straightened as she stood, and her khaki shorts revealed a little more thigh than necessary. “I’ll be back with some fresh tea.”

  “Ok,” he replied and closed his eyes. Don’t be a pervert.

  Her finger tapped against her lips as she headed for the opening. “Oh yeah, and I also need to get a fresh dressing of Comfrey Poultice,” she muttered to herself.

  “Of what?”

  She turned once she had made it through. “Comfrey Poltice, it disinfects the wound and eases pain. Don’t worry about all of this, though. Dr. Wu’s very good at what he does,” she said and melted into the night.

  When she disappeared, Isaac rolled his eyes. I wish I could just get some morphine, or even a couple of Advil.

  * * *

  Oman extended his arm toward Jeremiah. “Our next human is one of our two prophets. Will you please make your way up here, Jeremiah?”

  Two prophets? Remarkable.

  The tall man sauntered onto the stage with his arms swinging wide and reached for Oman. They embraced, patting each other’s backs, and he faced the audience. “Hello, all,” he said with his hands pressed together in front of his chest.

  Alyx glanced at the Elders and Spirit Guides as Jeremiah greeted the audience. They all smiled at him with adoration. He has them wrapped, she thought.

  “It’s nice to finally gather together and meet one another. Like Oman said, I am a prophet. I see visions while awake, almost like in a daydream, but can only see as far as two days ahead. I’ve had a few come to me already, and I can’t wait to work with Oman and utilize the infinite wisdom he will undoubtedly bestow upon me.

  Alyx wanted to gag and tried incredibly hard not to roll her eyes.

  “That is all I have to say at present. I am unable to share any of the visions I receive, except directly with Oman.”

  “Is there a reason for that?” Dr. Wu asked, shooting his hand through the air at the last minute, “I believe we should all be informed of what’s going on.”

  Jeremiah’s head jerked back. “I, um-

  “This was a rule that I implemented,” Oman replied. “And for a very important reason. Everyone’s visions can be interpreted many ways, but this happens to be my specialty so I will be the only one to help them. If this is handled any other way, we might have twenty different theories or interpretations out there that will only confuse, and then eminently, slow us down further.”

  Dr. Wu nodded his thanks.

  Oman touched Jeremiah’s shoulder and waved toward the stairs. “You may return to your seat.”

  The old man watched to make sure he safely made it off of the platform and faced the audience. “We also have one other prophet with us. His name is Isaac. He was the one who was hurt on his journey and cannot attend tonight.

  Everyone’s eyes wandered to Alyx, and her eyes shot to her lap.

  “But his presence here is incredibly important, perhaps more so than any other human. Only because we can compare both his and Jeremiah’s visions and find similarities. This will give me a clearer read on future events.

  “I will now ask Dr. Wu to retire back to his patient so he can continue to work on him. We ask that you say your prayers and send positive thoughts his way.

  “Thank you,” Dr. Wu said and shot off of the bench.

  “For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Wu is a holistic doctor. We are pleased to have him here. Now,” he said, extending both of his arms toward the large man in the back, “its time to introduce Yuri.” Oman returned to his spot beside Malachai, who moved into his place.

  With the mention of his name, Yuri’s head snapped up, and he frowned as the crowd turned to observe him.

  “Please, come join us up here,” Malachai insisted.

  “I don’t want to,” he huffed.

  Everyone’s eyes widened, and they spun back around. The Elders leaned into each other’s ears and whispered.

  Malachai’s expression softened. “I beg of you, Yuri. Please, come tell them of your extraordinary gift.”

  The Russian man stared back at him defiantly and stood with clinched fists. “I said not today,” he said stiffly and made his way for the tents.

  “Are you just going to let him leave?” Prolificent gasped.

  Malachai watched as Yuri left. “Since he does not wish to speak, I will in his stead.

  Prolificent threw up his hands in frustration.

  “Yuri has the gift of tongues. He can decipher, through layers upon layers of dimensions, what a spirit says in any language.”

  Jeremiah raised his hand. “He’s a medium?”

  “Incredibly similar. He will be working with me, but his gift is already so advanced, there won’t be much training needed on his part.”

  Natalia’s doll-like hand rose into the air. “Does this mean, then, that the humans will come into contact with these beasts?”

  “Very intuitive, my dear, but we aren’t sure what the future holds. We can’t discount that it is a possibility.”

  After hearing how similar Natalia’s and Yuri’s accents were, Alyx made the connection that he was her former Marked. Even though Natalia’s draw wasn’t bound to him anymore, she still felt protective of him. Alyx liked her even more already.

  “I think that concludes our introductions of the humans in attendance,” Malachai continued. “But we do have three more that I haven’t mentioned. One is Julie who is a nurse and was watching over Isaac while the Doctor attended the meeting. The other is Micah. He is the youngest of us at the age of thirteen, and I request that everyone show him special favor in that regard. He will also be working with me and is the one with the gift of ‘spiritual eyesight’ as we mentioned earlier. He can see entities in the other dimensions. As you can guess, he’s had a hard time adjusting to the recent changes in environment. Luckily, his father Isaac is here as well, so he is not without a parental figure. But let’s make sure we lift him up in your thoughts and prayers also.

  Everyone nodded fervently.

  But how is it that Micah can see them clearer than WE could, Alyx wondered, and her hand shot up from the back of the crowd.

  “Yes, my child.”

  “How is it that he can see these beings better than us?”

  “Well, for one, he is a human. He is not a pure entity like us. As mentioned before, these beasts’ wickedness prevents us from seeing them, but because the Creator gifted Micah with this divine talent and he was born into sin, he is able to see them more clearly.”

  Makes sense. “Thank you.”

  “And last but not least is Lumen. She did not wish to join us tonight, but has the gift of reading auras. She will help us determine the state of every human’s gift, if they’ve made progress and matured, and if they’ve regressed. This will prove most helpful during our training, but she is incredibly shy. I’m not sure when you’ll be able to meet her.”

  Prolificent shot Diamort a disgusted glare.

  Don’t ever miss a meeting, Alyx reminded herself. Or forget my robe.

  * * *

hadn’t returned, and Isaac thought about drifting into another slumber to avoid drinking the tea she would ultimately bring back with her. A shadow approached the tent from the outside, and he closed his eyes to pretend.

  He expected to hear Julie’s footsteps patter across the grass inside the tent, but her feet stopped at the threshold.

  A whispering voice rolled through the air. “Quien es este?”

  Isaac opened one eye and peered across the tent. Julie? A bony woman with sunken eyes and long, gray hair stood in the doorway. She took a small step, and her worn, patchwork skirt dusted the tops of her bare feet. “Se han visto ensombrecidos,” she muttered and pointed her emaciated finger toward him.

  He pinched his eyelids tighter. What the hell?

  She continued whispering in Spanish as her footsteps approached him, but Isaac didn’t fear the old lady. She seemed harmless. Crazy maybe, but harmless all the same.

  Smack! Her hands clapped together, and his eyes flew open. “Despertarse!” she yelled.

  Her eyes widened as they locked to Isaac’s. “Si, Se han visto ensombrecidos,” she repeated and turned on her heels to flee the tent, leaving a behind a sense of unease.

  * * *

  Despite the small twinkling of hope from learning of the humans’ gifts, the mood around the gathering place had slowly grown glum. Up until this very hour, nobody had fathomed just how improbable their chances were at being victorious. After all, they had the Creator on their side. And while that was still true, it never crossed their minds that His powers would be limited in this battle to retain the human souls. It was possible for the invaders to be the victors, after all. Very possible. The Creator had lost two other planets to them, as well.


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