Misplacing His Mate

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Misplacing His Mate Page 6

by M. L. Briers

  He ran both hands under her skirt, taking the fabric with him as he travelled up her outer thighs. Cupping the ample cheeks of her backside in his hands, he lifted her slightly from the stool, releasing the fabric from beneath her backside and slipping her panties downwards. He yanked the silk down over her knees before he placed her heated flesh back against the stool.

  Tanya put the palms of her hands flat against his chest and pushed. Evan released her mouth, his eyes on hers, and a question in his gaze for a long moment before she fisted his top and yanked it upwards.

  His heart slammed into his ribs. For one long moment he thought she was going to stop him and he didn’t want to be stopped. He needed her, had needed her for the past week, and even though he would stop if she told him too, he was so damn grateful that she hadn’t.

  Evan helped her yank his top off and he tossed it on the counter beside them. Her eyes feasted on the hard muscled chest. The pink tip of her tongue ran over her parted hips as her hands palmed his bare flesh. Her fingers curled against his skin and her nails clawed down over the hard buds of his nipples.

  Evan closed his eyes and let the pleasure of what she was doing wash through him. The low growl of desire rumbled through his chest beneath her hands and spread through her body. Her arousal grew. She could feel the heat and wetness that had gathered between her thighs. Her sex literally pulsed with a need for him to fill her. She ran her nails down over the washboard muscles of his abdomen, following the line of hair that was like a runway to the hardness straining against his jeans.

  Tanya’s fingers flicked open the button at the waistband and so very slowly ran the zipper downwards. His eyes snapped open and he cupped her face, bringing her head up and her eyes to his. She noted how dark they had become, a moment before he claimed her mouth, devouring her with so much raw passion that her hands froze in place as she reached for his erection.

  Letting her up for air, his hands were fast to pull her top up and off her body. The slight chill to the air rushed over her heated skin and caused goosebumps over the flesh. Her nipples were rock hard against the satin of her bra, and he reached for her breasts, cupping the satin and rubbing his thumbs over the strain in the fabric, she melted even more.

  His lips trailed a line of kisses down her neck and his tongue found his mark in her shoulder, swirling over each invisible mark separately before he closed his lips and sucked hard. She had no idea that her shoulder was so devastatingly connected to her womb, her sex, but his touch against her skin could have been his mouth against her, his tongue inside her, and she moaned again.

  Her hands found the waistband of his jeans at his hips and she pushed down, releasing his erection and causing him to growl long and hard as he found the freedom he sought.

  He hooked his fingers into the straps of her bra and dragged the satin down her upper arms. The material brushed over her nipples and away, as she pulled her arms from the straps, free to reach for his hardness once again, and she wrapped her fingers around the thick base. Satin wrapped around hard steel in her hand as she stroked down, and felt him jerk and twitch against her hold.

  “I promised I’d have you in my bed…”Evan breathed against her ear and felt her other hand on his chest, pushing him back away from her again.

  “Beds are overrated.”She hissed out. Running her nails down his chest again, she followed them down with her tongue against his heated skin. She nipped a hard nipple on the way down and he closed his eyes and growled.

  Evan revelled in the feel on her hands and her tongue on his body. He was planning to stop her before she went too far. His need for her was great, and he wanted to be inside her.

  Suddenly she was already tasting him with her tongue, swirling around the head and over the slit, and his eyes flew open. His hands reached for her, but she shucked him off, intent on tasting him and recapturing what she hadn’t known she needed this last week.

  Evan clenched down on his jaw when she took just the tip of him into her mouth. Closing her lips around his girth and sucking hard as her tongue did wicked things around the sensitive ridge and over the slit that offered up a taste of him.

  Evan fisted his hands into her hair on either side of her head, holding her in place as she worked over him, unwilling to move when it felt this damn good. His growl was now as constant as his deep breaths in and out. His eyes looked down upon her. Her body was practically doubled over on the stool as she ravished him. Her backside was jutting out over the edge and he imagined himself behind her, lifting her skirt and pushing into her, and his hips moved involuntarily of his brain. He slid into her mouth, remembering how she felt around him as she took him down into her throat.

  “Christ…”Evan couldn’t control his damn hips from moving, a slow side in and out, as far as she could take him with the girth of him running against her teeth. “My damn turn.”He growled out between clenched teeth as he released her hair and wrapped his hands around her upper arms. Bringing her mouth away for his length with a wet tug where she sucked so hard, unwilling to release him, that he very nearly spilled his essence right there on the kitchen floor.

  In one quick movement he’d turned her body on the stool and was standing in front of her. Her back was too the counter top and when he dipped his head and covered one aching nipple, he suckled so hard and fast that her back arched against the cool counter and her head went back.

  Tanya gasped in a breath and reached for his head. Her fingers twined through his hair and she held him against her, wanting more, needing more. She got it, with one hand he cupped her other breast and rubbed the nipple between his finger and thumb, and the other hand travelled under the bunched up fabric of her skirt to run over the wet moisture of her folds.

  Evan wanted to bury himself within the wet heat of her channel, but he knew she needed to be full of her own juices to ease his way. She was damn tight, that he did remember from their night together, and when his finger eased into her, he knew every inch, knew just where to find that sweet spot inside her, and he stroked over it.

  Tanya’s backside came off the stool as she lifted her hips towards his touch. Her feet were wedged against the footrest and she arched her back over the counter, making it easier for him to suckle her breast and stroke his finger inside her.

  “I need you…”She gave a damn good impression of a Lycan female as she growled her desires.

  “Not yet, you’re not ready…”He added another finger inside her. Stretching her around him as he stroked faster.

  “But I need…”She squirmed against him. Evan felt her frustration as if it were his own. He found his mark against her shoulder and bit down with blunt teeth, stilling her body and focusing her mind on just his touch as he licked hard against his mark, finding her nub with his thumb and working it fast. “Come for me.”

  Tanya needed no more than that to send her over the edge. Her back arched further towards him as the orgasm took over her body, sending wave after wave of throbbing pleasure through her.

  Evan dropped to his knees on the floor before her. His need to taste her far outweighed his need to be inside her right now. Her scent alone was driving him insane, but when he swiped his tongue, long and hard up the length of her sex, he nearly lost his mind with desire.

  Tanya came back to the feel of his tongue thrusting inside her channel, curling against the walls and making her burn with frustration and need.

  “Evan…”She lost her fingers in his wild hair and pulled and tugged against him until he let her loose. She saw his eyes were black with desire as he got to his feet. His jeans had worked down around his ankles and he took a moment to kick them off. His hands found her hips and he yanked her backside right to the edge of the stool. He looked every inch the predator as he stood there between her thighs, and she caught her breath.

  The length of him stood hard and proud and he fisted it in his hand. His eyes never left hers, holding her in place with the intensity that she saw there. He directed the bulbous crimson head against her chann
el and eased inside, just far enough for the head to disappear, to spread her pulsing walls around the size of him, and then he pushed his hips towards her in a slow progression inside.

  Tanya couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t look away from his gaze as he entered her. One long, slow push through the muscles that clenched around him, making her tighter, causing him to growl out his pleasure as she massaged him into her, taking him almost to the hilt in one long movement.

  He stopped then. Leaning in over her body as she lay back against the counter top, his hand ran down her spine and splayed against her backside, lifting her off the stool, his hips pushed forwards, and he filled her to the hilt.

  Her breath came out of her on one long moan. He filled her so completely, stretching her around him, and when her inner muscles clenched, they couldn’t move that far. She was so damn full of him that her muscles throbbed around his shaft.

  His mouth was back against her breast and he nipped the sensitive nipple. His hips pulled back, causing a tortuously slow exit from inside her, and she tried to thrust her hips up to take him back inside, but his hands clamped down on her hips and he held her in place.

  “I said it was my turn…”He growled against her breast before he turned his eyes up towards hers and she shook her head.

  “You had your turn…”Tanya reminded him, but she saw the devilment in his eyes and her heart skipped a beat.

  “I’ve not finished my turn yet, sweetheart. Be still or I’ll turn you around and make sure there isn’t anywhere for you to go…”Tanya heard the deep growl that rolled through every word. Whatever he had in mind, seemed to fire up his eyes and his imagination, and she almost longed to know what it was.

  “Threat or promise?”She teased. Trying to raise her hips again and take him back inside.

  “I don’t make threats.”Evan pulled out of her completely and her eyes flashed with need. He let go of one hip, put his arm under her back and lifted her up from the counter. Turning the stool around in one quick movement had her feeling decidedly off balance. She realised that she was facing the counter top. He yanked the stool back slightly and her palms flew to the counter to stabilise her body, even though she knew he would never let her fall.

  Evan wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her from the stool, taking her weight from the seat so his other hand could raise the stool up. He pulled her backwards over the seat and pushed down on her back. She was now the perfect height and angle for him to enter her from behind.

  The anticipation mixed with excitement within her and when she felt the tip of him push into her, she tried to move back to meet him, but his body came down over the top of her back, keeping her tucked between him and against the counter. She truly had nowhere to go.

  “A man of your word…”She breathed out. The feel of his hands running down her arms, easing them out in front of her and bring her face so close to the coolness of the counter, made her clench around his thickness.

  “Tell me if you want me to stop, if it’s too much for you, and I’ll let you go in a heartbeat.”He growled beside her ear. The heat of his breath was like a caress against her skin, and he was still pushing deep inside her, slowly, so damn slowly that it was almost torture for her.

  Tanya moaned her understanding. It was all she could do. The feel of him entering her like this was so damn good as she stretched out around him. She felt tighter, or he felt larger, but she could feel every damn vein as he pressed through her muscles, deeper than before, so deep, so full, so damn good.

  He moved so slowly in and out of her that she didn’t know how he managed to hold onto his needs. He must have been feeling what she was. He must have needed more, and yet he didn’t falter in his movements. Each slow stroke into her pressed her sensitive nub against the soft padding of the stool, and each retreat dragged it back, exposing the nerves under the hood and making her even more sensitive.

  He wasn’t thrusting or pounding into her and yet the intensity of each stroke was building inside her. He raised his body further over her and changed the angle just slightly, but slightly was all it took for him to find that sweet spot and she moaned long and hard as he slid back and forth across it, a slow, long sensation that curled her toes and made her muscles clench within her.

  “I…”She couldn’t find the words. The sensations he was causing were numbing her brain.

  “Do you need me to stop?”He growled against her ear. She could only shake her head.

  “Fast…”She pushed out. Her whole body craved release. Craved speed to get there, craved more, and craved him.

  “No yet, trust me…”He was barely holding onto his own sanity and he could feel hers slipping away. He wanted to thrust to release, for him and for her, but he knew this would be so much better if he waited, teased it out. She was so damn tight around him like this that without his self restraint he could have been thrusting towards release ages ago.

  She was perspiring beneath him and his body was covered in a fine layer of sweat from just abstaining against reaching his orgasm. But every deep push within her was worth a thousand deaths.

  Tanya felt as if her entire body was alive with the intensity of his lovemaking. This wasn’t sex this was so much more than that. This was his body showing hers what true feeling was. It was a connection, almost spiritual between them. As if he was leading her through the darkest days and into the light.

  “I can’t…”She felt him move faster and she almost thanked him for it.

  “Alright, sweetheart. I have you, let it go…”Evan could feel her on the edge between frustration and insanity and took her faster towards where she needed to be. Her nub rubbed back and forth against the soft leather of the seat as he took her from long deep, slow strokes, to fast thrusts that stroked over her sweet spot and made her muscles clench tightly around his hardness as she almost panicked against the rush to climax within her.

  There was no going back, she couldn’t have made her body climb back down if she wanted to, and when her release finally hit her, it took her hard. Every inch of her body seemed to clench tight before the rush of a pleasure so deep washed through her that she couldn’t do anything but hold on for the ride. Her body seemed to twist and turn and yet went nowhere as wave after wave of the most intense throbbing burst from within and raced down every nerve ending.

  She wanted to scream out as it ravaged her body, but she could only bear down with her mind. Her inner muscles clamped and released around him and he thrust deep into her, over and over. The pressure that travelled up his spine and through his sack made him grind his teeth, and he roared with the pleasure as he buried himself inside her and spilled his seed, over and again, until he had nothing left to give.

  His muscles quivered throughout his body. For a long moment he felt as weak as a pup. His body was caged around hers like a protective shield. He’d been separated from his mate for too long and he couldn’t let it happen again, wouldn’t let it happen again. No matter what she needed from him to stay within his life, his arms, he would gladly give it.

  “Tanya…”He brushed her fingertips gently against her cheek. Her eyes were still closed and she was flushed from her orgasm, but damn she looked glorious. His mate his one true love. “You ok, sweetheart?”

  “Tired, but so very ok.”A small smile pulled at her lips and he couldn’t help but grin.

  Easing out of her, he already felt the loss, but when he reached for her and took her into his arms, his protective instinct was stronger than at any other time in his life.

  “Can walk…”She offered so quietly that even he had to strain to hear her. She instinctively curled against his chest.

  “Darlin’, you can’t even open your eyes.”He offered on a gentle growl and followed it up with a satisfied chuckle. Carrying her from the kitchen and through the house as he made his way to their bedroom was even more satisfying. She was finally going to sleep within his arms, within his bed, where she should have been in the first place.

  “Could if I wan
ted…”Tanya didn’t know if that statement was accurate or not. She was so tired that she didn’t even care that he was carrying her. If anything it felt nice, safe. She felt cared for, maybe for the first time in her life, and with everything that had happened she needed that now.

  “This is not good.”Dee stood outside the hotel and looked at the gleaming windows and the welcome sign and her heart sank. She was supposed to be with Tanya, moral support and all that.

  Now here she was with a broken car, an over protective wolf, who she was sure had been growling at the recovery driver just for daring to sit in the same cab and kindly give them a lift here, before he towed the car to the garage. And of course the man had dared to speak to her, something akin to hello. The travesty of it all. Now she was going to have to spend the night in a damned hotel…

  “It could have been worse…”Dee held up her hand, but it was too late, those fateful words had already come out of his mouth and she cursed under her breath.

  “Are you kidding me? Tempt fate to make things worse, why don’t you. After all, you already killed my car.”Dee bit out. She could say she wasn’t best pleased right now, but that would be the understatement of the year.

  Aidan shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans and stared up at the welcome sign rather than face her.

  “I did not kill your car, it’s a piece of junk…”He bit out and she immediately turned on him.

  “You drive like an old woman, slower even. I thought you guys had quick reflexes and twenty-twenty vision. You should have let me drive…”She crossed her arms over her chest and seethed.

  “I didn’t want to end up in a ditch…”He growled out of the corner of his mouth before taking that first step towards the entrance.

  “With an attitude like that, who’s to say you won’t.”She warned. She didn’t want to follow him inside, but what real choice did she have? She was stuck in the middle of nowhere, and by nowhere she meant it, a hotel, a garage, and a couple of houses. And if she were entirely honest, she hadn’t been paying enough attention to know where this particular nowhere was.


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