Her Forbidden Harem

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Her Forbidden Harem Page 3

by Savannah Skye

  “I’m not letting these bastards change who I am or what I do,” I snapped back at him, finally able to get a word in.

  “They’ll change you from a living person to a dead one, and you won’t get any say in that,” Jackson replied. “Just to be clear; as a person, I don’t care if you live or die. I don’t imagine the world is going to be any the worse off for the loss of you. But if you die then I don’t get paid. Also, I have a feeling your dad is not the forgiving type.”

  I’d had enough of this. “If you’re quite done being a jerk, I’m going home.”

  I started to walk away but Jackson grabbed my arm, hauling me back. “This way.”

  “Home is this way.”

  “My car is this way.”

  “I’m walking.”

  “The hell you are.”

  He began to pull me along by the arm in the direction of his car and, for some reason, I found myself allowing him to take me.

  “You know I could pull off your arm, right?”

  “That’s what those wolves back there thought and you saw how that worked out for them.”

  “You took them by surprise. You might want to start being nicer to me if you don’t want me to kill you where you stand.”

  “Go ahead and do it then,” spat Jackson.

  “How did you find me?”

  Jackson snorted in derision. “You’re not that big of a mystery, Miss Hokkai. Once we found you were gone and realized you were dead set on doing the dumbest thing imaginable, then we knew you’d have gone to the most dangerous place you could. There’re a few bars in Hokkai territory that you’d have to be a complete moron to go near, so we split up to check them.”

  Yanking on my arm, he threw me against the side of his car then opened the back door.

  “Get in.”

  “No.” I was just disobeying for the hell of it now. I was actually kind of grateful for the lift back, but I didn’t want there to be any misunderstanding about who was in charge here.

  “Get in the damn car.”

  “Make me, if you’re so all that.”

  Jackson glared. “Look, tomorrow, when I tell your father about what you did tonight, he’s going to tear you a new one. Don’t make things worse on yourself.”

  “You’re not going to tell my father anything,” I replied.

  “Oh yes I…”

  “If you tell him I went out,” I interrupted, “then you’ve got to tell him that I gave you the slip. Very easily, as it happens. You’ve got to tell him that it took you so long to find me I was able to pick up a dude and get attacked. You’ve got to tell him how close I came to getting my head cut off. How do you think he’s going to react to that, smart guy?”

  From the look on Jackson’s face, these were not factors that he had considered. Frustration tussled with anger across his features.

  “Get in the car.”

  “Why don’t you get in the car and I’ll drive.”

  Jackson scoffed. “This is a nice car. It’s European. I don’t think you can handle the stick.”

  “I never met a stick I couldn’t handle.”

  “Or one that you didn’t, I bet. But even so, you’re not getting your hands on my stick. Get in the car.”

  I stood right up to him, my head not much higher than his chest. “Make me.”

  I didn’t actually expect him to, so I was caught unawares when Jackson grabbed my arms and tossed me onto the back seat, squealing in anger as I went. But as I went, I caught hold of a handful of his shirt and pulled, dragging him with me and ripping the stretched T-shirt he wore.

  Jackson looked at the tear. “You little bitch, that’s my favorite T-shirt.”

  “You should get one that fits.” On a whim, I grabbed at the rip and tore in further, revealing the sculpted abs of Jackson’s stomach – damn, he was fine.

  “You little…” Jackson stared as if he could not quite believe what I had just done. “If I’d done that to someone, my dad would have taken his belt to me. It’s a shame your daddy never put you across his knee and gave you the whupping you deserve. I’ve half a mind to do it myself.”

  “Just you try it,” I growled. If he laid a finger on me, I really would hurt him – I didn’t care how they raised their children in Wolf Taker communities, but if anyone tried that shit with me, they were going home without their intestines.

  “I don’t hurt women.” The way he said it made me wonder if I had touched a chord, but I had no brain space now to examine the statement further.

  “I’m walking home.” I grabbed for the door handle behind me but Jackson’s hand was on the lock before I could pull it, and his other swiftly encircled my wrist. I grabbed for the lock and he took possession of my other hand. In the limited confines of the car, we struggled, him on top of me, trying to control someone he knew could turn wolf and tear him limb from limb in an instant. I had to give him that – the guy had balls. In the heat of the struggle, our bodies moved closer and I felt a tightness in my stomach that I normally associated with a very different physical activity.

  Much as I like human males, much as Jackson was the most impressive example of a human male I had ever seen, and however viscerally attractive I reluctantly found him, I wasn’t comfortable feeling these hot, tight feelings about a Wolf Taker. I wrenched my hands free, which I guess I could have done at any point, and pushed Jackson back. He hovered over me, and in his eyes I thought I saw some of the heated confusion that must have been in my own.

  I needed to do something to break the moment, something stupid, something childish, something to remind him that I was a ‘little kid’ and restore our relationship to antagonism. Because God alone knew what would happen if things went the other way. My eyes lit on the rip in his shirt and, without even thinking, I grabbed it and pulled again, tearing the T-shirt wide open into a tattered waistcoat, framing his superb torso. I hadn’t really considered that. Yes, I had done something childish and stupid, but I had also made more of his strong body visible to me.

  Jackson looked down at his torn clothes in shock. “What the hell is wrong with you? Let’s see how you like it!”

  I don’t think he was thinking clearly either. When I had turned wolf earlier, my denim skirt had split up one thigh. Now, Jackson grabbed the skirt and yanked the tear wide, his powerful muscles busting the waistband so the skirt lay in tattered halves across my hips. From the look on Jackson’s face, he had not thought out the consequences any more than I had. The look of confusion I had noted in his eyes had been replaced by one of fierce heat as he stared at my bared loins. The sapphire blue triangle of my panties, fringed in black lace, was at the center of his vision, and seemed to palpitate under the intensity of his gaze. It seemed to me it might have burst into flames any second, either from the heat of Jackson’s stare from above, or the heat of my core below. That fragile garment was all that stood between us and a really bad idea, and right now, it was doing a lousy job, seeming to accentuate the heat rather than quench it.

  Jackson swallowed, trying to get control of himself, but a growing bulge in the front of his jeans told me that control was proving hard to find.

  “Will you be good now, and stay in the car?” I could hear the ragged strain in Jackson’s voice as he fought his own desire.

  “I’ll be good wherever you want me to be,” I answered. I knew it was a bad idea but flirting is second nature to me and… damn it all, I really wanted him.

  Jackson’s breathing was getting heavier and more noticeable. “You’re making this a lot harder.”

  My eyes flicked to the constrained lump in his pants. “I can tell.”

  “Damn it.” Jackson shook his head clear and pulled back away from me, sucking in air as if it was cooling his system. “I’ll drive us back.”

  I nodded, using the tattered remains of my skirt to cover my near nakedness. The danger had passed, thank God Jackson had had the self-control to pull back from something we would have both regretted. Enjoyed, but regretted. Really fucking enjo
yed, but regretted. Just because you want something so badly you can taste desire like aluminum in your mouth, like the tang of adrenalin, just because your whole body is crying out for something, screaming with the need to be satisfied, just because it would feel so incredibly good to give way to that desperate need; doesn’t mean it’s right.

  Jackson stepped back out of the car door and I breathed in with a slight sigh of disappointment that I could not suppress, a little keening noise of thwarted desire. He almost managed to get the door closed. But not quite.

  In the next instant, Jackson was back in the car on top of me and I dragged him to me, tasting his lips and feeling a relief that burned hotter than desire flowing through me.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I whined through gritted teeth. Jackson’s weight pressed me into the seat of the car and I felt him against me; hot, hard and so very big. I tugged at his clothes, unwilling to wait another second for a moment that I had thought was not to come.

  Just because something isn’t right, just because it’s a dumb idea, just because you’ll regret it and it will have consequences you are ill-prepared to deal with; doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.

  Chapter 4

  Jackson’s kiss was almost like an attack, laying claim to my lips, and the second he pulled back to breathe, I made a counter-attack, lunging at his neck. For a werewolf, going for the jugular is second nature, but I didn’t want to rip his throat out, I just wanted to taste the skin of his neck, to lick the sweat from him and see how he responded. He growled – not quite like a wolf, but not far off – and kissed me again on the mouth, harder still. I broke away and bit at his lower lip, tugging at it before biting along the line of his jaw, adding a frisson of danger to the heady mix of forbidden lust that filled the car and made the windows steam up.

  By now, my hands were busy lower down, undoing Jackson’s belt and pants. This felt like a moment that had to be captured now before it got away – any minute, one or the other of us might stop what we were doing for long enough to let common sense make itself felt through the lust, and that would be it. If we were going to do this thing that we both wanted so badly, then it had to be quickly before our bodies caught up to our brains and realized how spectacularly dumb it was. I tore open Jackson’s pants and dragged them down his hips, his underwear coming with them. I reached for the object of my desire that I had freed, and as I caught it in my grasping hand, iron hard and hot enough to burn, I wondered how the hell it had ever fit in his pants. I’d never noticed any appreciable difference in size between humans and werewolves – you get what nature gave you. As far as Jackson was concerned, nature had given with both hands.

  As Jackson gasped into my mouth as I touched him, consumed with desire for me and pleasure in what I was doing, I wrapped both hands about his steely organ and beat them hard along its straining length. Then, on a wolfish impulse, I drew my nails down the hard shaft, making Jackson leap at the unexpected and thrilling shock of pain. He pulled back from me, his cock bounding out of my reach. In quick response, I strafed my nails across his torso, leaving white trails on the hard flesh. He snarled in anger and ripped my flimsy panties from my body.

  I flung my legs about him, grabbed him by the tattered halves of his shirt, and pulled him down on top of me, needing to feel him inside me now. There was no need or time for foreplay, this had to happen now or we were both going to explode, or worse still; think. Jackson was as urgent as me in his movements, planting fierce, fleeting kisses over my face. Then, as I grabbed his strong member and guided it to the wet heat between my thighs, he arched his hips forward and we both cried out together as he entered me.

  Big though he was, and Jackson had to be the biggest I had ever been with, my furious arousal made me slick enough for him to go all the way in with one virile shove, burying himself right to the root, driving the air from me along with my fragile hold on sanity. He felt incredible, his cock as strong and masculine as his body; so powerful and so fucking mine. I grabbed his ass with both hands, digging my nails into the hard flesh to spur him on, and raised my legs to plant my feet against the roof of the car, bracing myself against the pounding I was expecting and hoping for.

  Jackson withdrew so just the bloated head of his cock remained inside me, then he thrust back in, his hips smacking against mine, knocking the air out of me again and making me cry out afresh. He did it again. Then again and again, getting faster and faster, pulling out less far but driving in just as hard with every stroke, building his rhythm until he was pounding his hips against mine, nailing me to the back seat of the car while I yelped and barked at each thrust. His strength was unbelievable, and I tugged on his powerful ass cheeks, feeling the muscles in his hips flex and strain, those muscles working just to pleasure me.

  “Yeah… Yeah... Harder... Harder…”

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted it harder or if I could take it harder, but my demanding body screamed for satisfaction, and Jackson seemed at that moment like the only man in creation who might be able to deliver. He planted his hands either side of my head, staring down at me with wild, lust-filled eyes, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he poured every shred of energy and strength into fucking the hell out of me. Battering my hips with his own, while his cock forged a path of pure, piercing ecstasy as it filled me over and over.

  I scored my nails across the pumping spheres of his ass.

  “Harder! Harder! Harder!” I chanted as he fucked on, unable to say anything else coherent. The heat in the car was sweltering and my insides were already boiling with the promise of a fantastic orgasm towards which Jackson was fucking me with the speed and power of an express train. The man was unstoppable and uncontrollable. There was a wildness to him that was almost wolfish, and I could not help hoping that this was something I had brought out of him.

  “Harder!” I was on the brink, teetering on the sharp edge of orgasm.

  And Jackson knew it. Just as I was expecting him to pummel me to the pinnacle of pleasure, he pulled out, leaving me bereft, writhing on the seat in front of him, more submissive than I could ever have imagined being with a human.

  “No! Don’t stop. Please. Fuck me.”

  Jackson grinned, apparently enjoying seeing me like this, and enjoying the pleasant discomfort of deferred pleasure, for he, too, had been close to coming. His swollen cock, long and rock-hard, bounced in front of me, seeming to tease me with its nearness.


  Jackson grabbed me and flipped me over onto my front. Automatically, I stuck my ass up in the air, presenting myself to him. For a while longer, he tormented me, pushing his long cock between my legs, rubbing the shaft along my fiery slit but never entering as I whined and pleaded, wriggling my ass against him. But Jackson was as hot as I was, and not keen to deny himself for too long. I gasped in relief as he went back into me, hard enough that his hips smacked against my upturned ass.

  With one foot on the floor of the car and the other kneeling on the seat, Jackson went at me again, quickly re-establishing his pounding rhythm, reigniting the temporarily eased fire in my loins. Now, I was glad of the brief hiatus, it would mean a longer fucking, as long as I could endure, and there was something painfully pleasurable in the frustration of it. Gripping the seat in both hands, I powered my hips back into him, giving as hard as I got.

  “Ahh!” I bit my lip sharply as Jackson landed a smack on my right butt cheek, giving me an unexpected bite of new pleasure – though right now every touch was pure pleasure. “Harder. More.”

  Even I didn’t know if I meant the fucking or the spanking, but Jackson delivered both, banging his hips into mine so hard that I could hear him gasping and grunting with effort, but still finding time and energy to deliver another few good smacks to both cheeks. I don’t let men do that to me in bed – anyone who tries it in fun gets a smack across the face, anyone who tries it seriously will be walking home with his junk in a doggie bag. But Jackson… it was different. It fit the moment.

  Having left a few hot,
red handprints on my ass, Jackson gripped my churning hips in both hands and turned his full strength on me. Frankly, I’d thought I had already experienced his full strength – surely a human couldn’t have anything left to give. But Jackson was no ordinary human, as his hips continued to pound back and forth, he now dragged my hips back and forth along the hard length of his shaft to meet him, seeming to double the power of his impact as he slid his cock deep up inside me. I caught his rhythm and matched his efforts, using my whole body to throw myself back onto his impaling cock, now straining and pulsing inside my narrow sheath with the need to blow.

  I grit my teeth, incoherent grinding sounds being forced out of my lungs. Behind me, Jackson was similarly on borrowed time, struggling to get breath as he battled through exhaustion, determined to take me to heaven in style.

  When it happened, it happened for both of us. Our bodies seemed to simultaneously converge on one spectacular moment centered between us – an explosion of hot sensation erupting out from our loins. As my own tidal wave of orgasm flooded through me, I felt Jackson, deep inside me, swell and reach his ultimate moment, shooting his seed into my willing body.

  We collapsed on top of each other as our mutual spends took hold, our bodies heaving and grinding together, our limbs intertwining, tugging at each other’s bodies, determined to wring from one another every last instant of raw pleasure.

  We lay like that awhile as the shockwaves contracted and dissipated, bathed in sweat and utterly spent, until Jackson finally spoke.


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