Her Forbidden Harem

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Her Forbidden Harem Page 13

by Savannah Skye

  The four of us together? Was my brain interpreting that more optimistically than he had meant it?

  “We know that you’ve slept with all three of us,” said Colt.

  I felt a surge of guilt. “Yeah. Sorry about that, it’s just… I like you all.”

  Again, the looks were exchanged and this time Clarke broke the silence. “That’s a relief.”

  “A relief?”

  “Well, we all like you, too. It would be pretty awkward if you only liked one or two of us.”

  Was this actually happening?

  “No, no,” I quickly confirmed. “I definitely like you all. I just… I didn’t think you’d want to…”

  “Share?” suggested Jackson.


  Jackson shrugged. “You’ve seen Hobton. Communal living is our watchword. We share everything.”


  “Well, not as a rule, no,” Colt admitted. “But the three of us chatted and… We can’t let you go. None of us.”

  “Won’t it be weird?”

  “The three of us have lived together much of our lives,” said Jackson. “We may not have gone quite that far before, but it seems like the next logical step.”

  My heart could have sung for joy, but in the next moment, the voices of doubt thrust up. It was still impossible, there were still so many against us. It could not work. But those voices were stomped down again by my own strength of will. They might be right, they probably were, but just for tonight, I would ignore the voices.

  Just for tonight.

  Chapter 17

  As I kissed Jackson, lying on the big bed in my room, it was strange to think back to when we had first… I couldn’t say ‘slept together’. We had done it on the back seat of a car in the heat of the moment, driven as much by anger as by our mutual attraction. But, even then, there had been more to him – more to us – than I had felt in any prior one-nighter. Still, my intimacy with Jackson had been a lot less than that I had enjoyed with Colt and Clarke and I wondered if that was why they were taking a little longer to reach the bedroom.

  I reached out to take Jackson in hand, recalling as I did so the power of his impressive member. He sighed as I guided him to my mouth and sucked at him in long, languorous strokes, feeling the strength seem to pulse through him as he grew. Sitting up, Jackson reached down between my legs, his fingers dexterously seeking me out, opening my flowering pussy and slipping a finger into my wet interior, before coaxing my clit into eager life. I moaned as I sucked strongly on his throbbing member, cupping his balls in my hand and twisting playfully at them, testing his stamina.

  Gently, Jackson pried me away and I lay back happily on the bed as he positioned himself over me. His heavy cock hung beneath him like a gun carriage, swollen and twitching with desire. I trailed my nails along its hard surface and then placed my hands on his hips, guiding him to me. I caught my breath as his bloated plum pushed into me, stretching my tender lips, followed by the thick shaft. Jackson paused a moment, stirring my insides with his ready cock, then pulled back a bit before forging deeper. He repeated this action, ensuring I was ready to accommodate all of his impressive girth.

  Finally, his hips flattened against mine and I sighed in the knowledge that I had him all, filling me to capacity. I stroked my hands down his back to his ass and back up again, while my feet looped around his strong legs, rubbing at them, relishing the feel of his skin.

  “That feels so good,” I murmured blissfully, my whole world centered on that tight fullness in my belly.

  “It gets better,” Jackson replied, kissing me again.

  He was right. I whimpered as he began to move, his powerful hips driving his thick shaft in and out of me, slowly at first, working me into a lather of desire. I crossed my legs about him, my ankles locking beneath the pistoning cheeks of his ass, offering gentle encouragement to his firm regular thrusts, burying that wonderful cock in me over and over.

  But I wanted more. Not sexually, but something else. I caught Jackson’s chin and turned his face to look me in the eye. I knew the man could fuck – there had never been any doubt of that – but to see the glimmer of love in his eyes, looking down at me with such affection; I could have cried with delight. Instead, I kissed him.

  When our lips broke, he whispered to me, “You’re incredible. In every way. I love you, Bailey.”

  “I love you, too.”

  And I did.

  In every way. It didn’t matter, of course. It could never work and perhaps I was just doing this to torture myself with what could never be mine. But for tonight – if only for tonight – it was mine. He was mine, body and soul. And I was his to the same extent.

  As Jackson went into me harder, making the headboard thump against the wall, the door opened and Colt and Clarke entered. I cast them a smiling glance, feeling oddly at ease with their presence.

  “Not disturbing you, are we?” asked Clarke, jokingly.

  “We’d hate to put you off,” added Colt.

  Jackson looked back at his friends with an ‘as if’ smugness, never breaking in his strong fucking rhythm. I had been a little worried that after the good sucking I had given him first, he might come too quickly, but as my gasps came faster and harder, there was no doubt who was going to be first.

  “Jackson…” I clutched at my beautiful man’s ass cheeks, digging in my nails as he slammed into me, setting off my first orgasm like a rocket. I whined and gasped in ecstasy as I came, clawing his back and bucking my hips against him, while Jackson continued to stroke in and out of my spasming pussy.

  As I fell back on the bed, Jackson extracted his still hard cock – he was yet to come, but there was plenty of time yet. I had never come like that in front of three men before and I found I rather liked it. I wanted to do it again. Springing to my knees, I surveyed my guys.

  Jackson’s cock was slicked with my juices, but clearly still had plenty to give. I grabbed it with my right hand to slide along its solid length. Clarke’s cock – long and strong– and Colt’s – shorter but thick and powerful – had yet to join the game but that was about to change.

  I grabbed Colt with my free hand, my fingers failing to meet around the shaft, then swooped down to take Clarke into my mouth. I played this game awhile as Clarke and Colt grew to full erection, and Jackson’s straining soldier showed no signs of flagging. I regularly switched mouth and hands around to be fair to all concerned, making sure everyone got their turn. Soon enough, I felt hands on my body in reply; stroking along my back, toying with my hanging breasts, lightly smacking my ass or delving into the crack between the cheeks. You haven’t lived until you have had the fingers of three different men inside your pussy at the same time.

  It wasn’t long before I was as aroused as my men, whose eagerly twitching cocks were testament to their own desire. As I switched around positions again, instead of sucking a cock into my mouth, I kissed Colt on the lips, grabbing his cock firmly and tugging it towards me. He went with me and we fell to the bed, both making sounds of frantic need, as Clarke and Jackson sat back.

  Colt needed no guidance, he thrust straight into me, expelling the air from my lungs in a yip of delight, and began to pound my body into the mattress.

  “Oh, yes!”

  I looked up into Colt’s boyish blue eyes, which sparkled as he fucked me, matching the big grin on his face. It was lovely to know that he was enjoying this as much as I was because I was enjoying it a lot. Colt had such power, such strength in his compact, muscular body, and sometimes that is just what a girl – and especially a wolf girl – needs. I grabbed his hips, pulling him harder and harder into me till the bed springs complained beneath us.

  To my right, I became aware of Clarke, watching patiently, his long cock in his hand. I reached out to kiss him – as best I could with the buffeting I was getting from his friend. Then I removed his hand and replaced it with my own, stroking his long member, prepping it for action. None of which seemed to bother Colt, who simply went on
and on, his thick cock hammering into me.

  “Yes, darling!” I wailed.

  Then, suddenly, Colt pulled out, still hard, but apparently not wanting to cheat his friend.

  I didn’t mind either way, but was very happy for now to be Clarke’s turn. Before he had a chance to get on top of me, I had rolled over and pinned him to the bed.

  “I want to ride.”

  Clarke grinned and smoothed his strong hands over my hips, guiding me back in the direction of the long cock that bounded up eagerly from his body. Sliding down Clarke’s cock actually felt like a long journey, and I sighed as I took every inch of him inside me, squeezing my thighs against his sides as my butt cheeks spread across his hips.

  “Damn, you are beautiful,” gasped Clarke as I began to bounce up and down on his impaling member, my ass slapping against him. His hands toyed with my breasts before slipping down my sides to rest on my ass. At first, I wondered what he was doing as he seemed to be prying the cheeks apart. Then, Colt came up behind me.

  “With your permission?”

  “Damn right with my permission,” I grinned.

  Clarke stilled my hips long enough for Colt to line up and push the broad head of his thick cock past the tight ring of my anus, making me squeak. I began to bounce again, each stroke of my hips taking a little more of Colt into my ass. I could almost feel the tension in the bodies of the two men who sandwiched me as they fought against the desires of their bodies, battling to retain control. For myself, I was happy to surrender to the pleasure – the privilege of being a girl. I had two gorgeous men inside me, filling me and delivering a pleasure that rumbled in my loins like an earthquake. Now Colt was all the way in, his hips brushing against my ass, I could feel them both, their strong shafts meeting inside me. Just the thought was enough to send me stratospheric.

  I leaned down to kiss Clarke, making Colt grunt as the change of angle tugged on his cock. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jackson stroking his still hard member that had done such impressive service already. It was just within reach and Jackson purred as I gulped at him and sucked on his straining organ. A few sucks and then I went back to kissing Clarke, then I kissed Jackson, then sucked his dick, then kissed Colt, then Clarke. As my hips were pummeled and my lower holes filled, I darted from man to man, kissing and sucking, enjoying the best of every world, enjoying my three men at the same time.

  Eventually, this had to prove too much for someone and Colt came first, gasping as his cock lurched, swelled and he painted my bowels with his seed. As he came, I went off again, bucking between my men, my ass clamping exquisitely on Colt’s climaxing cock as orgasm burned through me. Clarke’s fingers tightened on my hips, struggling to keep his composure as I rocked to and fro astride him. As I came back down, Colt pulled out of me with a pop and kissed his way down my back, landing the last peck on my asshole.

  As I continued to ride Clarke, who had started to moan with his own impending climax, my eyes flicked up to Jackson. “Darling?”

  Jackson smiled in response and, moments later, was behind me, filling the hole Colt had left, his cock as strong as it had been when he fucked me earlier. I reached back and hugged him to me, relishing once again the feel of two men inside me, and as Colt came around to kiss me, I felt I had them all once more.

  While Jackson was building up speed, sawing in and out of my asshole, Clarke was approaching the end. I flopped down onto him, my breasts flattened out across the dark, hard contours of his sculpted chest, kissing him urgently. I wanted to come with him and he understood the need, slipping a hand between our grinding bodies to find my clit and stimulate it into overdrive. When I came, Clarke was moments behind me, his strong body flexing up, to lift me as his cock exploded in a hot rush. I gasped in delight at the sensation and Clarke and I kissed while Jackson continued to stroke in and out of my backside.

  With Jackson’s help, I lifted off the bed to let Clarke slide out from under me. Then I gasped as I saw Colt, his erection fully restored.

  “Damn, Colt.”

  Colt shrugged. “What do you expect with all this going on?”

  To me, it seemed almost like a challenge and I bent down to swallow him up, sucking hard on the head while my fist beat mercilessly on the shaft.

  “Fuck,” Colt managed through gritted teeth.

  As I sucked at Colt, Jackson pulled his indestructible cock out of my ass, pushed into my pussy, and began pounding away again. After a few minutes, he switched back and continued to switch back and forth until Colt groaned and spurted into my mouth.

  Now, Jackson slid out of me and gently turned me around to lie on the bed. His cock still looked strong, and I could not imagine what was keeping him going at this point. Whatever it was, I was glad of it – I had spent the least time with Jackson and to finish as I had started, with him on top of me, was rather wonderful. Jackson pushed his sore cock back into me and I wrapped arms and legs about him.

  “I think this is where we came in,” muttered Clarke, as wondering at his friend’s stamina as I was.

  This time, Jackson went fast but gentle, his hands lightly skimming across my sweat-sheened skin as he made love to me.

  “Oh, Jackson.” I doubted either of us had long to go but I actually have no idea how long that final lap lasted. However long it was, it was beautiful.

  I clung hard to Jackson as my final orgasm burst, rocking my exhausted body to its core, and as I came, I felt him follow suit, gasping in almost pain as he finally reached that long deferred moment of fulfillment. We held each other tight, locked in a sweaty embrace as all the tension seeped from us, replaced with a gentle, easy bliss. As we parted, Colt and Clarke were there to meet me and I kissed them both. I had a hunch that next time they would be trying to outdo their older friend. That would be all kinds of fun for me.

  Except, of course, there would be no next time.

  I could not allow it.

  Chapter 18

  When I woke up in the big bed it seemed suddenly bigger, and I realized I was two lovers down.

  “Where are Colt and Clarke?” I asked.

  “Making breakfast,” said Jackson, who lay beside me.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Watching you sleep.”


  “I don’t know. I just thought it was the romantic thing to say.”

  I had promised myself this was just for one night, that I would return to sanity this morning. But with Jackson beside me that was never a realistic goal. I drew him to me and we kissed, our bodies seeming to melt into each other. Last night, I would have called his stamina close to ‘god-like’, he had been incredible, so perhaps I should not have been surprised now as his cock rose against me.

  “Do Wolf Takers train that thing, as well?” I asked, giving his hardened length a playful bat with my hand.

  “No. It just knows what it wants.”

  “Well, don’t let me stop it.”

  I spread my legs and Jackson pressed into me, kissing me on the mouth as he thrust in right to the hilt. I moaned into his mouth as the luscious feelings of the night before returned.

  Wrapped up in each other, we rocked our way to a lovely morning spend, coming simultaneously as we gasped each other’s names. For a while afterwards, we lay in a pleasant embrace, kissing and fondling each other just for the pleasure of doing it rather than starting something.

  “I suppose we should see if breakfast is ready,” I said, a little regretfully. I was hungry and eager to see Colt and Clarke, but a day in bed with Jackson would also have been good.

  Jackson nodded and got up from the bed. “Wolves always go naked at home, don’t they?”

  “You don’t have to if…”

  But Jackson had already taken my hand and led me out of the bedroom, both of us as naked as… well, werewolves.

  When we entered the kitchen, I burst out laughing; both Colt and Clarke were also naked.

  “I’m not sure I like the laughter,” said Colt.

�I’m pretty sure it’s you she’s laughing at,” smiled Clarke.

  “You both look great.” It was amazing how quickly they had become comfortable around me and each other like this. Overnight, we had made our own home here, carved out our own little slice of heaven. The Dun Shiftin estate was off-grid – no cell phone coverage, no internet – which just added to this feeling of idyllic isolation, like we were the only people in the world.

  After breakfast, while Jackson did the washing up, I took Colt and Clarke by the hands and led them upstairs with me. Jackson joined us later.

  Indulgent? Yeah, for sure. But that’s what it’s like at the start of a new relationship; you simply can’t get enough of each other.

  Had I just used the ‘R’ word?


  However much it felt like the rest of the world no longer existed, that was a fantasy. The world was still out there and so were all the problems that came along with it. My people hated them – or, at least, hated me for liking them – and their people hated me. We were getting it from both ways – especially me. It took a lot to unite the hardline werewolves with the Wolf Takers but I seemed to have managed it. Hooray for me.

  But that wasn’t the real question. The real question remained; if those outside factors did not exist, was this what I wanted? I had never wanted a relationship. The idea of settling down was appalling to me. There was something slightly tempting in the idea of settling down with three Wolf Takers just to make everyone angry, but was it what I wanted?

  I just wasn’t sure.

  I loved them. Even saying that was a huge step for me and not one that I took lightly, but it was true. But was it enough? Loving someone was easy, but giving up that part of yourself you had to – in my observation – to be part of a relationship? That was something else. For all that I was part of a pack and part of a family, I had also always seen myself as the proverbial lone wolf – it was me versus the world. Giving up that seemed like changing who I was. Was I willing to do that for three Wolf Takers?


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