Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2)

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Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2) Page 6

by Banks, Catherine

  I felt my pulse picking up speed, “Have you talked to him since…since I came here?”

  Kheelan nodded his head, “He found out I was coming here and asked that I watch out for you. I was already planning to, but I told him I would.”

  I fumbled with my hands, “Was he…was he mad?”

  Kheelan nodded his head, “He’s furious, but not at you.”

  I looked up at him, “You’re wrong.”

  He shook his head, “Ciara I’ve talked…”

  Jared stepped in to the room, “Everything alright?”

  I turned toward him and nodded my head. “Fine. We’re coming.”

  Jared smiled and held out his hand to me. It took all of my willpower not to tell him where he could put his hand and kick him someplace vulnerable, but I did it. I ignored his hand and walked past him to find Kevin. He wasn’t hard to miss with all of the women surrounding the table swooning over him. He saw me coming and rolled his eyes. A sign that he wanted help. I walked over to him angrily and slammed my hand down on the table, “I’m gone for five minutes and you’re already trying to find a new girl?! Get out of here you vultures!”

  The women around him slowly walked behind him and tried to slyly slip him their numbers and cards. He set the pile of paper pieces on the table and sighed, “It’s a curse being this good looking.”

  I snorted and watched as Jared and Kheelan came and sat down. Kheelan smiled at me and tilted his head towards Jared. Jared opened his menu and frowned, “Good they have steak on here.” I knew I had to pretend everything was alright, but staring at his face and remembering the vision I had had made it impossible. I could still hear his voice as he threatened to kill Eric and Kheelan. I needed to ask Kheelan what binding was, but with Jared here it wasn’t the right time. How could Jared have gotten so dark? Was he like this the entire time and I just didn’t see it?

  Kevin touched my arm and I yelped. Jared looked at me over the menu questioningly and I giggled, “Sorry. I was daydreaming and you scared me.”

  Kevin frowned at me, but asked, “What are you getting?”

  The menu was laying on the table still untouched by me. I swallowed, “Fried shrimp and steak. What about you?”

  Kevin shrugged, “Probably what you’re getting. You know we haven’t had a waiter come by yet.”

  I stood up, “I need to use the restroom anyways so I’ll go ask.”

  Jared stood up, “I’ll escort you.”

  Kheelan caught my eye and gave the tiniest nod so Jared wouldn’t notice. I nodded my head at Jared and walked to the bathroom. The walls were decorated with shells and sand dollars and pictures of Hawaii. The decorator should be fired for mixing up the motif. We turned down a back hallway that led to the bathrooms and Jared grabbed my arm. Instinctively I pulled away from him and spread my legs in a fighting stance. Jared frowned, “What’s wrong with you Ciara?”

  I straightened up and frowned, “Sorry. Just on edge. Something doesn’t feel right.”

  He nodded his head, “Something’s strange around here. It smells wrong.”

  I stepped towards the bathroom and Jared grabbed my arm again, “Ciara, I wanted to apologize about in the limo…”

  I shook my head and pulled away from him, “No reason to apologize. You’re my guard and I’m just the girl you’re protecting. I shouldn’t have tried to portray myself as a member of your pack. I know I’m nothing special to you.”

  Jared gaped at me, “Of course you are.”

  I shrugged, “You rejected my submission, which tells me where I fit in to your life. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to use the restroom.” I rushed in to the bathroom before he could say anything else and stared at myself in the mirror. This room was decorated with tiki heads and torches. The owner really needed to find a new decorator.

  There had to be someway to separate myself from Jared. I couldn’t ask the Council because they would want me to tell them my vision and then they would punish Kheelan. I couldn’t just order Jared away without a reason and the only reasons I could make up would likely get him killed. As much as I hated that he would try to kill Eric and Kheelan I cared for Jared. Emotions and feelings aren’t usually logical. Nothing came to mind so I used the restroom then walked towards the door. I reached for the handle when I felt the hairs on the nape of my neck stand up.

  I turned around and screamed as a vampire rushed at me with his teeth bared. He swung and I ducked down, but he was much faster and much better trained and punched me in the stomach then scooped my legs out from under me. Jared burst through the door at the same time that four more vampires materialized out of the shadows of the back stall. The power they emanated choked me. They were all master level vampires, which meant we didn’t stand a chance. Jared snarled and his body reshaped in to warrior form. His arms, legs and chest were still human, but his head, hands and feet were tiger. The first time I had seen a warrior form I was helpless, but to stare in shock. Jared’s was the most seamless mixture of animal and man that I had ever seen and also one of the most frightening. He roared in challenge at the vampires and four of the vampires stormed at him. The fifth reached for me. I kicked out connecting with his face and scrambled away. Kevin and Kheelan were coming towards us and I started to go toward them when the fifth vampire grabbed me and dragged me backwards. Jared tried to come toward me, but the vampires he was fighting intensified their attack.

  Kevin and Kheelan started helping Jared, but it was no use. I was alone. I tried to summon the earth’s energy, but the vampire punched me in the face dazing me. He pulled out a black dagger tinged with red and stabbed me in the side with it. I screamed in pain and Jared roared. Kevin was in warrior form now too and tossed one of the vampires he was fighting at the one over me. The vampire over me stabbed the dagger in to my shoulder and black dots covered my vision. Fire pulsed in to my shoulder and I kicked out the vampire hitting him in the gut. I rolled on to my stomach and reached forward to crawl and the dagger buried into my hand. I screamed and reached with my other hand for the dagger, but the vampire had another dagger out and stabbed my side with it. Five more vampires had joined the fight and were keeping the men away from me. The vampire spread his claws and dug them in to my back. I screamed and flopped on the ground as he dragged his claws from my shoulder to my butt. My blood pumped out of my wounds with each beat of my heart. Kheelan was calling my name and saying something, but I couldn’t hear him. The vampire spoke in a strange language to the men then stabbed my other hand to the floor with his dagger. I didn’t have the strength to scream anymore and closed my eyes. I felt my thick life blood pumping out of me and knew there was no use in fighting anymore. I was dying. The noise of the fight disappeared and I was covered by a bright white light.

  I looked up in to Eric’s face and swallowed. Eric glared at me, “Fight! Don’t die! Fight!”

  I shook my head, “It’s useless. There are ten master level vampires fighting us.”

  Eric snarled at me, “Is this what you want? To die?”

  I shrugged, “Not much I can do about it. How are you in my head anyways?”

  He snapped his teeth at me, “I’m always with you. Use your anger at the Council! Fight death!”

  I shook my head and closed my eyes, “I have nothing to live for. If my time is up I will not fight it.”

  Eric kissed my lips softly, “Fight it to save me. If you die I will not have the will to live. Save me. CIARA!”

  I opened my eyes and gasped. Kheelan was holding me in his arms, his entire body glowing. His eyes bore in to mine and he asked, “Will you accept life?”

  I nodded my head, “Yes.” To save Eric’s.

  Kheelan cut his palm and pressed my wounded hand against his cut. Power flared and our auras slammed in to each other. I willed my aura to submit to his and to allow life to flow. Kheelan gripped my hand hard and spoke in one of the many languages of the Folk. Our auras sparked against each other once more than merged in to a brilliant white color. He leaned down and kiss
ed me softly on the lips and I could suddenly understand the words he had spoken, “I bind you to me as I bind myself to you. Powers shared and death forgotten. Blood to blood, soul to soul. You will live so long as I do. Together we are one, apart we are nothing. Life has been restored.”

  Kheelan leaned back and smiled, “How do you feel?”

  I stretched my arms and touched my side, “Perfect.”

  He inhaled and our auras retracted as one back in to our bodies. I tried to separate our hands, but they were bound still by a small white string of power that looked like mist. Kheelan whispered, “Solvo.” The string binding our hands slowly unraveled then struck me and Kheelan in the chest at the same time. Kheelan and I fell apart, but I felt as though he were still touching me.

  Jared and Kevin were covered in blood and gore as they walked towards us. Kheelan stood up and offered me his hand. I let him help me up and felt a warming presence settle over me. Kheelan smiled, “It’ll take some getting used to, but when we get back I’ll explain.”

  I nodded my head and looked up at Jared’s furious face. His blue eyes sparkled with fury as he changed back to human, “What have you done?!”

  Kheelan held a perfectly blank court face, “I saved her life.”

  Jared snarled and took a step towards him, “You did this on purpose!”

  I stepped between Jared and Kheelan, “Jared, calm down. He saved me. I was dying.”

  Jared snarled at Kheelan, “Wait until we go to the Council. They’ll kill you for this!”

  Kheelan shrugged, “If they kill me they kill Ciara.”

  Kevin shook his body like he was still in wolf form and smiled, “You alright Ciara?”

  I nodded my head then looked around the room at the gore covered walls and floor and fire scorched stalls. “What happened?”

  Kevin sighed, “That damn vampire kept stabbing you and the others kept us back. We tried to get to you, but…well Jared and Warrior freaked when you closed your eyes. Jared started ripping the vampires in half and Warrior exploded in light. It must have been sunlight because the vampires near him lit up and burned to death. We could smell your lifeblood seeping out of you and Warrior rushed over to you. As soon as Warrior touched you white light covered you both and blocked you from our view. The remaining vampires fled.”

  “We better leave before the human authorities come.” I said as I walked towards the door.

  Jared picked me up in his arms and cradled me against him, “You shouldn’t be walking.” I wanted to argue, but gave in to his warmth and relaxed against him as they ran from the restaurant and passed the freaked out patrons and police officers. Kevin took out a cell phone he had in his pocket and called the limo driver. We ran for ten blocks before Jared stopped at the limo and carried me inside. He set me on his lap and refused to let me go. Kheelan looked exhausted, but I could see the anger in his eyes. The driver took us to the airport and we climbed aboard in total silence. The entire flight Jared refused to let me go and even carried me in to the Council’s chambers.

  The Council members stood up at our approach and their anger swept over us forcing Jared, Kevin and Kheelan to their knees. Jared set me down and I curtsied to the Council then stood up. Jean-Luc hissed, “You’d better have a good explanation for what happened to her.”

  I frowned, “Sirs, may I speak?”

  Dagda looked from me to Kheelan and back again, “Warrior, rise and explain your actions. Choose your words carefully.”

  Kheelan stood up and kept his eyes down as he explained the scene from the time he came in to the bathroom. Martin and Jean-Luc looked like they had tasted something foul when Kheelan explained about binding me to him. Martin’s eyes were glowing gold and I could smell wolf fur. Martin looked at Jared, “What do you feel about this?”

  Jared growled, “I believe he did it for his own personal gain.”

  I snorted and the Council looked at me. I sighed, “Sirs, I was dying. I would have if Warrior hadn’t saved me by binding me to him.”

  Jared glared at me, “So you wanted him to bind you?”

  I sighed, “Jared you’re too blind to see straight.”

  Kevin laughed then started coughing to try to cover it up. Martin smiled at me, “Explain your meaning.”

  I shrugged, “Not much to explain. We all know what Jared wants from me and we all also know that I won’t give it to him and it’s driving him mad. Martin I believe you would sympathize with Jared about being an alpha and yet being refused by someone.”

  Martin shrugged, “Never happened for me, but I could understand the frustration.”

  Jared shook his head, “I already told you that it was alright.”

  I shook my head back at him, “You know as well as I do that you’re hoping I’ll get over Eric and choose you as my mate. And we both also know that as soon as I choose you, you’ll mate with me then toss me to the side like your brethren do with all of their other mates. You aren’t a breed to mate for life. Sure you might keep a few around that you like, but you aren’t monogamous with them or them to you. That’s not me. I can’t do that. When I mate I want it to be for life.” Jared’s silence confirmed my fears. He was just looking for a notch on his belt. Bastard.

  Martin smiled, “How very lupus of you.”

  I smiled back at him, “I believe there are many excellent qualities that I can learn from wolves that other breeds do not have.”

  Martin laughed, “You’re lucky I’m a wolf otherwise you would have insulted me.”

  I shrugged, “I never said there weren’t qualities I couldn’t learn from other breeds.”

  Dagda smiled, “So very diplomatic. And how do you feel about being bound to Warrior?”

  I smiled, “He and I both know we aren’t mates and that it was done in a time of extreme necessity.”

  Dagda nodded his head, “Truth. Warrior you would be wise to watch your actions, but as for this one the Council extends it’s gratitude to you for protecting Ciara.”

  I looked up at the Council, “Sirs, the vampires were all master level that attacked us. Why would vampires attack me when I’m under your protection?”

  Jean-Luc sighed, “It seems we have an uprising and many are worried that you are an important part of our power. We will get you a new teacher in a week. For now rest.”

  I curtsied to the Council and walked out of their chambers. Jared stepped in front of me, “Ciara, I’m sorry.”

  I sighed, “Jared, you’ve been nothing but great to me since I’ve come here, but you have to know that I’m not going to choose you as my mate. I’m not choosing anybody as my mate.”

  Jared growled, “Do you think Eric will even want you now?”

  I gave him my best blank face, “I don’t know what Eric wants. I’m just not ready for a mate.”

  Jared snarled, “Ciara…”

  Kheelan stepped between us, “She refused you. Take some dignity and leave.”

  Jared growled at Kheelan, “This isn’t the last of this, Warrior. You and I will have our day.”

  Kheelan bared his teeth and his body began to glow, “I look forward to it.”

  Jared snarled and walked away. Kevin put his arm around my shoulders, “Don’t worry. He’s just moody. He’ll leave it alone.”

  I shook my head and Kheelan met my eyes, “No he won’t.” I whispered.


  Kheelan had me describe the area I had seen in my vision with him and Eric and promised to be back in a week. I tried to convince him to stay, but he wanted to be sure that he was there to fulfill my vision. If Eric was there alone he might not win. I didn’t tell him about the other vision I had with the demon woman with horns on her head because I didn’t need him to worry about me and it had seemed to be in the future anyways. I would face that battle when it came.

  The Council assigned me two new body guards, both werewolves. Kevin was allowed to stay as my guard as well which made me feel much better. Kevin introduced me to the new wolves. “The tall one is Shawn
. He doesn’t talk much.” I smiled at the seven foot tall guard and he nodded his head once. Great. “This is Jeff. He’s our card shark. The alphas used him as our main source of income for the first ten years he joined by sending him to Vegas and Tahoe and Reno every week. He’s also Martin’s favorite so we should try to avoid getting him hurt.”

  I smiled at Jeff and he picked me up in a hug. Kevin laughed. “Oh and he’s very touchy feely.”

  Jeff set me down and bowed to me. “It’s an honor to guard you.”

  I frowned, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but why?”

  He looked at Kevin and Shawn and then back at me and asked, “Didn’t Kevy tell you?”

  Kevin sighed. “Well, no.”

  Shawn got down on one knee and kissed the back of my hand, “We’re from Eric’s pack.”

  Kevin and Jeff stared at Shawn in shock. I whispered, “You talked.”

  Shawn smiled and his eyes lit up. “For the alpha’s mate I would recite a novel.”

  I shook my head and frowned. “I’m not his mate.”

  Shawn and Jeff looked at Kevin who sighed. “Just humor her boys.”

  I glared at him. “Kevin, you know I can’t be with him. The Council…”

  Shawn growled. “The Council will not always be in control.”

  Kevin sighed. “Shawn, shut up.”

  Jeff smiled at me. “The point is, we’re here to protect you. We’re not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Kevin smiled. “And we’re your new team.”

  I frowned. “My what?”

  “Team. You know, your team for the assignments the Council will send you on? There will be a few others, but we’ll be part of it,” Kevin explained.

  Someone knocked on the door and Shawn was up and by the door before I turned my head all the way. He opened the door and Dagda stood in my doorway. He looked at me and smiled. “Are you ready?”

  I smiled. “You’re my new teacher?”

  He nodded his head. “I am. We’ve decided that it would be best if I taught you so that you didn’t kill anyone else.”


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