The Professor's Student

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The Professor's Student Page 3

by Helen Cooper

  “You can still have dinner with the man Abby. He doesn’t sound that bad. Maybe a bit of a kinky freak but that’s not so bad.”

  “No Essie, I cannot. Because dinner will mean sex and sex will mean another night at his place and lack of sleep. I need to be prepared for Monday and anyways he seems a bit too controlling for me.”

  “Whatevs.” Essie grinned at her. “You are the best historian in the program Abby, you have nothing to worry about on Monday. I bet it’s an urban myth, no professor, not even this Dr. O’Brien can oust people from his class.”

  “It’s true Essie. Remember that guy Chad, that was meant to graduate 2 years ago?” Essie nodded. “Reason he is still here after 6 years is because of this Dr. O’Brien guy.”

  “I still think you have nothing to be worried about but fine. At least now you know what you have been missing. Maybe this semester we can have more fun.”

  Abby laughed at her and pushed her out of the room. “Go, I have to started reading this book.” Abby read all the way until 1am. She paused at 9pm to wonder what Carson was doing and thinking now that he knew she wasn’t showing up. She supposed he would be upset but there was nothing he could do about it. They hadn’t even exchanged numbers so he couldn’t even call her. She felt slightly disappointed that she would never see him again but she knew it was for the best.


  “I cannot believe that classes start again today. Argh, I am so not ready.” Essie yawned as they ate breakfast.

  Abby sang to herself, excited for the beginning of a new year. “We’re nearly done Essie. Just think soon we will be college graduates. We won’t have to be secretaries anymore.”

  They laughed and rushed off to campus. “See you later Essie, I have Dr. O’Brien’s class first thing. I don’t want to be late.” Abby rushed off to the classroom, excited to show the professor that she had done the reading and was a good student. She was hoping he would be impressed with her and write her a recommendation for grad school. She had heard he was a leader in the history field and she knew his name would mean a lot on her applications. She sat down in the class along with the few other students brave enough to take his class.

  “Hey Chad.” She smiled at the guy she had had in several other history classes.

  “Hey Abby, what’s up?” He smiled at her, excited to see her in the class.

  “Yes, Abby, what’s up?” She heard Carson’s voice behind her and she froze, what was he doing here. Had he somehow found out that she was a student here? She turned around slowly and saw him standing there looking at her coldly. She swallowed hard, hoping he really wasn’t some mad man here to do something bad to her.

  “Good Morning Chad, nice to see you here again.” Carson spoke to Chad at Abby was confused. How did he know Chad?

  “Morning Dr. O’Brien. Hopefully this time I can stay in the class.” Chad laughed at his own comment and Abby felt her blood run dry. She looked at Carson in shock and felt like crying. She knew she needed this class and could only hope that Carson wasn’t too mad at her.

  Chapter 4

  Abby sat at the back of the class and watched Carson setting his books up on the table. He greeted each student as they came into the class. He hadn’t said anything else to her and he hadn’t looked at her since he had walked into the room. She studied his hands as he moved; they were solid masculine hands. She closed her eyes and thought about them touching her body. She shivered at the hot memories coursing through her body and wanted to shake herself. This was not the time to be thinking about the sex she had had with her professor. She needed to think about the very real possibility that Carson was going to try and be vindictive and get her out of the class because she had stood him up.

  “Attention class, it is now 8am. Congratulations for those of you in your seats, you have made it through day 1. Anyone who tries to enter the class in the next few minutes will be sent away.” Carson smiled at the students who sat in their chairs in fear. Abby looked around at her fellow classmates. She knew that they were all thinking the same thing, “Isn’t this supposed to be College? Shouldn’t we be able to come and go as we please?”

  “I know that many of you think that because you are in college, you can show up when you want. But that is not how the real world or my class works. You have one shot and if you don’t show up you are done.” Carson’s voice boomed loudly in the room and his eyes met Abby’s. She felt as if his words had special meaning for her and she looked down at her fingers. She was twirling her pen to help her nerves. She took a deep breath. She was not going to let him intimidate her. She was committed to helping her family. She needed to pass this class.

  “Professor O’Brien, how many exams are we going to have?” Chad shouted out his question and was greeted with a glare.

  “Chad, I wouldn’t want you to have to come back another year. Do not shout out in my class again. I’ll be passing out a syllabus in a few minutes.” Carson spoke nonchalantly and Chad flushed and sat back. Abby thought about what an ass Carson was. He couldn’t stand to lose control over anything or anyone. “In fact, why don’t we have Abby come down here and pass them out while I tell you about some of the requirements for this class.”

  Abby stood up slowly, attempting to calm her nerves. As she walked down the stairs to get to the front of the class, she smiled weakly at the other students. She stood next to Carson as he spoke about the course and waited for him to hand her the papers. She could feel the warmth of his body on her skin and her hairs were standing on end as if she had been shocked. She couldn’t believe how attracted she still was to him; even though she thought he was crazy.

  “Here you go Abby.” He handed her the papers and their fingers grazed each other. She jumped back and dropped the papers. “A little jumpy today are we Abby?” He sneered at her as she bent down to collect the papers. Her classmates laughed at her, happy that the professor’s attention was on someone else. Abby grabbed up the papers as fast as she could and she heard Carson whisper down to her, “like being down on your knees do you Abby?” She jumped up at glared at him. He ignored her glare and continued to talk to the class.

  She handed out the papers and sat back down. She looked at all the papers that were going to be due and all the exams and sighed. He basically wanted them to read a book a week. Did he think they had no other classes?

  “So today, we are going to jump right in and talk about segregation. Can anyone tell me what they learnt from the pre-class reading?” Carson looked around the class, as students avoided his eyes.

  Abby wanted to speak up. She had done the reading. In fact, that was part of the reason why she had skipped out on their dinner date. Well that and him being crazy.

  “Did no one do the reading? Am I going to have to cancel the whole class?” His voice held a thinly veiled threat and Abby found herself raising her hand.

  “Abby?” He raised his eyebrows at her and she spoke.

  “Segregation was legally ended in 1954, with the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling. However, many cities were resistant to the Supreme Court ruling. In fact some school districts even cancelled classes in order to prevent integration.” She paused and saw that some of her classmates were looking at her in admiration. She smiled, proud of herself.

  “It seems as if you at least did some reading on Wikipedia Abby, good for you. For the next class, I expect everyone to have done all the reading and to give more than a brief introduction to the subject. This is history folks; we need to get completely immersed in the subject. We need to be immersed in the era. I want you to eat, live and breathe these books. Does everyone understand?”

  “Yes, Dr. O’Brien.” The students in the class answered him and some groaned. This was not going to be an easy A class. Abby was furious at the way he had just spoken to her and resolved that she was going to talk to him at the end of the class. He could not take his personal issues out on her. It was not fair or right.

  The class ended about an hour later and Abby ran down the stairs
so that she could talk to him first. Unfortunately he ignored her and addressed the other student’s questions first. “Abby, if you want to talk to me, you will need to come with me to my office. I have office hours now.”

  “Yes, Dr. O’Brien.” She murmured. She was annoyed at herself for not speaking up earlier. She didn’t want to be one-on-one with him with nobody around. They walked to his office and he closed the door behind them. She noticed that he locked it and wondered what he was going to do. She looked around his office, it reminded her of his home: lots of rich wood furniture and oodles of books.

  “Have a seat Abby.” He pointed to a chair in front of his desk and she sat down. “So how can I help you?”

  “Uhm, well, I…” She mumbled not sure how to bring it up.

  “What happened last week? Why didn’t you show up?” Carson immediately got down to business. His face looked puzzled and angry.

  “I just didn’t think we were going to go anywhere and I had to read.” She spoke softly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that before you left. Why did you make me show up at that restaurant with a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates and a key to my house.” He paused. “You made me look like a fool Abby.”

  Abby looked at him in shock. “I didn’t make you get all those things.”

  “I thought we had a connection. I know I was moving fast but we had both already moved fast. That was a crazy night Abby.”

  Abby blushed and mumbled. “I don’t normally do that stuff Carson. I just had a wild night.”

  “Yeah, you had a wild night riding me and now you think you can just walk away?”

  “Carson.” She averted her gaze from his face. He looked angry and it was turning her on. She could see a nerve beating in his forehead. He looked handsome in his suit. She wanted to run her hands over his shoulders and down his chest.

  “Professor O’Brien to you.” He looked at her haughtily and she felt angry.

  “If that makes you feel better about yourself.” She stood up and walked to the door.

  “If you want to pass this class, I would reconsider leaving Abby.” His voice beckoned her back to him.

  “What do you want?” She licked her lips as she looked at him. She could feel her underwear getting wet just staring at him.

  “Unlock the door and walk back here.” He commanded her. She did as he said and stood next to him.

  “Get under the table and pleasure me.”

  “What?” She looked at him shocked.

  “Why are you trying to look so innocent Abby? I practically fucked you in the club just a few nights ago. You weren’t so shy when my tongue was licking your clit.”

  Abby blushed at his words and got on her knees and went under the table.

  “What do you want me to do?” She looked up at him and he was grinning at her.

  “Why don’t you decide for yourself?” He slid his zipper down and pulled his cock out. She stared at it, captivated by its size and beauty. She’d never seen a more attractive penis in her life. She reached up and took it in her hands, rubbing it up and down until it grew harder. She heard a knock on the door and stilled under the table.

  “Dean Jones.” Carson’s voice was light. “How good to see you.”

  “Hey Professor O’Brien, I thought we could discuss the metrics for this semester if you had time.”

  “Maybe I can come to your office in a few minutes.” Carson smiled and hoped the Dean would accept his offer.

  “No, no, now is fine.” The Dean say down and took out his iPad. “My wife got me this fancy computer for my birthday. I figured I may as well get some use from it.”

  Carson nodded and looked down at Abby who was still hidden under the desk. He attempted to put his cock back in his pants but Abby leaned up and stopped him. Instead she took his cock in her mouth and started slowly sucking. Carson stifled a groan and gathered his thoughts as she sucked on his cock.

  “So Carson, I have been approached by the National Historical Society and they would like to honor you this year and whichever student in your class does the best in the final exam.”

  “That’s very nice to hear.” Carson tried to keep his words short so that he didn’t cry out in pleasure.

  “Yes, both you and the student will receive $50,000.”

  “That is a large amount of money.” Carson smiled at the dean and closed his eyes as Abby continued to suck him off. “I will have to tell my students to motivate them.”

  “Yes, yes. We want to try and get some press for the school as well, so let’s see if we can’t set up some type of debate or something.”

  “Okay.” Carson reached down and grabbed Abby’s hair as he came into her mouth. He could tell she was surprised because she looked up at him with wide eyes in shock. He grinned and smiled at the Dean, a lot more relaxed now that he had come. “I will talk about it with my students in a few days. I think they will be even more motivated to work hard and give me there all.”

  The Dean laughed. “I think any students that get to stay in your class are pretty motivated Carson.”

  “You could be right.” Carson zipped himself up and stood up and shook the Dean’s hand. “Good seeing you as always Dean Jones. Thanks for the great news.” Carson closed the door and locked it behind the Dean.

  “Abby, you may come out now.” He purred softly. She crawled out with as much dignity as possible. Her hair was messy and her face was red. She looked at Carson standing by the door staring at her with thin lips.

  Abby stood up and rubbed her lips with her hands. She didn’t know what it was about him. He had the ability to make her lose her mind and feel annoyed and frustrated all at the same time.

  “Carson, you need to treat me equally in this class.”

  “Excuse me?” He looked at her murderously.

  “I said you need to treat…”

  He cut her off. “What did you call me?”

  She rolled her eyes at him; he was surely the most impossible man she had ever met. “Dr. O’Brien, you need to treat me equally in this class. I want a real shot at winning this prize money.” She shivered inside just thinking about it. “$50,000 could really change my life.”

  “Do you really think you have a shot Abby? I’ve already been thinking of kicking you out of the class.”

  “You can’t do that.” She cried out. “That’s not fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair Abby. It wasn’t fair when you stood me up last week and didn’t tell me you wouldn’t be coming. It wasn’t fair that you seduced me on the dance floor.”

  She looked at him angrily. “What do you want from me Carson? This is ridiculous. Get over it. We had a night together. It was fun. Now I’ve moved on.” She glared at him, while ignoring the thrill that was running through her body.”

  “No-one makes a fool of me Abby.” He stared at her thoughtfully. “Do you have a boyfriend Abby?”

  “I already told you no.” She sighed exasperated.

  “Do you want to stay in my class?”

  “Yes. Or I wouldn’t be here.” She looked at him pleadingly.

  “I will allow you to stay in the class and allow you to take the final exam on one condition.”

  She looked at him nervously. “Yes?”

  “You will stay with me every weekend and you will do what I want in the classroom.”

  She was confused. “What do you mean?”

  “You will stay at my house every weekend and I will give you assignments, outside of the coursework, for the class.”

  “Like what?” She looked at him with narrowed eyes.

  “Anything I say. If you ever disobey me, you are out of the class.” His voice was even but his face was very serious.

  “What do I get from this?”

  “You get to stay in the class and you get a chance to win $50,000.” He walked over towards her and stopped right in front of her. He reached over and placed his hand on her right breast and caressed it. She looked at him with wide eyes and he pinched her ni
pple. “And you get to be sexually satisfied by me and you get to sexually satisfy me.”

  “Who says I want that?” She mumbled.

  “It seemed to me that it was you who chose to give me a blowjob under the table.” His hand reached under her top and under her bra as he spoke. They stared into each other’s eyes mutinously.

  “For the next class, I don’t want you to wear a bra.”

  “What?” She looked at him incredulously. “I can’t not wear a bra.”

  “You had no problem not wearing any underwear this weekend.”


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