Reign of Ash

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Reign of Ash Page 25

by Meg Anne

  Bruce: You love unconditionally. People will never understand what true love is until they see the way you look at mom. Thank you for feeding me <3

  Lil Bit: I promise if I ever write about you, I’ll do you justice. She’ll be just as strong, passionate, and independent as you. A true unicorn in the midst of a bunch of horses. And her hair will change color regularly. Love you alotta bit.

  Brother: I am so proud of the man you are turning into. Your kindness and humor never cease to make me laugh. I love that I can be a geek with you, and that you continue to indulge my massive nerd moments. Love you.

  Auntie Stacy: This year has been a rough one for you. There have been way too many close calls. You continue to show me what a strong woman can accomplish when she believes in herself (and that nothing else matters if she does). We are all better for having you in our lives.

  Fran: We made it through another book without you cutting me off! Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on, my safe place, the person I can be my ugliest self with and still know that I am loved. You keep me honest. I can only hope I am ½ the friend to you that you have been, and continue to be, for me.

  Gabe: You are my person. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have someone who supports me the way that you do. You are my alpha reader, critique partner, cheerleader, big spoon, and favorite Canadian in the entire world (sorry Karma – you’re a close second). Love you all of the muches.

  BFB: Thank you for your unflappable faith in my words and me. You make me laugh and you are beyond generous with your time and support. I appreciate everything you continue to do for me.

  J. Mill & Gypsy: My unicorn sisters!!! The universe was feeling generous the day he brought you into my life. Your friendship and support (of each other and for me) is sacred. Everyone should have a friendship as amazing as yours. I am thankful you let me bask in it for awhile.

  #Squadpod: There are no words. Thank you for the support, dirty GIFs, naughty jokes, and endless epic stories. Your talent inspires me to do better. Jess, Ava, Jane, Liv, JL, Paige, Nicole, CL, Kim, Brooke & Harloe I love you!

  The Future Mrs. Pratt (sorry Biceps): Girl… I fudging love you. You are AMAZEBALLS. Seriously. I think you might be the kindest, sweetest, most cheerful ball of sunshine in the entire world. You make everything better. When I feel like no one else gets it, you do. You and I are going to take over the world. God help them.

  Becks & AlphaBeta: You girls rock! I am so thankful to have you as friends. I value your opinions and appreciate all of the support and demand for my words. You kept me going when I got too in my head. I can’t wait for next year!

  Hanleigh: Thank you again for helping my words shine. You are incredible and I’m so happy I found you!

  Lori: Your covers are simply glorious. On top of that, you are simply a top-notch human being. Thank you for bringing my words to life via your art. I can’t wait to see what we come up with next. #tarotcards

  Chosen: Thank you for bringing light and laughter to each of my days. You sure know how to make a girl feel loved. I’ve enjoyed getting to share the journey of this book with you. I hope that it was worth the wait!

  Hellscream Peeps: I really miss our raid nights. You guys are some of the best friends a girl can have. Ser, Paul, NRN, Dunosaur, Jhinnx, Rub, Sonic, Adrianne, Aset, Red, Marvae #Megglebites #Mountup #ImUncomfortable #thatmeanstwothangs #54321 #Flove

  Henry <3 You might be my cat son, but you bring me so much joy. Your little kitty purrs and all of your cat fails make my days complete. You are the bestest cat that ever catted. Now if you would only let me cuddle you…

  Also By Meg Anne

  The Chosen Series

  Mother of Shadows

  Reign of Ash

  Crown of Embers

  Queen of Light

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  Cursed Hearts, Co-Written with Jessica Wayne (Coming 2018)

  Star Crossed

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  25 Days of Christmas

  The Tales of Vixen Falls


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  Meg Anne has always had stories running on a loop in her head. They started off as daydreams about how the evil queen (aka Mom) had her slaving away doing chores; and more recently shifted into creating backgrounds about the people stuck beside her during rush hour. The stories have been there, they were just waiting for her to tell them.

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  Like any true SoCal native, Meg enjoys staying inside curled up with a good book and her cat Henry... or maybe that's just her; sunburns hurt! You can convince Meg to buy just about anything if it's covered in glitter or rhinestones, or make her laugh by sharing your favorite bad joke. She also accepts bribes in the form of baked goods and Mexican food.

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  Meg loves to write about sassy heroines and the men that love them. She is best known for her fantasy romance series The Chosen, which can be found on Amazon.

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