Whispers and the Roars

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Whispers and the Roars Page 7

by K. Webster

  Despite not having been intimate with him in so long, I recognize his body. Sure, it’s changed over the years. He’s stronger. Firmer. Heavier. Dark hair shades along his jawline that I don’t remember from before. I sent my boy away and he came back a man. My man. A shiver of excitement quivers through me. Staking claim on him may seem frivolous, but to me, it feels like hope. That maybe he won’t have to go away this time. Maybe I can keep him like he says…forever.

  “Remember when I took your virginity?” he questions, a smirk on his handsome face. He lifts up on his knees and I’m awarded with a view of his sculpted, pale flesh, illuminated by the morning sunlight. I remember Yeo being fit, but I don’t remember him being so dang muscly. Rubbing my thighs together, I reach for his chest and skitter my fingertips over one of his pectoral muscles.

  “Yeah, it was perfect.”

  He laughs, the sounds rich and hearty. Like a hot stew filling your belly on a cold, winter night. “Kadydid,” he says with a shy grin, “it was far from perfect. I came in like three seconds. Your grandma nearly busted us. Had she, I would have been grounded for life.”

  But that’s not how I remembered it.

  “I just want to feel closer to you…” I murmur, my hand sliding over the front of his jeans. He’s hard. So hard. I want more than this.

  “Kadydid,” he groans and then his tongue spears inside of my mouth before he pulls away and frowns at me. “You can’t tease me like this. I want to…I’m dying to…”

  I flutter my eyelashes at him. “Grandma’s not here. Maybe we could have sex.”

  His eyes close and his jaw clenches. If I didn’t know him, I’d say he was angry with me. But Yeo is never angry with me. He’s always angry for me. When everyone else is after me, it’s Yeo who faces them bravely. “Kady…”

  “Please have sex with me. I want to know what it feels like.”

  He reopens his eyes and his dark eyes are like molten lava. Hot and intense. Overwhelming. Like he wants to consume every part of me.

  “Take off your shirt,” he says with a growl. “I want to see your perfect tits.”

  I beam at him and peel away my shirt. With a flick of the latch behind me, my bra is soon gone as well. His eyes skirt over my creamy flesh as he appreciates my naked chest.

  “So beautiful.”

  Leaning back on my bed, I work at the button on my jeans. He remains frozen as he bores his gaze into me. I unfasten my jeans and then push them down, along with my panties, to my knees. The action seems to jolt him back to life because then he takes over removing me from the last of my clothes.

  His hand splays over my stomach and then his eyes meet mine. Two eyebrows pinched together as if he’s in pain.

  “What is it?” I question, my voice a needy whisper.

  “I just…” he trails off. “Are you sure? Like are you sure, sure?”

  Nodding, I give him a bright smile that seems to wash away all of his indecision because he smiles back. “Yeo, I’ve never been so sure about anything. When we’re together, all I can think about is you. That’s all I want to think about.”

  He tugs his shirt off and then undoes his pants. His thick cock, a cock I’ve sucked off many times, bounces out. I grab onto his dick and run my thumb over the tip causing him to hiss in pleasure. A bead of pre-cum wets my skin. Veins protrude from his erection, pulsating with the need to come. I’ve licked every single one of those veins before. His dark hair has been clipped back against his flesh making his cock seem longer and bigger than normal. Yeo may be only sixteen but he’s a man in my eyes. My man.

  “I want to know if I can feel those veins inside of me,” I tell him, almost absently.

  He grabs my wrist and grumbles. “You say things to drive me crazy on purpose, Kadydid.”

  I laugh. “Not on purpose. Not usually.”

  He nudges my knees apart and covers my body with his. The heat from his flesh mixes with mine, creating a sticky sweat. We haven’t even done anything yet. Yeo and I make fire. We ignite into a brilliant, blazing inferno whenever we’re near one another. I can only imagine what sort of hellish explosion we’ll make when we finally connect as sexual partners.

  “I don’t have a condom.” His words are a whisper. I like whispers.

  “I’m on the pill,” I assure him. My only problem is remembering to take it.

  “Thank God,” he hisses as his mouth crashes to mine.

  The moment his tongue is back in my mouth, I’m a squirming madwoman. My fingers rake through his hair and I wriggle beneath him, attempting to get him to slip his cock from where it rubs against my thatch of pubic hair to plunge inside of me.

  “It might hurt.” His words are meant to be gentle, to soothe me. But he’s the one who sounds like he is aching.

  “So hurt me, Yeo Anderson. Hurt me.”

  His hand slides between us and he grabs on to his dick. I whimper when he teases my wet opening with the tip. He’s not slow or gentle like the Yeo I know. I’ve turned him into something hungry and needy. I love that he’s lost control. I released his monster.

  “I’ll go fast,” he promises, his words spoken just a hair before he drives forcefully into me.

  Hot, white pain makes me go blind for a moment but then his lips are on mine again, bringing me back to him. Always him. I knew it would hurt. My mind threatens to retreat. Yet, I don’t. I dig my fingernails into his shoulders as he thrusts into me and cry out his name over and over in a never ending chant. “YeoYeoYeoYeo!”

  His breath is ragged and uneven. My composed, cool boy is out of control and I love it. I want him lost inside of me. Forever. We’re untouchable now. The entire world around us can fuck off.

  “Oh God, Kadence,” he groans, his teeth clashing against mine. “I’m sorry. I’m going to come.”

  I drive my fingers into his hair and latch on. “I love you. Do it.”

  His eyes clench shut just moments before he lets out a noise I hope nobody on this earth but me ever gets to hear. Carnal and scorching and mine. A fiery heat explodes within me and his cock seems to double in size as he spurts his release into me.

  I’ve never felt so loved or owned in my entire life.

  So distracted.

  Yeo is my entire world in this moment.

  Yeo is my entire world in this moment.

  “Are you hungry?” he questions, a grin playing at his lips as the past fades into the present.

  My stomach, as if on cue, bubbles loudly. “Umm, no.”

  He kisses my belly and then gives it a little bite. “Liar. I can make cereal or cereal. Your call. My bachelor cooking skills leave something to be desired.”

  Running my fingers through his hair, I let out a sigh. My mind flits to what Aunt Suzy bought from Walmart. I know we have ingredients for pancakes.

  “Agatha might cook for us,” I tell him absently.

  I close my eyes and try to envision if we have eggs in the refrigerator. Do we have enough? Is there bacon?

  Kady. Kady. Kady.

  Yeo’s calling for me but I’m thinking.

  Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.

  Six eggs. I remember that much.

  Kady. Kady. Kady.

  An entire bag of bacon unless Bones got into it.

  Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.

  Orange juice. Aunt Suzy definitely bought orange juice.

  Kady. Kady. Kady.

  Now I just need to tell Agatha.

  Yeo. Yeo. Yeo.

  Yeo deserves a home cooked breakfast.

  Yeo. Yeo. Yeo.

  Yeo deserves everything.

  Yeo. Yeo. Yeo.


  Refusing to open my eyes, I let the words fall from my mouth. “Grab a shower. I’ll help get Agatha started in the kitchen.”

  Black. Black. Black.

  * * *


  “More bacon, pumpkin?”

  I lean back in my chair and rub my belly. “I shouldn’t. Between you and Mom, Agatha, I swear you two will
fatten me up and I’ll lose all this muscle tone I worked so hard to gain.”

  Agatha laughs, her voice throaty as she drops two more pieces of bacon on my plate. The lotion she wears reeks of roses and mothballs and the 80s, but it’s her and it’s unique and I’d never change that about her. “If we fatten you up, it keeps all the girls away.” At this she winks.

  “As long as Kady can stay, the rest of the girls can go hang out with Dean,” I say with a grin.

  She tightens the ties on her cream-colored robe that she wears over one of those old lady nightgowns that’s probably been around since before I was born. Her slippers are worn and used. If I didn’t think it would insult her, I’d buy her a new set. But they’ve been around for years and are practically a part of her.

  “How’s your family?” she questions, pushing her bifocals down her nose to peer over them at me. “Your dad doing okay?”

  I cringe at the mention of my father. Last night’s dinner was a disaster and that’s only a reminder. “Same. Hard and unyielding. What else is new? Did Kady tell you about it?”

  Her lips press into a thin line and her brows pinch together in a worried way. “He loves you. He’s just trying to protect you, you know?”

  Irritation ripples through me but I nod anyway. Agatha has answers and knowledge. She’s like a second mother. “I know. But in his effort to protect me, he hurts her.”

  “She’s stronger than you think, Yeo,” she assures me.

  I inhale the bacon as I ponder her words. “Have you seen the inside of her thighs?”

  She sits down across from me and blows on her mug of coffee. Agatha drinks it black, which has always grossed Kady and I out. “The cigarette burns?”

  Tensing at her words, I nod. “Those scars weren’t there last time I was with her.”

  Her brows scrunch together and she gives her head a slight shake. “And last time you were around her, Kenneth wasn’t coming around much either. You know how he is. Pascale and him both. Like the plague in this house.”

  “I ran into Pascale last night,” I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose. “He was packing heat.”

  She frowns at me.

  “Pascale, believe it or not, doesn’t come around much. I’m not sure why he showed up last night. Bones usually does a good job of keeping him away.”

  I swallow at how I’d hurt Bones’s feelings last night. I’ve not seen him this morning. I’m not sure how long it’ll take before he’s ready to show his face around here again.

  “Bones got my name tattooed on his nipple,” I tell her with a sigh.

  She chuckles. “Yes, I’m very aware of his tattoos. He loves you. We all do. You’re a part of this big, crazy family, pumpkin.”

  “What do you think I should do?” I question. “I thought I’d come back and things would go back to the way they were. But Kady is fragile. Bones is too for that matter. My family is just as snotty toward her as the day they met her. I just want everyone to understand my love for her. All facets. Every single dirty, ugly part.”

  She stands and takes my plate. Agatha doesn’t leave her kitchen messy for long. The sink turns on as she starts to wash. I put the leftovers away while she cleans.

  “You know,” she says, drying a plate, her eyes cutting over to mine. A small, mischievous smile plays on her lips. “You could call a family meeting. Show them the book you made. Tell them all about her. Maybe if they understand her, they’ll show a little more compassion.”

  I think about the book that stays in Kady’s room. A book I started for her when I was seventeen but continued to work on throughout the years—even when I was away. It helped her cope with parts of her life that needed better understanding. I’d even spoken about it a little in some of my classes whenever we’d discuss the topic. My professors were always curious but I never gave the details in a way that would betray her.

  “I don’t know if she’ll go for it.”

  “So talk her into it. If she is afraid, and I need to go with you, I’d be more than happy to help explain our sweet Kady to them. You know I love you, pumpkin. I want you and her to both be happy.”

  I pull her to me and inhale her old lady scent. She comforts me always.

  “I called a technician this morning. They’ll be out later so make sure to leave the door unlocked. This house is too hot,” I tell her when she releases me.

  “I’ll make sure to leave a note for the rest of the family. What’s on the agenda for today?”

  Running my fingers through my hair, I give her a weary look. “Dad’s already texted early this morning. He wants to meet up at his office to look at a few buildings. When Kady comes back, I want her to come with me.”

  Agatha raises an eyebrow in surprise. “You want Kady to go look at buildings with your dad?”

  I dip my head and give a nod. “She’s a part of my world. No more hiding. He’s going to have to accept that. Hell, she’s going to have to accept that.”

  She nods. “You’re right. I’ll make sure to talk some sense into that girl. Run home and shower before I give you a bath in this sink, pumpkin. We’ll talk later, love.”

  I lean forward and give her a quick peck on her cheek. “Thanks, Agatha. You’re my favorite, little lady.”

  Her laugh is musical and warm. “You’re my favorite too, Yeo.”

  “I like this one best, Dad. It’s small but has room if I take on a partner. Overlooks the Monongahela River. Affordable. The others were too flashy and not me,” I tell him as we climb into his black Range Rover, both of us waving to Rick Stanford, Dad’s realtor. “I can do this on my own though. You and Mom don’t have to do this.”

  He chuckles and flashes me one of his stubborn looks. “We’re getting old. Let us do these things for you. If that’s the building you want, we’ll make the necessary arrangements and buy it.”


  As he reverses the vehicle, his smile falls and he clears his throat. “Are we going to talk about last night? About Kadence?”

  My blood boils at his tone. He doesn’t want her in my life. Never has, never will. “What’s there to say? You guys attacked her.”

  He stiffens and keeps his eye on the road. “We just want the best for you, Yeo. She’s a weight. She drags you down. She’ll always drag you down to the bottom.”

  I send him a scathing look. “If the bottom is where she is, the bottom is where I’ll be. You can’t just cut love out of your chest so easily. It doesn’t work that way.”

  “I just don’t understand how she—”

  “That’s right,” I snap, “you don’t understand. You know nothing about her. But, you know what? That’s going to change. We’re going to have a family sit-down and you all will have to open your minds so you can fall in love with her too.”

  He grumbles, obviously not convinced, and I stare out the window watching the people walking along the sidewalks of Main Street. When I see two familiar pigtails bounce by, I reach for Dad.

  “Stop the car.”

  “What, I—”

  “Dad, stop the car right now!”

  I point to a spot outside of Hank’s Ice Cream and Sweets where I saw those pigtails bounce into.

  “Yeo, what are we doing?”

  “We’re having ice cream. And you’re going to meet Presley. Sweetest little nine-year-old girl you’ll ever meet. Be nice,” I warn.

  He grunts but climbs out of the Range Rover after me. Dad looks out of place in front of the shop decked out in an expensive suit, his hard eyes roaming the store in disdain, and his sleek haircut flapping in the breeze.

  We slip into the shop and I see her. Presley’s in line proudly placing her order. The worker seems annoyed to be helping her which causes me to clench my fists in irritation. I’d like to grab him by his shirt to yank him over the counter and remind him he’s being paid to help people. No matter what they look like.

  Sneaking up behind her with Dad on my tail, I eavesdrop as the worker places her cone with mint chocolate chip ic
e cream in a stand beside the register. Kady would be gagging if she were here. She hates mint.

  “That’ll be three fifty-seven.”

  She digs in her small unicorn coin purse and retrieves two quarters and a penny. “Is that enough?” Her voice is small and unsure.

  The man’s nostrils flare as he looks down at her in annoyance. “What are you, retarded? No, it’s not enough.”

  He barely gets the words out before I am pushing past her at the counter. I lean over and get in his face. His face smarts red with embarrassment or fear, I don’t know what. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you the R word is rude? How’d you like it if I called you pepperoni face?” I seethe and wave at his acne.

  “Yeo,” Dad growls from behind me.

  Ignoring him, I whip out my wallet and throw a five-dollar bill onto the counter. Presley looks up at me with wide, thankful eyes. Her smile is my undoing and I calm considerably. “Keep the change, punk.”

  Presley giggles, carefully plucking her coins back off the counter. She puts them into her change purse and grabs my hand. I let her guide me over to a table by the windows. When she sits, I pull up an extra chair for Dad. His grey eyebrows are furled together but his lips are pressed shut into a firm line. He folds his arms against his chest and leans back in his chair as if to watch the show but not participate.

  Rolling my eyes, I point at her ice cream. “Good stuff, nugget?”

  She nods emphatically and licks the cone. Green ice cream gets on her nose to which she attempts to lick off.

  “You look like a puppy. Only puppies can lick their noses,” I tease.

  I risk a glance at Dad and his anger has morphed into something else. Interest. Presley has that way about her. Draws in the entire world with her giggles and sweet disposition.

  “I’m not a puppy,” she pouts. “I’m a horse.”

  At this, I lift an eyebrow. “Why a horse? You have pigtails that look like puppy dog ears.”

  Her eyes narrow as she considers this. Then, she turns to my dad. “I’m Presley,” she sticks out a sticky hand to shake my father’s. “What’s your name?”


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