Careful What You Ask For

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Careful What You Ask For Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  So far, I liked what he wanted. I mean, I hadn’t liked the nipple clamps, and yet they’d made me want him until I thought I might lose my mind. I tried to put all of my emotions into the kiss. How can you show submission while demonstrating how much you want the other person? I have no idea, and yet I’m pretty sure I managed.

  He pulled my forehead to his shoulder when he ended the kiss, and I realized his heart was beating as fast as mine. “You aren’t in trouble. This isn’t a punishment. I’m going to get you all rosy red and hot before we move to the next phase.”

  Chapter 13


  She was mine to fuck, so why was I holding back?

  My wolf answered for me. Because she’s special and we don’t want it to be ordinary.

  I stepped back and took aim at her breasts with the flogger. She expected me to lay into her, but I barely brushed them with the leather strands. My heart smiled as she relaxed into the gentle flogging. I moved up and down her front — from breasts to thighs and back. I popped her clit once with a little force, and grinned when her eyes and mouth flew open, but otherwise I made it pleasurable.

  My arm automatically put more weight into each strike as I moved to her back, and ten minutes later she was moaning a mixture of pain and pleasure as I flogged her in earnest.

  If I waited too long to fuck her I’d turn it into something too big, but I wasn’t ready to claim her yet. I wanted there to be more emotions. I wanted her to accept me and my lifestyle.

  No pressure, though.

  I only spent perhaps twenty-five minutes flogging her before I disconnected her arms, carried her to the bondage table, and leaned her over it with her legs still held wide open by the spreader bar.

  Wolves can take a lot of damage, and I planned to let her change and run tonight, so I pulled the plug from her ass, gave it ten seconds to close a little, and then rammed my cock up her ass with no warning and no more lube.

  She screamed and tried to push up, but once I was all the way in her ass, I leaned forward, grabbed her arms, pulled them behind her back and fastened the cuffs. She hadn’t fought them before but she did now.

  Too bad for her these were strong enough they’ve held a female grizzly bear and a lioness. She could fight them all she wanted because she wasn’t getting free.

  I pulled out slowly and slammed back in, and then let my cock grow a little wider while I was in her ass.

  “Fuck! God, a little lube! Shit!”

  “We’ll work on your training later, and you have permission to speak at will today — I will point out, however, that nicely asking will get you a helluva lot farther than making demands.”

  “Fuck! Can you please give me a little lube!?”

  Oh, this one was going to be all kinds of fun to train. Part of me wanted to point out there were no guarantees she’d want to be trained, but the wolf knew she’d want it. She was looking for someone to take control of her sexuality. She didn’t want nice and gentle, she wanted someone to use her and make it exciting.

  But, she had a point about the lube. I pulled out, filled a lube applicator, stuck it up her ass, and depressed it as I pulled it out. Some of the lube squeezed out when her asshole contracted as the applicator slid out, and I put my cock to her hole again and pressed in. I groaned in pleasure as she squeaked and squealed, but she wasn’t screaming or cussing so I figured we were good.

  She’d told me she really liked anal sex once she got into it, and she hadn’t been joking. I brought her to three more orgasms before I finally came deep in her ass, and she made me so weak kneed I had to let my wolf come up a little to get us both onto the bondage table so we could cuddle afterwards.

  I wanted to ask her if the bikers had held her and taken care of her, but I knew she wouldn’t think it was any of my business.

  * * *


  I awoke in his bed the next morning, though I’m not sure how I got there.

  He’d fed me again when we left his dungeon, and then we’d gone for a walk in the woods as humans to let our food digest before we changed and ran as wolves.

  He’d fucked me in wolf form, his teeth holding me by the back of the neck so I couldn’t move away.

  I don’t know why my wolf had fought him when he wouldn’t let us go after the fox, but my wolf had been pissed. She’d tasted rabbit, squirrel, deer, raccoon, and a tiny field mouse that hadn’t been worth the effort. We hadn’t tasted fox and we’d wanted to.

  So, we’d fought him when he stopped us from chasing it, and he’d made it clear this wasn’t acceptable. We were both bleeding when the fight ended, but my wolf was in worse shape. A lot worse. So bad, in fact, he forced me back to human in the middle of the woods.

  “What the fuck was that?” he demanded, clearly as pissed at me as I was with him.

  “She’s never had fox. You pissed her off.”

  “There’s a litter of foxes. If you’d killed the mom, the litter would’ve died.”

  I sat heavily on the ground, oblivious to my nudity. “Oh. The wolf doesn’t care about that kind of thing. Thanks for stopping us.”

  “I’m not carrying you back. Can you handle the change to wolf, or do you need me to help?”

  I imagined myself as the wolf and felt the beginnings of the change, but I was too weak from the change he’d forced.

  “Why did we fight so viciously?” I asked.

  “I think the question would be why your wolf fought me so viciously? Mine responded to the level yours went to.”

  I shrugged. “She was pissed.”

  “Would you’ve responded to Randall the same way if he hadn’t let you chase after a fox?”

  His question stunned me because there’s no way I would’ve. Patrick has the energy of an Alpha — I’d felt it when he forced my change. Why had I attacked him?

  Instead of answering, I shook my head. “I’m sorry I challenged you, but I’m not sure she is.”

  “I know she isn’t, but I’m glad you are. You have a couple of choices in how you’ll get back to the house. We’re about a mile away, and you’re tenderfooted.” He ran his hand through his messy hair and looked down at me, sitting on the ground ten feet away. “You can either figure out how to change, you can walk back naked and barefoot, or you can go to your hands and knees and ask me to change you back to wolf. Fair warning though, we’ll both be wolves on the way back and mine is going to assert his dominance.”

  I’d been tempted to walk back barefoot, but our wolves were going to have to work it out eventually, so I went to my hands and knees and asked for help changing.

  Not surprisingly, he fucked me again in wolf form. He also nipped at me to try to get me to defend myself, but my wolf went totally submissive and rolled to her back. Instead of feeding me as the wolf so I could change myself back, Patrick pulled my human form out of my wolf’s body, and then finally fed me.

  I’d never been so hungry in my life, and he fed me every damned bite from his hands.

  And now it was morning and the last thing I remembered was falling asleep in his arms on a lounge chair outside, under the stars.

  I quickly realized what had awakened me as I inhaled the smell of bacon.

  I was still wearing the ankle cuffs, but not the wrist cuffs, and the reason was soon evident as I swung my legs out of bed only to realize a short chain connected my ankle to the bottom corner of the bed.

  I was stuck here.

  “Patrick?” No need in yelling. Wolves have good hearing.

  “Be there in a few minutes. I left bottled water on the nightstand if you’re thirsty.”

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “I’ll unlock you in about five minutes.”

  “I need to go now.”

  “You’ll find an antique chamber pot beside the bench at the foot of the bed, and your chain will let you stand beside the bed to use it. If you need to go badly enough that’s what it’s there for.”

  Or, I could just wait five minutes.

/>   * * *


  I didn’t hear her using the chamber pot, but she didn’t argue any further so I assumed the subject was put to rest.

  I gathered the country ham, the bacon, eggs, biscuits, and honey all onto my tray and carried it to the bedroom. I settled the tray on the dresser, unlocked the chain from her ankle cuff, and went back to the kitchen for my coffee.

  I was seated on the bed with the tray in front of me when she returned, and I held it steady as she got into bed.

  One of my rules is that girls need permission before they’re allowed on furniture, but I’d let Briana do as she wanted without enforcing much of anything. I liked having her in my bed, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to make it a special privilege, as I had with the others.

  I have a lot of weapons around the house — all handy and fully loaded. Submissives are never allowed free range, and yet I’d only limited Briana while I’d been asleep. I’d have to think more on that later — for now, I needed to feed both of us, and I chose to do most of it by hand this morning.

  Her lips brushed my fingertips as she accepted her first piece of ham, and I know she caught my change in scent as my cock gave a little throb, and then a big one as I remembered how her lips had felt last night.

  I used the fork to feed her some eggs, and then offered her some bacon when she’d swallowed the eggs. I’d made her wait on me to eat yesterday, but this morning I quickly set us into a rhythm of offering her food while I chewed, and giving myself a bite as she chewed.

  About halfway through the meal, her teeth scraped my fingers and the mischievous look in her eyes told me she’d done it on purpose. I fed myself a half-dozen bites before giving her another, and this time her teeth stayed where they should.

  “That’s better, Pebbles.”

  “If I’m Pebbles, does that make you Bamm-Bamm?”

  I chuckled as I drizzled honey on another biscuit half before using my fork to cut it and give her a bite.

  “Most women I bring into my home call me Master. I’m not sure what I want you to call me, but I’m certain it won’t be Bamm-Bamm.”

  “You once told me there are rules, but so far it seems the only rules are to do as I’m told, and to keep my teeth off your fingers. Oh, and don’t fight you over a fox when we’re wolves. What are the other rules?”

  “When I want you to follow a rule, I’ll give it to you. When we finish eating why don’t you spend some time with Flopsy while I clean the kitchen. Today will be a little more challenging than yesterday, but I’ll make sure we both have some downtime.”

  “You cooked, I should clean.”

  I shook my head. “There isn’t a scorecard. Flopsy’s been mostly alone and she needs some time with you, and I think it’ll do you good to spend some time with her.” I fed her another bite of egg when she opened her mouth to argue, and grinned as I popped half a honey-soaked biscuit into my mouth.

  Chapter 14


  Patrick had been right about my needing some time with Flopsy. When he joined us after about half an hour, he brought some apple chunks and enticed her to come to him for the sweet treats. We laughed and joked as we sat in the floor and played with her, and I discovered I really liked this side of him.

  He’d put jeans on but was still shirtless, and his jeans made me feel naked all over again — but I kept those thoughts at the back of my mind while we played with my happy little bunny.

  When I finally put her up, he helped me stand and pulled me into the warmth of his arms for several long moments before telling me, “It’s time for some training, so you’ll have some rather strict rules for the next few hours. No speaking unless asked a direct question. I’ll modify it for you since you’re new to this — you may kneel at my feet and touch your forehead to the ground in front of me if you have a question or need to speak. The only exception is that you’ll need permission to use the restroom, so if you need to go then you may speak to ask permission.”

  He was quiet long enough I worried he was waiting for my response, but he hadn’t asked a question so I nodded against his chest.

  “You aren’t allowed on furniture unless invited up. When you aren’t under speech restriction you may ask permission, when you are then you’ll be stuck on the floor. You’ll find a floor pillow in most of the rooms we’ll be in, and you’re allowed to move the pillow to wherever I want you.”

  Why were these rules making me horny? I nodded again, but I knew he could smell my arousal and I wasn’t sure I wanted him to know what his words were doing to me.

  “I’m going to challenge you this morning and you aren’t going to be able to follow through on everything. There’ll be consequences when you can’t, but you need to understand training and consequences are totally different from punishments you’ll receive for breaking a rule. We’ll talk about it as we go, but this is an important point.” He pulled away and looked down at me a few seconds. “The room just past the dungeon is used for training. It isn’t pretty, and it’s designed so I can hose the whole room down if necessary. The code to enter is four zeros. Let yourself in and you’ll see a bondage chair on the right wall. I’ve attached a large phallus to the seat — lube it and yourself, and sit your ass down on it so your pussy’s empty. Put both hands to the back of your head, spread your legs as wide as you can, and put your weight on your toes with your heels in the air as if you were in four-inch stilettos.”

  I met his gaze as I absorbed the instructions, and he added, “If you break position you’ll face consequences. I’m not going to tell you how long you’ll be in the position.”

  * * *


  I watched her on my internal security system, and smiled when she followed my instructions to the letter. It took her seven minutes to drop her hands, and I gave her a surge of electricity up her ass as they came down.

  She was still trying to catch her breath — her arms back where they belonged — when I stepped into the room about thirty seconds later.

  I’d taken my jeans off upstairs, and without a word I stepped to her and ordered, “Hands stay at the back of your head. Lean forward and take just the head of my cock in your mouth.”

  She followed instructions well, and I let her pleasure the head a good five minutes before I ordered her to sit up, and I stepped away to get some supplies.

  I love piercing people. Nothing beats watching the needle go through a nipple, a clit-hood, or a labia. I can even enjoy piercing lips and noses on the right people. The best thing about a werewolf girlfriend is you can pierce their nipples every day for months if you want — a quick change and you have a blank slate.

  I’d take it easy on her today and use a skinny needle, but eventually she’d get piercings with a four-gauge needle.

  “Open your mouth, flatten your tongue, and stick it out.”

  This may sound like another sadistic order, but in reality it was to make her have to think an extra few seconds before she was tempted to speak. The hope was this would help her stay out of trouble. I smiled and said, “Good girl, pet,” when she did as I asked.

  “Keep your tongue out. I’m going to pierce your nipples and I expect you to hold position.”

  * * *


  The needle hurt, but it wasn’t what I expected. There was a thrill to it, and it wasn’t an entirely unpleasant experience. Also, I loved the way my nipples looked with the dainty little circles in them when he finished.

  However, I dropped my hands three times while he pierced my nipples. Each time he merely stopped what he was doing and started counting. He made it to seven before I had them back the first time, and when they dropped the second time he started at eight.

  “You did well and only made it to a count of fourteen,” Patrick said, dragging me back to reality when he finished. “Keep your hands where they are and stand.”

  Lifting off the huge cock embedded in my ass wasn’t easy, and my hands came down two more times as I came off it. Now I wa
s up to eighteen, and I had no idea what it meant but had a feeling I wasn’t going to like it.

  He walked me to a horizontal metal bar and had me lean over it, and pressed a butt plug into me once again. I yelped as it went in but didn’t speak, and I hoped I was good.

  “You’ll count each strike.”

  My mind didn’t have time to make sense of the sentence before a paddle struck my ass and I screamed in pain and surprise.

  “If you don’t count it, it doesn’t count.”

  He struck my ass again and I blurted, “One!”

  I knew he could’ve hit me harder, and yet halfway through I wanted to beg for mercy. I breathed in relief when he finally stopped after the fourteenth strike, and I wished I could sit on a nice cool glacier because my ass was on fire.

  I walked with him to the corner when he finished, and terror shot through my veins as he connected two small chains hooked to the wall to my nipple jewelry.

  “On your tiptoes.” His voice was casual, conversational, but I didn’t dare disobey. He adjusted the chains so they wouldn’t pull on my nipples unless I came down off my toes, and then reached for two chains draped through loops attached to the wall a few inches over my head.

  These chains went from my wrist cuffs, through the loops, and down to my nipple jewelry. If I dropped my hands I’d pull my nipples up. If I came off my toes, I’d pull them up.

  “Eighteen minutes.”

  My arm muscles were already fatigued, and I think they were shaking a minute into it. My feet and calves were tired from being in this position as I sat, and it wasn’t long before they were shaking as well.

  I had to go off my toes a few times, but only lasted seconds before my nipples forced me back up. I propped my hands on top of my head once and he said, “Time doesn’t count while they’re up there.”


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