Fast Love (The Billionaires Club Book 3)

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Fast Love (The Billionaires Club Book 3) Page 19

by Zoe Adams

  Richard cooked a delicious meal. The whiskey warmed them and put them into a companionable state. His properly placed attention gave Indiana bliss.

  Indiana sat back. “That was the best meal ever.”

  Richard leaned forward, breathing heavily. They were back to battling the fates.

  Indiana stood up. She shook her head and hair swung around like an iron curtain. Her hair nearly went below her waist. It could cover her when she wanted it to.

  “We need to talk business.” Indiana tried to use charm, but it came out with naivety.

  Richard jerked out of his obsession over her and shook his head. “Sure, just a minute. You really make a man switch gears in his head. I want to see your eyes with something else but business. Just hold on. Even for a race car driver sometimes I’m slow.”

  Richard stood up from the table. He picked up the plates and walked to the kitchen. Indiana carried their glasses and followed him.

  The kitchen was left in its chaos and they stepped outside. They sat facing each other in the comfortable outdoor room.

  “Are you cold?” he asked.

  Indiana shrugged. “If I sit still much longer, then yes.”

  He clicked a button and an electric fire jumped up near her.

  “Better?” He refilled their drinks and picked a cigar. Soon he sat with her favorite aromas: cigar and whiskey.

  When he was ready then he was ready, and Indiana would settle for nothing less than his full attention. Across from her he looked very content, and very sexy with a cigar hooked in his hand.

  “First of all, we have never really talked about the Chevelle or other gifts.”

  She could hear him puff on the expensive leaf and its orange tip glowed. “Did you like them?”

  “I love them, but why did you do it?” She took a tiny sip and set her drink down.

  “All I did is what your father would have done. He was a great man and inspired a lot of people. He would be insanely proud if you raced his car.”

  Indiana leaned forward and shook her head. “His race car? It was sold at auction.”

  He took a long drag and the orange nodded up and down.

  “You bought it?” she asked. “I didn’t see it in your shop.”

  He leaned forward and she could finally see the depths of his eyes. “Don’t tell me that you haven’t been home. Weren’t there a bunch of keys with the Chevelle? Hand me your keys.”

  She pulled them deftly from her pocket, and they glinted fire.

  “All right, car key, car key, house key, shop key, race car key.” His voice had changed dramatically with the last one held up.

  “I just thought that was part of the key chain, you know, a souvenir or something.”

  It was Richard’s turn to roll his eyes. “I bought everything for you and locked it up. The key is right here on your key chain. You never drove by your old house to see it has remained completely the same? It still says ‘Bernstein’ on the mailbox, and if you look in the garage you can see everything still in it.”

  That was just too much information, and she jumped up. Indiana paced back and forth, and when she thought she had a handle on her appreciation, she would choke up again.

  Richard stood up and she ran away. “I need some time.”

  He softly grasped her hand. “Please don’t leave.”

  “All right,” she agreed, but continued to pull away.

  Indiana went back inside the house. She found some safety in the bathroom. She cried for a while. Richard was too kind to her. He thought of her needs before she even had them.

  She met Richard once more on the other side of the carved door.

  “I’m sleeping here tonight.” She put her head down. “Can I take a shower? I mean, is it safe to take a shower? Or do you have cameras in your bathroom too?”

  Indiana didn’t wait for an answer. She let the remark bite him. She was hung up in the water, and thirty minutes of rivulets didn’t help.

  Indiana dressed in the only clean thing in her bag. A comfortable flowery dress she only wore around hotel rooms. She left the bathroom barefoot and makeup free as she tried to keep her sopping hair from watering the garden of her dress.

  Richard sat before the fire. He was brooding over the smoke and full drink.

  “Do you always sit out here?” She sat back down in the chair. Her drink was sweating profusely and she took a large swallow.

  “Yes, I like to smoke outside.”

  “I like it too.” She tucked her ankles onto the wide chair and started to comb her hair. Indiana was gathering a pile of snarls, and Richard was contributing his ash. They would both lean in every once in a while and put drinks on the table.

  He leaned forward very intently. “Are we still talking business?”

  “Why?” she asked, and switched all of her weight to the other side. Her hair hung down the side of the chair. She began detangling the rest of her hair.

  “So you race on Saturday.” Richard was back to the smoky shadows of expensive, imported leaf.

  “Yes. I still need a crew chief and a car hauler, I mean driver, you know.” Indiana was done with the comb. She laid it beside the pile of hair. It made a dark exclamation point on the table.

  “I can help you with that,” he whispered. “I can help you with everything. But I only want you. I’ll do whatever I have to do to win you. I want you beside me from now on. You deserve to be loved, and I deserve an intelligent mate.”

  She silently agreed with him, but couldn’t look at him yet. She held her mass of hair over the arm of the chair and flapped it on the wind. Indiana wasn’t really paying attention to fanning herself, but when she looked up, Richard stared at her, frozen.

  He had forgotten to smoke and let ash blow a cover over his eyes. He still hadn’t leaned back after his last carbon deposit. The cigar sat neglected. Indiana’s hairball rolled away with the wind. He picked her up and they were on top of his bed before the cigar even quit smoking.

  He was ready, but she wasn’t.

  “Richard.” Her voice squeaked out. “I’m just not ready yet. I’m sorry.”

  He sat back hesitantly. “Is it my disease?”

  “Yes. It certainly is. I just can’t do it yet. All I see is other girls next to you. I don’t see me there yet.” She waved her hand around for emphasis. Clouds fell over Richard’s eyes. “I’m too young to let go of my future and my health. I want you. I truly do. Please understand. I’ve always been in a hurry for you. But I can’t do it tonight. Besides, I’m on my period.”

  Richard nodded and silently got ready for bed.

  Chapter 23

  Richard could really be the perfect gentleman. He gave Indiana contacts for replacements on her team. He did whatever he could for her, and even supported her quietly. Mostly, he just stood in her corner and let her do her thing.

  They found a way to keep a little distance between them, but the rest of the time there wasn’t one thing that didn’t include the other. They rode to the shop in the same car, and rode to the race in the same helicopter.

  Saturday was Indiana’s first race in the bigger circuit. Richard stood beside her. They were under constant surveillance and not one shred of affection could be shared in front of the gleaning crowd. Their eyes were shielded with metallic shades. They stood next to each other and kept movements to the extreme minimum in case a familiar tug might pull them closer.

  Indiana started the car and strapped herself into the bucket seats. Richard stood beside the car. All she could see was his crotch. She didn’t need a reason to smile, but her face muscles might actually crack if she didn’t stop soon.

  He ducked down and looked in the window. He placed one finger over her chest, where he knew she housed the gold necklace.

  “Good luck, Indy,” he said brightly.

  Indiana left half of her heart on the sidelines. The other half was for speed, and she was soon in high form. Bright flags jousted in the wind, and made their respective supporters proud.

  The cars started, and Indiana began the race. Laps were timed. Talk of stretching gas limits, heated tires, and projections began. Time went faster than humanly possible. The cars were roaring impediments being pushed along. Indiana was stuck in the middle.

  A leading cereal car was nudged by a candy bar. It quickly knocked out Uncle Sam requesting you try harder. Smoke quickly spun up. Spinning projectiles were everywhere in front of her.

  “Indy, drive to the top. Go up top.” Richard’s voice shot through her headset.

  There was no doubt or reflexive shudder when she jerked the wheel toward the top of the slant.

  “Now, middle of the track. Hard right.”

  Then the smoking debris was behind her.

  Richard had been the one to lead her through the tumbling aftermath.

  She pulled over for her waving technicians. Indiana pried her hands from the steering wheel and rested them on her legs. Richard’s face loomed in the window.

  “How you doing?” He asked a million questions in one.

  She nodded.

  “Want some water?”

  She nodded.

  He put his hand in the cage and jumped back quickly. He looked around before saying his next words. “You are doing really well, Indy.”

  Richard quit leaning in the window. The car had four new cold tires, heavy gas, and clean windshields. Being released to the road gave her back to the race.

  Indiana’s concentration curbed the shaking steering wheel. Basic needs were abandoned with lower shifts of speed. She focused on blankness of mind. It ensured her reflexes were ready.

  The last laps loomed largely. Indiana stayed in the first tier instead of risking a stop. On the last cycle, halfway through, she ran out of gas. Indiana rolled past the finish line behind the other cars.

  Indiana tried to remove the helmet. Her fingers fumbled with the straps. She hadn’t felt anything for a while. Her body lagged behind will. She got out of the car extremely slow.

  The team moved her stalled car from the checkerboard. It didn’t matter if she had won or lost, the test of the team had been passed with flying colors.

  Richard congratulated her. She collapsed into his arms and he held her up excitedly. His transfer of energy came as an instant relief. It powered her accordingly, and she could move her arms again. She grabbed a bottle of water and talked with her team.

  The cameras eventually landed on her.

  “Great job, Indiana.” A microphone was shared with her.

  “Thank you.” Indiana grinned, nodded, and looked around wildly.

  “You were so close to finishing in the top five.”

  “Yes. Well, racing’s still fun. Maybe next time I’ll win.” Indiana’s sincere smile could warm the harshest judge, not to mention the ogling eyes who couldn’t believe the tight feminine upstart could outrace them.

  Indiana was passed down the lane until she crawled into the waiting escape. She leaned back heavily. Richard joined her in the backseat of the darkened limo. They eyed each other across the seat and the ride turned into a very long, silent, stare fest.

  He always made her feel important, wanted, and naked. It was devastating to her inhibitions. His hungry eyes dropped to her chin, her neck, her protruding chest, before stopping and going back up. Indiana took off her clothes and changed. Richard sat and stared. He clutched a cigar and she pulled a soft shirt over her head.

  They ate dinner at a new, obscure restaurant. No one noticed another beautiful couple enjoying the romantically dark atmosphere.

  All was as it should be when they fell asleep early.

  The next day they both went to the same race track, but it was the complete opposite. This time Indiana stood in the pit stop relief. Richard blew through the afternoon totals.

  Indiana wore a jumpsuit with long puffy pants and a sleeveless top. Sunglasses concealed the bright gaze she used to look for the one who made her heart beat. She comfortably stared into the distance, hand raised like a visor for her questioning eyes. Mounds of long brown hair wrapped around her waist. It reminded her that her waist liked to be wrapped. She didn’t need another reason to wish Richard success and all the wind in the world to be at his back.

  Success was handed out for everyone willing to take a chance. But the devotion of a steady loved one beside them was unmatchable. A lot of factors added up to countless outcomes. But Indiana had planned and pined for this love. She felt lucky to have it. And better yet, she’d found its enthusiastic reciprocation. Indiana had it all, and certainly knew how to smile.

  Richard pulled over for a pit stop and Indiana stayed away. He waved at her and she swore he gave her a wink.

  She leaned over and gave him a nice view before nodding. The timed break ended. Indiana backed up smoothly. Richard drove off with the full focus of a starving man looking at a buffet. He veered into the lane before him.

  Indiana had been on cloud nine before, but now she beamed down on that from the full force of the brightest sun. He knew how to make her feel successful and needed. His voice made her float away. She looked down on herself and realized she was playing out the giddy girlfriend to a tee. Indiana smoothed her features. She watched, listened, and tried not to pace with the rest.

  The caution flag came out. It advised a major upset of steel and commotion to slow down. Richard was nowhere near the tumultuous event. His car came to the pit stop.

  He took the few moments slowly. He put his head down and rested along with his car. At the last minute he looked up, nodded at his team, and saluted to Indiana.

  Richard dominated the racetrack. His car paved the way for speeding bullets. Other people with good thoughts pushed him forward. Positions were switched and he let another car lead. Richard’s car followed the breaking blow for a while, and then his partner switched him up again.

  If this were man’s first foot on Mars, Indiana could not have been more obsessed with the orbiting craft. All of her attention was on Richard’s success. She yearned for it, and could have possibly willed it into existence.

  Richard’s car came in first across the checkered line. It didn’t matter if she shrieked in delight. Indiana jumped and gave high fives in the customary fashion of a team thriving on victory.

  There was nothing to do but get passed around. She finally got to Richard and it ended the passing. He gave her a big hug, and parked his arm lazily across her shoulder. Indiana could feel his undercurrent of tension. For her maximum comfort she placed her arm around his waist.

  Pictures popped everywhere. Everyone gave proper attention to the winner, and not to the current trophy already under his arm. A crushing persistence of bodies pulled at the swaying couple. He made a big deal of dropping his stance and resorting to a mere hand grasp. When he was eventually pulled away, Indiana went along.

  The win was measured by time, wine, and fun until they were finally alone in a dark stretch limousine. This time the feelings in the limo held no restraint. Silence was marred by grunting communications. The car stopped and Indiana continued to congratulate him.

  “All right.” Richard was talking himself up, to take himself down. He growled. “You sexy little thing.”

  He had almost succeeded in letting her have a little space.

  “We are already thirty minutes late for dinner reservations.” He struggled to reserve himself.

  “I don’t care. I really don’t care about food.” Indiana removed her top. She sat in his lap and found the most comfortable place.

  Indiana rocked back to situate her ride. She leaned forward with all of the excitement in the world. Hot gold buried in her chest, clanked forward, and hit Richard in the face.

  He rolled his eyes at the unjust, cruel joke he had done to himself by buying that suffering extravagance. With smooth execution, he placed her gently in the seat across from him. Indiana whimpered once and tried to hold her heat for him.

  Richard shook his head, and his eyes may have cleared. He took off his skewed leather. He looked at her very apprecia
tively as he stripped down to nothing, then built himself back up and presented himself worthy of a star’s status.

  He wore all black and she wore short white. The venue was packed. Of course they still had his table, it would just be another minute. In the darkened corner, they were hardly settled at a tiny table before their needs were already being met. No sooner had they begun, than their pleasant conversation was interrupted.

  The overly friendly staff catered to a couple that could sit on crates in a garage and be happy. With all the attention they were receiving, Indiana wished him all to herself, as usual.

  The delectable meal came out fresh and hot. They ate, and Indiana could see Richard was pretty much done celebrating and began to droop.

  “Richard.” She loved watching his eyes when she said his name.

  He grasped his empty spoon. He stopped mid-motion, mid-chew, and midrange to her eyes. He finished his tasks, but continued to grasp his utensil.

  “What do you have to do tomorrow?” Indiana had been ready to go for a while, but she played out the set diligently.

  “You. I can’t wait any longer. Are you ready to go?”

  Her silent nod had him out of his chair. Before she could even scrape her legs off the floor, he unfolded her from the table.

  Chapter 24

  By the time they reached the adobe mansion, all four eyes were slits of sleep deprivation.

  Richard pulled her to bed and said, “I have to save you for tomorrow.”

  Indiana woke up in the dark. Her stomach wanted to upchuck something. She hoped for a bedside trashcan. The bed beside her was cold. Light seeped across the floor from the bathroom. All of this she picked up on immediately as her body forced a regretful dinner on her.

  Indiana found a trashcan. Nothing stopped full body spasms. She would be up all night. A minor reprieve had her hunting out Richard—he had to be nearby. If Indiana had a stomach flu, then Richard was probably sick too.

  Indiana knocked on the bathroom door. “Richard, are you sick too?”

  “Yeah, you can come in.”


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