Set Free: Kylie's Story (Rayshod)

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Set Free: Kylie's Story (Rayshod) Page 5

by Laylah Roberts

  If she kept saying it often enough maybe she would eventually believe it. Sometimes she didn’t think she would ever feel entirely safe again.

  Reagan gave a soft snore and she glanced his way. She had tried to convince him to sleep in his own room but he wouldn’t hear of it. He insisted on staying with her in case she had a nightmare.

  Kylie rose from the bed. She needed some fresh air. Remnants of the nightmare still reverberated in her head. She tiptoed across the room and carefully opened the door, stepping outside into the passage.

  Five days had passed since Reagan had brought her to her first orgasm. Since then she’d had countless more orgasms and more corner-time than she cared to think about. She’d also spent a lot of time naked. Reagan was trying to bolster her self-confidence and her trust in him.

  To some extent it had worked. She trusted Reagan more than she ever thought she would. And while she wouldn’t say she was at ease at being naked in front of him, she didn’t spend the whole time with rosy cheeks and the urge to cover herself.

  But she still had lingering doubts. The Toad’s hold over her still existed, Reagan may have chipped away at it but he hadn’t managed to remove it. She probably never would.

  Kylie stepped outside, walking down the long path that went through the garden, leading to the forest. The moon shone brightly, lighting her way. She ignored the sharp stones pressing against her feet and the cool air that brought goose-bumps to her arms.

  She could feel the Toad’s stubby fingers on her body, feel him prying apart her ass cheeks to stick the enema nozzle inside. She shuddered. She had to stop this. Kylie pushed the memory away. Since Reagan had brought her here, the nightmares had become more frequent, old memories stirred up.

  Kylie saw a stone bench and sat on it gratefully. She tried to find some peace. But it just wouldn’t come.

  Don’t think.

  Damn it. What was wrong with her? A sudden movement by the forest caught her eye. Was it an animal? A person? She cursed the darkness as she stood to move a bit closer. It didn’t look like an animal.

  “Kylie? Kylie, where are you?” Reagan called out.

  The shadow turned, running. Definitely a person.

  “Kylie? Kylie?”

  “I’m over here,” she replied.

  Reagan ran toward Kylie’s voice, his heart beating double-time. When he’d awoken to find her gone, he’d jumped up to search the house. Fear had built as he’d failed to find her, worst case scenarios running through his head. What if she’d run off? What if she’d tried to kill herself?

  When he saw her, standing in the garden dressed in a filmy white nightgown, the knot in his stomach unravelled slightly. He grabbed her, pulling her toward him and holding her tight.

  “Thank God,” he told her. “You scared me.”

  He grabbed her shoulders and drew her back so he could look down into her face. “What are you doing out here? It’s freezing and dark.”

  Little shivers raced over her as she stood, looking out at the forest. “I saw something. I think someone was watching me.”

  Turning, he glanced over at the forest. How could she see anything? Sure, the moon was bright, but it was still the middle of the night.

  “Is that why you came out here? Did you see something from the bedroom window?”

  Why didn’t she wake him? Didn’t she know that he would protect her?

  She shook her head. “No, I had a nightmare. I wanted some fresh air.”

  He frowned. “What are you supposed to do if you have a nightmare?”

  Finally, she turned from the forest to glance up at him, hearing the anger in his voice.

  “Wake you. But I needed some privacy.”

  He nodded. “I can understand needing privacy. However, in order to take care of you, I need to know where you are.”

  “I’m not completely helpless. Before I was kidnapped, I looked after myself.” There was some fire in her voice, which he secretly cheered. However, this was important.

  “Right. So looking after yourself includes wandering outside in the dark and freezing cold in nothing more than a nightgown? No shoes, no coat. You’ll be lucky if you don’t get sick.” He shook his head.

  “Do you really think I wouldn’t let you have some privacy if you asked? I would do my best to get you anything you need. Instead you snuck out, scared me half to death and now we’re both standing out here in the middle of the night. Is that very smart?”

  She shook her head.

  Unable to take her shivering any longer, he scooped her up in his arms and strode into the house. “You deserve a spanking for this, little girl.”

  She stiffened in his arms as he climbed the stairs to her bedroom, but he couldn’t wish the words back. His palm itched to turn her butt red. She needed to know this was totally unacceptable. He would protect her, even against herself.

  Pulling back the blankets from the bed, he placed her on the mattress and tucked her in. Then moving over to the fireplace, he spent a few minutes stoking it. When it was putting out some good heat, he grabbed his chair and he carried it over to the fire. Turning, he saw her watching him with wide eyes.

  He didn’t want to frighten her. He also didn’t want a repeat of tonight. Moving over to her, he brushed her hair back from her face. Grabbing the blanket from the bed, he held it up. “Come here, baby. You’ll warm up quicker if you’re closer to the fire.”

  She slowly rose and he wrapped her up in the blanket. Pulling her into his arms, he carried her to the fireplace and sat on the chair with her on his lap.

  After ten minutes, she stirred.

  “Are you really going to spank me?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  “Do you think what you did was wise? Did you not give me your promise to put yourself into my hands? Wouldn’t I be failing you if I didn’t keep you safe?”

  “I won’t do it again.”

  “No, you won’t. I don’t want you leaving the house without telling me, understand?”

  She nodded. “Can you do it now? I want to get it over and done with.”

  He was surprised by her acquiescence. Truthfully, he hadn’t thought her ready for this, but she was watching him with a steady gaze.

  “Okay.” He helped her stand and pulled the blanket away from her. “You can keep your nightgown as I don’t want you getting chilled.” He sat forward in the chair. “Put yourself over my knee.”

  Eyes wide, she hesitated for a moment before moving to his side and awkwardly climbing over his lap. Reagan took a deep breath, trying to calm his arousal. She wouldn’t appreciate it right at the moment, but it seemed like he was always hard around her. He’d brought her to pleasure many times, but taken none for himself. He didn’t want to take advantage of her. Yet, as he raised her gown to bare her perfect little bottom, he had to remind himself of all the reasons that he couldn’t sink balls-deep into her lush pussy.

  He placed his hand on her bottom. “Why are you being punished?”

  “For not waking you.”

  “And?” he prompted.

  “For walking outside in the dark and cold.”

  “That’s right.” Smack! He slammed his hand down on her bottom. She let out a whoosh of air, but made no sound. He frowned.


  No sound again, but trembles racked her body. When Kylie was scared she grew quiet and unresponsive.

  “Are you cold?” He cursed himself, he should have let her keep the blanket.

  “No,” she said quietly.

  If she wasn’t cold then she was scared. What was he doing? She wasn’t ready for this. But would she ever be unless he showed her that she was safe with him, even when she was being punished?

  He smacked his hand down rapidly five times. Still no sound beyond a slight grunt. He paused, rubbing the heat into her bottom. “Part your legs.”

  This wasn’t part of the plan. He’d planned on spanking her until her bottom glowed and she was suitably chastised, but she needed to know it was him span
king her. Not that bastard.

  Cupping her mound, he lightly pressed down against her clit. He rubbed the tip of his finger over her clit and she relaxed slightly. He flicked his finger back and forth until her breath came faster and her legs were fully relaxed. He moved his finger back, running it along her folds. Nice and wet. Good.

  Bringing his hand back, he gave her four more sharp smacks, two to each cheek. She let out a loud gasp. Again he rubbed the heat over her bottom.

  He cupped her mound once more, building her arousal, playing with her until she squirmed.

  “Uh-uh, stay still,” he warned, spanking her again.

  “W-what are you doing?” she panted.

  “Spanking you.”

  “This isn’t a spanking.”

  “Really?” he queried, before giving her another five spanks. “That sure felt like I was spanking you.”

  “But it isn’t, I mean, I’m not…” she trailed off, even as he silently urged her to carry on, to open up.

  “Tell me what you were going to say,” he ordered in a stern voice. “How does this make you feel?”


  “Kylie,” he warned. “Remember that you promised to obey me.” Well, she had promised to try.

  He thrust a finger inside her, quickly pulling it out before slowly pushing it back inside.

  “I feel hot and achy. Aroused.”

  “Good girl, what else? How does the spanking feel?”

  “It hurts,” she blurted out.

  “You didn’t call out stop though.”

  In truth, he’d fully expected her to. Even though he’d mixed pain with pleasure he hadn’t been sure how she would take react.

  “Why didn’t you stop me, Kylie?” he prompted when she didn’t say anything.

  “Because I trust you not to harm me,” she whispered.

  He stilled, the rush of pleasure so strong he felt light-headed. “Good girl. I will push you, but I would protect you against any harm with my life.”

  Reagan gave her another four spanks, by now her bottom was turning a nice shade of red. Despite the fact that he’d given her some arousal with her pain, her bottom was still going to be sore for a while after this, a reminder of her disobedience.

  He swirled his finger around her clit, driving her higher and higher until little noises of need filled the room. As she drew close to her peak, he drew back and flipped her over so she sat on his lap.

  She winced and tried to rise, but he held her still.

  “Hurts, huh?” he asked.

  “Yes, more than I thought it would.”


  She glanced up at him in surprise.

  “It was meant to be a punishment, but I also wanted to show you that a spanking wasn’t anything to fear, so I included some pleasure as well. Not every spanking will be like that. If you go wandering alone outside in the dark again then I will blister your bottom, understand? This was a warning and a small indication of what you would get.”

  She nodded.

  “Good. Now let’s get you into bed.”


  He sat, waiting, wondering if she would ask for what she wanted.

  “But what, baby?”

  “Umm, I, well, I don’t think I can sleep in this state.”

  He raised his brows. “You’re in that much pain?”

  “No, not pain, need, I’m achy and aroused,” that last word was said on a whisper and he had to strain to hear. He hid his smile at her apparent embarrassment.

  “Really? And do you think you deserve some pleasure after being punished?”

  Her head dropped. “Probably not.”

  As much as he longed to lay her out on the bed and feast on her sweet pussy, he knew that wasn’t the way to go. He had to be strong.

  Carrying her to the bed, he tucked her in and gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

  “I care so much about you, Kylie. Sweet dreams.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kylie frowned as she walked beside Reagan through the garden. Two days had passed since he had spanked her and she had to admit it had been nothing like what she’d imagined. She was shocked that she hadn’t had a flashback. She’d been fearful in the beginning, but Reagan had soon managed to override those fears and replace them with…arousal, security, love.

  She loved him.

  God, what would she do if he didn’t love her back? Sure, he had said plenty of times how he cared for her, how he wanted her, but he’d never said he loved her.

  And Kylie needed to be loved. She’d never had that in her life before and it was the one thing she wanted above all else.

  “Kylie, are you okay?”

  She turned to look up at him. He was so handsome. Today he wore a crisp white shirt and dark blue pants. His hair was rumpled, he never seemed to get it tamed. His gorgeous eyes looked down at her with worry.

  She smiled up at him. “I’m fine.”

  He frowned and she knew he wasn’t the least bit satisfied with her reply.

  “When do we have to return to Risa and Ben’s?” she asked.

  He gave her chiding look, but replied. “About two weeks. I want to be back in plenty of time for Ian and Alia’s wedding. Plus, I would rather leave before Mason and Evie returned. I told Mason the truth about our relationship, but not Evie. She’s lovely, but a bit of a gossip and I couldn’t risk her telling everyone that we weren’t actually married.”

  “It would really matter that much?” It seemed so archaic. But then Rayshod was backward in its customs and technology.

  “It would. Unmarried men and women are not allowed to live together alone. It would ruin you and I would likely be disciplined.”

  A movement to her left caught her eye and she turned. She saw a flash of brown, like a piece of clothing.


  “Did you see that?” she asked.

  Reagan peered around her. “See what?”

  “Maybe it was my imagination, but I think I saw someone. I think they were watching us.”

  She shivered slightly.

  Reagan paused, looking over at the trees. “Wait here.”

  “No, Reagan, don’t.” She went to grab him but he moved too quickly, striding away. Kylie stood there for a moment, indecisive. Then she ran after him.

  Reagan looked over his shoulder with a frown but didn’t order her to stay back. She moved closer.

  “They were standing right there,” she said, pointing to the area.

  “Yeah, there was definitely someone standing here,” Reagan said. “See the way the grass is flattened?”

  He was grim as he turned to look at her. “Could be innocent, but I don’t like it.” He clasped her shoulders. “Remember your promise not to go anywhere outside the house alone.”

  “I remember.”

  “Good. Come on, let’s head inside. It’s almost time for dinner and I have something planned for tonight.”


  Kylie lay face down on the bed, her legs spread wide, nerves making her feel a little ill. Reagan had covered the bed in thick, fluffy towels before ordering her to strip and lie on her stomach with her legs spread wide.

  Reagan sat beside her and she turned her head toward him. “Hey, baby, you doing okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Good, I want you to close your eyes and just relax, all right?

  As soon as she closed her eyes, she felt some warm oil being poured on her back. She jumped as Reagan straddled her hips. He rubbed the oil into her back, massaging her tight muscles. It didn’t take long until she was melting beneath his touch.

  Pure bliss.

  He started with her back and shoulders before moving down to her thighs. By the time he reached her feet, Kylie was drifting on a sea of pleasure. She didn’t think she had ever been so relaxed in her life.

  “Roll over for me, baby.” She moved onto her back slowly and worked his way up her legs, digging into her tight muscles. He grabbed one hand, working his way up o
ne arm and down the other. Had anyone ever cared for her like this? Not that she could ever remember.

  He took her breasts in his hands, squeezing gently. He massaged oil into her nipples until she was writhing with need, soft whimpers coming from her mouth.

  “Reagan,” she sighed.

  “Yes, baby? Tell me? What do you need?”

  “You. I need you to touch me, down there. Please, I need to come.”

  “Down where? Down here?” He wiggled down to grab her foot.

  “Reagan!” she complained, opening her eyes to scowl at him. “Don’t tease me.”

  He grinned.

  “Where then? Here?”

  He cupped her mound.

  “Yes, oh yes.”

  “Ask me, baby. I want the words.”

  She took a deep breath. “I want you to-to touch my pussy, to play with my clit.”

  “Soon,” he told her with a wink. Reaching up, he grabbed a pillow. “Roll over and place your stomach over the pillow.”

  She turned over with a sigh. God, how much longer could she take this torment? No matter how many times he brought her to pleasure, she wanted more. And she wanted him. He never took her. She was starting to wonder if it was because he didn’t want her. Yet, she’d felt his erection plenty of times. No, he was interested, he was just holding back.

  Kylie didn’t know what to do.

  He poured some more oil on her back, rubbing it over her back until she was fully relaxed once more.

  His hands crept lower, kneading her buttocks. Kylie opened her eyes, tensing slightly. Then he pulled her cheeks apart, running his thumbs up the inside, brushing them over her hole.

  Kylie scrambled up, trying to get away. It didn’t matter that it was Reagan, didn’t matter than she knew he wouldn’t harm her. She couldn’t let anyone touch her there.

  Reagan grabbed her, rolling her onto her back. Grabbing her wrists, he pinned them against the mattress above her head.

  “Let me go!”

  “No, baby. Never.”

  She tried to press up against him. “Reagan, stop!”

  He let go of her and sat up. Immediately, she felt the loss of his touch. Kylie scrambled back against the headboard. Sitting, she pulled her knees to her chest. There was a long silence. Finally, it got to be too much. She simply couldn’t stand the feeling that she had disappointed him.


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