Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers

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Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers Page 19

by Barron, Melinda

  “No, I wouldn’t mind at all,” Corbin replied. “I think it would be an excellent way for you to spend an afternoon.”

  Ruby nodded, then turned her attention to her food. As she listened to the brothers tease each other, and the women laugh and trade barbs, a strange feeling over came her. She hated to think it was jealousy, but she was pretty sure that was what it was.

  She’d never experienced anything like this in her life. She was an only child, and her mother had died a long time ago. Her father was usually busy at the mine, trying to make more money, and Ruby had been forced to fend for herself.

  He’d hired her a tutor, true, a woman who had taught Ruby quite a bit. But one morning Ruby woke up and the tutor was gone. She’d found out later that her father and the tutor, named Mrs. Gamble, had been having an affair. Mrs. Gamble had told her father that she wanted to marry, and her father had refused. The woman had left in the middle of the night, and Ruby had never had another teacher.

  When Miss O’Brien carried in blueberry pies, Ruby’s eyes bulged. She was so full she didn’t think she could stuff in another bite. Yet Corbin put a huge slice on her plate.

  “Eat up,” he whispered to her. “We’ve got lots of work to do tomorrow.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “Nonsense. I’m not that bad a boss, am I?”

  “Ask me again in a week and I’ll let you know.”

  * * *

  But at the end of the week, Ruby had not decided what type of boss Corbin was. He hadn’t made another move to spank her, which was good. But then again, he hadn’t done anything to annoy her, which was bad.

  Instead, he’d been polite and cheerful, drawing her into conversations and talking with her as if they’d known each other for years. She wasn’t quite sure how to take it. She wanted to hate him, which would make leaving after the holiday easier.

  Instead, she liked him. She actually liked him. She liked being around him and she liked talking with him. Eating dinner with him every night at Miss O’Brien’s house was fun. The older lady had even taken to joining them, laughing and having a good time. Of course she never stayed at their table for long, because the other single men needed attention, too, she said.

  And, Ruby found that she liked working on the newspaper with Corbin. It was fun to talk with the people who came into the office and gave them ‘news’.

  Of course most of the time the news wasn’t really news, it was more information about what was going on in the people’s lives. Visits from relatives, trips they had taken, or trips they were planning to take.

  It was amazing to see what people thought other people would like to read about. It was even more amazing to Ruby that townspeople actually did want to read those things. Keeping up with what their neighbors were doing was a big thing in Mac’s Crossing.

  When she’d been working for Corbin for a week, and a day, Vanessa came into the office with young Jacob in tow. Watching the child’s face light up at the sight of his uncle made Ruby smile. Corbin really was a good man, and he would make a good father.

  She wondered why she couldn’t have met him before all this nonsense with her father and Jonathan Blake. Marrying Corbin wouldn’t be a chore. It would be fun. Having his children would be a great pleasure. Making his children would be an even greater pleasure.

  As soon as the thought crossed her mind, her eyes widened. Had she really just thought that? She kept her eyes focused on Corbin, who was twirling Jacob around the room.

  “He’ll make a great father,” Vanessa said, coming up next to her. “But you’ll have to talk him into building a new house. You can’t raise a family in the back of a newspaper office.”

  Ruby jumped as if she’d been shot.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Vanessa laughed. “Trust me, what the MacAllister men want, they get. And Corbin wants you.”

  “Has he said that?”

  “No, but it doesn’t take much to see it. Why else would he help you hide?”

  Ruby’s mouth fell open.

  “What, I…”

  “Please, don’t deny it. Win saw a flier in Denver with your picture on it a few days ago. He brought it home and showed it to me. You don’t have to worry. Your secret is safe with us. But ask yourself this, Ruby, why would a man hide a woman that he didn’t want in his life?”

  “He needed help in the office.”

  “He could have hired Rob’s son Frank, or any number of people in town who would have loved to work and make money.”

  Ruby shook her head and watched as Corbin put Jacob on his shoulders and started prancing around the room like a pony.

  “All right, I won’t press the issue. But if he’s spanked you already, there’s no way he’s letting you go. Both Dawn and I found that out really quick.”

  “I could never stay,” Ruby said. “My father wouldn’t…”

  “Corbin and his brothers can handle your father. You’ll see. And your non-answer tells me that he has spanked you. Was it the first night you met?”

  Ruby nodded and blushed furiously, looking away as Vanessa grinned at her.

  The man in question galloped up to the counter. “What do you say we close up the shop for a while and go to the store for a sweet treat? I know Jacob would love it.”

  “You’ll spoil him,” Vanessa said, reaching for her son.

  “That’s a good thing,” Corbin replied. “Until I have children of my own, that is, and then they’re off limits to their Uncle Win and Aunt Vanessa until they’re in the teens, and no longer at the spoiling age.”

  They closed up the shop and went across the street, where Corbin bought big bags of taffy for everyone. Ruby nibbled on a piece as she thought about Vanessa’s words. If it was true that Corbin wanted her to stay around, why didn’t he say something? Why didn’t he ask her? She might consider it.

  It was obvious to her that Corbin wasn’t interested. She stuck the whole piece of candy in her mouth and chewed furiously. Corbin watched her, then came over and shook his head.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “What do you care?” She cleared her throat. “Vanessa said Win saw one of those bulletins about me in Denver the other day. I’m leaving on the train tomorrow afternoon, heading south.”

  “The hell you are. We had a deal that you would stay until after the Fourth of July, and you’re staying.”

  “No. We had a deal that I would stay for a week. That week’s over. I’m leaving. End of discussion.” She stomped her foot at him and put her hands on her hips. Her words had been hissed lowly, for his ears only, but her actions had shown that she was upset. Josh and Vanessa watched with interest.

  “We’ll discuss this later,” Corbin said. “You’re not leaving.”

  “What are you doing to do? Hog tie me?”

  He stood up straighter and shook his head. Then he turned to Vanessa.

  “It’s been great fun spending time with you and Jacob this afternoon. We have to get back and open up the office in case someone wants to come in and send a telegram. Y’all take care.”

  “We will,” Vanessa replied. “Oh, and Ruby, I’ll ride out to Dawn and Rob’s with you in a few days, to do the baking. I can’t bake, but I can talk, and test the pies.”

  She giggled and waved Jacob’s hands at them saying, “Say bye-bye, say bye-bye.”

  Ruby started to tell her that the baking was not going to happen, but Corbin propelled her toward the door.

  “She’ll be ready, willing and able.”

  When they were outside the store, Ruby stopped dead in her tracks. “I’m leaving tomorrow and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “Go.” He pointed to the office and she tromped across the street. It was after five o’clock, and not many people were out. When they were inside, he locked the door and led her toward the back room, the place where he’d spanked her the first night.

  “What are you going to do? Spank me into staying?”

rbin stopped and looked at her. “If I have to, yes.”

  Chapter 4

  “You can’t be serious.”

  Ruby dug her heels in as Corbin pulled on her arm.

  “I am. You made a deal with us. If you break the deal, you get spanked.”

  “That’s hogwash! I made a deal for a week. That week is now over. You can’t do this. Stop it!” She tried to twist out of his grasp but it didn’t work.

  “You told Vanessa and Dawn you’d stay until after the Fourth. You haven’t stayed that long.”

  “So, you’re going to spank me because I decided to leave. That’s unfair.”

  They were in the backroom now. Corbin shook his head at her, then put his hands on his hips.

  “Tell me why.”

  “Because I want to.”

  “No, that’s not a good enough reason. I want to know why. Exactly why.”

  “Because if I stay here, there’s too much of a chance my father might find me!”

  “No! Not good enough. I told you I’d protect you from him.”

  “Then I just…”

  Ruby’s words died out as Corbin propelled her toward the couch. He sat down and pulled her across his lap. Before she could protest, her skirts were above her waist and her bloomers were cleared of her bottom.

  The first slap was harsh and she cried out. He slapped her bottom again and again and again as she struggled against him.

  “Tell me why. Tell me the truth.”

  “Because I hate you!”

  He continued to spank her, his hand moving from one cheek to the other, the stings turning into sharp burns.

  “Stop, please, Corbin, please!” She kicked her feet and sobbed.

  “I want to know the truth.” His hand came down over and over and as Ruby struggled against him. He stopped abruptly, his hand caressing her bottom.

  “Talk to me. Tell me why you want to leave.”

  “Because you spanked me!”

  He slapped her ass again. “You wanted to leave before that.”

  She sobbed back a few words, then started to cry.

  She couldn’t tell him the truth; that she really didn’t want to leave. That she loved being with him, and talking with him. When she was in Texas, all she would think about was Corbin.

  He slapped her ass a few more times, then stopped again. This time, he lifted her to her feet and stood up next to her. He captured her face in his hands, and brought his lips down on hers. His touch was tentative at first, soft and gentle. When she didn’t pull away, he deepened the kiss, meshing their lips together until they became one.

  When she moaned softly, he slid his tongue along her lips, probing for entrance.

  She granted it, her hands going to his shoulders and massaging him softly. Once inside her mouth, his tongue danced upon her own, sending shock waves of sensation through Ruby’s body. She’d never felt anything so perfect, so absolutely delightful.

  “Is that why you want to leave?” His breath was hot against her face as he held her close.


  “Are you frightened of me, of the fact that we’ve become close?”

  “Yes. I’m frightened of the fact that when I saw you playing with Jacob I thought about you playing with our child.”

  He gently stroked her hair. “He’ll have dark hair, and your beautiful smile.”

  He captured her lips again in a soft, sensuous kiss.

  “Or she will.”

  “Our daughter will be as beautiful as her mother.”

  “This is crazy. My father will never allow it.”

  “You are over twenty-one and can do as you please. If I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?”

  She gazed into his eyes and felt as if she would melt.

  “I don’t know. I’m just so, scared.”

  “Don’t be frightened of me. Ever.”

  “But you spanked me on the first night that we met.”

  “Discipline is good for you. We’ve gotten along fine since then, haven’t we?”

  “Yes, but I just don’t know. Corbin, I…”

  “Then let’s do it right now, just the two of us. We can run and get Win and Vanessa for witnesses.”

  “Your other brothers would kill us.”

  “I don’t care. I want to marry you. Right now.”

  “So you can spank me whenever you want?” She wiped away her tears, and when he laughed, she slapped him playfully. He sat and pulled her into his lap and hugged her close.

  “No. I can do that that anytime. I want to wed you because I want you as my wife. I want you to live with me. I want to go to sleep and wake up with you in my arms. I want to see you heavy with my child, and then holding that child to your breast.”

  Her tears started to fall again. He wiped them gently from her face, then kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Don’t be so nice to me. If you are, it will make leaving harder.”

  “You’re not leaving. If I have to do the hogtie idea, then I will. We’ll have the only shotgun wedding where the person under the gun is the bride.”

  Ruby snuggled into his chest. With his arms wrapped around her she felt warm and safe.

  “Marry me.”


  “Now, today.”


  “Tomorrow then.”

  “Oh, Corbin. We’ll see.”

  He lifted her face to his gaze. “I’m going to keep bugging you. You will be my wife before the Fourth, or right afterwards.”

  “Well, we have to talk about this spanking thing. I don’t think I want to be spanked too many more times.”

  “Spanking is good for you. As your husband, I will have the authority to give out discipline. And that will include spankings.”

  “Would seem to me your hand would get tired.”

  “There are lots of things I can use besides my hand,” Corbin said. “A hairbrush works wonders, as does a belt, and I’m thinking that wonderful ruler I use to measure lines for type would work perfectly.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, I’m very serious, and if you think I’m not, just do something wrong.”

  She shook her head. “And you want me to marry you, when you just admitted that you would spank me whenever you want?”

  “You didn’t mind it so much. If you did, you would have run from me right now instead of sitting on my lap. Instead, you’re sitting here talking with me, and putting your head on my shoulder. What does that tell you?”

  Ruby pulled back, but she didn’t get off his lap. His words ran through her mind, then ran through it again. He was right. If she hated what he’d just done to her, she would have run the minute it was over. Instead, she stayed on his lap, stayed close to him.

  “I’m going to ask you again tomorrow. You know that, don’t you?”


  “Good. I’ll walk you back to the hotel. After dinner, I want you to think, think about spending the rest of your life with me, here in Mac’s Crossing. Think about the wonderful children we could have. Think about wonderful nights in each other’s arms.”

  “Think about you spanking me.” She pouted and he laughed.

  “Spankings don’t have to be for punishment. Some of them can lead to wonderful lovemaking.”

  “And how would you know that? You’ve never been married.”

  “True, but I’m not lily white, either.”

  “Hmm. I’m not sure I want a husband with a past.”

  He laughed. “Sorry, but there’s no going back on things. Will you promise me you’ll think about those things tonight?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  “Good. Then I’ll want an answer, tomorrow. Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  He kissed her again, then sat her on her feet.

  “Until tomorrow, then.”

  * * *

  At ten o’clock that night, Ruby put on her softest shoes and quietly slipped out of the hotel. Miss O’Brien had alread
y gone to sleep, so she tried as hard as she could to walk quietly. When she got to the front door, she opened and shut it quickly, then waited on the front porch to see if Miss O’Brien would come running.

  When she didn’t, Ruby picked up her skirts and made her way across the deserted streets. She knew that Corbin never locked the store’s front door, despite the fact that he used the term often. She pushed the door of the office open and walked toward the counter. In seconds, he was coming out of the back room. There was a frown on his face, but no weapon in his hand.

  His chest was bare, and it looked as if he’d pulled his pants on quickly. The sight of him made her heart quicken. She’d never thought he would be so handsome, so virile.

  “What are you doing here?” His voice was deep, and the desire in his eyes was evident.

  “I wanted to give you my answer. It’s yes. I’ll marry you.” She smiled at him. She’d thought about it long and hard before deciding that becoming his wife would be the right thing to do.

  She cared about him a great deal, and he had protected her when she needed it, taken her into his life, even if he had taken her over his knee first.

  Now, she watched a huge smile appear on his face. “Tomorrow?”

  “No, not that fast. I want a real wedding, with guests and a cake make by Miss O’Brien. We can get married right after the Fourth of July, say a week after?”

  “That long?” She loved the way his face dropped in disappointment.

  “It’s only a few weeks. Besides, I didn’t say you had to wait that long to make love to me.”

  “Why you naughty little girl.” His face lit up, despite the words that he’d just uttered. He crossed to her quickly, pulled her close and kissed her tenderly.

  “Are you a virgin, Ruby?”

  “Yes.” She nodded, her eyes large. “If I wasn’t, would it change your mind?”

  “Would it change the way I feel about you? No. I just wanted to know so I can take you gently the first time, and harder the second, and the third, and the fourth. I wish I had a softer bed to lay you in. Maybe we should wait until we can go to Denver, stay in the Brown Palace.”


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