Cruising Through to Fulfilment

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Cruising Through to Fulfilment Page 4

by Ann M Pratley

  "Let's buy some food and walk up to the waterfalls for a picnic lunch," she suggested, breaking him out of his gaze.

  "Well, that would mean exercise, wouldn't it? How far is it?" Paul asked and Tracey laughed at him, looking at the map.

  "It's only half a mile, Paul. You can manage that, can't you? And we have to walk through a gold rush cemetery to get there so there will be some history for you to dwell on, too."

  His face transformed into a smile. "Let's be off then."

  * * * *

  After a short visit to the supermarket they made their way along the deserted road and across the railroad tracks to the cemetery. As they did, Tracey started talking about her fondness of graveyards.

  "Of course, they are cool, Tracey, they hold hundreds of stories within their walls," Paul was saying but Tracey smiled as she made a joke with him.

  "No Paul, what I find satisfying is that while I am there I can walk all over dead bodies..."

  For a moment Paul looked aghast but when he understood she was kidding, he smiled and gave her a mock hug - tightening his arms around her neck. "Shall we find some room for you while we're there, smartie pants?"

  Once they reached the falls, all were quiet for a few minutes as they stood and stared at the water tumbling down the mountain face.

  Paul drew in a deep breath. "Now that is spectacular."

  Tracey joined in. "And the air is so clean up here."

  Sitting down, they made up their little picnic and afterwards lay down, enjoying the sound of the water mixed with the sunshine coming down on them through the tree tops.

  "Well, I am going to walk down to the cemetery and have a good look around," Paul said as he stood up once again.

  Tanya jumped up. "Wait for me, Paul - I'm coming too."

  Greg watched them as they walked down the hill and once again was overpowered by a feeling of jealousy. He turned to Tracey.

  "Do you think that Tanya really likes Paul, Tracey?"

  She could see where he was coming from and wasn't sure if jealousy was something Tanya would like in a man or not. "I know that she really likes Paul, Greg, but only as a friend. Even if they do share the same common interests, I'm sure there is no physical attraction there."

  "She told me that she has a lot of friends who are men, including ex-boyfriends. It's kind of strange, don't you think? One way I have never been able to look at my girlfriends when we've split up, is as a friend."

  "I think that Tanya is just an overall caring person and I wish I could hold onto some of the good from relationships with ex-boyfriends. It seems like such a waste to forget everything that you share with someone before you have an argument, or whatever happens to cause a break-up. I don't expect too many people can do it, but I think it's a good thing."

  As Greg and Tracey continued to chat about past relationships they had both had, Paul and Tanya made their way around the cemetery, reading all of the old tombstones.

  "Can you imagine living in the 1800s, Paul? The people who lived to an old age must have been so strong to have been able to resist all the disease that was around."

  "It would be great if you could visit a place like this for just a day or two in those times, wouldn't it?" Paul was saying. "If only someone would invent that long thought-of time machine."

  When Greg and Tracey had packed up their belongings, they headed down the hill to find the others. As Tanya and Paul came into view, both of them were bent over one very small grave, trying to read the scratched etching on the stone. They were unaware of the others coming towards them until they were right in front of them.

  At that moment Tanya let out a sad sigh. "Oh look Paul, here, her name was Eloise and she was only three years old."

  Paul continued to read the stone. "Loved daughter of Timothy and Suzy, May the Angels Guide You to the Place Where You Will be Free..."

  Tanya looked up and saw Greg and Tracey standing in front of them. "Oh, hello," she said, sensing something less than joy coming from Greg. "Are we off then?"

  "Yeah, let's get out of here. We still have time for a drink at the Red Onion Saloon, if anyone is keen," Greg said, sounding a little put out about something.

  Walking back into town everyone seemed to be in their own worlds, and no-one spoke until they were on the main street once again.

  * * * *

  When they entered the Red Onion, the same girl came up to Greg that he had spoken to the other time and Tanya felt for sure that he must have been with her the night before. As they all sat down, the girl sat down too, and as Tanya watched Greg, she found it hard to determine what his thoughts about the girl were. This time she introduced herself to all of them, and had no qualms about being the spotlight of the show, so to speak. She chatted about everything - working on the ship, her home in England, the lack of men on board … at that point Greg cringed and everyone saw it.

  Soon, some other crew came in and swept Lisa away, making everyone at the table feel a little bit relieved. Tanya excused herself, suddenly just wanting to be alone. Greg wanted to run after her but knew how he had wanted his own space the night before, so let her go by herself.

  Paul asked him what everyone wanted to know. "Greg, have you been with Lisa?"

  Greg looked at him with almost a look of disgust. "Paul, haven't we had a similar conversation to this already this week? No, I have not been with Lisa. She is just someone who seems to like seeking me out. I was straightforward with her the day that I met her and have continued to tell her since then that I am not interested in any one night stands ... why do you guys go on believing these things of me?"

  "That is the way it looked, Greg, and it would be my guess that Tanya thinks there is something going on too," Tracey said, just as Carlos walked in and sat down beside her.

  When she said that, Greg realised what had just happened and wished that he had run after Tanya. It seemed that whatever he was doing, he was not getting any closer to finding out what he really wanted as far as Tanya was concerned. He excused himself and went for a walk over to the waterfront, sitting down to try and get his head together. He knew he wanted to have Tanya as more than a friend, so what was stopping him? He felt better today, having let all bad emotions run from him the night before, so what was in the way of them?

  He walked back into town and sought out a small souvenir shop which sold Indian goods, and asked the shopkeeper for advice on buying something for someone who had studied Alaska and the cultures within it. He walked out with an authentic dream catcher, which he had made sure to find out all about to make sure it was the right thing. Then he made his way back to the supermarket where he had seen flowers for sale.

  He knew it had been a long day for everyone and that Tanya might be asleep but he couldn't help but go to her cabin in the hope that she would be there. He knocked but there was no reply so he tracked down the cabin steward and asked him to place the flowers inside for him.

  By now the ship was only two hours away from sailing so Greg decided to just take a nap; to escape to somewhere he could think of the angelic face, and wait to see it again.

  * * * *

  Paul once again walked in when Greg was asleep, and was himself surprised at the change in his friend. He was certainly regaining a little of his usual self, and Paul knew who was due the credit. If only Greg would wake up and do something positive about him and Tanya. It was hard for Paul to think of that because he did have such a growing fondness for her and feared she would get hurt by Greg, but every day it became more evident that both of them could be a lot happier.

  Paul jumped in the shower to wash off the day's exercise and when he came out, Greg was awake but didn't seem in a hurry to move anywhere. "What time is it?"

  "Six o'clock. We have two hours till dinner so I thought I might go for a walk around the ship and see what is happening. Do you want to come?"

  Greg shook his head. "No, thanks, I think I'll stay right here for another hour and then get up and get ready for dinner."

p; As Paul walked around the ship he came across Tracey and Tanya looking through the window of one of the boutiques.

  "Going on a spending spree tonight, ladies?" he asked, having snuck up behind them and they both jumped and laughed.

  "Yeah, when the shops open!"

  "Where is Greg?" Tracey asked and Paul shook his head.

  "Out like a light. All the exercise today must have worn him out."

  Tanya had already found the flowers in her cabin and hoped they meant something positive, but didn't want to be disappointed so didn't bring the subject up with Paul. He wanted to tell her that Lisa had nothing going with Greg, but assumed that Tracey would have already done so, so didn't bother.

  * * * *

  After dinner they all met up to go to the show, where Greg sat beside Tanya and fought the urge to take her hand. He just wanted to touch her in some way, just to know that she was indeed right by his side. At the end of the show she asked him to join her for a walk and the two of them wandered around the outside decks till they found somewhere to be alone.

  "I trust it was you who bought the flowers I found in my cabin today?" she asked, teasing him a little.

  He looked a little awkward, caught between wanting to act like a man, but feeling more like a little boy. But then he went through a transformation and all at once he was intently looking into her eyes, full of desire. She saw it and moved closer to him, taking both of his hands in hers. He pulled her hands around him and surrounded her in his and as he breathed in the smell of her he was almost dizzy with wanting. He could feel her hands stroking his back while she pressed herself against him, and when he felt himself grow hard against her, he pulled back, embarrassed.

  She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Don't pull away now, Greg. It feels so right to be this close to you," she said, pulling him closer again.

  He kissed her cheek lightly, then her neck, and then their lips met and he thought he had never found anything so complete ever before. She was pressing herself against him in a way that was stimulating him more than he had been for what seemed like an eternity. He wanted to hold back but he wanted to have her, and her urgency was as strong as his.

  Finally they broke apart breathless, holding onto each other tightly. "Tanya," Greg said, breathless. "I'm sorry..."

  Tanya made him look at her. "I like being with you Greg. Don't be sorry."

  They held each other as they both looked out to the sea, quiet in their own thoughts. Just the warmth of his breath on her neck was enough to send chills up Tanya's spine and she fought the confusion she felt when she thought of her home's distance from his.

  Greg took her hand and led her into the Ocean View Lounge where entertainment had stopped for the night, and the view out over the open sea was perfect as he pulled her onto one of the sofas and held her in his arms while they looked at each other.

  "Tanya, how long after we arrive in Vancouver, will you be going back to New Zealand?" he asked.

  "I have another week in Vancouver before I fly out. Why?" she asked, secretly being very hopeful in her mind about him.

  He stroked her hair and she could feel him relax a little more. "I want to get to know you, Miss Beautiful Tanya, and if you would like me to, I could get another week off work and stay with you in Vancouver."

  She pulled away to look at him, all of a sudden a little suspicious, but when she looked in his eyes she knew she would be safe with him and that he wouldn't hurt her in any way. His face turned to concern when she didn't respond.

  "You would rather I didn't do that?" he asked and she smiled before pushing him back on the sofa and kissing him until they were breathless once again.

  This time when they pulled apart Greg knew he was at breaking point and his morals fought with his physical needs while Tanya stroked his chest. "What are you thinking?" she asked and he choked out his reply quietly.

  "Actually Tanya," he said, stroking her cheek and looking deeply into her eyes. "You are driving me crazy, and I was ... thinking about ... touching you ... everywhere ... being inside of you."

  He looked at her and she didn't blush or smile or say anything. Instead she took his hand and guided it to her breast, lightly moving it over her with her own hand. After a moment she sunk into the sofa and closed her eyes as he watched her face and continued to touch her the way she had shown him. He didn't kiss her, just concentrated on making her feel the best she could, and reading her facial expressions. He could feel her nipples harden at the feel of his touch and knew his own arousal was at a peak he could hardly stand. Only, tonight he didn't want to take anything from her, just give her what she seemed to need - what she deserved.

  She opened her eyes and pulled him to her to kiss him, taking him into an embrace as he felt her hand find its way to where his body wanted it to be. He moaned as she stroked him through his jeans and all of a sudden he was paranoid that anyone could walk in at any moment, although there never seemed to be anyone around the ship this late at night. When he looked back at Tanya, she had a look of pleasure on her face, as if touching him the way she was, was enough to keep her turned on.

  "Tanya," he moaned and kissed her again, pulling her hand away from him. "If you keep touching me like that it will be all over for me. What I would love right now is to just touch you until you come." She kissed him again. "Show me how to give it to you, Tanya."

  For a moment she didn't do or say anything and then she slowly placed his hand on her bare knee, just below her skirt line. He slowly stroked her thighs, enjoying looking at and touching the pale smooth skin. He dared to move his hand further and she didn't stop him - still he continued, until he was stroking her through her thin film of protection. She moaned and he sunk his hand inside until he could feel her moist warmth.

  He listened to her and watched her face until he found the right place for her, and with her guidance touched her until she was on the brink. Tanya felt like she was in heaven. There had been a time where she had been timid around men when it came to sex, but over the last couple of relationships had come to realise that it was so much better when she said exactly what she liked. Now she felt herself rising.

  "Oh Greg," she quietly moaned. "Just a little longer..." And then she was there.

  He put his arms around her and held her tight, feeling all of her muscles shimmering silently. After a few minutes he removed his hand and pulled her skirt back down, and she kissed him with such desire he almost reeled.

  Although he had always taken his time to get to know his few past girlfriends' needs, he had never been with a woman who was obviously so aware of her sexuality and sensuality, and it turned him on incredibly, so much so that he knew he would have to release the pressure extremely soon. He pulled away with one final kiss.

  "Tanya, I am going to have to leave you for a few minutes," he said, embarrassed again but knowing that if he didn't do this he wouldn't be able to enjoy the rest of the evening with her. Her reaction surprised him.

  She stood up, taking his hand and leading him into the lounge's men's room and pulled him into a cubicle. He was stunned at what she so much wanted to do, but when she took him in her hands the relief of it was so great he became totally oblivious to everything else, and when he felt her tongue run all over him he knew it was time. The sensations grew and when he looked at her lips moving over him he couldn't stand it any more.

  As if sensing his thoughts she whispered, in an incredibly sexy voice, "Come in my mouth, Greg." And then it was over. She stood up and kissed his lips with the taste of himself, and tucked him away so discreetly before he pulled her into his arms and held her tight. It was a long time before they both totally relaxed and kissed again.

  "Oh, Tanya, next time I promise we will find some more romantic surroundings, okay?" he said and she laughed with him before kissing him again.

  "You are beautiful, Greg," she said and he suddenly found a new surge of passion starting.

  "Let's get out of here before I molest you any more, you sexy woman."
br />   They returned to Promenade Deck and walked slowly in the fresh air, arm in arm. "Greg, I am going to have to go to bed."

  "Will you let me walk with you?" he asked and she nodded.

  "Of course."

  At her door they kissed softly and said goodnight, and when they were both in their beds that night, it was certainly of each other that they dreamed.

  Chapter 5

  The next day the Glacial Sun cruised through Glacier Bay, where whales were sighted in the morning as they made their entrance to the bay, and along the way harbour seals were seen, sunbathing on the icebergs that floated by.

  After breakfast the four friends wrapped up warm and moved outside with their cameras and hot chocolates in hand, each excited to be surrounded by such beauty and the wildlife they could see. Greg and Tanya had kissed briefly when they had first laid eyes on each other that morning but since then had both become totally engrossed in what was happening around them. By lunchtime they were full of clean fresh air and decided it would be a good time to escape for lunch in the pizzeria. Even from there they could still look out over the bay and at the glaciers, and every now and then they would see some calving which was always a treat for everyone who visited the bay.

  As they ate, Greg was brought back to reality after having been awed all morning, and became suddenly very aware of Tanya's presence beside him. She was making his heart beat faster again and when he turned to look at her, she met his eyes with a reflection of his own feelings. Tracey and Paul watched the exchange of looks and knew that something had finally happened between Tanya and Greg although nothing had been said.


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