Cruising Through to Fulfilment

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Cruising Through to Fulfilment Page 6

by Ann M Pratley

  "When did you know for sure about this, Greg?" she asked and he grinned sadistically.

  "A couple of days ago..."

  His reward was a light punch on the arm. "You rotten..."

  He laughed and pulled her tight again. "You are a crazy woman, Tanya. And I am crazy about you!"

  With that he kissed her long and hard and they held each other as they looked out over the ocean.

  "Are you sure you want me to spend the week with you, Tanya? You are very quiet," Greg whispered in her ear and she turned to look at him.

  "Of course, I do. I just find it hard to believe that you have walked into my life, Greg. You're beautiful and charming, and could have anyone you want..."

  "I want you," he replied quickly and kissed her. "Just you."

  Chapter 7

  The following morning everyone was up early to get packed and enjoy breakfast together before disembarking.

  In the restaurant, Tracey seemed particularly withdrawn as Carlos worked hard in his job, whilst noticeably coming back to their table to talk some more. With Tracey flying to London from Vancouver that same evening, there was not going to be any more getting to know each other for them.

  When they had finished their breakfast, Greg excused himself to call his airline to make sure all of his flight changes were secure.

  Next, Tracey removed herself, saying she wanted to double check the cabin to make sure she hadn't left anything behind, although Tanya could see on her face that it was an excuse to have some privacy for a few minutes.

  Tanya turned to look at Paul. "I guess it's just you and me, Paul."

  He looked flustered for a moment, which was unlike him since he was usually so easy going.

  "Do you want to go for a walk around the decks, Tanya?" he asked and she smiled and nodded before standing up.

  "That is a great idea."

  They were silent for several minutes as they headed out into the fresh air. Tanya looked at him, wondering what was going on in his head. He had started the week so outgoing, and had become more and more quiet as the week had advanced.

  "Are you okay, Paul? You have seemed distracted, or upset, for the past couple of days," Tanya asked.

  "I have felt a little odd these past two days," he confirmed, nodding.

  Tanya waited for further explanation, but not receiving it, she questioned further.

  "Does this have anything to do with me and Greg?"

  He looked at her, seeming indecisive as to whether to speak or not, and they walked in silence for a long period of time before his words began.

  "I do think seeing you and Greg together is having an effect on me. He is my closest friend and I trust him completely…"

  He paused.

  "But?" Tanya asked, starting to get an uneasy feeling.

  "I know you and I have only known each other a week, but I just don't want to see you get hurt," he replied.

  Tanya thought about this, wondering what was behind what he had said.

  "Paul," she began, "why do you think I am going to get hurt? Is it because I will only spend one week with Greg? Because I know that - I am going into the week knowing I won't see him again after I leave Vancouver."

  He stopped walking and started to look frustrated. He stepped up to her and placed his hands lightly on her arms, looking down into her eyes.

  "Forget it, Tanya … I don't know what I was thinking," he said and looked away before continuing. "Let's go find the others. It is almost time to disembark."

  He started to walk off and she called after him softly. "Paul…"

  But he kept walking so she caught up and fell in step beside him.

  * * * *

  Down in the lounge, all four friends were reunited once again, waiting for their turns to disembark.

  Finally the boys' group were called, and Greg turned to Tanya. "I will see you in the terminal."

  She nodded in return, before he turned to Tracey and gave her a hug, and then he was slowly walking forward, toward the disembarkation point.

  Paul hugged Tracey. "Take care, Ms Brit. Here is my address, if you would like to keep in touch," he said, handing her a piece of paper.

  Tracey smiled up at him in return.

  He turned to Tanya and gave her a warm, tight hug. "I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know you, Tanya. I hope you have a good week in Vancouver," he said and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek, before handing her a piece of paper also. "Please write to me. I would really love to stay in touch."

  Tanya looked up, into his eyes. "I will, Paul. I would really love that."

  He turned and walked off, and the girls could see him catch up with Greg in the distance, and start going down the walkway to the terminal.

  Tracey turned to Tanya. "Well I guess now all we can do is wait," Tracey said, looking at her new found friend.

  "Are you really going to spend a week with Greg, Tanya?" she asked.

  Tanya had yet another moment of self-doubt about her decision.

  "Do you think I am stupid to agree to this, Tracey? I mean it isn't changing anything for me - I had the hotel anyway and my flights haven't been changed. The only difference is that he will be there with me…"

  They were both silent for a moment before Tracey responded.

  "You sound a bit uncertain yourself, to be honest Tanya."

  Tanya nodded slightly. "Yes, it does seem a bit silly, doesn't it. Meeting a man on a cruise and thinking it might turn into something."

  "Well, only you know your heart, Tanya. And the two of you have made me question whether I have been wrong in thinking love at first sight doesn't exist."

  * * * *

  Soon, the call was made for the girls' group to disembark. Tracey turned to Tanya. "I hope it all goes well for you Tanya, and I would love for us to stay in touch. Let me give you my address in London, and if you are ever coming over for a visit, you know you are welcome to stay with me," she said, writing down her details on a piece of paper and handing it to Tanya.

  Tanya hugged her back. "Oh Tracey, when I boarded this ship I didn't think I would make any friends, and you have been so wonderful to hang out with and get to know. I will keep in touch, and you know if you are ever on my side of the world, you can visit me also."

  The girls then turned and walked down the gangway and into the terminal. Tanya felt an extreme case of nerves coming on, almost like a panic attack.

  Passing through the security doors in the terminal, both girls looked around to see if they could see the boys. At first they were not visible, and that played on Tanya's unconfident side, making her believe that it had all been a horrible joke - that he had never intended to spend time with her - that nothing he had said had been real - that she had let herself be used…

  But then, suddenly, Tracey let out a loud, "Oh!" and turned to touch Tanya on the arm, and point to something in the distance, against the back wall of the area they were in. No, not something … someone.

  When Tanya looked, she saw Paul, looking back at her with the look of having been startled that she would see whatever it was. To his right, she saw Greg, fending off a woman who she was sure had not been on the cruise. He was talking forcefully to her, but Tanya was too far away to hear what was being said.

  Tanya looked at Tracey, who looked back at her, with her eyebrow raising as if to ask what they should do.

  There was no way of avoiding the scene unrolling - to get out the door to the street, the girls had to walk past.

  Quietly, they followed through with the flow of other passengers who had disembarked, and as they got closer to the boys, they could hear words being exchanged heatedly.

  "Brigitte, what are you even doing here? We split up months ago," Greg was saying.

  "I came all this way to surprise you … I want you back!" said the woman, trying to put her arms around him.

  Tanya saw Greg look at the woman with confusion on his face, like he wanted to fall into her arms, but was guarding himself against doing that.
  "You were unfaithful, Brigitte. I loved you and you ran to another man. We can't go back!!"

  Now he was yelling at her, with tears in his eyes.

  Tracey and Tanya kept walking, with Tanya's emotions in turmoil. Was she supposed to wait for him, in case he did want to see her? Or should she slink away quietly, assuming that she was already forgotten to him?

  Just as the girls walked out the door, looking back at him, Greg raised his head and looked around the room, and just glimpsed Tanya, seeing her looking at him, as she passed through the outer door of the terminal.

  He looked at Paul briefly, who was already on his way out the door also, before trying to remove himself from Brigitte's grasp. She held onto his arms tighter, and he had to physically push himself to break free.

  He tried to move to the door but got caught up in the flow of passengers passing through. Even Paul was already out of view, being on the other side.

  Outside the girls looked at each other.

  "What do I do, Tracey?" Tanya asked her friend and Tracey looked as perplexed as she did.

  "I don't know, Tanya. But my flight isn't until late tonight, so let's stick together for now. How about we go to that coffee shop over there and sit down for a while, and see what happens?"

  Tanya nodded. "Good idea."

  They crossed the street and settled down, appreciating that the cruise ship terminal was so central in Vancouver, and they weren't stuck in the middle of nowhere.

  When they sat down, they were oblivious to what was happening in the outside world, having found a comfortable sofa inside the café, away from the window. They both spoke of funny moments on the ship, memories they would both have for a long time to come, and purposely avoided the question of what Tanya should do.

  * * * *

  Just as the girls sat down inside the café, Paul passed through the outer terminal doors, looking left and right, desperate to see Tanya and Tracey and explain what was happening with Greg inside. But as he glanced up and down the street, he could see they were gone. What they had seen had spooked Tanya, and she had decided not to wait for Greg … or him.

  He was still standing like that, looking left and right, hopefully, when Greg ran up behind him.

  "Where are they?" he asked his friend, who turned and looked at him disbelievingly.

  "They have already gone, Greg!" he said, expressing his exasperation.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" Greg asked, feeling mixed up in emotion.

  "You said you and Brigitte were finished…"

  "We are finished! We have been for months," Greg confirmed again.

  And Paul just about believed him again, until Brigitte approached them - and so it all began again.

  "Paul, you must tell him - we are meant to be together!" she pleaded to Paul, and he ignored her and looked at Greg again.

  "I am going to the airport to catch my flight. I will see you when you get back home," he said and immediately jumped into an available taxi, without waiting to give Greg another chance to speak.

  Greg turned to his ex-girlfriend, his frustration escalating more every minute.

  "You shouldn't have come here, Brigitte. What did you think would happen? That I would fall into your arms, forgetting that you cheated on me?"

  Determined to calm down, and now certain that everyone had disappeared and headed off, leaving him to make some decisions about what he himself was going to do, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  "Why do you think I am here? Why would I fly all this way to surprise you? I made a mistake, Greg. I don't want to be with someone else - I want to be with you," Brigitte said to him, as if what she had done was something that could be lightly overlooked by him.

  He looked at her. She was still attractive to him - he could easily go with her now and fall under her spell again, as he had before. It was a tempting thought for a moment, but he knew inside that he would never trust her again, and that would always be hanging over them.

  "Brigitte, we have had our time. And now it is over," he said, stepping back, away from her. "Go home. You and I have nothing to resolve."

  "I am on the same flight home with you - we can go to the airport together," she said, determined not to let him get away from her. All it would take was time with him to make him come around, she told herself.

  "I am not flying home today," he said before turning and starting to walk away. Where he was to go, he didn't know, but he did know he had to make a break and get away from the toxicity that was his ex girlfriend. No good would come from that situation, he thought to himself.

  He walked away from the terminal and up the main street, determined to find a quiet place to sit and think about what his options were now. He knew the name and address of the hotel he was supposed to be staying in with Tanya, but should he go there? What would be her response to seeing him now?

  After walking several blocks he came to a mall and went inside to get lunch and sit down.

  * * * *

  The girls stayed at the café for an hour, chatting and appreciating this time that they could just sit and chat about each other's real lives at home. Eventually Tracey brought them back to the present moment.

  "I might get going, Tanya. I still have quite a few hours until I have to check in, but I might as well head out to the airport. I am sure there is great shopping there!" Tracey said, laughing slightly.

  They walked outside and back over to the terminal to the taxi stand there.

  Hugging, Tracey said, "I hope you enjoy your week here, Tanya, no matter what happens."

  And then Tanya was alone, getting into another taxi and heading for her hotel.

  * * * *

  When she got to the hotel, she entered the doors, faintly hoping to see Greg there, but looking around the reception area, she could see he was nowhere to be seen. He hadn't come, even though he knew she would be here.

  She approached the smiling and welcoming receptionist, completed formalities to get her key, and made her way to her room.

  As she walked in she let out a sigh and dumped her bags before lying down on the bed, exhausted. Then, thinking about the week and the emotions her new friends had each individually brought out in her, and the fact that she wouldn't see them again, she started to feel very alone. This, combined with the feeling of having been used, tricked … whatever Greg's intention had been … it all festered inside of her until she burst into tears.

  * * * *

  After eating his lunch, having not even really tasted it, Greg weighed up his options. He could go to the airport and have his tickets changed again, completely avoiding Tanya and the difficult situation he would face if he saw her. Or he could go to the hotel and explain things, and hope that she believed him.

  He decided on the latter.

  Walking out of the mall, he walked to find a taxi stand, and caught a taxi to the hotel. Walking inside, he realised he didn't know her room number, and the booking wasn't in his name, so how would he even find her?

  The smiling receptionist looked expectant, ready to provide service, so he walked forward.

  "Good evening, sir," she beamed at him.

  "Hi, I have a friend who is staying here, but I don't know her room number."

  "What is your friend's name, sir?"

  Greg gave Tanya's name and the receptionist smiled at him. "Just one moment."

  She went away from the front desk, out the back. He could hear her quietly saying, "There is a gentleman here at reception asking for you, Ma'am … yes … of course. I shall tell him that."

  Listening, Greg thought there was a very good chance Tanya had told the receptionist to tell him to say she wasn't here, or that she didn't want to see him. But she came back, still smiling as she had been.

  "She will be right down, sir. Please take a seat."

  Greg moved and sat on one of the lobby sofas, feeling a strong surge of nervousness inside of him. It had all seemed so easy on the ship, like being in a little bubble with no ou
tside influences to highlight reality. This was different. Brigitte had invaded his thoughts and upset what had, till the moment they got off the ship, seemed like a perfect plan for him and Tanya to enjoy.

  He was lost in thought, watching people on the street through the window, when someone stood in front him, bringing him back to reality. He jumped up quickly, not wanting to advance and try and hug Tanya until they had talked.

  "Hi," he said, nervously.

  He tried to read her face but she was blank, like everything she had felt on the ship had already been stripped away and she realised now that she didn't actually know him.

  "Are you staying?" she asked, surprising him by her candour.

  "Do you want me to stay?" he asked in return and she was quiet for a moment, as if weighing up options.

  In her head, Tanya could see so many possibilities in this moment. He could be using her for sex - but then if that was the case, why wouldn't he have gone with the other woman he was arguing with at the terminal, since she seemed to be there for him. He could be sincere in his original idea to stay with her, so they could enjoy a week together - but even if that were the case, they would still have to separate in one week's time.

  But did it matter either way? Tanya acknowledged the third option - that they spend the week together and then part, knowing full well that they could never mean anything to each other, and so just enjoying it for what it was before moving on and back to their individual lives. Was she strong enough to deal with that? Assessing that, she knew she was - one thing losing her parents had provided her with was a great inner strength. There was much she was unconfident about in her life, but she knew she was a strong person who could deal with almost anything if the situation demanded.

  "Yes," she whispered to him, and slowly took a step forward, putting her hands on his arms and kissing him.

  He was silenced by his surprise, and accepted the kiss without letting it get passionate.


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