Cruising Through to Fulfilment

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Cruising Through to Fulfilment Page 14

by Ann M Pratley

  "My questions won't take long, Ma'am."

  "Okay," she said.

  "We have reason to believe that the man you spent time with - Greg - might be in this area. Have you heard from him?" he asked, looking at her closely.

  She nodded. "Yes."

  Looking at David, she saw surprise on his face.

  "You have seen him?" the officer asked to clarify.

  She shook his head.

  "No, when I returned to my room last night there was a note under my door, and it was from him."

  "Do you still have the note?"


  "I will need to see it."

  "It is in my room."

  "Please take me to your room so I can see it," he said, not in any way smiling or giving her any option but to comply.

  Tanya turned to David. "Wait here, David, I won't be long."

  He looked surprised, but nodded and moved into the seating area of the lobby.

  In the elevator up to her floor, she turned to the officer, desperate to know what was going on.

  "Is Greg a suspect?" she asked.

  "I am afraid I cannot comment on that, Ma'am."

  She opened her hotel room and welcomed him in, grabbing the note and handing it to him.

  "And you have not spoken to him?"

  She shook her head again.

  "No, I came back to my room at about 9pm and the note had been put under the door."

  "He did not knock on your door again?" the officer asked.

  "I didn't hear anyone knock on my door last night…"

  As she spoke, she remembered the phone ringing.

  "Is there something else you remember?"

  "After I got into bed the phone rang, but I was worried it might be Greg so I didn't answer it."

  "And did it ring again?" he asked and she shook her head, moving toward the beside unit and picking up the cable.

  "No, I unplugged it so I wouldn't hear it again if it was him and he called again."

  She leaned over and plugged in the cable into the wall socket again. As soon as she did, the message light on the phone lit up. She looked at the officer and he nodded to her.

  "Please retrieve your message."

  Tanya picked up the receiver and followed prompts to retrieve the message left. She pushed the speaker button on the phone so they could both listen.

  "Tanya … it's me … Greg … I'm sorry things got so screwed up, but I really need to talk to you. Please come to my room … I'm in 526. I'm only going to be here tonight. I'm flying home tomorrow. Bye."

  She watched the officer, who was now taking notes down again.

  "Thank you, that is all I need. I will escort you back downstairs, if you are leaving now. And I would recommend that you remain aware of who is around you."

  Tanya looked at him sharply, at that remark.

  "Do you think I am in danger?" she asked, feeling the colour drain out of her face.

  "I don't know," he said as they left the elevator and walked back into the lobby again, "But it would be best if you remain vigilant. And please call us if you see or hear from him again."

  She nodded and he walked away. As he did so, she heard him on his mobile phone. "Room 526…"

  David came up to her and put his arms around her.

  "Are you okay? You look white," he said, trying to comfort her.

  "I am fine," she replied, shaking her head to get rid of thoughts, and replacing them with a smile. "I'm hungry though. Can we please go and eat?"

  He laughed at her healthy appetite and took her hand, leading her out onto the street, where they walked until they found a breakfast restaurant. He didn't want to push her about why she hadn't told him about the note, but it was on his mind.

  "I didn't want to think about Greg when I saw you this morning, that is why I did not tell you he had left a note under my door," Tanya said, as if answering his unspoken question. "I just want to enjoy my time with you."

  "Okay," he said, reassured.

  "You know, I haven't even asked you if you work - what do you do for a job?" she asked, thinking about how little she actually knew him.

  He laughed.

  "Yes, we may have overlooked some basic facts about each other!" He smiled at her before continuing. "I am a property developer. I buy run down houses, do them up and then either sell them or keep them to rent out."

  She nodded, thinking that that was a mighty achievement, even for someone in their 40s.

  "And you?"

  She blushed shyly, and he indulged in drinking in the allurement of it.

  "Oh, I'm just a secretary at a local city council. Nothing so exciting as property development, but my boss has been good to let me have this time off work, so I am lucky."

  "All that matters in a job is that you enjoy it, not what you do. Do you enjoy it?" he asked and she nodded.

  "I do, actually."

  The two of them continued to get to know each other, learning about the lives each other lived away from the romance and drama in Vancouver.

  When it was time for them to start walking, they were in their own thoughts. Making their way around the streets, they wandered past a bus tour office, with a large sign in the window advertising 3-night getaways to Whistler. Tanya stopped at it, her mind working and wondering if getting out of Vancouver for a couple of days might do her some good. Whistler wasn't far away - probably the police wouldn't think anything of it.

  David saw the sign also and wondered if stress could be reduced for both of them. He looked at her, and she back at him.

  "Would you feel safer being away from Vancouver?" he asked, not anywhere along the lines of what she was thinking, but she appreciated his concern for her.

  "I like the idea of being away from here, to spend some less drama-filled time with you," she replied, looking at him demurely and making his body react.

  He grabbed her hand and walked her into the office, where they proceeded to book seats on a bus later that day, and into a hotel in Whistler for the next three nights.

  "I need to check out of our hotel today, then, as I won't be back again before my scheduled checkout time," she said, thinking out loud.

  He nodded. "Pack up your things and bring them up to my room, and then you can check out at reception," he responded, looking at her. His blood was pumping and he was highly aroused now, thinking about being in another, different, hotel with her. She turned to him and saw his arousal, and was instantly in the same state.

  "You need to come to my room too, David. I need you," she said and he nodded before noticeably quickening his steps, making her giggle.

  They walked into the hotel lobby, into the elevator, and he directed the lift to the 8th floor. He was so full of yearning for her. He felt like she had him under a spell, needing to constantly be satisfied at the sight of her.

  After opening the door and closing it behind them, they both stripped off their clothes while kissing and making their way to the bed. She pushed him down, reached for a condom and put it on him, and quickly moved onto him, not needing to orgasm so much as she needed to feel him fill her up. How exquisite she felt, moving up and down on him - it was like an itch that had just needed to be scratched, and she loved the way he felt inside of her, no matter what position they were in.

  David watched her. She was sitting up, astride him, riding him, and the look on her face was that of fulfilment. He reached forward with his hand and placed it so her clitoris would rub against it as she moved up and down, and he saw her face change in a different degree of arousal. He knew he would orgasm quickly if he didn't control it, so he purposely made himself think only of her - trying to watch her in her aroused state without getting too turned on himself. She hadn't even needed him to help her climax first - as soon as her clothes were off he could see how turned on she was, and what an even stronger feeling of arousal that produced in him.

  She looked down at him, leaned forward to kiss him, stopping her moving motion for a few minutes, having learned f
rom him how to appreciate not rushing. He held her down to him and just kissed her, appreciating the opportunity to calm down for a while. She leaned over him in a way that gave his lips access to her breasts and he nibbled on them lightly, causing her to groan loudly. She moved upwards and rearranged herself so that she could move differently, rubbing against him, and he felt her climax around him.

  He felt like he was intoxicated, watching her, listening to her and feeling her. He instructed her to sit right up again, to start moving again, and he relaxed, watching her body as she moved up and down, until he could hold back no more.

  She lay down on him, watching his face as he recovered. When he opened his eyes and looked at her, she smiled at him, receiving back the most brilliant smile from him in return. He brought both of his hands up and touched either side of her face with them, kissing her softly.

  "I could stay like this with you all day, but you have to pack," he said, coming back to reality.

  "I know," she said, pulling herself off him and heading for the bathroom to turn on the shower. She came back with a smile that just about melted him.

  "No! I need to leave, otherwise you won't get packed. If I get in the shower with you I will have to have you again," he said, laughing. "I am going to go back to my room and will wait there for you to bring your things up."

  He stood up, got dressed and started to walk out. In the interim, between him starting to dress and him heading out the door, she jumped in the shower, purposely leaving the bathroom door open, and popping his head in to say goodbye, he was overwhelmed, looking at her under the water, looking straight back at him.

  I have to leave, he thought to himself, and tore himself away.

  * * * *

  Out of the shower, Tanya quickly packed up her things and took a moment to sit on the bed, thinking about her time in this room. The week had begun with one twist she hadn't anticipated for her time in Vancouver, and since then it had just continued to twist more and more.

  She checked she definitely had everything and then left to go up to David's room. After dropping her things there, and packing a small bag with a few essentials for the next couple of days, she called the police to let them know where she was going, and then headed down to reception so she could check out.

  Soon they were on the bus to Whistler, the bus reminding Tanya of the day David had approached her at Capilano. When she turned to look at him, it seemed like he was thinking the same thing. He reached down and took her hand, making her feel safe and secure.

  Watching the city disappear behind them, Tanya felt that familiar feeling and appreciated it - that of moving on, letting go, leaving things behind. Could she just have a few days to relax and not have any drama, she wondered.

  They arrived in Whistler, both astounded by the remoteness they felt and the beauty of it all. David looked at Tanya and her face was serene - more so than he had seen her since he had met her. She looked like she was in a winter wonderland, and he loved looking at her. Sensing he was observing her, she turned to him and smiled brilliantly, making him want to melt - and find their hotel as soon as possible.

  By the time they got into their hotel room it was early evening. After an in-room dinner, they melted together under the covers, both loving the feeling of being able to relax together, cosy and secure, naked but comfortable.

  Chapter 13

  For the following two days and three nights, they relaxed and enjoyed themselves, not thinking about Vancouver, Greg or Brigitte … just concentrating on each other. On the third morning they stayed in bed till almost check out time. There was still so much they both were learning from each other, sexually, and Tanya was in awe of David. He introduced her to new feelings in her own body - places no-one had ever explored before, and the way it felt to be touched in those places.

  David revelled in her youthfulness, vitality and energy. No matter how much he wanted her, she continued to always be eager and ready to receive him, and that in itself kept him awake and aroused, knowing how much she wanted him also. As he dwelled on her going back to New Zealand, and him back to his home, he started to feel overwhelmed with how he had started to feel about her. Being more mature, though, he was also aware that it might be his sexual re-awakening that was making him feel that way, and when he let himself think about that, he saddened, hoping that he himself was wrong in this possibility.

  Once back in Vancouver they made their way to the hotel again, and walking in Tanya was overcome with seeing another familiar face before her in the lobby.

  "Tanya," the voice said, and when she turned around she was stunned.

  "Paul!" she exclaimed, happy but confused. She went up to him, looked at him and then hugged him with an embrace that was eagerly received. "What are you doing here?"

  He looked so serious, not the happy go lucky man he had been when he had met her at the beginning of their cruise.

  "The police called me and told me I should come back, to talk to them about Greg," he said, looking sombre and slightly flustered. Tanya saw tears brim in his eyes. "Brigitte's dead."

  She nodded.

  "I know, the police questioned me about her the other day," she said and he nodded at her.

  Out of the corner of her eye Tanya could see David, once again on the outside and not sure where he should be. She held her hand out to him.

  "Paul, this is David," she said to introduce them, before turning to David. "Paul was on the cruise I was on."

  They shook hands, Paul having a very clear confusion on his face.

  "Are you staying here?" she asked him.

  "Yes, this is where they said I should stay. I thought Greg might be here…"

  "He is here - well he was three days ago," she said, cutting him off. "Is he not still here?"

  He shook his head.

  "No, I don't know where he is," he said, starting to look upset.

  David saw it and jumped in, seeing this was something Tanya had to look after on her own.

  "Tanya, I will take your bag up. You take your time and I will see you later," he said, grabbing her bag off her shoulder.

  She smiled sadly at him - it was yet another drama intruding into their time together - but appreciated that she could at least have some time with Paul.

  "Thank you."

  He walked off to the elevator, pondering how crazy his 'quiet holiday in Vancouver' had become.

  "Paul, come and sit down and tell me what has been happening," she said, leading Paul to a sofa in the lobby.

  "I got a phone call from the police, asking about my friendship with Greg. Then they told me they would like me to come here to be questioned so I got on the next flight I could get." He said, looking more and more upset. "I don't understand what has happened."

  "Oh Paul. Have you been to see the police?" she asked and he nodded.

  "Yes, I have just come from there. They asked lots of things about Greg, and our cruise, and about Brigitte. Tanya, I think they think he did it … but they can't be right! I know she could be a pain - but Greg kill her?" he started crying in front of her. "There is just no way."

  She nodded. "It does seem a stretch…"

  "But I thought he was going to be staying with you for the week - what happened?"

  Tanya looked down, wondering if her actions had set in motion this horrible thing that had happened.

  "I told Greg to leave. Brigitte kept turning up everywhere and I thought it best that he concentrate on either exploring his relationship with her, or finding closure from it. The last time I saw them, they were walking away together…"

  "Do you think he did this?" Paul asked, with an accusatory tone in his voice.

  "Paul, I only knew Greg for a week - I don't think I am in any situation to be able to make any judgement on that."

  "But you can't have been scared of him - if you were, you wouldn't have invited him to your hotel room!"

  "I don't know what to think, Paul. We just have to let the police do their investigation, and hope that Greg d
idn't do something stupid."

  Paul looked at her, considering what she was saying. It was good to see her again, even though the circumstance was so horrible. He tried to put Greg and Brigitte out of his mind, at least for the moment.

  "Not a great start to your week long holiday in Vancouver then," he said, trying to smile, even though sadly.

  "It has been eventful and definitely not boring!"

  "But who was that man you came in with?"

  "Oh that is David - I met him on a tour I did last week. He is another guest in this hotel."


  She looked at him, uncertain how he would react to her telling him the truth, but decided truth was always best.

  "And, we have been getting to know one another. I had to move out of my room here after the police told me I couldn't go home when I was going to, so I am staying in David's room now."

  Paul looked horrified for a moment, before getting his emotions in check.

  "I am … glad that you found someone to support you though this. How were the police when they questioned you?"

  "I have talked to them three times so far. The first time they asked me about Brigitte and another man she was with, here in Vancouver. Since then they have only asked about Greg."

  He moaned. "It doesn't look good, does it…"

  Tanya was speechless at that. He was right - everything looked very, very bad for Greg.

  "But you said he was here … where did you see him?"

  "I didn't. He left a note under my door, saying he wanted me to go to his room."

  "Well what room was he in?" Paul asked, and she told him.

  He stood up abruptly and headed for the elevator, not waiting to speak to her again or see if she was following him. Tanya let him go, in his own little bubble without giving her another thought. She wondered what to do next - after he went up to that room, would he come back down again, expecting her to still be here? It felt again like everything revolved around Greg, and because of him she was fairly constantly not sure what she should do.

  She made a decision to wait 10 minutes, looking at her watch. If Greg was there then Paul would be much longer. If he wasn't, then 10 minutes was plenty of time for Paul to come back down, if he wanted to see her again.


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