Foreign Service Institute, 199
France, intelligence, 19, 109, 197, 199, 207, 211
Franco, Francisco, 14
Friedman, Litzi, 14, 54, 57
From Russia with Love (Fleming), 128
Fuchs, Klaus, 30, 41, 42, 43, 51, 60
Fuchs, Kristel, 41
Furioso, 12
Gaitskell, Hugh, 151
Gedye, Eric, 14
Gee, Ethel, 97, 98
German Foreign Ministry, 4
counterintelligence, 19
Enigma Code, 43
nonaggression pact with Russia, 2, 6, 7
Giancana, Sam, 121, 122, 138
death of, 221
Gibraltar Steamship Corporation, 132
Gilpatric, Roswell, 125, 137
Ginsberg, Samuel, 1
Gold, Harry, 42
GOLD (operation), 76–90, 100, 179, 223
Goleniewski, Michal (Sniper), 95–99, 103–106, 108, 113, 114, 149, 175, 191, 200, 205, 208, 213, 225
Golitsin, Anatoli, 106–114, 148–178, 184, 190–208, 213, 225
Golos, Jacob, 25, 29
Goodwin, Richard, 124, 125, 137
Gouzenko, Igor, 24, 29, 41
Great Britain:
Admiralty, 97, 98, 111, 149
codes and ciphers, 49–50
Labour Party, 151
Greece, 9
Greenberg, Michael, 28
Greene, Graham, 15, 125, 216
Greenglass, David, 42
GREGORY (Soviet defector), 26, 27
Gromov, Anatoli “Al,” 27–30
Gross, Lieutenant Colonel Leslie, 78
GRU, 91, 93, 102, 110, 111, 114, 195
Guatemala, 10
Guevara, Ché, 139
Haavik, Gunvor, 196
Hague, The, 3
Halperin, Israel, 41
Hans (Soviet agent), 3, 4
Harrell, Major General Ben, 81
Harriman, W. Averell, 43, 202, 203, 204, 208, 212
Hart, John, 108, 111, 157, 158, 167, 170–174, 225
Harvard Law, 12, 15, 23
Harvey, Clara Follich, 64, 222
Harvey, Elizabeth Mclntire “Libby,” 25, 32, 37, 46–48, 63–64
death of, 218
Harvey, William King, 10, 46–48, 199–200, 213, 218, 226
CIA base chief in Berlin, 62–90
CIA Special Services Unit, 188–189
CIA Staff C, 37–57
CIA station chief in Rome, 146–147, 179, 181–188
death of, 222
detection of Philby as Soviet spy, 54–58, 60, 110
Distinguished Intelligence Medal, 90
Operation GOLD, 75–90, 100, 101, 179, 223
Operation MONGOOSE, 127–129, 134–138, 140, 143
testimony to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 219, 220, 222
ZR/RIFLE program, 120–124
“Harvey’s Hole.” See Operation GOLD
Helms, Richard, 35, 63, 97, 150, 191
and Angleton, 203, 206, 208
and Harvey, 78, 183, 188
and Nosenko case, 153–177
and Operation MONGOOSE, 126–146
Hersh, Seymour, 215, 216, 218
Hiss, Alger, 7, 23, 28, 30, 31, 43
conviction of, 32
Hitler, Adolf, 13, 18
Holland, 99
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 23
Holocaust, 20
HOMER (Soviet agent), 44, 45, 48, 50, 61
Hood, William, 213, 214
Hoover, J. Edgar, 4, 7, 26–28, 31, 36–38, 41, 52, 95, 146, 206
Houghton, Harry, 97
Houston, Lawrence, 139, 162
HT/LINGUAL (CIA mail examination), 68–72, 211
Hungarian Revolution, 90, 101
Hunt, E. Howard, 221
ICE traffic, 15
Igor (Soviet agent), 191, 192, 209, 210
Imperial Council, 7
Imperial Hotel, Vienna, 72, 74
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 221, 222
Iran, 10
Israel, 57
immigration of Soviet Jews to, 20
occupation of southern Lebanon, 217
CIA operations in, 182–187
intelligence, 146
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 183, 184
Ministry of Interior, 183
Ivanov, Feliks, 168, 169
Izvestia, 95, 160, 181, 191
Jacobs, Richard, 116
Japan, 39
Jewish underground, 20
JM/WAVE (CIA operations base), 131, 132, 139
Johnson, Alexis, 125
Johnson, Lyndon B., 153, 202, 219
Johnson, Sergeant Robert Lee, 167–170
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 61, 130
Justice Department (U.S.), 31, 139, 219
Karamessines, Thomas, 205
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 162
Keats, John, 17
Kennedy, John F., 109, 128, 207, 220
assassination of, and suspected KGB link to, 151–165, 173, 174, 178, 204, 205, 219
and Bay of Pigs invasion, 117–122
and Cuban missile crisis, 143–144
and Operation MONGOOSE, 125–127, 135, 140
Kennedy, Robert F., 109, 117, 118, 120, 128, 152
and Operation MONGOOSE, 125–147, 219
Kent, Sherman, 144, 193
KGB, 9, 10, 71, 101
Disinformation Directorate, 108, 150
First Chief Directorate, 106
and Goleniewski defection, 97–98, 103, 105
and Oswald; Kennedy assassination, 151–158, 165, 173, 174, 176, 204, 205
penetration of CIA, 60, 105–117, 148–179, 190–211, 223, 225
Second Chief Directorate, 110, 111, 153
Seventh Department, 111
Khrushchev, Nikita, 90, 117, 166
King (Soviet agent), 7
Kingsley, Rolf, 199, 201
Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 52, 118, 119, 120, 200
Kislitsyn, Filipp, 61
Kissinger, Henry, 108, 208
Kisvalter, George, 91–95, 102, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 196
and Nosenkocase, 154–156, 159, 162, 167, 175
KITTY HAWK (agent Igor), 192
Klimov. See Golitsin, Anatoli
Kollek, Teddy, 20, 57
Korean War, 10, 51, 68, 75, 99, 100, 101, 198
Kostikov, Valery, 151, 153
Kotsyuba, Colonel Ivan A., 87
Kovich, Richard, 194–200
Kovshuk, V. M., 110, 112, 113, 159
Kramer, Charles, 28
Kremlin, 225
Krivitsky, Tonia, 1, 2
Krivitsky, General Walter, 1–8, 10, 45, 54, 224
Kroger, Helen, 97, 98
Kroger, Peter, 97, 98
KUBARK (CIA cryptonym), 122
KUTUBE/D (CIA Staff D), 122, 123, 138
Ladd, Mickey, 32
LaFollette, Suzanne, 2, 3
Lamphere, Robert, 38, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50
Langelle, Russell, 94, 95, 113
Lansdale, Brigadier General Edward, 125–140
Leahy, Admiral William D., 36
Lebanon, 217
Le Carré, John, 216
Lederer, William, 125
Lee, Major Duncan, 27
Lemnitzer, Lyman, 125
Levine, Isaac Don, 6, 7, 8
Lie-detector test, 158, 163, 172, 173, 176
Linse, Walter, 66
Lipavsky, Sanya, 217
Lonsdale, Gordon, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 108, 149, 180, 181
Lothian, Lord Philip Henry, 7–8
Lumumba, Patrice, 124
Lygren, Ingeborg, 195–196, 212
MacArthur, General Douglas, 211
McCarthy, Joseph, 51, 60
Maclean, Donald, 48, 49, 50, 54, 57, 59, 60, 61, 109
Maclean, Melinda, 49
McCone, John, 118, 119, 120, 125, 126, 134, 137, 139, 145, 146, 186
and Cuban missile crisis, 141–144
Special Group (Augmented), 125, 134
McCoy, Leonard, 199
McCoy, Tom, 183, 184
McGuire, Phyllis, 121
McNamara, Robert, 126, 127, 137
Mafia, 121, 122, 123, 131, 138, 139
Maheu, Robert, 121, 138, 139
Mail (U.S.), examined by CIA, 68–72, 211
Malvern College, 11
Manhattan Engineering Project, 9, 60
Marshall, George, 89
Marxism, 13, 14
Masterman, John, 16
Maury, John, 92
Medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM), 142, 143
Menzies, Sir Stewart, 21
MI5 (British intelligence), 50, 54, 60, 100
Soviet penetration of, 109
MI6 (British secret service), 13, 15, 47, 54, 101, 109, 114, 115
Polish operations, 97, 99
Section Five, 15, 21
monitoring of Soviet communications, 72–73
Microdots, 70
Miler, Newton, 213, 214
Miller, Robert, 28
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Soviet), 160
Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), 155
Missiles, 141–144
Molody, Conan, 99
MONGOOSE (operation), 126–144
Montgomery, Hugh, 116
Morgan, Edward, 219
Murphy, Charles, 216
Murphy, David, 102, 157–158, 162, 165, 190, 191, 198–199, 200, 207, 208
Mussolini, Benito, 18
MVD, 155
My Silent War (Philby), 215
National Cash Register, 11
National Photographic Interpretation Center, 143
National Security Agency, 127, 162
National Security Council, 218
Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact, 2, 6, 7
Nelson, Carl, 72, 73, 100–101
Nelson, William, 212, 214
Newsweek, 216
New York Herald Tribune, 87
New York Times, The, 90, 213, 214, 216, 218
New York-to-Moscow channel, 40, 41, 42
New Zealand, 198
Nixon, Richard M., 70, 211
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 49
KGB penetration of, 106–107, 149, 184, 223
Norway, 195, 196, 198
Nosenko, Yuri, 111–114, 148, 153, 154, 200–208, 225
CIA interrogation of, 156–178
Nuclear. See Atomic Nuremburg war crime trials, 18
Office of Naval Intelligence (U.S.), 192
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), X-2, 12, 15, 26, 56, 184
Soviet penetration of, 37
Omsk (Soviet freighter), 141
Operations (CIA):
GOLD, 76–90, 100, 179, 223
MONGOOSE, 126–144
SILVER, 73, 74, 101
Orchids for Mother, 216
Order of Battle (OB), 88
Order of Lenin, 181
Organized crime, 121–123, 131, 138–139, 145
Orlov, Igor, 159–160, 170, 191, 194. See also SASHA
Osborn, Howard, 177
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 151–158, 165, 173, 174, 176, 204
Oswald, Marina, 151, 155
Pacques, George, 149
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 217
Papich, Sam, 145
Parrott, Thomas, 130, 133, 134
Paterson, Geoffrey, 50
PAúL (KGB agent), 103, 105
Pearson, Lester, 166
Pearson, Norman Holmes, 12
Penetration agents, 16, 193, 199
Penkovsky, Colonel Oleg, 114–117, 143, 167, 172, 180, 191, 192, 205, 223
Pentagon, 141
Pepper, Claude, 28
PETER (KGB agent), 103, 105
Petrov, Vladimir, 61
Petty, Clare Edward, 212, 213, 214, 223, 224
Philby, Harold “Kim,” 13–16, 21–23, 149, 179, 193, 205
detected as Soviet agent, 54–58
marriage, 14, 54, 57
My Silent War, 215
in Washington as MI6 liaison, 44–47, 51, 53–54, 55
Philby, St. John, 14–15
Philippine Islands, 10, 125
Phillips, David, 214
Pius XII (Pope), 20
Poland, 98
Polygraph, 158, 163, 172, 173, 176
Popov, Colonel, 91–94, 102, 103, 112, 113, 161, 167, 191, 195, 198
Poref, Walter, 1, 3
Pound, Ezra, 17
Powers, Francis Gary, 180
Poyntz, Juliette, 6
Pravda, 160, 190
Project DINOSAUR, 202
Provocation agents, 104, 105, 210, 217
Pullach, Germany, CIA base at, 64–65
“Pumpkin papers,” 7
QJ/WIN, 123, 124, 138
Quiet American, The (Greene), 125
Quinn, Colonel William, 18
Radio communications, 72–73
Radio Swan, 132
Red scare, 60
Reinhardt, Frederick, 182–183
Reiss, Ignatz, 2
Republican National Convention 1972, 221
Rocca, Raymond, 149, 152, 183, 213, 214
Rolling Stone, 216
Roman, Howard, 95, 96, 97, 104, 108
Rome, Italy, 17–21
Roosevelt, Franklin, 6, 7
Rose Garden Hotel, London, 13
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 30, 42, 60, 99
Rosenberg network, 71
Rosenberg trial, 42, 43
Rositzke, 55
Rosselli, Johnny, 121, 122, 138, 139, 140, 141, 145, 146, 219
death of, 220
Rowan, Dan, 121, 122, 139
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 166, 167, 208–209
Rusk, Dean, 125, 137
Russia. See Soviet Union
SAPPHIRE (KGB network), 109
SASHA (KGB agent), 110, 159–160, 170, 191, 192, 194, 198, 199, 201
Saturday Evening Post, The, 2, 5
Schlesinger, Arthur, 184
Schlesinger, James, 211
Schoenefeld, 79
Schoenefelder Chaussee, 77, 79, 80, 82, 86
SCOTCH (Soviet agent), 111, 114, 148, 162, 177
Scotland Yard, 97, 98
Criminal Record Office, 98
Second Coming of Christ, 130
Secret writing, 70, 142
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 219, 220, 222
Sessler, Georg, 19
Shackley, Ted, 131, 139
Shadrin, Nicholas, 149, 192, 209, 210
Shcharansky, Anatoly, 217
Sichel, Peter, 38
SIGTOT, cipher machine, 74
Silva, Peer de, 9, 60, 65, 108
SILVER (operation), 73, 74, 101
Silvermaster, Nathan, 26
Sino-Soviet split, 150, 203, 204, 212
Smith, Ferguson, 100
Smith, General Walter Bedell, 51, 52, 54
Sniper. See Goleniewski, Michal
Sobell, Morton, 44
Socialist Party (Italy), 184
Sodium pentothal, 64
Solie, Bruce, 175, 176, 177
Sorge, Richard, 181
Souers, Rear Admiral Sidney W., 36
Soviet Union:
cipher system, 39–43, 45, 48, 55, 56, 64
communications system, 72–90
missiles in Cuba, 140–144, 148
nonaggression pact with Germany, 2, 6, 7
relations with China, 150, 203, 217
Twentieth Party Congress, 90
Spanish Civil War, 8, 14, 45
Special Group (Augmented), 125, 130, 131, 133, 139, 140
Spies, capture and trading of, 180
Stalin, Joseph, 3, 6, 9, 18, 90, 181
State, U.S. Department of, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 23, 31, 38
Stein (Soviet ag
ent), 4–6
Steinbeck, John, 70
Stettinius, Edward, 23, 24
Stone, John, 149
Strategic Services Unit (SSU), 17–20
Streatham Hill, S.S., 140
SUNRISE (operation), 27
Surface-to-air missiles (SAM), 142
Swift, Carlton, 37
Symington, James, 136
T-32, building, 84, 85
Tairova (Soviet agent), 92–95, 102, 112, 161
Task Force W, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 145, 152, 186
Taylor, Henry J., 95
Taylor, General Maxwell, 125, 129, 133, 134, 137, 140
Taylor, Myron, 20
Taylor, Rufus, 176
Technology, 72
Tenney, Helen, 30
Thomas, Walter, 8
Time magazine, 88, 216
Times, The (London), 13, 14, 15
Tito, Josip Broz, 18
Toison, Clyde, 31
Toon, Malcolm, 160–161
Trafficante, Santos, 121, 138
Trinity College, Cambridge, 13
Truitt, James, 216
Truman, Harry S., 9, 36, 37, 39, 211, 225
correspondence with Churchill, 39, 40, 41, 48, 49
Truscott, General Lucien, 64
Truth serum, 64
Tweedy, Bronson, 225
Uberti, Bruno, 12–13
Ugly American, The (Lederer), 125
United Kingdom, codes and ciphers of, 49–50
United States:
cipher system, 74
occupation of Berlin, 62–67
relations with China, 217
trade embargo of Cuba, 131
United States, S.S., 93
U.S. Congress, 226
U.S. Department of Justice, 31, 139, 219
U.S. Department of State, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 23, 31, 38
U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence, 192
U.S. Post Office, CIA examination of mail, 68–72, 211
U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 219, 220, 222
USSR. See Soviet Union
Vakrushev, Vasili, 202
Varona, Tony, 122, 138, 139
Vassall, William John, 149, 154, 157, 166, 167
Vatican, The, 20, 183
Vietnam, 125, 127, 129
Vietnam War, 202
Villa, Pancho (Francisco), 11
Vivian, Colonel Valentine, 15
Volkov, Konstantin, 21–23, 50, 54, 56
Vopos, 77, 79, 80, 81, 84
Vos joli, Philippe de, 197
Waldman, Louis, 2
Warren, Earl, 164
Warren Commission, 153, 156, 164
Washington Field Office, 4
Washington Post, 88, 215
Washington-to-Moscow channel, 43, 44
Watergate affair, 221
Watkins, John, 166, 208
Wehrmacht High Command, Abwehr Division, 4
Weisband, William, 43, 44
Welles, Benjamin, 216
West German Federal Intelligence. See BND
White, Harry Dexter, 24, 28, 32
White, Lawrence “Red,” 188, 189
White Sands Missile Proving Ground, New Mexico, 78
Whitsun, Lish, 25
Whittemore, Reed, 12
Whitten, Les, 219
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