Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides) Page 15

by Rita Hestand

  His hands fisted to keep from strangling the woman. He moved an inch toward her. "You open your mouth and you are a dead woman, you understand me?" He asked as the venom of her words tore into his heart.

  "Ruby, get up here, immediately." Her husband called from the stairs.

  "But Charles, I was merely talking to him."

  "I saw what you were doing Ruby. I heard. Now leave him alone and get upstairs now."

  She sighed, and frowned, then turned and marched upstairs.

  Charles came down to Dakota. He eyed him then cleared his throat.

  Dakota started to say something but Charles interrupted.

  "My wife is a slut. She's always been one. I am sorry she approached you like that. Whatever she is up to, ignore her. For I will take care of her."

  "I didn't encourage her, sir."

  "I know that. I know my wife sir."

  Dakota nodded. He didn't know what to say. He waited until the man went upstairs and the lights went out to even move.

  He stood there in the dim light, trying to make sense of what had happened. Wondering what her husband meant, 'he'd take care of her'. It was not his concern. But Maggie was and he had to warn her.

  He went to the boarding house immediately.

  It was dark, everyone had gone to bed.

  He knocked softly on the door. No one came.

  He opened it, and walked quietly toward the stairs, and then he saw Ma, with a lamp in her hand.

  "Who is it?" She cried.

  "It is I, Dakota, I must speak with Maggie, we've been discovered." He announced.

  "Oh my God," Ma put her hand on her chest. "Who?"

  "That lady magician."

  "You need to leave then. You can take my wagon, find yourself a place, then send it back to me when you can." Ma told him.

  "You would do this for us?" He peered down into her soft brown eyes.

  "Yes, I know you are married now, and I respect your love for each other Dakota. Maggie has told me everything."

  "And that she is pregnant too?"

  Ma's mouth hung open, "Pregnant? No, I guess she hasn't told me everything yet. Go on up to her son. When she is dressed come down and we'll talk about what you need to do." Ma told him.

  He nodded.

  He went up the stairs quietly and found Maggie in her room.

  "Wake up my love, we have troubles." He said gently shaking her.

  Maggie turned over and saw him and went into his arms. Then realizing where they were, she opened her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

  "We have to talk, get dressed and meet me downstairs."

  She nodded trying to shake the sleepiness away.

  Dakota went downstairs and found Ma making coffee. She brought him some pie and a cup of coffee and shook her head, "I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, and if she is pregnant, you would have to leave before she shows."

  "Yes, I have been thinking of that."

  "Do you have any idea where you might go?" Ma asked as she joined him at the table.

  "To the Indian encampment maybe. But I would not want to stay there forever either. Too many things can happen there. We must find a place of our own, away from people. It might mean living in the mountains. In seclusion."

  "I'd hate to see you go so far away. Give me some time to help you. There has to be a way." Ma told him.

  He nodded. Maggie came downstairs now and glanced from one to the other. "What's wrong?"

  "That Mrs. Campbell, she knows about us." Dakota said sadly.

  "How?" Maggie fretted.

  "She followed you the other night."

  Maggie's head fell and a tear fell down her cheek. "I'm so sorry, I should have been more careful. I was so excited about the news; I didn't pay enough attention." She cried. "I'm afraid I've been preoccupied so much since I've seen the doctor. Ma, I guess you know about the baby…."

  "If you are pregnant Maggie, then you will have to leave this place for sure." Ma told her.

  "I know; I've been avoiding thinking about it. Oh, not the baby, but the situation it puts me in." She explained.

  Ma studied on everything a moment then touched Dakota's hand. "You go on to the Indian village, but sneak back here in a couple of days. I got an idea and I'll have to see if it will work or not."

  Maggie stared at her. "Oh God, will it work, Ma?" She grabbed her hand.

  "I don't know, honey. But you two go on, get some things packed, and Dakota you come back here in a couple of nights, I'll let you know what I find out."

  Maggie nodded and went back upstairs to pack.

  Ma and Dakota talked for a long time, then when Maggie came down, she kissed her on the cheek and smiled, "You knew this would be hard. Now buck up, girl. If you truly love him, you will get through this."

  Maggie nodded. "I'm all right, Ma. And I love him with all my heart."

  "God bless you both, now go on." She encouraged.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ma didn't waste any time, the next day she went to visit Nadine and Gabe. She'd been thinking about this since Maggie told her about her love for Dakota. She knew the day would come when they'd have to figure something out. And it would have to be a tremendous gamble for all concerned. Wanting to help them, she was determined to find a way.

  "Ma, how nice to see you." Nadine saw her pull up in the yard and she went out to greet her. "I do believe this is the first time you've come to visit me since the barn raising." Nadine chuckled and helped her down from her horse. "But what are you doing riding a horse? Where's your wagon?"

  "Oh well, Maggie borrowed my wagon. I've got something I want to discuss with you, it's very important." Ma shimmied down from the horse, and flounced her full skirt about her. Still a nice figure of a woman, Ma dressed immaculately. She looked at Nadine who was dressed in a simple cotton dress, "Is Gabe home?"

  "No he's gone over to a neighbor's house to help them do some repairs. Come on in, Ma." Nadine welcomed her. "I'll put some coffee on and we can talk in the kitchen." Nadine seemed to practically bubble over with enthusiasm. Ma didn't have to ask her if she was happy, she could see it in her face. "You look a bit distressed, now what on earth has got you all shook up?" Nadine chuckled once more, trying to lighten Ma's mood. She brought some biscuits and bacon to the table, and Ma grabbed a piece of bacon and ate it.

  "It's Maggie, hon. They've got troubles. That new performer has found them out and now they are having to hide out. She's ruining everything. She's quite the little bitch it would seem. Said she could have him hung for what he was doing. Why do you know she came onto Dakota herself? Can you imagine her gall?"

  "The magician's wife?" Nadine's eyes bugged.

  "Yes." Ma exclaimed with a scowl. "I took one look at that woman and knew she'd be trouble. Don't know why Mr. Montgomery decided he needed more acts. Maggie has been doing fine on her own, at least up until now."

  "Well, sit right down here and tell me all about it." Nadine's eyes widened with curiosity and concern all at once.

  Ma related the story and Nadine shook her head, "Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later Ma. Where have they gone?"

  "He took her to the Indian camp. But he said they wouldn't be staying there long. I truly think it's because he's afraid Maggie won't adapt well out there. Or that the Indian might have some troubles. I'm so worried about them. Nadine, everyone in town will give them a hard time. Maggie won't be able to sing any longer. I'm afraid despite everything it's all going to come out and then what will she do? And," Ma paused and looked straight at Nadine, "She's pregnant."

  "Pregnant, oh, how wonderful for Maggie. You know, if she wasn't so well known, no one would have known."

  Nadine poured the coffee and sat down beside her, putting her hand on hers. "I know exactly what you've come here for and I agree, it might be the only solution that could work for them. I've been thinking about it myself for some time. Ever since she told me how she felt about Dakota. You want me to find them a place out here where they
could live, don't you? I don't think our community would look down on them. And I know Maggie sees no color in people so that wouldn't be a problem. She gets along with everyone. Dakota loves her so much I think he'd walk through the gates of hell for her."

  "I know he would. Oh Nadine, it seems like a good solution. I mean the white folk don't come out here much and they might never be discovered. It's the only hope we have of helping them."

  Nadine's mouth flew open. "Oh Ma, then we have to do something and soon."

  "Dakota is so thrilled about the baby. I never seen a man so proud. Can you imagine, all this trouble, and yet he's so happy he could burst."

  "You are so right about Dakota; he is a fine man. I could not believe what he done in the Opera House that first time me and Gabe made it to her performance. The stuffy old mayor wanted us removed, and Dakota told him off good, and seated us up front. So you must know how I feel about this. I tell you what, let me talk it over with Gabe and see what he thinks. He's got a good head on his shoulders for things like this. We'll come up with something, and to tell the truth, I'd love Maggie living close to me." Nadine smiled at her. "We've always got along well."

  "I knew that; I just wasn't sure it would be possible. I mean others might frown on it here too. Do you think Gabe might figure something out, hon?" Ma asked with hope in her eyes.

  "We've got enough property Ma. There's a chance we might could just build on a house and maybe together Gabe and Dakota could help each other out. Gabe's very clever about these kinds of things, he's been in a few tough spots himself. Besides, I have a notion that if those two men put their heads together we could do right well out here. Now let's enjoy this visit. Tell me what you been up to, and if you've heard from Trish."

  It was a ploy to get Ma to relax and it worked. Ma's eyes lit when she mentioned Trish.

  "I did get a letter from her the other day. She going to have a baby. Can you imagine, and not with Chester, but the gambler." Ma chuckled, trying to forget the troubles for a bit.

  "Did she mention when she' might be coming to visit?"

  "No she didn't say." Ma told her trying to recollect all she had said in the letter.

  "I'm so proud for her. I know Jo Ella and Sarah are happy, and you and Gabe are doing well, and Trish sounded happy, and now all we have to worry about is Maggie."

  "You know, frankly Ma, I never saw this coming. I mean, yes, he's gorgeous, but trying to imagine Maggie in an Indian camp is so…I don't know, out of place for her. But love can do funny things to a person. It can really change you."

  "Love can put you in places that you'd never be otherwise. She's changed a lot in some regards Nadine. She was courted by the Mayor, but he didn't approve of her being around you girls. Because you didn't fit into his social world. Let me tell you Maggie came out fighting like a cat. She let him have it with both barrels. Said nothing would make her give up her friends. Absolutely nothing. When she said that, I fell in love with her all over again. But now, this winch from the theater is causing her all kinds of grief. Do you know she had the nerve to follow Maggie to the cabin one night? Can you imagine that?" Ma huffed. "Then her husband caught her with Dakota and he told Dakota he'd take care of it. Don't know what that meant, but I hope he turns her over his knee and gives her what for."

  "We'll work this out, Ma. I know we can, with God's help."

  "You got that right." Ma chuckled. "Only he can straighten some things out. Dakota has been so good to her, he's really in love with her. I can't deny I had some doubts about it at first, but I've seen them together and they are so in love, God must have approved."

  "You know love is a funny thing, Ma. I mean look at all the ups and downs that Gabe and I had. But we came out fine in the end." Nadine sighed. "Because we loved each other. Maggie will too. Love is powerful. It can hurt, but it can be the most glorious thing in the world too. Personally, I'm glad she didn't get on with the Mayor."

  "I feel a site better now that I've talked to you about it. That lady, if she is a lady, is trying to cause Maggie problems. I'd like to fix her wagon." Ma frowned mightily. "According to what Dakota said her husband said, he might do it for us."

  "Oh my, did he see what his wife was up to?"

  "Yes. He called her a slut himself."

  "Forever more!" Nadine cried.

  "When we first came, Maggie had set her cap for the Mayor and I thought that would work out. I'm sorry we were the cause of their breakup in a way, but in a way I'm not too. Dakota is twice the man that the Mayor is." Nadine exclaimed.

  "Richard was his usual stuffy self. There were many things. Maggie didn't like the parties he took her to, said he was using her to further his political career. I think Richard thought Maggie would attract more voters is the reason he latched on to her so hard, not that she isn't beautiful, she is, but I know him too."

  "What you've hinted at is that he didn't like Maggie being close to a Negro woman, isn't that part of it." Nadine faced her with the truth.

  Ma turned her head away then nodded, "Yes it's part of it."

  "And Maggie took up for me?" She shook her head. Nadine stirred some sugar into her coffee and Ma shook her head. "That Maggie. She is something. You know, she's a lot tougher than she looks."

  "Well, you know Maggie. No one messes with her friends."

  "Bless her heart. I love her for it." Nadine smiled. "And we are going to help her through this mess, Ma."

  Ma visited for half the day then decided she better get back to town. "I've got to talk to Mr. Montgomery."

  "About Maggie?"

  "Yes. She won't be singing it looks like."

  "Oh, that's a shame, she really liked that job. Why people came for miles around to hear her. Maybe he'll throw the magician out and Maggie can keep her job."

  "I know, and then we have her contract to worry over too. It'll be up soon."

  "Oh my, I forgot about that. Doesn't marrying Dakota count for anything?"

  "I'm not sure," Ma exclaimed. "If this all comes out, it'll be a mess for a while, until people settle down about it."

  "Well, I'm seriously going to have a talk with Gabe I'm sure he can come up with something."

  "You know, now that I think on it, this marriage should hold up for that contract. And if that's the case, then she won't have broken the contract, but lived up to it. Because the way things are going, I feel like this is going to explode."

  "Oh Ma, we'll find her a place, I'm sure of it." Nadine promised. "You can expect some talk for a while. But it will die down and be old news before you know it."

  "Thank you honey. I just had to talk to someone about it. Harry and Jo, are so busy what with building that new house at the edge of town and Sarah, I don't think she could help, she's got her hands in helping those orphans. That might be bad for him. Trish isn't around to help, although I'm sure if she were, she'd be trying to help her too. Trish is a fighter too."

  "Trish and Maggie are a lot alike. In fact, I guess we all are in our own way. We all had to make our way here and find a life, and it wasn't easy for any of us. We'll figure something out, Ma, don't you worry." Nadine promised.

  Ma stood up, "Well, I guess I should get back, got supper to fix, have a houseful of guest this week. Thanks Nadine for relieving my mind a bit. It's good to talk to someone."

  Nadine walked her outside.

  Nadine put her hand on top of Ma's as she climbed up on her horse. "Don't you fret; I'll get back to you soon."

  "Thanks darlin'." Ma took off.

  Ma went straight from there to talk to Mr. Montgomery about Maggie.

  Mr. Montgomery happened to be at the theater when she reined her horse in and hobbled him out front of the Opera House. "I've got something to discuss with you privately, can we go somewhere that we won't be disturbed?" Ma said as she practically stormed into his office.

  Mr. Montgomery looked puzzled but invited her into one of the back rooms, it was a small sitting room, often used by Maggie to change her dress.

ow, what can I do for you," He asked turning a smile on her.

  "You won't be smiling when I tell you this, maybe you should sit down." Ma told him.

  He squinted and flopped into a chair, a bit anxious by the way Ma was acting. "Whatever is wrong?"

  "We've got a real problem."

  "Oh, what kind of problem?"

  "I don't know where to begin, but I'll start by telling you that Maggie and Dakota have gotten married."

  "Married!" He stood up and paced the small room. "Oh my, this is shocking. Is that even legal?"

  "Robert, they fell in love and got married, they were married by a Shaman and then the Reverend performed a white ceremony for them, so that all laws might recognize it. Of course he couldn't record it in the country records, but he did perform the ceremony, I was there to witness it."

  "How long has this been going on?"

  "A while."

  "Well, I simply can't have her performing here, under those circumstances." He insisted. "This is just terrible. Why if this got around, the whole town would be talking."

  Ma shook her head at him, "Get off your high horse Robert. She's made you an instant success, and you know it. It's not terrible. It's love. True love. They knew what they were getting into, but your snoopy Mrs. Campbell followed her and then she also propositioned Dakota herself."

  "Oh my, what a scandal." He wiped his forehead with his kerchief. "If her husband finds out it could ruin everything."

  "He knows, he saw her. She tried to seduce Dakota. Her husband said he'd take care of it, himself."

  "This is scandalous."

  "Yes, it is, but it could be worse"

  Mr. Montgomery frowned at her, "How?" his brows rose in question, his mustache twitched nervously.

  "Never mind that right now. I'm fixing to ask you to do something that you probably wouldn't want to do under normal circumstances. But these are not normal circumstances, you understand."

  "What is it you want me to do?"

  "I want you to stand up to this eventually. I think I've found a place they can live without disturbing all the white folks of the town. But unless you and I stand up for them, no one will. Now Maggie won't be performing for a few months, she's pregnant."


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