Just One Taste (Kimani Romance)

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Just One Taste (Kimani Romance) Page 5

by Norfleet, Celeste O.

  He looked at his watch. It was time. He closed the laptop, stood up, grabbed his jacket and headed to the front door. He glanced at himself in the mirror as he walked through the foyer. Nothing had physically changed in the few days he’d been here in Key West. He was the same man. Still, all of a sudden he didn’t feel the same. Maybe Daniel was right. This wasn’t the job for him. There was something about Nikita Coles that was opening him up and he couldn’t chance that. He needed to focus on the job. The sooner he got what he came for, the sooner he’d be back where he belonged—safe and away from her.

  He got in his car and drove, following the GPS directions to the Teen Dream Center. As he walked in he was greeted by two stunning women standing at the door. “Good evening and welcome to the Teen Dream benefit. My name is Natalia Coles-Montgomery and this is my associate, Mia Morales.”

  “Ms. Coles-Montgomery, Ms. Morales,” he began, knowing who they were, of course, and to whom they were each married. He knew just about everything there was to know about the Coles family. Natalia was married to movie star David Montgomery and Mia Morales was married to Stephen Morales, Natalia’s cousin. Mia was several months pregnant. She had a very noticeable bump. “Ladies, it’s a pleasure to be here. Thank you for the invitation. My name is Chase Buchanan.”

  Mia smiled brightly. “Yes, of course, Mr. Buchanan. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I spoke with you on the phone yesterday. Nat, this is the huge contributor I told you about.”

  “I hope the check arrived okay,” Chase said.

  “Yes, it came by special messenger just a few minutes after we spoke,” Mia replied.

  Natalia shook his hand. “Mr. Buchanan, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Mia told me to expect you this evening. Thank you so much for the very generous contribution to the center.”

  “You’re very welcome. I’ve already contacted my company for a matching contribution, so you should hear from them soon,” he said as he watched the two women look at each other, obviously overjoyed.

  “Thank you,” they said in unison.

  “My pleasure.” He glanced around quickly. “I spent a great deal of my teen years in a place similar to this. My mom was a single mother and she worked constantly. Places like this saved my life and even though the center I attended has long since closed, it’s my privilege to give back whenever I can.”

  The women’s faces lit up with pride and exhilaration. “That’s very kind of you.”

  He looked around again. “It looks like quite a celebration.”

  “It is. Please go in and enjoy yourself. My sister Nikita Coles of Nikita’s Café prepared an amazing buffet and my brother-in-law, Spencer Cage, will be performing later this evening.”

  “Spencer Cage. I’m a big fan.”

  “Well, I’ll make sure you’re introduced,” Natalia promised.

  “Sounds wonderful,” he said, nodding. “Thank you.” He continued inside as the two women greeted a couple walking in behind him.

  At first glance the place seemed small, but as he walked around he realized it was much larger than he first assumed. He walked down the hall past the offices and a few classroomlike rooms, and then came to a more open area. The celebration was taking place in the great hall, which he assumed also served as the auditorium and play area. He walked through the double doors into a large open space. He was greeted again by several teens dressed in their best clothing excitedly chatting about the evening’s events. Spencer Cage was top on the conversation list.

  There were easily a couple hundred people already there mingling, talking, laughing and enjoying themselves. He looked around, seeing a few faces he recognized. He nodded in greeting to several people, then headed across the room to the buffet tables.

  “Chase Buchanan.”

  Chase turned around to see city commissioner and local businessman and Realtor Oren Davis smiling generously as he hurried up beside him. The man could be his own cartoon character—floppy ash-blond hair, perpetual spray-on tan, round, stout, barrel-like physique and an abundance of perfectly white, expensive teeth.

  “I thought that was you,” Oren proclaimed as the two men shook hands cordially.

  “Mr. Davis, good evening. It’s good to see you again.”

  “Oren. Call me Oren, please. We’re practically neighbors.” Chase looked confused as Oren clarified. “You’re staying at the Coleses’ home on the hill. Beautiful home. I have to say, I had no idea you knew Mikhail Coles.”

  “I don’t. The company rented the home for my convenience,” Chase said, neglecting to relay that his brother, Andre, knew Mikhail well.

  “Ah, I see. Well, pity I didn’t know you’d be attending this event tonight. Damn nice program we have here. I’m glad I came up with the idea and put it together. It helps a lot of kiddies, you see, and that’s what I’m all about—helping, giving back.” He looked around, prideful.

  “Wait, you came up with this program?” Chase asked, knowing of course that he hadn’t. “Excuse me but I was under impression that this was the brainchild of Natalia Coles-Montgomery, and that she and her cousin, Mia Morales, ran it together. I didn’t see your name on any of the literature.”

  “Well, technically, they are related and worked to relay my ideas in a more determined path of recognition. Low-key, under the radar, if you know what I mean,” he blustered completely incoherently while winking knowingly.

  Chase tired to keep his poker face, but Oren was really testing it. “Actually, Oren, I don’t quite know what you mean.”

  “Essentially it was more like I was thinking about the program, if you know what I mean. I had it in my head for a while, mulling it over and letting it marinate but then it was already here. So, in essence, I did indeed have the initial idea and program for this wonderful event and evening, if you know what I mean.”

  “I’m still not sure I do,” Chase said.

  “No matter, it’s a wonderful evening, and had I known you were coming, I would have brought my beautiful daughter and suggested the wife and I swing by and pick you up.”

  “Not necessary. My evening suddenly opened up and I decided to attend at the last minute.”

  “I’m glad you’re here. Saves me having to call you tomorrow.”

  “Oh, is there business we need to discuss?” Chase asked curiously.

  “No, no—well, yes. Actually it’s on a more personal nature.”

  “Personal, how so?” Chase asked.

  “Are you alone?” Oren asked, looking around him cautiously.


  “No, not just this evening. Are you here in Key West alone?”

  Chase smiled. “I am.”

  “Excellent.” He chuckled happily and leaned closer. “Few people know this, but I fancy myself a bit of a matchmaker. I’ve gotten husbands for three of my four daughters. As soon as I met you I thought of my daughter, Crystal.

  “By chance I just happened to mention your name to her at the dinner table the other evening. Surprisingly, she knew exactly who you were. She’s quite stunning you know. She and her sisters won just about every Little Miss Pageant there is and she was fourth runner-up to Miss Teen North America Beauty and Talent Pageant a few years back. She would have taken the crown if her sisters hadn’t come in the top three categories.

  “She’s smart as a whip and very athletic, a real catch if you get my meaning,” he said, winking. “At any rate, she is very interested in meeting you, and I think you’d enjoy meeting her, as well, if you get my meaning. And, quite frankly I might add, a more personal alliance between our two very prominent families would be extremely beneficial to both of us given your company’s current interest in local property, if you get my meaning.”

  Chase was an excellent poker player. Showing no outward emotion and keeping his expression placid had always served him well. This time was no differen
t. He allowed Davis to make his pitch knowing there was no way he was going along with this. “Mr. Davis…”

  “Please, call me Oren,” he repeated.

  Chase nodded. “Oren, it’s very kind of you to consider me, but I don’t intend to be here long and I never mix business with pleasure.”

  “Are you certain about that?” Oren said in a more challenging tone. The nearly blinding white teeth came out again. “I can be very persuasive and very helpful, particularly in matters of certain property acquisitions.”

  Chase smiled, trying not to lose his composure, but Oren was definitely testing it. With every job there was inevitably an attempt to bribe, coerce or even threaten him with money, property or power. He never accepted anything, obviously. And not surprisingly, this wasn’t the first time he’d been offered someone’s daughter. But in his estimation, a businessman selling out his family would sell out anyone. “Sir, Titan’s business stands as is. What I’m proposing to bring to the table is Titan, not myself. And, as I mentioned the other night at dinner, this is all on spec. There are other locations, some far more suitable. This is merely my first stop in a series of possible locations.”

  “But I understand you already purchased property in the area.”

  “Yes, but property can very easily be sold or held as an investment. Nothing in my business is set in stone until I say it is. If you get my meaning.” He added Oren’s nervous catchphrase.

  “Yes, yes, of course. But Alaska is quite a distance from our little patch of land here in Key West.” He chuckled more nervously this time with a definite tenseness behind it. “I just don’t want you to feel left out or lonely here in our fair city. My daughter is very familiar with everything Key West. She could be a great benefit to you and Titan while you’re here. Walk into any location with her on your arm and doors will open.”

  “I thank you for your consideration, but I must show no level of bias. You understand of course.”

  “Yes, yes, of course. But you might just change your mind when I tell you that she has the biggest—”

  “Mr. Buchanan.” Both men turned to the beautiful woman who addressed him. Chase smiled immediately. “Good evening, Oren. Nice to see you. Gentlemen, please excuse my interruption. I’m Tatiana Cage. My sister, Natalia, mentioned that you’d like to meet my husband, Spencer Cage.”

  Chase smiled, delighted by the interruption. “Yes, I would indeed. I told your sister that I’m a big fan,” he said, then turned to Oren. “Oren, please excuse us a moment.”

  “Yes, yes, of course,” Oren said.

  Chase and Tatiana walked off, then a few feet away she began to slow her pace and then she stopped and turned to him. “Mr. Buchanan, I must apologize. I lied to you.”

  Chase looked at her. “Oh?”

  “My husband hasn’t arrived yet. I passed by a moment ago and just happened to overhear a bit of your conversation with Oren. You’re new here in town and that puts a very definite target on your back.”

  “What kind of target?” Chase asked.

  “Key West is a small community so when a single man of obvious means comes to town, he’s fair game. And I don’t mean Monopoly. I thought you might need…”

  “Rescuing?” Chase offered.

  Tatiana nodded. “I hope I haven’t overstepped.”

  He chuckled. “No, not at all, your timing was perfect, and the interruption was most definitely appreciated. Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome,” she said as they laughed. Tatiana’s cell phone beeped. “Excuse me,” she said as she glanced at it, quickly reading the text message. “Well, it looks like I didn’t lie after all. My husband just arrived. I’ll find him and introduce you. In the meantime, why don’t you help yourself to the buffet? Nick has prepared an incredible spread.”

  “Nick?” Chase questioned.

  “Nikita, my other sister. I believe you’ve already met.”

  Chase looked at her intensely as he nodded. He knew the three Coles sisters were very close but she showed no sign of knowing about the kiss he and Nikita shared a few days ago. “Yes, of course,” he said. “She catered a dinner at your brother’s home for me. She’s a very talented chef. Is she here this evening? I’d like to thank her again for the other night.”

  “Yes, she’s here somewhere,” Tatiana said, looking around. “Umm, let’s see. Ah, there she is coming out of the kitchen over by the buffet table.” Her cell phone beeped again. “Excuse me.” She looked at the text message and then began texting back.

  Chase followed her line of vision and saw Nikita as she entered the room. She was laughing. Her associate, Darcy, was right behind her. He smiled. Seeing Nikita changed everything. She took his breath away. She had on a dark blue dress with thin straps and a deep neckline. It wasn’t tight, but it did ease and flow seductively against each luscious curve of her body. She was stunning. Beside him, Tatiana was talking about the program, but he wasn’t paying attention to what she was saying. All he saw was Nikita. She was bright and happy and completely unguarded. It was the perfect time to connect with her again.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Buchanan, I have to run backstage. The program is about to begin. Enjoy. I’ll make sure to introduce you to Spencer after the show.”

  “No problem. I’ll see you after the program,” Chase said, finally tearing his eyes away from Nikita’s face. He spared a quick glance at Tatiana as she walked away. Then he noticed Oren Davis was smiling with those teeth and nodding at him. He nodded back then turned to where Nikita had been a moment ago. She was gone. He walked over and waited a few minutes, looking around casually as he prepared a small plate of hors d’oeuvres. He spoke briefly with those around him as he ate and waited for her to come back out.

  But she didn’t return.

  Chapter 6

  The program began. Nikita stayed in the back of the room by the buffet table, watching her sister shine. Natalia was a natural at the podium even though she insisted she hated speaking in public. Her speech was brilliant. She was funny and insightful all while extending the center’s gratitude and prompting for more donations. When she finished, Nikita applauded long and loud, smiling with pride and delight.

  Her oldest brother, Dominik, and cousin, Stephen, walked over and each hugged her. “Don’t try to be nice to me,” she whispered. “You’re both late and you know I’m going to tell on you.”

  “Not my fault. I had to deliver twins,” Dominik said as he grabbed a plate and began piling on food.

  Stephen held his hands up in surrender. “I just got off work. To protect and serve, remember. So what’d we miss?” he asked, following Dominik to the buffet table.

  “Just the whole beginning of Nat’s speech, that’s all,” she chastised jokingly, “so you know she’s gonna strangle you both.”

  “Not if you don’t tell her we were late,” Dominik said.

  Nikita chuckled ominously.

  “Ah, come on, Niki, we’ll make it worth your while,” Stephen promised. Dominik agreed.

  “Don’t try to bribe me,” she said. Dominik and Stephen looked at each other and chuckled. Nikita joined in as they all knew she wouldn’t tell. They stood in silence as Natalia continued talking. Then they applauded when Mia joined her on the small stage.

  Nikita glanced at Stephen. His eyes shone and sparkled at seeing his wife and her baby bump. The love and pride in his eyes was heartwarming. Nikita was touched and silently resolved that since she’d never see a man look at her that way, seeing others joyfully in love was all she needed.

  Mia spoke a few minutes, then introduced the mayor. Next, the three would give out the teen awards.

  Natalia’s husband, David, and their sons came over. “Hey, when’d you guys get here?” he asked.

  “Oh, a while ago,” Stephen exaggerated. Dominik nodded in agreement, his mouth filled with foo
d. Nikita shook her head.

  “David, I thought the boys were in the nursery,” she said.

  “They were, but I promised them they could see their mom on stage.”

  “It looks like they’re getting sleepy,” she said.

  “Yeah, they are.” His cell phone beeped with a text message. He checked it out. “They need me backstage.”

  “Here, give them to me,” Nikita said, taking one-year-old Jayden in her arms and three-and-a-half-year-old Brice’s hand. “I’ll take them back to the nursery.”

  They stayed a little while longer then Nikita and the boys left the room and headed down the hall and around the corner to the nursery. Since the center offered babysitting services, there were a number of children already there. Some grabbed nibbles from the kiddy buffet, others watched a movie and some were in the story-time center. Brice hurried over to the center to join some of his young friends. Jayden wanted to go, too, but she told him she’d read him a story. He settled down quickly then climbed into her arms.

  Four pages into the six-page story he yawned and snuggled close. She wrapped her arms around him and continued reading. A few minutes later he was fast asleep. She laid him in one of the cribs, then checked on Brice. He was having the time of his life playing with a set of building toys. She sat down to help.

  She smiled. Being with her nephews, even for such a short amount of time, warmed her heart. They were bright, gregarious and inquisitive. With her schedule as crazy as it was, she seldom got a chance to be with them, so when she did, she treasured their time together. It might sound cynical, but she knew they were the closest she’d ever get to being a mother.

  Being left at the altar could do that to a person. Six years ago she stood and watched her fiancé jump into a cab with his best friend’s sister and drive off. The signs were there; she’d just chosen to ignore them. Afterward, she was fine with it. The only thing that nagged at her was the why. He never said a word, he just left. No explanation. No justification. He just left her. It was the not knowing why that had left her emotionally paralyzed.


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