T-Bone: Grade-A Beefcakes Series - Book 2

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T-Bone: Grade-A Beefcakes Series - Book 2 Page 3

by Vanessa Vale

  “When it comes to you, you definitely get both of us. But it doesn’t always have to be together. You and me, we can have some fun all on our own.”

  He wasn’t talking about going to a movie or horseback riding. I could have Tucker and Colton together—a threesome—but also have sex with them individually? Did Kaitlyn do that with Duke and Jed? I knew they’d had sex… lots of it, but I never really thought about how the guys shared her.

  I didn’t know the rules, what Tucker and Colton expected.

  Colton was quiet as he watched me closely. Smiled. “Come on. Tucker’s in the ring with some of the others. Practicing.”

  “Practicing?” I asked as he took my hand.

  His hold was warm, gentle—yes, that again—my entire hand fitting in his calloused palm. With his height and long legs, he slowed his pace to match mine. We walked around the building and there was Tucker with a few other men. One was on a four-wheel ATV pulling a fake steer. It was a metal look-alike on wheels that was pulled around to simulate a real animal running to practice for steer roping competitions.

  Tucker was on a horse, swinging and tossing a lasso which hooked the metal animal’s neck. The ATV came to a stop.

  “I didn’t know he competed,” I said, putting my forearms on the top of the split rail fence and watching as Tucker swung down from the saddle and landed on his feet in the dirt, tugging on the rope. If he were competing, he’d still have to hook the animal’s head and tip him over for the clock to stop. I’d never competed personally. I wasn’t the least bit strong enough to wrangle a steer to the ground, but that hadn’t stopped me from learning how to lasso an animal.

  Colton stood beside me, propped one dusty boot on the lower rail of the fence. The position made his jeans go taut on his thigh.

  “He’ll compete now and again, for the fun of it,” he said. “But not like Duke or even Jed. They were champion steer ropers, bull riding, too. There’s a competition in Missoula in a few weeks. Some of the men are competing in a few events. Tucker’s just having some fun.”

  “What about you? Do you compete?” I asked him.

  He turned his head, glanced at me. “Nah, those guys are all crazy. I like staying on my horse, so I did barrel racing.”

  Tucker caught sight of us and led his horse over.

  “Ava,” Tucker murmured, coming to stand right in front of me, the fence separating us. He stroked a hand over my hair, studied my face, his gaze settling on my lips. He seemed surprised, yet pleased to see me. I liked this look of him, a true cowboy. With him just climbing off a horse, hat on, dusty boots, whiskered jaw.

  “She delivered the cattle chute,” Colton explained my presence.

  “Thanks for that. Welcome to my ranch.”

  I glanced around, although I couldn’t see too much with him right in front of me, Colton on one side. “It’s lovely.”

  It really was. Besides the pretty setting in the valley, it appeared well-run. I knew from the Seed and Feed gossip mill—standing behind the counter had me learning quite a bit—the Duke ranch was one of the largest in the area, their Hereford cattle all grass-fed and considered Prime.

  “I’m glad you like it. Your opinion matters.” Before I could get my mind around that, he asked, “Ever ridden a horse before?”

  I bit my lip, then said, “Sure.”

  “Want to try out Simon?” Tucker angled his head toward the quarter horse. “He’ll give you a gentle ride.”

  He followed that with a wink.

  “I don’t like a gentle ride. I prefer a long, hard one, where we’re breathing hard and all sweaty when done,” I replied. The words came out with my usual dry humor, but they hung in the air. All of a sudden I was nervous. Had I read them wrong? Was I too bold? Until now, they’d been playing the game all by themselves, riling me up. I felt like fighting back this time. Tit for tat. Or tit for dick, perhaps?

  They’d been tossing innuendos and blatant statements about their interest in me for weeks. It wasn’t as if they were going to jump me here in the practice ring with a bunch of ranch hands around. The one thing I knew about Colton and Tucker was that while they weren’t shy about what they wanted with me, they were possessive and had no intention of sharing anything we did.

  Tucker’s nostrils flared right before his eyes narrowed. Heated, as if he thought about my words, what we’d be like after a sweaty bout of wild fucking. “Like I told you, Colton. Our tiger’s got some claws.”

  Inwardly, I grinned. One point, Ava.

  Good, they were right there with me. My boldness had worked, although it made me even wetter, especially with Tucker standing so close I could breathe in his clean, dark scent. The idea of what it would be like had me all worked up, too.

  I wasn’t immune to either of them. They… they drew me in.

  “Sugar,” Colton growled. He moved to stand directly behind me, a hand settling on my waist. I felt the hard line of his cock pressing into my lower back. The wild ride wouldn’t be with just one stallion, but two. “What do you want then?”

  The heat of him seeped into me and all I wanted to do was lean back against him, feel every hard inch of him, give over. Rub against him from behind, perhaps reach down into my jeans, beneath my panties and play with myself.

  But no.


  They’d been working at this, at me, for a long time. I wasn’t going to just give in now. Oh, I was going to give in, and soon. Kaitlyn was right. I should jump them. While I hadn’t exactly admitted it to myself before, I’d always really known. Their ongoing, well… stalking, proved they really were interested, and not for just a quick, fun romp.

  Guys like Roscoe Barnes could try, but I wasn’t one to easily fall into bed with anyone. Sure, a woman could have a one-night stand if she wanted one—sweet and mild Kaitlyn had had one without even knowing Duke or Jed’s names, but that had turned into forever.

  A quickie in a bar bathroom or even in a random guy’s bed? That wasn’t me. It also wasn’t Tucker or Colton, at least it seemed with me.

  Distracted by Colton’s closeness, I stumbled out, “Right now I want, I’m… more interested in lassoing that fake steer.”

  I needed room. Air. A little more time before I said the one word they’d been waiting for.

  Yes. Just one syllable and I’d be theirs.

  Tucker looked over his shoulder, watched as one of the men was practicing his lasso work as he stood in the center of the ring. “All right. Climb on over and I’ll show you how it’s done.”

  I knew exactly how it was done, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  Colton helped me climb the fence. Tucker gripped my waist and lifted me over the top, then settled me on my feet in the dirt ring. Directly in front of him. I flicked my gaze back at Colton.

  “Don’t worry about me, sugar. I like to watch.” He winked.

  Tucker dropped the reins of the horse, then led me toward the center of the ring. Another guy had just lassoed the fake steer and was now removing the loop from the horns.

  Tucker whistled and someone brought over a rope, lasso loop ready. The guy tipped his hat and ma’am’d me before moving back to the fence. Tucker handed me the rope, then stood behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, showing me how to hold it properly, how to circle it over my head, then had me snap and release it. Yeah, having him hold me, murmur in my ear… this alone was worth keeping my skills a secret, even for just another minute or two.

  Since we didn’t toss it very hard, the rope fell well short of the fake steer, but Tucker was a good teacher, and I didn’t mind being pressed against him. Not one little bit. And nothing about him was little.

  “Now, I’ll step back, let you try it on your own. Try it with the steer not moving first. Once you get the hang of that, we can have Ken pull it around the ring.” The guy on the ATV tipped his hat in response, waiting. Watching.

  I glanced up at Tucker. He looked serious, not joking. He wasn’t poking fun at me, wasn’t trying to get the girl to
look a fool, but earnest in his help. He wanted me to succeed at this. It took a little of my woman’s pride out of my motivation to lasso the metal animal, but not much.

  I walked a few feet closer, settled my right hand grip where I wanted, kept my left hand on the rope, but loose.

  The rope felt familiar in my hold, the motions coming back to me, although it had been a while since I’d done this last. I spun the rope overhead as I walked slowly toward the steer, then solidified my stance, whipped my wrist, let the lasso fly.

  With ease, it arced through the air and landed right over the steer’s head.

  Clapping came from the men around the ring. Tucker came up to me, leaned in so his breath fanned my ear, one hand on my waist. “Why do I have a feeling you’ve done this before?”

  I shivered, although it wasn’t the least bit chilly out. I met his blue eyes, which were filled not only with heat, but amusement. I shrugged in reply, gave him a small smile. Lifting his chin, he got one of the hands to undo the loop from the steer and I pulled it back, coiling the rope as I went.

  “Where did you say you were from again?” he asked as I did that.

  “Denver.” I didn’t look at him, just kept at my task until I held it all in a grip.

  “Huh. Should I get the steer moving this time?” Clearly, he couldn’t tell if I was a ringer or just had beginner luck.


  He whistled once, circled his finger and Ken started up the ATV and slowly circled the ring. Tucker moved so he stood behind me, out of the way. I walked around in a wide circle, following the path of the fake steer. I got my rope set right, began to swing, then flicked.

  When it caught again on the head, Tucker laughed.

  Ken stopped the ATV, cut the engine.

  “Denver?” he asked again, cocking his head to the side and studying me from the top of my head to my heeled boots. “I didn’t realize there were a lot of steers that needed wrangling in a big city like that.”

  “Denver,” I confirmed. “There aren’t. But I spent my summers on a family ranch in the mountains. Lots of steers to wrangle and no parents around to tell me I had to be ladylike.”

  “Color me impressed,” he replied. He was smiling, shaking his head slightly, as if I’d surprised him and made him horny all at once.

  His response surprised me. I wasn’t a little woman to escort to parties and show off. The one time I told my father about how I’d learned to lasso, he’d only humored me and said girls shouldn’t do stuff like that. As for Perry, if he were my husband, I wouldn’t see a cow again unless it was cooked well-done and on a plate with a sprig of parsley.

  On top of that, not too many men liked being shown up by a woman, especially if he were the boss in front of his men. Tucker didn’t seem upset at all. In fact, he seemed to take pride in my unusual talent. That it proved we belonged together even more than ever. That I belonged here.

  “I assume you can do that from the back of a horse,” he said.

  The lasso had been undone from the steer and I drew the length of rope back again, looping it in my grip as I went. I felt… good. Relieved. Reassured. I could be me. Makeup and manicures, but manure, too.

  “You assume correctly.”

  “Simon’s at your disposal, any time you want to come and ride.”

  I shook my head, handed him the coiled rope. “Not today. I don’t ride a horse in heels.”

  He laughed again. “Of course, you don’t.” He tucked a hand into the pocket of his jeans, approached. He searched my face, then tucked my hair back behind my ear, just as Colton had.

  “You only wear heels to put a guy in his place?” I’d certainly done that with him, and all the others around the ring.

  Slowly, I shook my head. Took a deep breath. “Nope.” Going up on my tiptoes, I whispered in his ear. Standing in the middle of the ring, no one was close enough to overhear, but still. “I like to wear heels when I fuck.”

  One eyebrow went up and he grinned, but this time when he looked at me, it was all heat. “Why’s that?”

  “I can press those sharp points into a guy’s ass and steer him where I want him to go.”

  “I’m not a head of cattle to be lassoed,” he countered.

  Lifting my hand, I cupped his neck. This close, I could see his eyes were more green than blue and that his whiskers, while pale, only added to his rugged appeal. I wanted to feel that scruff against the inside of my thighs. No more waiting. He’d been right when all our bickering had been foreplay. God, I was so ready.

  “Are you sure about that? I heard your nickname’s T-Bone.”

  “Tiger, I didn’t get that name for my steaks. Want me to show you?”

  This was the moment. I’d been working up to this ever since I pulled up, but he and Colton had started this weeks before. I wanted him… them.


  In that instant, Tucker changed. His gaze was pure heat, pure intent. He took my hand and led me toward Colton, who was still at the rail. Colton could no doubt see things had shifted from fun and games, that Tucker’s intention was to get me the hell out of here, for he stood to his full height and reached for me when Tucker lifted me up and over the fence as if I weighed no more than a feather.

  Instead of putting me down, Colton tossed me over his shoulder, strode away from the ring. I could see Tucker’s lower legs, knew he was following.

  “Sugar, you’re not the only one who knows their way around a rope,” Colton said, wrapping his arm around the backs of my thighs, not slowing. “Time for you to be the one all tied up.”



  * * *

  A month. Four weeks. Twenty-eight fucking days we’d waited to make Ava ours. Twenty-eight days where I’d thought of her as I used my hand to get off. I’d wake up in the morning with my dick as hard as a fence post and couldn’t do anything until I took care of it. Thinking of her positioned on all fours on my bed, gripping her hips and pounding into her as I stared at a pink handprint on her ass from a spanking. One leg tossed over my shoulder as I had her up against her office door, kneeling before her and eating her out. The sweet suction of her mouth as she tried to take all of me. The spank bank list was long, and I hadn’t even touched her yet.

  Every time I saw her at the store, I’d get hard. Roscoe Barnes had said he’d have to pull over and rub one out before he got home after being around Ava. He wasn’t the only one. I hadn’t told the cheating bastard that as I’d escorted him to his truck that one day he’d disrespected her. Earlier that week, I’d had to pull over after coming in and seeing her bent over one of the nail bins, refilling it. I’d parked on the shoulder of the road halfway back to the ranch and rubbed one out because I had a serious fucking thing about her ass.

  And then there was her scent. Fucking strawberries. And her skin was like cream, pale and perfect. She was a sexy thing in a tight little package, all feminine and practically prissy. High heels and sparkles on her clothes. Makeup and jewelry. Half of my interest was to see her mussed up, her lipstick smeared from sucking my dick, her hair a wild tangle on my pillow after a sweaty night of fucking. Little love bites on her skin proving where I’d been. Definitely some handprints on her ass.

  That had all been eager fantasy. A dream. Until right this fucking second.

  But I’d just carried her through the back door of the main house, Tucker hot on our heels. The screen door slapped shut. It was now a reality. We had her right where we wanted.

  I carefully lowered her to her feet in the big kitchen, kept a steady hand on her until she got her balance back. “So, little cowgirl, we can take this as fast or slow as you want, but my dick’s getting better acquainted with that pussy of yours.”

  She laughed and it made my balls draw up. “I don’t want slow. Hell, I’ve been wet for a month.”

  After undoing my belt buckle, I opened my jeans pushed them down my hips a little so I could reach into my boxers and pull out my dick. It curved up toward my navel, bobbed towar
d her.

  “Holy shit,” she said, staring.

  I gripped the base, stroked myself from root to tip, let a bead of pre-cum slip down onto my finger. Grinned as she continued to stare. Yeah, I wanted her to be amazed, because that meant she’d never seen a monster like mine before.

  “How can you walk around with that?” she asked, wide-eyed.

  Yeah, I was big. Tucker might have a nickname for his enormous dick, but I wasn’t going to disappoint Ava, that was for sure.

  “With you around… hell, even just thinking about you, it’s not that easy.”

  “How does it all fit in your pants?”

  We’d been teasing and sharing innuendos for weeks. Now, she wasn’t kidding, not when I was stroking my entire length.

  “It goes down my thigh, otherwise it might stick out above my belt.”

  It was a burden I’d had to deal with, but now it would be all worth it. Every inch would be used to pleasure Ava and the way she licked her lips—probably not even realizing it—she wanted it all.

  “The guys you’ve been with in the past had little dicks, sugar. I’m a grower and a shower. You haven’t gotten what you needed. Your pussy’s been neglected.”

  I wasn’t shy. Not for Ava. I had zero modesty standing in the kitchen with my dick hanging out.

  “Wait ‘til you get a glimpse of T-Bone.” I angled my head toward Tucker.

  He worked his pants open, pulled his own dick out as Ava watched. In other circumstances, it would be weird seeing my friend’s dick, but it wasn’t for me. It was for Ava. Every single inch of his. And mine.

  She rubbed her thighs together, as if the sight of us, of what we were going to give her, was too much for her to take. A whimper escaped her lips.

  She lifted a hand and curled her fingers. “Gimme, gimme.”

  “Oh, we’ll give it to you,” Tucker commented as he let her look her fill. “Don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours.”

  A bead of pre-cum seeped from my slit and I caught it on my finger. Stepping toward her, I coated her lower lip.


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