T-Bone: Grade-A Beefcakes Series - Book 2

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T-Bone: Grade-A Beefcakes Series - Book 2 Page 10

by Vanessa Vale

  Yeah, she was right on target. His jaw clenched and besides him being a slimy bastard, the look he shot Ava was downright mean.

  “I had no involvement in the sale of Investicorp stock.”

  “Really? Because the meeting you had with the company’s CEO last month at the country club was just a golf game?”

  Everyone was watching the back and forth like a tennis match. Quiet, perhaps even holding their breath, to see what would happen.

  “What do you know of that?”

  She shrugged, fiddled with the rope in her hands. “You have your sources, I have mine. Let’s just say you’re not the only one being watched.”

  Ah, so she’d been a busy girl working her connections.

  “That meeting was nothing. There’s no proof of my connection to the early stock report.”

  “Who said anything about a stock report?” she countered.

  His eyes narrowed. “You won’t be able to catch me. Your father’s going to jail and the company’s going under. Clients are moving elsewhere, as in my coffers. I won’t go hungry. It just would have been so much… better not only seeing Old Man Carter in prison stripes, but his daughter in my bed, too. Rolling around naked with her billions.” He shrugged as if to say win some, lose some. “Have fun with your rodeo fun and games.”

  He turned and started to walk away.

  I was ready to go after the guy, clobber him, dig a fucking ditch and bury him, but Tucker held me back, a hand on my chest.

  Ava took a step forward, then another, slowly following him. She looked pissed, and intent. She dropped the rope, reached down and took a hold with her free hand. With perfect form, she gave the length a twirl, setting it in motion. With a silent flick, she tossed the rope, the lasso falling around Perry in a perfect arc. She pulled so it went snug about his chest and arms when he stopped in surprise, before he could turn about.

  “What the fuck?” he shouted, turned and glared, tried to work the rope off.

  I walked over to her. “Here, let me help with this last part.” I put my hands over hers and gave a hard tug. With a shit-ton of fucking pleasure, I watched as Perry fell to the dirt with a thud, a cloud of dust kicking up. He wiggled about like a fish out of water.

  Oh yeah, that was fucking perfect. We dropped the rope to the ground and I wrapped her up in my hold. It felt good to hold her, to know she was safe. She’d taken care of Perry all by herself. I had no doubt she had enough—or would soon—dirt to get him into prison stripes as much as her father.

  T went over to Perry, tugged on the rope so he had some slack, lowered so his knee was pressed into his back and hog tied him. Perry shouted and cursed the whole time, while our small audience clapped and cheered, whistled and hollered as if we were at a state competition.

  “Dad, give the sheriff a call,” T said, squatting beside Perry, who looked ridiculous, miserable and pissed bent like a pretzel. “Caught ourselves a trespasser. And if Ava finds more to stick to this asshole—sorry, ladies—then I’m sure the SEC will want a piece of him, too.”

  Fuck, it felt good to see that asshole have what was coming. Hogtied. I took off my hat, ran my hand over my hair, settled it back in place. Out of all the people I’d ever wished to fucking hogtie, it was Perry.

  I wasn’t sure if any charges would stick—besides the trespassing on Duke property, but at this point, I didn’t give a shit. Ava had the closure she needed. The fucker wouldn’t get off scot-free. She’d see justice done. At least legal justice. This, with Perry roped like the pig he was, was a different kind of justice. One we were all too happy to witness.

  Even if he went to trial, if we had to sit in the courtroom with him, he’d know what we’d done, how we’d humiliated him. How we’d do it again. Yeah, he wouldn’t bother Ava again, that was for fucking sure. And he wouldn’t underestimate her.

  I gave Ava’s middle a reassuring squeeze as she just stared at Perry. She was calm as could be, thankfully. We’d get the details from her, but they didn’t matter. If there was evidence against him, our girl would find it and hand it over to the authorities. I doubted it cleared her father from getting his hands dirty, but I never expected her to try and clear his name.

  At Tucker’s direction, a few of the ranch hands went over to Perry, picked him up by the elbows and ankles and carried him off. He swore and shouted the whole time and I was very thankful when he was finally out of earshot of the ladies.

  “You okay, sugar?” I asked.

  Ava looked up at me, nodded. “Oh yeah. That felt good. It was worth learning how to toss a rope just for that moment.”

  “Fuck, yes,” Tucker added, coming over and giving her a quick kiss. “You’re my girl.”

  “Sorry, Jed and Duke,” Mrs. Duke said, breaking up the seriousness with a little humor. “I’d say we have a new Duke steer roping champion in the family. Ava’s earned her prize.”

  Everyone cheered and clapped. Duke came over and ruffled Ava’s hair good naturedly. “Well done, sweetheart.”

  Jed gave her a thumbs up, then tucked his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. One of the men beside him said something to him and he laughed.

  “While the candy bar is the perfect reward for the best lasso of the day,” I said loudly, getting everyone to quiet down. My heart was beating frantically and my palms were sweaty. I’d never been so fucking nervous in my life. Or more sure. “Tucker and I have something else for Ava.”

  I let her go, glanced at T who nodded. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a velvet jewelry box.

  I heard a gasp, which I assumed came from Julia, when I dropped to one knee. My eyes met Ava’s blue ones, which were clear and bright. We’d found it for her a few weeks ago when she was at the store and we’d been waiting for the right time. Her mouth was slightly open and she had her arms bent, her hands tucked beneath her chin. I had her full attention, thank fuck as I lifted the lid and showed her the ring. It wasn’t big—while she was the fanciest female around, we knew she didn’t want bling—just a simple, wide platinum band with a square cut diamond. “You might have won in steer roping, sugar, but you won our hearts the first time we saw you. I love you. Marry me.”

  Tucker dropped to one knee beside me, reached up and took hold of her wrists, then slid her hands in his. “You lassoed my heart that night in Cassidy’s and I’ve been trying to make you see ever since. You’re our prize, tiger. I love you. Want you. Need you. Marry me, too. Take Colton’s name. Be ours.”

  I heard the wind blow, the whinny of a horse out in the pasture, the blood roaring in my ears. Waited. So did everyone around us, but I paid them no mind.

  “Yes!” she cried and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. I felt… fuck, relieved. Incredible. Happy. Fucking deliriously happy. This was what I wanted. Ava. As ours.

  By the time I got the ring on her finger, everyone was applauding and had made a tight circle around us. I pulled her down so she was sitting on my bent knee.

  “I love you,” she murmured in my ear, right before she kissed my cheek, cupped my face with her hand.

  I turned my head and kissed her mouth. Home. Fuck, this was home.

  When I lifted my head, Tucker tilted her back so he could kiss her, too.

  “Look up here!” Julia called.

  We turned and looked up at her holding her phone out.

  “Let’s get your picture. You want to save this moment, don’t you? For your personal collection.”

  I glanced at Tucker, then Ava, and we burst out laughing. Yeah, this would fit into our photo file perfectly.



  * * *

  While I’d wanted Tucker and Colton to drag me back to the house and have their wicked way with me, we’d had to stay with the family for the picnic. Everyone wanted to see the ring, to celebrate. I’d been a little overwhelmed, a little stunned. They’d surprised me. I knew we’d marry, someday, but god… I loved them and I wanted the whole world to know it.

; The shit with my dad was a big deal, but it wasn’t important. Tucker and Colton were important. I wasn’t going to put my life on hold because my dad would probably go to jail and the company might fold. I’d spent hours with my connections, including Mrs. Houser. Like Tucker had said, she’d always had a stick up her ass. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t a good person, and she knew everything about the business side of my dad’s life. Everything.

  She might not be too thrilled I was marrying two men, but she was even less thrilled about the bad—and illegal—shit happening at the office.

  My dad would go to jail, but so would Perry. He’d underestimated me and that was his ultimate downfall. I had information on him. Not a lot, but enough to give to the SEC, to have them broadening their review of the insider trading.

  God, it had felt so good to take down Perry, to see him in the dirt. And when Tucker had hogtied him, a highlight of my life. I wouldn’t soon forget that. While it was just Perry who’d been all tied up, he represented everything I’d walked away from. I was giving that past a middle finger salute. Being me, being a cowgirl who liked pretty things was enough. Tucker and Colton thought so. I didn’t need the money. I had everything I’d ever wanted standing right in front of me.

  “Happy, sugar?” Colton asked, kissing my neck as Tucker opened the front door of the ranch house.

  I lifted my hand, saw the sparkle of the ring. It was so pretty. Stunning. Simple and I’d be able to wear it even at work.

  I nodded, then turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands went to my butt and he lifted me up so I could put my legs about his waist. He carried me inside as we kissed. I squirmed in his hold, eager for more.

  “Easy, sugar. We’ll get you there. We’ve got all night.”

  I shook my head, knocked his hat off his head. “I want it now,” I breathed.

  I saw his dark eyes, watched them heat. Felt his hands tighten on my butt.

  “You’ve been through a lot. We don’t want to—”

  “I want you to,” I said, cutting him off. “I soooo want you to.”

  Tucker came over stroked his hand over my ponytail. “What do you want, tiger?”

  Both of my men. Right here. With me. Wanting me. Asking me what I wanted.

  “You gave me a ring to show the whole world I’m taken.”

  “Damn straight,” Colton murmured.

  I kissed him again. “Now I want you to take me.”

  Tucker arched a brow, remained quiet.

  “Together.” I blushed and glanced away. Suddenly nervous. “I want to belong to both of you.”

  Tucker took hold of my chin, made me keep his gaze. “Oh, don’t turn into a kitten now. You’re the one who boldly sent us a picture of your well-fucked pussy. Say the words, tiger.”

  “In Denver, I promised you could do anything you want.”

  “We want to take you together,” Colton said. While I was still in his arms, he didn’t even seem bothered by my weight. “I want in that gorgeous ass.”

  “And I want in that perfect pussy,” Tucker said.

  “At the same time,” I added. “Please.”

  “Bed,” Colton said, instead of yes, but I took it for the same thing. He carried me up the steps and to his room. He put me down and his hands went to my shirt. Tucker went around behind me and worked on my pants. My clothes were quickly a pile on the floor.

  “Our girl dressed in just our ring,” Colton commented, eyeing me.

  “Fuck, you’re perfect,” Tucker added, brushing his knuckles gently over one of my nipples.

  “I want to see you, too.” I liked the added level of dominance when they took me fully clothed while I was bare. The idea that they were too eager to do more than just nudge down their pants and boxers was thrilling. But I wanted to touch them, to feel their heat, their skin. To know there was nothing between us. That once they were deep inside me, we’d be connected. I’d be marked, theirs.

  They didn’t hesitate, but shucked their clothes in record time. I took in their amazing bodies. Colton’s dark complexion, the equally dark hair on his chest that narrowed to a thin line to the thatch at the base of his impressive cock. It was so big, I doubted I’d ever get used to seeing it. Pre-cum already slid down the flared crown. His balls hung heavy and large beneath and I remembered how much cum he filled me with. He’d cram me full, then fill me up. Too much that it slipped from me all day long. He’d stop me, reach beneath my dress or skirt and slide his fingers over my pussy. Feeling his cum, knowing he’d put it there. He reveled in my being marked by him.

  Tucker wasn’t any less Neanderthal, loving that I got off on him photographing me. Knowing he loved what he saw, that my body was so… alluring to him that he had to capture it and look at the images later. To show them to me as foreplay.

  “What’s that look, tiger?” he asked, as if reading my thoughts.

  “You like taking pictures of me. Maybe… maybe I want some of you.”

  He gripped the base of his cock and my pussy clenched. He was all hard muscle. Ripped arms, wide shoulders, chiseled abs, thick thighs. And his cock. God, it could be used to make adult toys, and yet it was all mine. I got the real thing. Any way I wanted it.

  “We’ll give you anything you want. Do anything you want.”

  “Even share me?”

  Tucker’s hand stopped moving. “The two of us aren’t enough for you, tiger?”

  I laughed. “You two are all I need,” I countered.

  Colton reached down, pulled his cell from his jeans pocket. Held it out. “Here you go.”

  I took a quick and close-up shot of Tucker’s fist gripping his cock, the pre-cum dripping down and over his fingers. The way the two of them were practically dripping cum for me, I knew they were being patient, but that they wouldn’t be for long.

  I fiddled with the phone settings, placed it on the dresser so it pointed at the bed. “There.”

  “There?” Colton commented as he moved to the bed, dropped down on it, reached out and tugged me down on top of him.

  I glanced toward the phone, pointed at it. “See the red light?”

  “Oh shit, sugar. Are we making our own porn?”

  I glanced down at him, bit my lip and nodded. I felt his cock pulse against my belly, a sticky spurt of pre-cum coating our skin.

  The bed dipped with Tucker’s weight and I felt his kisses down the length of my spine, then on my butt. “The idea of being able to watch us fucking your pussy and ass together for the first time is enough to make me come. I’m going to be able to watch the look on your face when you take two dicks at once.”

  “That’s right,” Colton added, his eyes so dark as to be black. “Let’s get you all warmed up. Turn around and get that pussy up here. I want you sitting on my face.”

  Tucker moved out of the way so I could shift about, straddling Colton’s torso, then backing up. His hands went to my thighs and he helped me into place, then pulled me down.

  “Oh my god,” I moaned as he began to eat me out. He was voracious, as if he’d never tasted me before. He found my entrance, fucked into me as far as his tongue would go, then moved up my slit to flick my clit.

  I went from aroused to insane from one soft slide of his tongue to the next. His dick stood straight up right beneath my chin and I took him into my mouth.

  His hips bucked at the immediate suction I applied. He growled and I felt the vibrations all along my pussy.

  “Two men, two dicks, tiger,” Tucker reminded me. I lifted my head and there was his cock. I flicked my tongue out, slicked off the drop of pre-cum, then took him in. Sucked. Swirled my tongue.

  I alternated between the two dicks as best as I could, but Colton’s mouth was ruthless.

  “That’s it, give the camera a good show. Be a good little cock sucker for your men,” Tucker said. His dirty words only amped up my need.

  I dove at his dick, used one hand for balance on the bed, the other to grip him and slide up and down. There was no way I could take
all of him, so I hoped this would feel like I could.

  Colton slipped a finger into my pussy and curled. The instant touch on my g-spot and I came, moaning around Tucker’s dick. I writhed and bucked, whimpered and shook, but Colton kept me in place and Tucker’s fingers tangled in my hair.

  I pulled back and caught my breath as Tucker pulled me up and off of Colton and into his arms.

  “I could eat your pussy all day, sugar,” Colton said. I looked over my shoulder and watched as he wiped his glistening mouth with the back of his hand. He grinned, clearly pleased with his abilities to make me come. With just the ruthless skill of his tongue. “So sweet. Fuck, you’re so wet.”

  I straddled his lap and his dick was pressed between us. He kissed me, deep and long as I felt Colton moving about. Tucker cupped my breast, played with my nipple, and then I was falling.

  He turned us so he fell on the bed with me still straddling him. “Climb on, tiger. Take my dick for a ride. Colton will get your ass ready and then we’ll both get in you.”

  I glanced over at Colton who stood beside the bed with a bottle of lube in his hand. I hadn’t even heard him open the lid or pour some onto his dick. It was slick as he stroked it. Grinning, he tipped his chin up.

  “I like to watch, remember? Take Tucker’s dick and make it disappear. Show me… and the camera.”

  I flicked my gaze to the phone, knew it was recording all this. Every dirty, naughty second.

  Then I gave all my attention to Tucker as I shifted so his cock was at my entrance. With my hands on his chest, I lowered myself down. I was so wet, so swollen and eager for dick because of Colton’s wicked mouth. He opened me up so wide and I moaned. Every inch of him stretched me, stroked over the eager spots inside me. I was so sensitive from Colton that when my clit rubbed against Tucker’s lower belly, I had to lift up. And drop down. I wanted to come again. Now. I was frantic for it because being filled and coming was so different than just Colton’s mouth. Bigger. Deeper. Harder.

  I rocked and shifted, fucked myself and got lost in the feelings of it. Tucker’s hands gripped my hips, helped me move. Colton moved behind me, his hand going to the base of my spine as a finger brushed over my back entrance.


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