Return of the Wolf

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Return of the Wolf Page 2

by Karen Whiddon

  Mate. That would explain why he felt he knew her from somewhere before. Her reincarnation talk was just that—talk. No one seriously believed in that crap, did they? Though sometimes he wondered. He’d visited places he’d never been and felt as if he’d been there before. Campbell River was such a place. The first time he’d set foot here, he’d known he’d come home.

  And meeting Memphis Ayers was another case of instant recognition. Though they’d barely met, he felt as if he’d known her his entire life, but that could only be because she was the other half of his soul.

  He also knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. The knowing and needing was always a compulsion when true mates met.

  One problem. They didn’t really know each other. Her accent told him she was from the States. What if all she’d come fishing for was a weekend fling?

  He swallowed hard. He had until Monday to convince her otherwise. Because she was his mate, he knew she’d find herself unable to protest much. The attraction went both ways, and she’d be as helpless as he to resist its pull.

  Still, he didn’t want to rush things too much and scare her off. So, battling both his wolf and his own primal instincts, he took a step back. “Mind if I ask you a question or two?”

  She blinked. “No. Of course not.”

  “Is your favorite color green?”

  “Yes, but why?”

  “Do you like to sing opera in the shower? Prefer to eat salad without dressing, only salt, so you can taste the lettuce better?”

  Her jaw dropped. “How did you know that?”

  Relentless, he pushed on. “You prefer winter to summer, and you aren’t really athletic, though you enjoy hiking. You revel in wearing sexy underwear under sensible clothes and have always worn your hair long and straight.”

  Now she took a step back. “Okay, are you remembering this from a past life?”

  Gideon had to smile. “No. I don’t believe in reincarnation.”

  “Then seriously, how do you know these things?’

  He shook his head. “Honestly, I have no idea. I just do. There’s more, but I don’t want to creep you out. I do feel as if I’ve known you forever.”

  For a moment she didn’t speak, simply narrowed her long-lashed eyes and studied him.

  Finally she nodded. “I feel like that, too. And I know things about you, as well. You like your steak rare, almost bloody. Under your charm, you hide a primitive, almost savage nature. You don’t really have a favorite color, though you enjoy all the colors of nature. Autumn is your best season, and you revel in violent thunderstorms or blizzards.”

  “Yes, yes and yes. To all of it.”

  She tilted her head and wrinkled her nose. “That proves it to me. We must have known each other in a past life.”

  He had to laugh out loud at the way she thought. “Whatever does it for you.”

  Crossing her arms, she frowned at him. “Fine. But I challenge you to come up with a better explanation.”

  He already had. They were mates. But he couldn’t say the words out loud. Not yet.

  He’d found his mate. He should have felt relief or a sense of rightness. Instead, mild panic filled him. Finding her and convincing her were two separate things.

  Truth be told, he didn’t even know where she lived, what she did for a living or much more besides her name and the odd assorted facts that kept occurring to him the longer they were together. This definitely wasn’t normal, even between mates. Sometimes, true mates knew the other’s thoughts, but never so much random detail. This, he didn’t understand. He had no explanation for it. After all—he consulted his watch—he’d known her less than two hours, total.

  One of the rods twitched in the downrigger. He eyed it, waiting. For the first time since he’d taken this job, he actually hoped they didn’t get a bite.

  “Look at me.” Deliberately he moved closer, invading her personal space. “Tell me what else you know about me. Say whatever comes to mind.”

  Her breath appeared to catch in her throat. She licked her lips, sending a shot of desire through him. “Okay. Let’s see. You like to listen to heavy metal music while you’re driving. And you like to make love in water, because it feels so damn good.” She blushed at the last, charming him, but stood her ground.

  “You’re dead on,” he admitted, struggling against another wave of heat as he thought of making love to her in his hot tub with the mountains as background. The part of him that was wolf chose that moment to fight again, the intensity of the emotions and the desire Memphis brought spurring it again. He hadn’t changed in a while, a situation he’d have to remedy quickly.

  A moment later, wolf subdued, he sighed. “I want you, you know.”

  She touched her neck. “I want you, too. Do you understand why this is happening so fast between us?”

  What could he say? He couldn’t tell her the truth. So he shook his head. “No.”

  “I still go with the reincarnation theory,” she said firmly.”

  “Reincarnation isn’t real.”

  “There have been numerous case studies, using a hypnotic technique called ‘past life regression.’ Details have been checked out and verified.”

  “But no such case has been conclusively proved.”

  “Not yet.” She bit back a smile. “Sometimes you just know. You’ve got to have an open mind.”

  An open mind would be an asset when she learned about shape-shifters.

  “Do you?” He pressed her, both with his body and his words. Each touch, hip to hip, groin to groin, inflamed him so that he could barely breathe.

  Wide-eyed, she stared up at him. Then, with a sexy smile tugging at her mouth, she used one hand to slowly unzip her bulky slicker. She shrugged out of it and let it fall to the floor of the boat.

  His mouth went dry.

  “Do I?” The huskiness of her voice contained an invitation. “Now that I’ve met you, I know my dreams were true. We’ve known each other before.”

  They were destined to be together, but not for the reason she thought. He struggled against his raging desire for only a heartbeat, then pulled her roughly against him. Her curves fit him perfectly. He found her unbearably sexy. “We can’t—”

  “Shh.” She hushed him by pressing closer, touching her mouth to the hollow in the base of his throat. “Don’t talk.”

  Ironic, since he seemed to have lost the capacity for speech.

  She kissed his chin, then his mouth, sensual, moist kisses, but too tentative for him. He resisted, stoically holding himself back. But when she caressed the length of his arms, touching his chest tentatively, he finally gave up the last tattered remnants of his control with a growl.

  Like metals fusing, their mouths touched. Savage, urgent, he reclaimed her. His. Instant heat shot through him, and from the shudder she gave, he guessed she felt the same.

  Someone moaned—him, her, who knew?—and she grabbed his hair, keeping him close as their mouths mated and her body arched toward him.

  He’d never had sex in a company boat before, never made love to a client. At any moment one of the other guide’s boats could appear out of the mist and surprise them.

  They shouldn’t, he shouldn’t, but his body had other ideas.

  “I…” She broke away with a gasp, covering her mouth with one hand. “I don’t normally act like this. I’m so sorry.” She sounded both miserable and ashamed.

  Though he wanted to comfort her, all he could manage was a curt nod. Not only did he have to get his completely aroused body under control, but the wolf inside him still struggled to break free.

  Moving woodenly, she made her way to her chair. “I don’t know what came over me, but…”

  “The same thing that came over me.” Even though moving was difficult due to the size of his arousal, he crouched down near her. Careful not to touch her—he knew what would happen if he did—he gazed up into her lovely, perfect face.

  “We have a connection, even though we’ve never met. We k
now things about each other.”

  She tucked a strand of hair back her ear and nodded.

  “See? That gesture. I know it. You also twist your hair on your index finger when you’re nervous. I know this, recognize it. Why or how, I don’t know.” He took a deep breath, tossing out a concession, even though he didn’t believe a word of it. “Maybe you’re right about reincarnation. Anything is possible, I guess.”

  She rewarded him with a dazzling smile, and he quashed a flash of guilt.

  Nearby, a fish splashed as it jumped out of the water. Normally Gideon would have moved the boat over or checked his sonar or something. Instead, he couldn’t tear his gaze away from the woman. His woman. His mate.

  But how to convince her of that?

  This should have made him uneasy. A focused man, he needed to come up with a valid plan. But now, right now, with the sun rising in the morning sky and the shroud of fog beginning to dissipate, all he could think about was making hot, passionate love to her. As soon as humanly possible.

  Inside, his wolf snarled, reminding him he had responsibilities other than human to look after first.

  Focusing on propriety—definitely a civilized action—would help him keep his wolf-self at bay. And, since he had to change, this was the only way he could let her know he couldn’t go with her right away.

  “Can I see you later?” he asked, swallowing hard.

  Her amber eyes widened in astonishment. “When? Why not now?”

  “I have something I’ve got to take care of. Give me an hour or so?”

  Her answering smile felt as erotic as their kiss. “I’m in room 104. I’ll be waiting for you. ”

  Chapter Four

  As they headed back to the lodge, several other boats passed them. They reached the dock amid noise and commotion. Several guests had caught fish, and the big production that was weighing and photographing had begun full scale.

  Gideon helped her from the boat, lugging up the salmon a moment later. Her fish weighed twenty-eight pounds. An excellent catch, especially for her first time out. He gave her a congratulatory high five in an attempt to mask their high-speed, developing relationship.

  Handing off the salmon to be processed, he had to concentrate on keeping his hands close to his sides so he wouldn’t do anything foolish. His desire raged inside him, stirring up his lupine nature. Inside, the wolf’s pacing grew more frenzied. He had to take care of his beast. Gideon knew he couldn’t go with Memphis now, not until he’d had time to release his wolf and burn off excess energy.

  Making love now would be too dangerous, for both of them. Plus, he wanted their lovemaking to be slow and languorous. He yearned to explore every inch of her body, to bring her to the pinnacle of pleasure again and again.

  Just thinking about it aroused him once more.

  “I’m going to grab something to eat,” she said, her husky voice teasing him, making his arousal worse. “Would you care to join me?”

  He recognized the heated invitation in her amber eyes.

  “Later,” he promised, kicking himself as her smile trembled, then vanished. “Are you scheduled to fish again today?”

  Lifting her chin, she nodded. “Not until the evening run. Will you be my guide again?”

  “I should be. They usually like to keep the same guide with the guest. But to be sure, let them know up at the equipment shack. They can make certain we’re matched up.”

  Emotions played over her face—concern and determination, desire and vulnerability, and finally resolve. “I’ll do that,” she said, moving away.

  “Man, tough luck.” Randy appeared at Gideon’s side. “No tip? And you helped her catch the biggest fish of the run.”

  “No tip was necessary.” Gideon couldn’t take his eyes from her slender form as she made her way up the pier. She moved with a sensual grace, unlike any woman he’d ever known. Watching her go, he already ached from both her absence and from unfulfilled desire.

  “I get it.” Randy laughed. “She’s a looker, all right.”

  “That she is.” After hurrying through the rest of his tasks to complete that morning’s run, Gideon set off for the road. He usually worked only the morning and early-evening runs, except from mid-June until the end of August, when the resort was at peak capacity.

  Though he’d brought his motorcycle that morning, for now he left it in the parking lot. He didn’t need a vehicle for what he had to do.

  Rimmed by woods, the curving road leading to the lodge’s remote location had a sloping embankment. After the first curve, Gideon left the road, heading deep into the forest until the road was hidden from view. He smelled black bear, noting the animal had recently passed by, and spotted a rabbit or two, moving away from him unafraid. Once he became wolf, their indifference would become terror.

  Finding the fallen tree where he normally stashed his clothes, Gideon stripped. Barefoot, he sank his toes into the loamy earth, inhaling the scent of pine and cedar and damp leaves. Naked, he loved the warmth of the dappled sunlight on his back.

  Wolf was not so poetic. Wolf wanted out. Now.

  With a savage grin, Gideon dropped to the ground. On all fours, he let the change take over, shuddering with the first ripple as his bones lengthened, skin stretched. Knowing his wolf was too impatient for a leisurely shape-shifting, he made the change in less than twenty seconds.

  Then, lifting his snout to the air to take in the banquet of wonderful smells, Gideon gave his wolf free rein.

  Later, sated from his meal of rabbit, still-wolf Gideon padded over to the fallen tree truck. Flopping down on the damp earth, he changed back, fighting the need to sleep. Though changing exhausted him, human Gideon had more on his mind than resting. Much more.

  Dressing quickly, he climbed up the embankment to the road and made his way back to Painter’s Lodge.

  Several hours had passed. Memphis would have returned to her room. He made a quick detour by the guide locker room and took a shower. With his hair still damp, he headed off to find the woman who’d managed to haunt him even while he’d been in his wolf form.

  Chapter Five

  Despite trying to wait for Gideon, Memphis fell asleep fully dressed. When the soft tap on her door woke her, she was in the middle of one of the most erotic dreams she’d ever had, featuring Viking Gideon, of course. They’d been making love on a blanket spread on the ground. Massive trees towered over them, and Gideon’s touch had been forceful, almost savage. Her answering passion had been the same.

  Groggy, she tried to shake off sleep and her dream. It had to be him. The thought brought an immediate rush of desire. Since meeting him, she felt a constant ache of longing.

  Pushing back the covers, she padded to the door.

  Gideon. Her heart turned over. Just like that, she knew he was the one. Always had been, always would be.

  He slipped into her room. She’d left the curtains open, loving the scent of the sea-salted breeze as she’d dozed.

  Gideon. Her past, present and future. She’d loved this man. In many of her past lives. The thought nearly blindsided her. The mind whisper became certainty as their gazes locked and held.

  She had to tell him, try to make him understand. Though she didn’t know why this was important, she sensed he had to understand what they’d been to each other. Maybe there was a big wrong to be righted.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried. “I’m a big believer in reincarnation,” she said. “Some people think that’s nuts. But how else can we explain what’s happened with us? We just met a few hours ago, yet I feel as though I’ve known you—”

  “—all our lives,” he finished, dragging a hand through his still-damp hair. “I know. But honestly, I have my own explanation for this. Right now, we’re speaking at cross purposes.”

  “Your own explanation?” This interested her. “Let’s hear it.”

  “Not now. Not yet.” He cupped her chin with gentle hands. “Know this—I do believe we are meant to be together. Each time I see you—”
  “—the pull is stronger.” This time, she finished for him. “More intense. As though being without you is like losing part of myself.”


  As they stood staring at each other, she couldn’t understand why he made no move toward her. She’d just bared her soul and she wanted him to hold her. She needed to feel his strength, his power, to experience again the touch of his large, callused fingers on her skin.

  Again. Any lingering doubts she might have had instantly fled. This—he—was the reason she’d always believed. Because finding him, reuniting with him, was her destiny. Their destiny.

  As if something of her thoughts showed on her face, he came closer. His nearness made her senses spin. He smelled of soap and outdoors; clean and fresh and masculine and oh, so sexy.

  Totally entranced by him, she held out her arms, unwilling to wait. Breathless, she felt like a teenage girl, full of anticipation and desire.

  When he finally touched her, her heart lurched and began to pound.

  “I want you so badly,” he whispered. “But I need to make certain you’re sure.”

  “Sure?” Her smile became a grin. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  He slipped his hands up her arms, tugging her closer. As she stepped into the warmth of his embrace, she felt his arousal, insistent and strong.

  Then he covered her mouth with his and kissed her, as though he’d been starving since their last kiss. As their tongues mated, he kissed her as if he could devour her. Heaven help her, she realized she would die for him.

  Suddenly she couldn’t get close enough. She wanted to feel him against her, all of him, against her, on her and in her.

  He slid his hand under her shirt. Eager, too eager, she helped him yank it off, arching toward him and moaning as he stroked the edge of her lacy bra. When he dipped his finger inside, she shuddered.

  She removed his shirt, too. With fumbling fingers, she tried to unbutton his jeans, aching to touch his huge arousal. But she couldn’t manage and he finally pulled the button free, yanking the faded denim to the floor and stepping out of it.


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