Lucky Like Us

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Lucky Like Us Page 12

by Jennifer Ryan

  “Miss Hamilton, I’m Special Agent Tyler Reed. Are you okay?”

  Was she okay? No. She hurt, and she wanted that hurt to go away so she could rest. At least when she was in the black ooze, she could block out everything. Now that she was awake, she wished to be afloat in that nothingness. The doctors told her she’d feel better in a day or so as she began to move more and heal.

  She ignored the agent’s concern and asked, “Where’s Agent Turner? I thought he might be here for this.” She reached up with her wounded arm to move the pillow and winced.

  Agent Reed came forward to help her get settled. “I was Agent Turner’s partner the night you were hurt. He won’t be here for the interview, since he’s the focus of this investigation.”

  “What do you mean? He’s being investigated?” Elizabeth didn’t like the sound of that. “Tell me you’re joking.”

  Agent Reed moved aside and another agent stepped up to the bed to address her. “Agent Turner shot you. Any agent involved in a shooting is subject to an internal review and investigation to determine whether disciplinary action, or legal action, is required.”

  The man’s eyes lit up at the thought of some sort of punishment being meted out to Sam. That didn’t sit well with her. She’d have to watch this guy. He had some sort of vendetta to settle with Sam, and she refused to help him accomplish it. She knew a lot about people with hidden agendas.

  “Then you’re wasting your time with this investigation.”

  Agent Reed tried to hide a smile, letting her know she’d pegged things right with the other agent.

  “Miss Hamilton, we’d like you to recount the events, and maybe answer some questions. Do you think you’re up to telling us what happened?” Agent Reed asked, his voice coaxing.

  “Hasn’t Agent Turner told you what happened?”

  “We’ve all heard Agent Turner’s version of what happened. We would like to hear your version, so we can determine the truth of the matter.” The agent took the chair next to her, taking out a recorder, paper, and pen to take notes.

  She thought of a weasel. She pictured him as Ebenezer Scrooge, sitting at his desk counting out his money and having no thought for anyone else. This guy was exactly like that. He was only after what he wanted and not the truth, no matter who he hurt.

  “The truth of the matter.” She glanced at Deputy Director Davies, discreetly standing back from everyone, watching the events as they transpired. She’d already met him and found him to be a good man. He understood what was going on, and although he appeared mildly bored by the entire scene, he was taking in every detail of what the agent said and did. Agent Reed, although he hid it well, looked uncomfortable. Undercurrents radiated here, and she wouldn’t let this man smear Sam’s name or reputation because of what happened to her.

  “What’s your name?”

  “I’m Agent Vernet. I’m in charge of the internal investigation into Agent Turner’s actions the night of the incident. We have Agent Reed’s statement about what happened at the meeting place where he and Agent Turner were prior to arriving in front of your home. I’ll be recording your statement for the report.”

  “Well, Agent Vernet, I’m sure you’ll find the truth of the matter is as Agent Turner told you already.”

  “We’ll see. Ready to begin?”

  Oh yeah, Tyler liked her. Very much. He discretely took out his cell phone, held it by his side, flipped it open, and hit the speed dial for Sam’s cell. Tyler left the connection open and hoped Sam heard everything that came next. Elizabeth was about to put Vernet in his place and defend Sam with a vengeance. He couldn’t wait to talk to Sam after this.

  Elizabeth pointedly looked at the phone, and he gave her a wink. God, she was observant. He didn’t doubt for a moment she didn’t know exactly what every player in the room was thinking and doing.

  “Yes, let’s begin to uncover the truth of the matter,” Elizabeth said and settled back against the pillows.

  Home with his family, Sam pulled out his phone. Tyler’s name showed on the caller ID, and he answered. He thought the line went dead, but then Elizabeth’s voice came over the phone, saying something about uncovering the truth. Sam stood from the couch where he’d been talking with Jack and went into his room, so he could hear everything.

  Something must be going on and Tyler wanted him to hear. Sam wondered what Vernet was up to with Elizabeth. He better treat her well, or he’d put Vernet in his place again. He didn’t want anyone to hurt her anymore.

  He listened intently.

  “Let’s begin with your account of what transpired that evening. We’ll allow you to tell the entire story. If we have any questions, we’ll ask them at the end.”

  Agent Vernet began the recording by stating the date, time, and the names of the people present.

  Elizabeth began. “Fine. I was baking cookies and talking on the telephone with my friend, Kay.”

  “What were you talking about?” Vernet interrupted.

  “None of your business,” Elizabeth snapped in a tone that left no doubt of her annoyance.

  Agent Vernet indicated for Elizabeth to continue. He held his lips tightly pressed together, they almost disappeared altogether. Agent Reed coughed to stop himself from busting up laughing. Elizabeth’s and Kay’s conversation was completely irrelevant. Agent Vernet’s nosiness irritated her further.

  “I heard a noise outside, the same sound twice. It sounded like a cork popping. I went to the front of my home to investigate. I checked outside through the windows and saw a man lying in the street. I stayed on the phone and I went out to see if he was hurt.”

  “Why didn’t you call the police? The man could have harmed you,” Vernet said.

  “Well, let’s see. A man was lying in the street, unconscious.”

  Sam almost burst out laughing. Not many people would leave someone lying in the street. Vernet was an idiot, and he pissed off Elizabeth. She’d handle Vernet. She was doing a great job so far.

  “My first thought was to make sure he was okay. I thought you wanted me to recount the incident before you asked questions?”

  Elizabeth huffed out a deep breath. Sam heard the bed sheets rustle, probably Elizabeth adjusting her position again. Her voice sounded tired but firm, and she continued her side of the story.

  “As I said, I went out to see if the man was all right. He wasn’t moving, so I tapped him in the shoulder and asked if he was okay. He didn’t respond, and I thought perhaps he was drunk and passed out.”

  “Did Agent Turner smell like alcohol? Is that why you thought he was drunk?”

  Sam’s anger intensified. Vernet would try anything to find something Sam had done that looked even remotely inappropriate. Sam never drank on the job, unless undercover and he had to drink in order to maintain his cover. Even then, he only sipped at a beer and tried to make it last as long as possible and make it less likely the alcohol affected him.

  Elizabeth sighed. This was going to take forever with Agent Vernet asking question after question and fishing for dirt on Sam. “Absolutely not. Lying flat on your back in the street is not normal behavior, and I made a rash assumption. May I go on?”

  “Yes. Please continue.”

  “Thank you.” She noted Agent Reed’s smirk. “A dark colored vehicle, an SUV, accelerated suddenly, heading directly for Agent Turner and myself. I told Kay to call the police and tossed the phone.”

  “How could you be sure the vehicle was a threat?”

  Elizabeth ignored Agent Vernet. “I lay down on top of Agent Turner, grabbed his shoulders, locked my legs around his, and rolled with him under my Suburban parked nearby at the curb. Seconds after I got him to relative safety, the other car rammed mine. I was afraid the person would try to harm Agent Turner further, so I tried to get in front of him to protect him.”

  “Why would you say you were protecting him and not yourself or both of you?” Agent Vernet asked, and Elizabeth thought it a very stupid question.

  She looked to Dep
uty Director Davies and to Agent Reed to see if they understood her position and reasoning. Both stood silent, bored and exasperated. “The guy wasn’t after me. He was obviously trying to kill Agent Turner. Since Agent Turner was incapacitated, I was the only person there to help and protect him. Haven’t you ever been in a dangerous situation? You don’t exactly think about yourself, or what could happen. You react. That’s what I did. Someone tried to kill Agent Turner, and I acted to protect him.”

  Agent Reed smiled, Deputy Director Davies nodded his agreement, but Agent Vernet didn’t look convinced. Obviously, he’d never been a field agent, and perhaps resented Sam and his position with the FBI. Sam represented everything he wanted but could never be. Elizabeth felt sorry for Agent Vernet. Then she remembered he was being vindictive toward Sam and her sympathy disappeared.

  “Did Agent Turner at any time indicate he was with the FBI?”


  “So you didn’t know he was an FBI agent. Why would you risk your life to protect him?”

  “He’s a human being and someone tried to kill him. That’s all the reason I need. That’s all the reason anyone should need. Anyway,” she said at length, “I tried to get around Agent Turner. Something hard at his leg jabbed me in the ribs. I pulled up his pants and found a gun and knife strapped to his ankle. The man in the other car backed up to ram my car again. I grabbed the gun and knife and worked my way up to block Agent Turner. The other vehicle rammed my car again. The person struggled to get the door open, the damage to the vehicle prevented it from opening easily, giving me some time. Agent Turner woke up and tried to take the gun from me. We struggled. I told Agent Turner I was trying to help him and the person was getting out of the car. He wouldn’t let go of the gun, so I let go and turned with the knife in my hand toward the person coming toward us. Agent Turner fired the gun from behind me, the bullet grazed my arm at the same time I stabbed the man in the foot.”

  Agent Vernet wanted to interrupt her again, but she didn’t give him the chance and went on with the story. “The man grabbed the knife and my wrist at the same time. He pulled the blade out of his foot before pulling me out from under the vehicle. He punched me in the face. Then he grabbed me around the throat, pushed me up against my car, choking me . . .”

  Elizabeth lost herself in the images in her mind, looking into nothing, remembering the terror and the fear. She ignored the tears streaming down her cheeks, blurring her vision. She replayed the event in her mind, lost in that moment of fear. Agent Reed wiped her face with a tissue, bringing her back to herself.

  Her voice trailed away, and she was having a hard time remembering what happened to her. Sam wished he was there with her. He’d hold her hand and reassure her everything was all right. She was safe. He didn’t remember anything that happened after he shot her. He really wanted to hear the end. He knew the details of the injuries she’d sustained, but he didn’t know the events that had led to her lying in a bed beside him in the hospital.

  Elizabeth went numb, she stared straight ahead. She shook off the visions and her fear.

  Agent Reed put a hand on Agent Vernet’s shoulder and squeezed to keep him from asking the question on his lips. “Miss Hamilton, would you like to take a break? We’ll give you a few minutes to collect yourself and your thoughts,” he said gently and put his hand over hers on the bed. He kept the phone next to him in the other hand, hidden behind his leg. She wished Sam were here, not just listening, too far away.

  “What? Oh, no. I’m sorry. It’s a little overwhelming. I haven’t actually spoken the words out loud. I’ve replayed it in my head so many times, but telling it out loud is completely different. I’m sorry. Where was I?”

  Agent Reed squeezed her hand. “The man choked you.”

  She wiped her face and continued. “Um, yes. He held me off the ground against the Suburban with one hand, and I was kicking him and the car, and he was choking me. He wore a black ski cap over his face. I pulled it off and scratched his face. I wanted to be sure I had some evidence of who he was. When I took off the cap, he got right in my face and told me I’d done it. I’d sealed my fate. He threw me to the ground and kicked me in the ribs. He shot me in the back twice, and stood over me for a moment before he stabbed me in the thigh. I remember hearing the police cars coming as my eyes closed. I opened them again when I heard the man get into his car and drive away. I blacked out wondering if Agent Turner was all right.”

  Sam couldn’t believe that after everything she’d been through, her last thoughts were of him. He rarely met people who were so giving and thought of others first. Jenna was like that and Jack was lucky to have her. Sam was lucky to have ended up in front of Elizabeth’s home.

  In the next moment, Sam understood the implications of what she’d told them. She’d seen him. He’d gotten right in her face. He hoped she’d give them a decent description. He waited for Vernet to ask her to describe the man.

  “Miss Hamilton, let’s go back to when you were under the vehicle with Agent Turner. You said he took the gun from you before you turned toward the man getting out of the car and you stabbed him in the foot. It’s at this point Agent Turner shot you in the arm. Is that right?”


  “So Agent Turner shot you when your back was to him.”


  Agent Vernet smiled, completely elated with her answer. She knew what he was trying to do. She’d let him dig himself into a hole before she tossed the truth on top of him, burying him in the grave he was digging for himself. Agent Reed and Deputy Director Davies both frowned, worried. She’d put their minds at ease in a moment. She hated to make Sam sweat. But it would only be for a few minutes.

  Sam almost groaned. Vernet finally had the evidence he needed to take him down, and Elizabeth had given it to him. She hadn’t been a threat at all. Her damning words sealed his fate as far as Vernet was concerned. His stomach turned sour at the thought of ever hurting Elizabeth for any reason.

  Chapter Eighteen

  * * *

  AGENT VERNET FIXED her with a sharp eye. “Just to get the record straight, Miss Hamilton, Agent Turner shot you even though you turned your back on him. You weren’t threatening him with the knife, but using it to protect yourself from the assailant.”


  Agent Reed bowed his head and sighed. Deputy Director Davies watched her intently.

  Bile rose to the back of Sam’s throat as he listened to her answer the questions. Did she really think he shot her knowing she wasn’t a threat? He’d never do that. She had a knife. He thought she’d hurt him. Didn’t he? Now he wasn’t so sure about what happened.

  “You’re telling us Agent Turner shot you on purpose?” Vernet asked, obviously loving her answering the same question again, proving Sam guilty. Or so she let him think . . . for now.

  “Absolutely not.” They all watched her closely. “I never said he meant to shoot me.”

  Sam listened intently. What was she up to?

  “You said he shot you when your back was turned to him.”

  “He did.”

  “Then, he meant to shoot you.”

  “No.” Elizabeth was actually starting to have fun with this guy. Hell-bent on finding something to hurt Sam, he didn’t realize he’d missed the point of her story entirely. Deputy Director Davies and Agent Reed hadn’t. She wanted to give Deputy Director Davies the proof he needed to make sure Agent Vernet was disciplined for his conduct. He was biased toward Sam, his investigation slanted. She needed to ensure the investigation was fair and accurate. She also wanted to be sure Agent Vernet wasn’t allowed to do this to any other agent in the future.

  “You’re not being very cooperative about this, Miss Hamilton. Please answer the question.”

  “Don’t you mean tell you that Sam shot an innocent woman when her back was to him and she posed no threat whatsoever to him? Is that the answer you want?”

  “Elizabeth, calm down. Your heart monitor is going nuts,” Agent Ree
d said, concerned.

  She ignored him and took a calming breath while addressing Agent Vernet again. “Is this what you did to Sam? Did you take his statement and twist things around, so it appeared he shot me out of some kind of malice or perceived threat that wasn’t there?” The guilty look in Agent Vernet’s eyes made her even angrier.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. I only want to make sure the facts of the case are revealed. I understand you want to protect Agent Turner, but he’s stated he took the gun from you and shot you. You, yourself, said he shot you when your back was turned to him. Those are the facts of the case.”

  She addressed Deputy Director Davies. “Is he really this moronic? Does he really believe he can twist people’s words because he has some grudge against Agent Turner?” Both were rhetorical questions. Deputy Director Davies smartly kept his mouth shut.

  Elizabeth had no doubt Deputy Director Davies knew her game. Agent Vernet wasn’t taking the entire scene Elizabeth set up into account. He was only hearing what he wanted to hear about Sam. He wasn’t seeing the scene and how it had actually played out. Being a field agent, Deputy Director Davies would understand what happened. In Sam’s altered, drugged state, he would remember the events, but maybe not as clearly as Elizabeth.

  “Agent Vernet, apparently you have some desire to make Agent Turner look bad and to harm his career. I can assure you I am not protecting him in any way, but giving you my accurate account of what happened that night.”

  Agent Vernet, perturbed she’d dared to call him a moron, pressed his lips together until they disappeared into his mouth. His eyes went cold, and she had no doubt he would try to get her to say something that would help him destroy Sam’s career.

  “I have your statement. I have his statement. He took the gun from you and shot you. He stated that he believed you were a threat because he saw the knife in your hand. But you, in fact, were not a threat with your back turned. You, obviously, were not trying to harm Agent Turner, and he shot you anyway. He’ll have to answer for that.”


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