The Tempest

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by William Shakespeare

  60. Charles Spencer, Daily Telegraph, 2 March 1998.

  61. Dymkowski, Tempest, p. 34.

  62. Kate Kellaway, Observer, 15 August 1993.

  63. Irving Wardle, Times, 3 May 1978.

  64. Suchet, "Caliban," p. 172.

  65. Cicely Berry, in The Tempest, RSC Education Pack, 1995.

  66. In 1974 Jeffrey Kissoon played the part in The Other Place as "a slave simply because of his color" (Charles Lewsen, Times, 24 August 1974).

  67. Lindley, Tempest, p. 91.

  68. Kate Bassett, Independent on Sunday, 12 May 2002.

  69. Dymkowski, Tempest, p. 48.

  70. RH, Sunday Times, 12 May 2002, p. 16.

  71. Charles Spencer, Daily Telegraph, 9 May 2002.

  72. The Tempest, RSC Education Pack, 1995, p. 23.

  73. David Nathan, Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1993.

  74. Quoted in Trewin, Peter Brook, p. 135.

  75. John Peter, Sunday Times, 15 August 1993.

  76. Michael Billington, Guardian, 9 May 2002.

  77. David Thacker, The Tempest, RSC Education Pack, 1995.

  78. James McDonald, interview with Rex Gibson, Times Educational Supplement, 27 October 2000.



  Preparation of "The Tempest in Performance" was assisted by two generous grants: from the CAPITAL Centre (Creativity and Performance in Teaching and Learning) of the University of Warwick, for research in the RSC archive at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust; and from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) for a term's research leave that enabled Jonathan Bate to work on "The Director's Cut."

  Picture research by Helen Robson and Jan Sewell. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust for assistance with picture research and reproduction fees.

  Images of RSC productions are supplied by the Shakespeare Centre Library and Archive, Stratford-upon-Avon. This library, maintained by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, holds the most important collection of Shakespeare material in the UK, including the Royal Shakespeare Company's official archives. It is open to the public free of charge.

  For more information see

  1. Frank Benson as Caliban (1897). Reproduced by permission of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

  2. Alan Badel as Ariel (1951). Angus McBean (c) Royal Shakespeare Company.

  3. Directed by Ron Daniels (1982). Joe Cocks Studio Collection (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

  4. Directed by Sam Mendes (1993). Malcolm Davies (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

  5. Directed by Peter Brook (1957). Angus McBean (c) Royal Shakespeare Company.

  6. Directed by Michael Boyd (2002). Manuel Harlan (c) Royal Shakespeare Company.

  7. Directed by Rupert Goold (2006). Manuel Harlan (c) Royal Shakespeare Company.

  8. Bakary Sangare as Ariel in La Tempete. Directed by Peter Brook (1990) (c) Gilles Abegg.

  9. Reconstructed Elizabethan Playhouse (c) Charcoalblue.


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  Act 1 Scene 1

  1.1 Location: a ship at sea

  1.1 Boatswain ship's chief officer

  2 cheer news/encouragement

  3 Good good fellow/good, you're there

  3 yarely swiftly

  4 Bestir be active

  5 hearts hearties

  5 Cheerly heartily, willingly

  5 Yare quick

  6 Take ... topsail reducing the sail lessens the force of the wind pushing the ship toward land 6 Tend pay attention to

  6 Blow ... enough blow until you burst, as long as we have enough rock-free sea to maneuver in 8 have take

  9 Play the act like

  12 mar ruin

  15 Hence be gone

  15 roarers waves/riotous people

  19 counsellor adviser/member of the king's council

  20 work ... present calm the current events

  20 hand handle

  23 hap happen

  25 he ... gallows "he that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned" (proverbial) 26 mark ominous indicator

  27 rope of his destiny i.e. the hangman's noose

  28 cable anchor rope

  30 Down ... topmast reduce the height of the ship's main mast (to increase stability) 31 to ... course i.e. as near as possible to a standstill 32 our office we are as we undertake our work

  33 o'er up

  35 pox plague

  38 cur dog

  40 warrant ... drowning guarantee he will not drown

  41 unstanched promiscuous/sexually unsatisfied/menstruating freely 43 Lay her ahold keep the ship steady by sailing close to the wind 43 Set ... to raise both foresail and mainsail in order to drive the ship into open sea 46 must ... cold i.e. must we die/must our prayers be ineffective 50 merely completely

  51 wide-chopped loud-mouthed/with mouth wide open

  52 ten tides pirates were hanged on the shore where their bodies remained during three tides 53 hanged yet i.e. will survive to be hanged on land 55 at wid'st wide open

  55 glut swallow

  56 We split the ship is splitting apart/we are shipwrecked 61 furlong 220 yards

  62 acre furlong

  62 long heath heather

  62 brown furze withered gorse

  63 fain rather

  Act 1 Scene 2

  1.2 Location: the rest of the play is set in various parts of Prospero's island

  1.2 Prospero from Latin for "to cause to succeed"; in Italian and Spanish means "fortunate, prosperous"

  1.2 Miranda from Latin for "to wonder, marvel"; means "she who is admired"

  1 art skill, magic, learni

  2 allay calm

  3 pitch black substance obtained from boiling tar

  4 welkin's sky's

  5 fire lightning

  6 brave splendid

  11 or ere before

  13 fraughting souls those constituting the freight (cargo) 14 collected calm, composed

  15 amazement fear/wonder

  22 whence I am where I am from

  22 more better of a higher rank

  23 full poor cell very humble dwelling, often that of a hermit or monk 24 no greater father no more important a father than this cell suggests 25 More to know desire to know more

  26 meddle with mingle with/intrude upon

  33 provision foresight

  35 perdition loss, damage

  36 Betid happened

  41 bootless inquisition useless inquiry

  44 ope open

  48 Out fully

  52 Hath ... remembrance remains in your memory

  54 assurance certainty

  55 warrants guarantees

  56 tended cared for/waited upon

  59 backward past period

  59 abysm abyss, gulf

  60 aught anything

  67 piece exemplar, image

  70 no worse issued (you are) of no less noble birth

  73 blessed fortunate

  76 holp helped

  78 o'th'teen of the trouble

  78 turned you to caused you

  79 from absent from

  81 mark pay attention to

  82 perfidious treacherous

  84 manage management

  85 signories domains/governing bodies of Italian states

  86 prime foremost

  87 liberal arts seven scholastic disciplines: grammar, logic, rhetoric, music, astronomy, geometry, arithmetic 90 state country/role as duke

  90 stranger estranged

  90 transported And rapt absorbed and enraptured

  94 perfected skilled (in)

  94 suits petitions, requests

  96 trash for over-topping rein in for being overly ambitious 96 new ... mine promoted or gave new positions to Prospero's officials (creatures) 97 changed 'em substituted others for them/altered their duties 98 new formed 'em created new positions/changed their allegiances 98 key control (plays on senses of "musical key" and "tuning key") 100 that so that

  101 ivy ... trunk the rapid growth of ivy on a tree's trunk can choke or poison the tree 102 verdure sap/vitality/power

  105 worldly ends i.e. state or governmental duties 106 closeness solitude

  107 but only

  107 retired secluded, secret

  108 O'er-prized ... rate outstripped the people's understanding/was too precious for the people to value 110 good parent "good parents breed bad children" (proverbial) 110 beget of breed in

  111 falsehood ... contrary deception which, in its opposing nature, was 113 sans without

  113 lorded made lord

  115 else exact otherwise demand

  115 one ... lie i.e. one who has lied so frequently that he has made his memory false (a sinner) by coming to believe in his own lies 116 into unto

  116 it i.e. the lie

  119 out o'th'substitution as a result of having usurped me 120 th'outward face the appearance

  124 screen separation/obstacle

  125 him i.e. himself; Antonio benefits from playing the role of duke 126 Absolute Milan wholly the Duke of Milan and wielding absolute power 127 temporal royalties practical concerns of state

  128 Confederates (he) conspires

  129 dry thirsty, desperate

  129 sway power

  130 tribute payment of an agreed sum

  131 Subject ... crown subject himself to Alonso, the king (a duke wore a coronet) 132 yet as yet

  135 condition pact/disposition

  135 event outcome

  136 If ... brother if this might be the action of a brother/if I might be the brother to such a man 138 but anything but

  142 inveterate long-standing

  142 hearkens listens to

  143 he i.e. the King of Naples

  143 in ... homage in return for the conditions of allegiance/servility 144 tribute money

  145 presently extirpate immediately uproot

  151 ministers agents

  151 thence away

  155 hint experience/occasion

  160 impertinent irrelevant

  164 durst dared

  167 painted dressed up, disguised

  168 few brief

  168 barque small ship

  170 butt barrel

  172 hoist launched

  175 loving wrong i.e. although they blew us to sea, the winds pitied us 178 cherubin angel

  181 decked covered/adorned

  181 drops full salt i.e. tears

  182 which i.e. Miranda's smile

  183 undergoing stomach courage to endure

  190 design plan

  191 stuffs equipment, provisions

  192 steaded much been very useful

  192 gentleness nobleness

  196 Would I wish

  199 Sit still remain seated

  201 more profit benefit far more

  203 vainer more idle

  203 careful caring/painstaking

  209 my dear lady i.e. Fortune

  210 prescience foresight/visionary power

  211 zenith peak of fortune (literally, highest point of the heavens) 212 influence power/invisible substance supposed to stream from stars and affect one's destiny 213 omit ignore

  215 dullness sleepiness

  216 it way in to it

  218 Ariel as well as having connotations of "airiness," the name is Hebrew for "lion of God"; also the name of a magical spirit in various occult texts; perhaps evocative of the archangel Uriel 219 Grave learned, respected, dignified

  222 task instruct

  223 quality skills/other spirits

  225 to point in every respect

  227 beak prow

  228 waist middle

  229 flamed amazement appeared as a terrifying fire

  231 yards crossbars on masts

  231 bowsprit long pole that holds a sail

  232 Jove's ... thunderclaps thunder and lightning were the chief weapons of the king of the gods 234 sight-outrunning quicker than the eye can follow

  235 Neptune Roman god of the sea

  237 trident three-pronged spear, carried by Neptune

  239 coil turmoil

  242 of the mad such as mad people suffer

  242 played ... desperation displayed symptoms of despair, recklessness 245 all afire i.e. the ship caught fire

  246 up-staring standing on end

  250 nigh near

  254 sustaining necessary/buoyant

  256 troops groups

  258 cooling of cooling

  259 angle nook, corner

  260 sad knot i.e. folded, a sign of melancholy

  266 dew a common ingredient of magic potions

  267 still-vexed Bermudas the Bermuda islands were famed for fearful storms 268 under hatches i.e. below deck

  269 charm spell

  269 suffered labour i.e. the tiring work performed during the storm 272 float sea

  279 mid season noon

  280 two glasses two hourglasses (so it is about 2 p.m.) 281 preciously valuably

  282 pains work, effort

  283 remember remind

  285 Moody ill-humored/stubborn/willful

  288 time be out fixed period of service is over

  292 or either

  293 bate me deduct from my term of service

  297 tread ... deep walk on the muddy sand of the ocean floor 304 Sycorax name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Greek sus ("pig") and korax ("raven"), animals associated with witchcraft 305 hoop i.e. bent posture

  308 Algiers seaport capital of Algeria, in North Africa 314 for ... life probably meaning that Sycorax was pregnant and therefore could not be executed 317 blue-eyed with dark circles under the eyes or with blue
eyelids, thought to be a sign of pregnancy 317 hag witch

  317 with child pregnant

  320 for because

  320 delicate fine in quality/ethereal

  321 earthy coarse/of the earth

  322 hests commands

  323 ministers assistants

  324 unmitigable impossible to assuage

  325 cloven cleft, split

  329 As ... strike as often as each blade of a waterwheel hits the water 330 litter give birth to (term applied to animals)

  331 whelp puppy, son of a bitch

  331 hag-born born of a witch

  333 Caliban anagram of "can[n]ibal"; perhaps derived from the Romany word caulibon ("dark thing") 334 Dull thing may refer to Ariel or Caliban

  335 in service as a servant

  337 wolves ... bears i.e. even moved fierce beasts 341 gape open

  344 murmur'st complain

  344 rend tear apart

  345 peg fasten

  345 entrails innards (literally, intestines)

  348 correspondent responsive, obedient

  349 spriting magical actions of a sprite (spirit)

  349 gently quietly, tamely

  351 discharge free

  360 Heaviness sleepiness

  364 villain base, lowborn/wicked person

  366 miss do without

  367 offices duties

  369 earth earthy thing/low creature/piece of dirt

  373 quaint ingenious/elegant

  376 got conceived

  377 dam mother

  379 fen swampy ground

  380 southwest winds from the southwest were thought to bring damp, disease-ridden air 383 urchins hedgehogs/spirits in hedgehog form

  384 vast expanse/long period

  385 exercise work

  386 As ... honeycomb i.e. as many times as there are cells in a honeycomb/so that you resemble a honeycomb 387 Than than the

  387 'em i.e. honeycombs

  392 berries possibly grapes to make a mild wine, or juniper berries, which would create a kind of gin 393 bigger ... less i.e. the sun and moon

  396 brine-pits pools of saltwater

  397 charms spells

  398 light alight

  400 sty pen up, confine

  401 hard rock cave

  404 stripes lashes of a whip

  404 kindness good will/natural feeling/kinship

  404 used treated

  405 humane human/benevolent

  406 violate ... child i.e. rape Miranda

  409 I ... else otherwise I would have populated

  412 print imprint, image

  413 capable ... ill only susceptible to evil/able to perform any kind of evil 418 race innate disposition

  422 more more punishment

  424 red-plague red sores were caused by, among other diseases, the plague 424 rid destroy

  425 learning teaching

  426 Hag-seed offspring of a witch

  427 thou'rt best you would be better off

  430 rack torture

  430 old cramps plentiful cramps/cramps of old age/cramps similar to those Caliban has experienced previously 435 Setebos a Patagonian god mentioned in sixteenth-century travel narratives 436 vassal servant, slave

  441 whist (become) silent

  442 Foot it featly dance skillfully

  444 burden chorus, refrain

  448 strain song


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