Let It Be Me

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Let It Be Me Page 14

by Tiara Bosh

  Afterwards, she laid on the bed and tried to take his advice to take a nap. But she couldn’t stop her wandering thoughts. She was thinking what Alex was doing in his room, what he was wearing. Or not wearing.

  She had to fight her attraction to him.

  She’ll just end up hurting herself.

  Chapter 20

  Kayla had another naughty dream about him when she finally got to sleep. Unlike the first time, this was different because she already knew him. It seemed too real. Instead of feeling refreshed from her nap, Kayla felt anxious.

  And very aroused.

  She had to wash her face with cold water to try to calm herself down before it was time for her to go down and meet him.

  “Get a grip, Kayla,” she told herself before reluctantly heading down. Kayla shook her head to stop her thoughts. She found Alex by the living room, also casually dressed in a plain grey shirt and cotton drawstring pants.

  He grinned at her in greeting, and Kayla thought how hot he looked in the simple getup.

  Stop it, Kayla.

  “I thought we could eat at the verandah,” he said. “You up for it?”

  Kayla looked out and saw the stunning view of the water. There was a full moon and the moonlight over the water was magnificent.

  “Hell yeah,” she agreed, trying to act normally.

  They walked to the kitchen to collect the tray of sandwiches and two bottles of wine. Alex pointed out where the wine glasses were.

  They walked back to the living room. Alex opened the sliding doors and they were greeted with the gust of wind. He laid the tray and the wine on the table then said, “Hold on, I’ll just grab some other stuff.”

  Kayla just laid the glasses and pack of table napkins on the table when Alex came back.

  “I got one for you,” he announced. Kayla looked to see he was holding a grey hooded jacket. He was also already wearing a black one himself.

  There wasn’t an end to his thoughtfulness, Kayla thought.

  Alex zipped open the jacket and helped her put it on.

  “Warm enough?” he asked, standing in front of her and holding on the lapels of the jacket she was wearing.

  “Yes,” she breathed, but the warmth she felt was amplified by how near he was. And how good he smelled. She was thankful that it was relatively dark and he wouldn’t know she was blushing.

  “Let’s eat then,” he said and Kayla was glad for the diversion. She sat at the edge of the daybed, and he sat on the lounge chair. The sandwiches and wine were laid out on the table between them.

  There was an assortment of sandwiches with ham, salmon or turkey. Kayla didn’t really have an appetite but she didn’t want to starve later on so she compelled herself to have some.

  While feasting on the sandwiches and the wine, they talked about the movies Alex has made. Kaya was grateful for the rather wholesome topic. She needed to sidetrack her thoughts.

  Alex was talking about his earlier movies. Kayla was honest in saying which of his movies she didn’t like.

  “How could you not like ‘Get Over It’?” he asked, jokingly. They were talking about one of his earlier films that was a comedy.

  “Lame jokes,” she replied truthfully. “Admit it. That time you were just taking whatever movie was offered, right?”

  Alex laughed. “You got me there. Well who could blame me? I was a starving actor. Ben was relying on me too.”

  Kayla admired how he wasn’t taking himself too seriously. Kayla was enjoying their conversation that she only realized she had a bit too much wine when she felt a little fuzzy. They were already on their second bottle. Since she has had her fill of sandwiches, she laid down. The back was inclined so she managed to hold on to her wine glass.

  “I’m proud of how you handled today,” Alex said.

  “Thanks to you,” she said, turning right to peer at him. She was losing count of how many times she has thanked him that day.

  “I don’t believe that,” he said. “Even if you went alone, you would have still been strong. That’s what I’ve admired about you since we met.”

  Kayla was touched by his confidence in her. She’s gone by on her own for so long now, she never really stopped to think about how she was doing.

  “How did you meet Barry?” Alex suddenly asked.

  “Believe it or not, we met at Starbucks,” Kayla admitted, sipping some wine. “He was behind me and it was my turn to get my coffee, I realized I forgot my wallet at home. He offered to pay for it.

  “Smooth,” Alex remarked, sarcastically.

  Kayla laughed dryly. “Well it worked, didn’t it?” But she couldn’t help but think if she regretted that happening at all. Would it have been better if she just never met Barry in the first place?

  Alex didn’t laugh with her though, and she saw his jaw clench.

  “What is it?” Kayla asked.

  He shook his head. He stood up and started pacing.

  “What is it?” she repeated.

  “Freaking coffee,” he muttered. “Then you went out with him for what, three years? And here I am, taking it as slow as I could so you could get used to me, and I feel like I’m not getting anywhere.” He was still pacing back and forth and was raising his arms as he spoke.

  Kayla’s heart was starting to pound wildly.

  “Are you drunk?” She had to ask. She looked at her glass that still had wine in it, and then she placed it on the table, like it was the culprit on why she was possibly hearing things.

  He stopped pacing then looked down at her. He walked till he was next to the day bed and sat on an empty spot and faced her.

  “I may have a bit of a buzz,” he admitted, “but I know what I’m saying. No girl has ever reached into my heart as you have. I’ve wanted you since that night we literally bumped into each other. But you keep on fighting me. I’m really glad we’re friends, Kayla. But I keep on wanting to kiss you. All I have was the memory of that kiss in the elevator. And after replaying that memory over and over again, I’m not even sure anymore if it really happened.”

  Must be the little buzz she also had. Or the naughty dream she had earlier that still left her wanting. But suddenly Kayla got the courage and found herself sitting up and reaching out for him. She rested her hand on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him, closing her eyes.

  Just this once.

  She felt him go rigid for a second, probably in disbelief, then she felt him raise his hands to hold on to her head as he deepened the kiss. The kiss instantly brought back the fire they had in the elevator and more. Kayla had tried to forget their very first kiss, but now that she had the taste of it again, she just knew she’s been craving for it all along.

  The hint of the wine in his tongue made it more intoxicating. She wanted more. It seemed like he did too because both of them quickened the pace, like they suddenly couldn’t get enough of each other.

  He gently pushed her down until her head was back on the reclined portion of the day bed. He shifted his weight until he was practically lying on top of her.

  Kayla opened her eyes then to meet his, and almost couldn’t believe this was happening. For a second she was knocked off from the moment, and her brain was screaming conflicting directions, but her body refused to listen and wanted to get more of him.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked, probably sensing what she was feeling, as he broke the contact for a second to gasp for air.

  Unable to speak, Kayla just let her body do the talking as she leaned up to kiss him again. She trailed kisses from his lips to his chin then down to his neck. She felt the pulse on the side of his neck with her lips. She wanted to stay there and inhale his scent.

  She started tugging on his jacket to take it off.

  Just this once, she repeated to herself.

  “Holy shit,” Alex cursed gruffly. “Hold on, Kayla, you’ll get cold. Let’s go inside.” He quickly stood up then reached down to effortlessly carry her. Kayla didn’t know how he did it because her arms and her limbs
felt like jelly. As Alex got them both back in the house, Kayla wrapped her arms around his neck and kept on kissing his neck.

  “Easy there, tiger,” he growled as he started going up the steps – two steps at a time it seemed. “A man can only take so much.”

  He practically ran down the second floor hallway until they reached his bedroom at the end. When they entered, Kayla couldn’t help but look around to see the suite inside. Even through the haze in her mind, she managed to check out his magnificent room. He had a corner view that had an impressive view of the ocean, with the moonlight spilling in.

  He laid her on the bed, and stood up to look at her. With the help of the moonlight coming from outside, Kayla saw a look of disbelief and awe in Alex’s face and for a second she wondered what he saw in her.

  He took off his jacket and loomed over her, with his knees outside her legs. He leaned down to kiss her again, careful not to crush her. Kayla somehow knew he would be as thoughtful in bed as in everything else, and she appreciated that.

  Kayla couldn’t ignore however the bulge she felt on the side of her leg and she whimpered in excitement. She hasn’t been with a man for two years already. It’s been way too long.

  And the wait seemed worth it.

  “Let’s take this off,” he said, pulling on her jacket. Despite the urgency they both seemed to be feeling, he gently helped her take the sleeves out of her arms. He pulled the jacket from behind her and threw it to the floor. With the absence of the jacket, she knew she should have felt cold with the amount of skin exposed by her tank top, but instead, she felt warm all over.

  She held on to his waist, silently urging him to kiss her again.

  He must have known what she wanted. He lay back down over her without crushing her. He kissed her, keeping one hand holding her head through her hair and the other moving to her left arm. He traced his hand down until it reached her hand, making her release that side of his waist. He intertwined his fingers with hers and raised their joined hands until her arm was at a right angle next to her head. The gesture was beautiful.

  He moved to kiss her hand and trailed open-mouthed kisses on her arm, following the angle it was at. He reached her shoulder and bit her gently, making her cry out from the surprise and desire that was seeping through her skin.

  He then kissed her along her collarbone until he reached her neck. Kayla used her other hand to hold on to his head as he sucked on the pulse at the side of her neck just as what she did to him earlier. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling.

  Releasing her hand, Alex moved his hands to the sides of her torso, following the curve from the waist up to the sides of her breasts. Kayla whimpered as he moved his hands back down to her waist. Probably understanding her plea, he inched his hands back up until his hands were covering her breasts.

  He started kneading them. Her breasts felt heavy and sensitive. His ministrations on her breasts were felt down to her heated core. And when he pinched her nipples through the layers of fabric, Kayla cried out in pleasure.

  Kayla moved her hands down his back until they were on his butt, which proved to be firm. She squeezed them, causing him to grind against her.

  “Oh fuck,” he moaned, raising his pelvis to break contact. “I don’t want this to end too soon, baby. I’ve waited too long for this.” If Kayla was thinking clearly she would have asked him what he meant. On the night they met in the company party, was it really sex he was after?

  The thoughts were ignored though as soon as Kayla felt her tank top being raised to expose her navel. Alex leaned down, and placed feather-light kisses upwards, following the direction where her shirt was going. Kayla raised her arms so he could discard her shirt completely, exposing her strapless bra. Stretched out, Alex kissed the tops of her breasts, as his thumbs were rubbing the sides of her bra. Kayla’s nipples almost hurt as it strained against the satin material.

  “More,” Kayla cried, raising her body.

  Understanding, he reached behind her and deftly unhooked her bra. Slowly, he took them off.

  “You’re gorgeous, Kayla,” he admired, erasing the insecure thoughts that crossed her mind since she knew she wasn’t so blessed with curves.

  He covered both of her breasts with his hands, using his fingers to play with her nipples. The nerve endings from her breasts seemed to zoom down to her heat. Then when he bent down and encased one of her nipples into his mouth, Kayla almost came undone.

  “Alex!” she screamed.

  He took it as an invitation to continue with what he was doing. He adored one breast then the other with his tongue, taking Kayla higher and higher. As much as she was enjoying how he was playing with her breasts, she knew she wanted more.

  Kayla reached down to pull on his shirt, and Alex raised his arms to release it. Kayla traced the contours of his torso just like how he did with her.

  Alex continued kissing her breasts, resting his hands on the waistband of her jogging pants. This time, he made his way down to trail his lips to her navel.

  Leaning back, he hooked his fingers into her jogging pants, pulling them down along with her underwear, completely exposing her to him.

  “You’re perfect,” he said, admiring her.

  Kayla rested one of her hands on her side, the other on her belly, and she surprisingly felt confident as she saw the desire painted on his face.

  “Come here,” she called, suddenly feeling bold. There were still some traces of the effects of the wine in her brain, but it was mainly passion that was fuelling her actions.

  Alex quickly obliged, crawling up until they were face to face. He leaned slightly higher to kiss her on her forehead, surprising Kayla.

  He kissed her nose, then her lips again. He playfully used his tongue to pry her lips apart, until he found her tongue. Their tongues played until they were both out of breath.

  “Are you sure you want to continue?” Alex asked, his voice jagged, as he slightly leaned back. “I’ve reached my breaking point. Once we cross this, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”

  Kayla nodded, seeming sure of herself. “I want this.”

  Just this once.

  Alex reached to open the drawer of his bedside table to unearth a pack of condoms. As he was opening the foil packet, Kayla quickly pulled on the strings of his pants to loosen it, before pulling them down. She was surprised to see he didn’t have any underwear on. But the surprise was quickly overpowered by the desire she felt seeing his impressive cock.

  Her throat suddenly felt dry.

  She watched as he sheathed himself with the condom and he knelt over her. He bent down until their faces were an inch apart. She noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead. She had this urge to lick them away.

  She felt him nudge at her entrance, and she felt like she was about to combust any second.

  He was looking directly into her eyes, and Kayla saw a hint of what must have been yearning.

  “Kayla, I ---“

  Kayla cut him off, leaning up to kiss him. She brought her hands back to his buttocks to urge him to move.

  He ran the tip of his cock through his folds before he entered her like it was the most natural thing in the world. Kayla moaned in ecstasy. He fit her perfectly. He started moving and she responded to ever stroke. The pace started slow but immediately picked up, as they brought each other closer to the brink.

  “I’m close,” Kayla said, starting to tremble. She leaned up and bit into Alex’s shoulder as she found her release. Her vision saw what seemed like a disco ball exploding into small shards of light in front of her.

  Alex continued pumping, and she continued to move with him. He quickened their pace further, until he reached his own climax.

  He groaned when this happened, collapsing on top of Kayla. She felt his heart pounding against hers. Her breathing was still erratic, as she felt like she ran a marathon. And boy was it one hell of a run.

  Kayla immediately felt the absence of his weight as he quickly moved to her side. He left his
leg over hers, and his arm draped over her breasts. He had his hand tracing the side of her face, and Kayla found it soothing. He leaned in to kiss her cheek before they both dozed off shortly.

  Chapter 21

  Kayla was woken by the sunlight streaming in, as she was facing the windows. She looked at the left to see the other side of the bed empty. She must have been wiped out from the events from yesterday to not notice that she’s been left alone.

  She and Alex woke up two more times to go at it again. The memory warmed the insides of Kayla. She might as well relish on those memories as they won’t happen again.

  She got up and searched for her clothes. She found them folded and laid on the armchair. Alex must have picked them up for her.

  Always so thoughtful.

  She took them and quickly put them on.

  She was about to walk towards the door to go to her room when the door opened.

  “Hey you’re up,” he smilingly said, carrying a tray of croissants, fruits and coffee. He had his drawstring pants on with no shirt. The memory that he had no underwear made her blush.

  He laid the tray on the small coffee table he had at one corner of the room. She watched as he walked up to her. He looked relaxed despite the lack of sleep. He looked so gorgeous and for a second Kayla was awestruck.

  Oblivious to her thoughts, Alex enfolded her in an embrace.

  “Good morning,” he said softly, kissing her head over her hair.

  Kayla instinctively held on to his waist, but she knew she was actually letting go. She was just enjoying it while he was there with her. She knew it wasn’t meant to last.

  He led her to sit at one of the chairs as he buttered a croissant for her.

  She watched him for a second before she decided to speak. “I think we have to talk about last night,” Kayla started.

  She saw Alex tense up, like he was expecting that from her. He’s always teased her about her overthinking.

  She didn’t wait for him to respond.

  “This weekend was wonderful. You were wonderful,” Kayla said, as she gathered her thoughts. “I value how kind you have been to me. I consider you as a friend. I hope we can still be that way.”


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