Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2)

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Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2) Page 6

by Sam E. Kraemer

  "I actually went down there and fucked with him a little the other day when Matt let me ride Charlie. He’s been too busy to exercise him, so I volunteered. Josh let us bring Caesar over to help with the cattle. 'Course, that don't make any of the other boys happy. Well, fuck'em. I'm Michael Warren, by the way," the cowboy introduced himself to Jon, who was too busy watching the guy's sexy mouth moving and imagining those soft lips doing indecent things to his body which were too illicit to say out loud. He failed to realize it was his turn to speak until the cowboy smirked at him.

  Jon moved his eyes up from the man's lips to see bright, shamrock greens staring back at him with a bit of mischief in the sparkle Jon was sure he was imagining. "Jonathan Wells. A pleasure to meet a real cowboy." He felt his cock chub up in his jeans so he pulled his jacket closed. He was pretty sure the guy wouldn't appreciate the thoughts going through his head as the two of them shook hands. It was definitely not G-rated.

  "We already met, actually. I came with Matt and Tim to the custody hearing. I guess you were too busy doin' your job to notice the rest of us," Mickey explained, giving him a sexy grin.

  Jon decided to take advantage of the man's forgiveness, smiling at him with the boxer-dropping grin he'd honed over the years. "I must have been distracted or out of my mind. Michael? Is that what you go by?" he asked.

  The man's bright, white smile as he pushed back the hat on his head was a bit of a surprise. "My given name is Michael, but my friends call me Mickey for short…though that's the only thing short about me," he explained as he stood to his full height, which was a few inches taller than Jonathan.

  "Call me Jon. I apologize if I wasn't courteous the last time we met. I tend to get short-sighted when I'm busy with a case," Jon explained, hoping he was making up for a past, completely unintentional, oversight.

  The most handsome cowboy he'd ever met nodded with a bright grin. "Not a problem. I get busy myself, sometimes. Well, I gotta get up to the house to make up the beds. Is that hot chick up there?" he asked, making Jon's heart sink.

  “I, uh, I think she went in with Mrs. Collins," he responded. Mickey nodded and handed the reins of the horse to Tim before he left the pasture.

  Jon turned to watch a very attractive ass walking away in a pair of sinfully tight, blue jeans, and he had to quell the desire to bite his knuckle. The guy was definitely hot, but he was most assuredly younger than Jon. Since the lawyer had recently sworn off younger tail, he had to be stronger than his libido. He could resist temptation…not that he thought there really was temptation to resist. The guy seemed to be interested in Turnberry, so Jon would just lust in private, that and get the hell out of there as quickly as possible on Sunday.

  Tim walked up to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder as the two of them watched the man walk away. "God, he's got an ass to worship. Matt does as well, but he is off limits to you, Lawyer Wells. Now, Mickey? That's an interesting prospect."

  An interesting prospect? ‘Don’t tease me, Gold Digger.’

  Chapter Five

  Mickey was downstairs making up a bedroom for Jon Wells. The man was still as fucking gorgeous as Mick remembered from the hearing in Richmond, and if he wasn't mistaken, the lawyer was definitely giving him the eye when they reintroduced themselves. Maybe the two of them might engage in a little suck and fuck? It was definitely something to consider.

  Mickey heard someone descending the stairs, so he walked out of the room to see the pretty, blonde attorney looking around the finished lower level. She appeared to be the kind of woman typical, straight men went for and she knew it, based on the look on her face. Unfortunately, Mick wasn’t straight, nor was he typical. When she saw the ‘Pac Man’ machine in the corner of the room, she laughed as she approached it and dropped her bag on the floor, looking for a way to turn on the game.

  In his opinion, it was extremely cool how Matt and Tim had finished out the basement. There was a ninety-inch HD LED 3D (and every other ‘D’) Smart TV mounted on the wall, along with surround sound and a video game console at one end of the room. Also in the large family/entertainment room was a pool table and the arcade-style ‘Pac Man’ video game Matt had bought Tim for Christmas. There was also a new air hockey game hidden in the storage side of the basement for Tim's May birthday, along with an old-school slot car track for Ryan.

  It was definitely a man cave, and since the only women who ever visited the house were Jeri or Katie, they hadn't bothered to get a woman's perspective on the build out. Mickey was happy to see even a woman could appreciate the man wonders of the room and its toys.

  Tim had taught Mickey the joys of ‘World of Warcraft’ and ‘Call of Duty’, and the two of them played when they had time. Matt had no desire to learn to play video games, so when he and Ryan went out for their father/son time, Tim and Mickey would head to the new playroom and kill a few hours. Tim had taught him a lot about things Mickey had only heard on television, and he'd be grateful to his best friend till the day he died.

  "So, which room is mine," Ronni asked as she caught sight of Mickey standing in the small hallway.

  Mickey smiled. "Actually, ma'am, Matt suggested you take Ryan's room with its adjoinin' bathroom. Mr. Wells and me can share the john down here. I changed out the sheets upstairs, and Ryan's excited to sleep on the couch down here. Anything I can help ya with?" he asked, not sure what to do about the woman and her unwanted attention. Women definitely weren’t his area of expertise. Jon Wells…well now, that was another story…

  The blonde was a beauty, to be sure, and if women were what pressed his buttons, he'd be all over Ronni Turnberry, regardless of how old she turned out to be. Aside from being gorgeous, she seemed to have a great personality, which was another thing that pressed Mickey’s buttons. Unfortunately, being a card-carrying, gay man as he was, he determined he’d quickly clue her in that anything between the two of them was a no-go.

  Ronni smiled before she picked up her bag and looked into his eyes. "I guess I'll be fine upstairs. How well do you know Matt Collins?" she approached where Mickey was standing before taking a seat on the sectional sofa in the basement.

  "Whaddya mean?" Mickey asked as he balled up the sheets and sat down in a chair next to her.

  "I mean is he going to take advantage of Timothy?" She seemed really interested in his answer, so he took a minute before he stuck his size twelve boot into his mouth and said something he couldn’t take back.

  "You're talkin' 'bout Tim's money, ma’am? Well, I don't expect Matt's gonna take anything from Tim, any more than Tim would take from Matt. They love each other more than any two people I've ever met in my life, and I suspect in their minds and hearts, they'll share everything they have equally," he explained.

  The blonde woman with her mesmerizing gray eyes sat there facing him, and he could see she was strong and independent. She was definitely cut from the same cloth as Miss Katie, and he respected it because they were the type of women who looked out for people…especially people who were either too young or too naïve to look out for themselves. “How sure are you about that? Tim’s my client…” she began before he interrupted.

  "Let me clue you into somethin' I've come to learn since I started workin' with these folks at the Katydid. Matt and Tim? All they want is to take care of their boy and make a good life for him. They don't give a shit about anything else…not money…not prejudices because of their orientation, and certainly not about takin' advantage of each other or anybody else. They love each other so much they'd gladly give everything they have to the other if it was what he wanted.

  “If you go into this situation with that knowledge, and if you can convince Mr. Wells of the same thing, you'll both keep your clients and likely make some money while you make 'em all very happy. Good luck, Miss Ronni," he told her as he gathered the sheets to take upstairs to the laundry.

  Mickey loved living at the ranch because it was amazing to hang out with Matt, Tim, and Ryan. They were becoming the brothers he wished he'd had grow
ing up, and he'd defend them at every turn. Nobody had the right to get in the middle of their happy life, least of all lawyers.

  "If you'll excuse me, ma'am, I have some other chores to do, and I need to put a roast in the oven," he explained to her as he headed up the stairs. He'd defend his new family with his last breath.

  Mickey was in the kitchen chopping vegetables to make a base for the roasting pan before he put the brisket into the oven. He had the carrots, onions, and celery lining the pan before he pulled out the hunk of meat from the plastic bag he'd used for a marinade that morning. Once it was settled, he added some beef broth and half a bottle of red wine.

  He was sprinkling on salt and pepper when he heard the back door slam. He turned to see Jon Wells stagger inside with a look on his face Mickey recognized far too well.

  Mickey took the handsome man's arm and led him to the bathroom outside the office. He placed him on top of the closed commode in the powder room before he pulled a small paper cup from the dispenser, filling it with water. "Let me guess? Castrating?"

  The lawyer nodded slowly. "Oh, God, I may never think about my balls the same way," Jon told him quietly as he placed his hand over his crotch in a protective manner.

  Mickey held the urge to laugh because he felt sorry for the guy. It wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, turning bull calves into steers, he, himself, knowing it from experience. The first time he’d seen it done to those cute little baby calves, he went behind the barn and puked up a pretty nice breakfast. He supposed he’d just adjusted to it over time. "It's pretty awful at first glance, but it would be worse if Matt had bulls fightin' each other over cows in season…I mean, ready to breed. With an operation this big, you gotta time the breedin' season. He sells a lotta bull calves, but sometimes he keeps a few select ones because he knows rodeo stock when he sees it. He keeps some of the steers for beef cattle, as well.

  "Tim believes in Matt's judgment and supports him in his decisions, contributin' in his own way for the benefit of the ranch. From an objective observer's standpoint, their connection is a damn incredible thing. It's like they can read each other's minds sometimes. Most of us could only hope to have that kind of love and support," Mickey explained as he stood at the sink, ready to refill the paper cup from which Jon sipped slowly.

  After Jon swallowed the last of the water, he looked up at Mickey and wiped his hand across his brow. "I watched Tim and Matt, and I get they're in love, I really do, but what does Tim bring to the table, really? I've had a big uptick in representing gays and lesbians who are filing for divorce. I’d hate for Matt to be the next one in a far-too-long line."

  Mickey chuckled, unable to believe how out of touch the lawyer appeared to be with the things at the Circle C. "You're jokin' right? You're just fuckin' with me."

  The handsome lawyer with the light, mocha-colored skin took another sip of water as he watched Mickey. "I'm being serious. What does Tim have that makes Matt…I know right now they're in love and all that happy shit, but if they broke up, who'd walk out with the better situation?"

  In Mickey's opinion, it was easy. "If they broke up? Neither one of 'em would walk away from their relationship a whole man because they love each other the way you should love the person who fits you perfectly."

  Jon Wells rose from his seat on the lid of the commode and finished his water. "I think I'm fine, now. Thanks," he told Mickey.

  The man was close…up in Mickey's personal space…and it was damn tempting just to go ahead and kiss the man, but Mickey merely stepped aside. "You want some tea? I have some in the kitchen that's calming to the stomach. I wouldn't mind a cup myself," he offered.

  Jon nodded, tossing the paper cup into the trash can. "That'd be nice. I'd like to help with the meal if I could. I've learned to be of some assistance in the kitchen over time."

  The two of them went to the kitchen, and Mickey couldn't help teasing the lawyer. "Now, we're not havin' escargot or anything of the sort, so don't get your hopes up. It's a beef roast with vegetables, mashed potatoes, and if I can get some help, some cheese biscuits. I might make some brownies, but that's up to Ryan. He picks dessert around here."

  When Jon laughed, Mickey's heart pounded in his chest at the sound. "You gotta love a kid who runs the house. I used to do that shit with my folks. I'm an only as well. I used to tell the cook what we were gonna… uh," he stopped.

  Mickey smiled. "Now, don't be embarrassed. It wasn't hard to figure out you came from money. I really don't mind the work I do 'round here, Jon. I have a family here to take care of, and it doesn't matter what they call me. I'm makin' a contribution. That's all that really matters to any of us, ain’t it?" He didn’t think he’d ever meant anything more in his life.

  "Mick, that was incredible. You set the bar too high for me," Tim teased as they cleaned up the dishes, stowing the very sparse leftovers for a snack over the weekend.

  Everyone had eaten their fill, and the conversation had been lively. Mickey could tell Jon and Ronni were preparing to square off over the financial situation between Matt and Tim, and he wanted to laugh about it. Matt and Tim kept so much shit to themselves, Mickey knew the lawyers were in the dark about all the changes which had taken place since the two of them decided to share their lives and moved in together. Hell, Mickey himself didn't really know everything going on behind the scenes and he lived there, but he respected their privacy. He didn’t meddle, but they weren’t guarded when they spoke at the dinner table at night, so he had a good idea his employers and friends weren’t exactly hurting for money.

  He'd observed Ronni Turnberry baiting Jon Wells all night because she was going in for the kill to land the all of the legal work for Matt, Tim, and the ranch, stealing it from under Jon’s nose before the handsome lawyer knew what had happened to him.

  Mickey actually liked the sexy stud’s eyes because he'd been with Matt from the beginning when Ryan was first taken by his mother and had been instrumental in bringing the boy home. Mickey was rooting for him…especially with those enticing, light green eyes…trying not to think about how much he wanted his cock. It was hard to take sex out of the equation because Jon Wells had bedroom eyes. Mickey had a hard time resisting bedroom eyes until he remembered Matt's rule…no one-nighters at the ranch. It was like a bucket of ice cold water.

  "That was delicious, Mickey. I can understand why Matt and Tim are so happy to have you here to take care of them. I certainly wouldn't mind having someone like you around my house making dinner and doing my laundry," Ronni stated as she hopped up from the table and began helping Tim and Ryan clear the table.

  "Actually, Miss Ronni, why don't you, Mr. Wells, Matt, and Tim go to the study to talk. Ryan and I are gonna clean up the dishes and then watch a movie. I'll bring in some coffee in a little bit along with the brownies we're gonna make," Mickey explained.

  Ryan spun around and held up his empty hand. "High five for brownies," he called, bringing everyone to laughter in the dining room.

  "Oh, that sounds lovely," Ronni responded as she walked up the stairs to the room she'd been given for the weekend.

  Mickey picked up dishes as he moved around the table, and when he reached for Jon's plate, he leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "Watch your nuts, Lawyer. That lady's plannin’ to do to you what Matt did to those calves today, only it's your client she's after."

  Mickey walked away, continuing to clear the table as Ryan stood on the little ladder in the kitchen, rinsing plates for the dishwasher. Since Mickey had moved in, Matt and Tim had worked out a new chore chart for Ryan so he could earn more allowance, and it worked in spades.

  The boy was into fundraising for kids who didn’t have the resources he had thanks to his parents’ successes, and he was planning to have a carnival at the ranch over the summer for a local food and clothing bank, so he needed money to cover his costs. He had a lot of his friends at school promising to help, and Mickey, for one, was over-the-moon proud of the boy. His parents were instilling him with the best values in the
world, most importantly of which was compassion for his fellow mankind.

  After they had the dishwasher loaded, Ryan went to the counter and took a seat, watching Mickey washing the pots and pans. "Miss Ronni's pretty, ain't she?" the boy asked.

  Mickey hoped it wasn't going to end up in a discussion he damn well wasn't ready to have with the boy regarding sexuality or his lack of attraction to the blonde attorney. "She really is pretty, and she's very smart. I think she's a pretty good lawyer," Mickey offered as a diversion.

  "Why do they need lawyers? Is there somethin' wrong?" the boy asked. Mickey turned to see him near tears as he likely remembered the last time lawyers were so heavily involved in his life, so he quickly dried his hands and walked over to the boy. Mickey picked up Ryan and hugged him, patting his back as he remembered the shit the boy had been through at the hands of his mother and grandmother. He was determined to let the boy know it was nothing nearly as serious as that disaster from the previous Christmas.

  "It's not like that at all, Little Man. Just because they're talkin' to lawyers doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I think this time, it's a good thing. When they get done, I'll get your dads to come talk to you downstairs, okay?" he asked as he held the boy in his arms. For the first time in his life, he was envious of his best friend. Having a child to look up to you and love you was the most amazing feeling in the world, he was sure.

  "You sure?" Ryan asked him.

  “Positive. Now, let’s make some brownies to snack on while we watch a movie. Let’s get to it,” he demanded. Ryan went to the computer in the kitchen and typed in ‘brownies’, laughing when the screen filled with options. They scrolled through them and found their favorite…a lady who lived on a large ranch in Oklahoma, and they went to work.

  Ryan assisted with gathering the ingredients and as they worked through the recipe, Mickey and he discussed measures, which was something Mickey didn’t know too well outside of reading a recipe. “Someday, I’m gonna go back to school and learn this stuff so I’m as smart as you,” he teased Ryan.


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