Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)

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Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) Page 7

by Bowles, April

  Dirk swung his large ax and three soldiers were thrown back and killed from the hit. Two others came at him and he hit one in the face with the handle end of his ax and slit the other with the blade then finished off the first one afterwards. Another soldier came up behind him but wasn’t quick enough as Dirk spun around with his ax and cut him in half.

  Bryce simply moved to the left as a soldier came at him and cut him down as he passed. Then he turned to the side as two others came at him with swords ready. He blocked the first swing with one sword and killed him with the other then immediately did it again to the other soldier. He took a quick breath of air and slit another in the throat with both blades to turn around and block a hit from another then killed him with a quick slice down the chest.

  There was only one soldier remaining as the three of them pause and looked toward him. He looked around at all of the dead then put up his hands, dropping his sword. He was shaking as he dropped to his knees with his hands still raised. I was wondering what they were going to do when they looked at each other but they remembered to take no mercy and all at once swung down towards the last soldier, killing him instantly.

  The crowd cheered and the fires were lit once more.

  I clapped a few times as it began to get quiet and they walked back up to us. “Well done. Three to twenty odds seems almost hopeless but you performed well and are now ready to officially be known as men of this world.”

  The crowd cheered again as we embraced then we turned around to everyone else. Their mothers were looking upon their sons with pride and smiled. They knew how long they’ve been waiting for this moment to come. Now that it has, everything was as it should be.

  Chapter 15


  I felt whole now that this had finally happened for us. It didn’t seem like we’ve been waiting so long anymore.

  After the celebration subsided, the crowd started to clear out and we stood proudly with our weapons to watch everyone leave.

  “Perhaps you should get cleaned up.” Father said. “The celebration will continue inside when you’re ready.”

  “Yes, father.”

  They gave us a proud pat on the back and followed the crowd inside.

  “Well, finally.” Dirk muttered.

  “No kidding.” Bryce replied.

  “Let’s get ready.” I said. “We’ve been waiting for this for a long time and I plan to savor it.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Dirk smiled. “Bring on the women.”

  I laughed to his enthusiasm and we headed inside when the traffic was cleared. We were able to make it up to our rooms without being congratulated by anyone, wasting time and got cleaned up and dressed quickly. We knew it would be a formal occasion and just went with what was already ready for us by our mothers surely, a basic dress coat with matching accents, suitable to match our weapons.

  We proceeded back downstairs to the ballroom where we got an endless amount of praise by everyone, starting the celebration. Food and drinks were laid out and passed around everywhere. The music was high and the ballroom filled with dancing couples. We shared in a dance with many happy women until I took my leave from the dance floor and had a drink to myself while I watched others continue. It was nice for a while but none of them were Cadence. It still seemed I was waiting.

  “There you are, my son.” Mother said as she approached my side with her own drink in hand. “Why are you not out dancing with the others? This night is for you.”

  “I just don’t feel like it at the moment, mother. I’ve already thought about retiring for the night.”

  She looked over and there were a group of women with gawking eyes fixed on me while they giggled back and forth like school girls. “Not have an eye for a certain woman yet? Many seem to have an eye for you. Perhaps you should amuse them.”

  “They are all just contenders for a prize and that prize comes with a crown. What woman wouldn’t want that?”

  “I didn’t at first and that’s not why I fell in love with your father either.”

  “But you’re far from the average woman, mother.”

  “Maybe that is so.”

  “I’d like to for once be seen for more than just my crown but I’m afraid I won’t find that here.”

  “You may if you look hard enough. There’s always someone.” She watched my eyes drift out in the crowd and smiled. “Stay longer and maybe you’ll see.”

  She walked away and I turned my head in her direction. I could see that group of women still looking over and I just sighed, leaning back on the table while taking another drink. Old memories of Cadence passed through my mind and the parting of our last meeting. She told me that she loved me. I’ve been overly choosy with my choice of company since then and just wanted to see her, not knowing what I would even say if I did. It’s felt like so long.

  The night proceeded and I continued to exclude myself from any of the festivities as if I were an outcast and just sat at a far corner table alone. I’ve been waiting for this night but for some reason I felt something was missing from it. The fun seemed to die down for me hours ago and I couldn’t explain to myself why I was even still here. I didn’t know what I was waiting for. I doubt I was going to see Cadence. My mother surely would have made a big deal about her arrival. The whole ballroom would have known.

  “Son, why are you not out celebrating with your guests?” My father sat with me and I looked over unenthused.

  “Because I’m beginning to fall asleep instead.”

  He laughed. “Your mother tells me you’re dissatisfied with the variety of women here tonight.”

  “Don’t you two have anything else to talk about besides me?”

  “Well, you are very important to talk about.”

  “You know who I want here, father. Don’t act like you don’t.”

  “I know but why are you so depressed. She just may be. When is the last time you looked around?”

  I turned my eyes with my head and looked out into the nothing I’ve been looking at all night. I didn’t see anything at first till a flash of someone’s face came into view among all the others; a familiar face. It was gone just as fast as it came and I sat up a little more, focusing my eyes. As people moved around, I saw her. It was Cadence in a slimming deep purple dress talking to others around her with a smile on her face and drink in hand.

  I quickly moved my eyes from her and turned them to my father. “She’s really here?”

  “You’re not imagining things. That’s really her.”

  “How long has she been here and when was anyone going to tell me?”

  “She just got here, actually. If you weren’t staring down at your drink all night, you would have known that. Go talk to her. I hear she’s been waiting to see you.”

  “I—I can’t!” I snatched my words with a hesitant stutter.

  “And why not? She’s come a long way just to see you.”

  “I haven’t seen or heard from her in two years. I wouldn’t know what to say.”

  “You’ve exchanged many letters in the past. I’m sure you can think of something.” He rose to his feet. “Don’t sit here too long thinking about it. Your wait is finally over. Now, go claim her.”

  He walked away and I looked at Cadence again. She looked so beautiful with her hair all up on the top of her head and it caused me to get to my feet without even thinking. I kept my eyes on her as I began to walk through the people and I followed her to a table with food and drinks laid out on it.

  She was looking over it and I held out a square biscuit on a napkin with a white cheese spread on it. “Try this if you can’t decide.”

  Cadence turned to the side to take it and saw me. Her whole face lit up. “Seth!” Instead of taking the biscuit, she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. “There you are! Been hiding on me?”

  “No. Heard you just got here.”

  “I did. I was hoping I’d make it.”

  “Well, you did. How have you been?”

  “Ah, I’ve been
good. Growing up keeps you busy but I’ve missed you. It seems like it’s been so long.”

  “It has. Years.”

  “I’m so sorry about what my mother did. I didn’t want our goodbye to be like that.”

  “It wasn’t because now you’re here.” We stood through a pause while Cadence took a bite from the biscuit and I tried thinking of something else to say. “So, how is your mother?”

  “She’s good, I guess. I haven’t seen her in a little while. We’ve been traveling but I’ve really have missed you, Seth.”

  I looked into her lavender eyes that I’ve been longing to see again and glanced around at all the noise and others watching. “You want to get out of here? We could take a walk somewhere more quiet. Catch up.”

  Cadence smiled and set her glass down. “I’d like that.”

  She put her arm in mine and I walked away with her, leaving the ballroom.

  “Where shall we walk to?”

  “Where would you like to walk?”

  “Hmm. I don’t know. I’ve seen mostly everything in here already except—”

  She trailed off with a smile on her face and I looked over with my own. “Except what?”

  “Well, I haven’t seen your room in a while.”

  I laughed. “My room?”

  “Yeah. It could have changed. Too weird?”

  “No. I just wouldn’t want you to think that I—”

  “I’d never think that about you, Seth. I know you well enough.”

  “Do you?”

  “Have you changed that much? I know I haven’t.”

  “I’ve had a certain respect for a situation like this but don’t think that I haven’t thought about being with you.”

  “Well, you are a guy. Even if you’re not like the rest of them, that part of you is still in there. I’m not going to hold that against you, especially when you’re not the only one who’s thought about it.”

  I looked over and was a little surprised.

  She laughed. “What? Girls can’t want things?”

  “Of course they can. I just haven’t heard one say it like that.”

  “How about we try not to make this weird? We know each other. It shouldn’t be weird.”

  I just smiled as we walked the rest of the way up to my room on the second floor.

  The door opened and I let Cadence take the lead so she could look around. “Wow. It’s nice. Bigger than I remember.”

  “I guess.” I closed the door and stood by it. “It was dark then.”

  “Yeah but I’m glad I got to see it again.” She turned around and saw me standing here as she was now in the middle of the room. “This is your room. You can come in.”

  “I know.” I felt nervous suddenly but took a slow step away from the door.

  “This is weird for you, isn’t it?”

  “Maybe some. The last girl that was in here was you when we were twelve.”

  “You don’t have to be nervous.” She walked to me and forced me in farther. “It’s just me.”

  I tried not showing my nervousness as Cadence stood in close to me. I had a clear shot of her breasts almost exposed from the plunging neckline of her dress but I kept my eyes on hers. “It’s not just you. It is you. There’s a difference. I’ve been waiting to see you again.”

  “Well, your wait is over. I’m here.” She leaned in even closer. “What happens now?” She took my hands and put them around her.

  I stood still, taking a slow breath. “We won’t do anything you don’t want to. I have no intentions of hurting you.”

  Cadence smiled and kissed my lips gently for a moment. “You’re such a gentleman. I’ve always missed that about you.”

  We rubbed our noses together and I brought my lips into hers. It was passionate and everything I remembered that I couldn’t pull away. My hands were still around her body and she moved hers onto mine.

  We soon had to back away for a breath and our desire for each other was strong.

  “I’ve waited so long for this.” Cadence muttered between her heavy breaths. “I wish it happened when you last came to me.”

  “Forget about the past. There’s only one thing on my mind and that’s finally being with the one I love.”

  Cadence’s eyes started to water. “You really love me?”

  “More than anything and I’ve missed you more than you know.”

  I kissed her and Cadence pulled away, getting emotional. “I do know. I’ve missed you just as much because I love you too.”

  “Then let’s not hold this off any longer. I’m ready to show you exactly how much you mean to me and have always meant to me.”

  We rushed our lips into each other’s and I backed her up to the bed. She stayed on her feet when she felt it behind her and stripped my coat down off my shoulders. I took it off the rest of the way and just let it drop to the floor then simply pulled off the shirt I had on underneath.

  Cadence put her hand on my bare chest and grazed her fingers over where my Great Seni Fighter symbol was. “I’ve been waiting to see this. It looks amazing on you.”

  “Thank you.” Speaking of it made me smile and I dropped to my knees. “And I’ve been waiting to see yours.” I put my hands on her hips where her Black Wings of Death marks would be and looked up at her. “You should have them by now.”

  Cadence just smiled and started to slide her arms out of the straps of her dress. It fell down over her breasts and exposed both of them, making me instantly get back to my feet. I intensely put my hands on them, forgetting about seeing her marks and Cadence pushed her dress the rest of the way to the floor. My hands slid down her body to her hips and when I saw her marks, I pressed my lips into hers again. Cadence wrapped her arms back around my neck with a smile and she was lowered down onto my bed.

  I stayed over her with our lips together before I straightened myself up and reached for the waist of my pants. Cadence bit her bottom lip with anticipation and moved herself back towards the pillow, ready for me.

  I kept my eyes on her as I took them off completely and climbed on the bed after her. I settled myself right over her, on top of the blankets and all and just looked in her eyes. “You sure about this?”

  “Very sure. I’ve always held off because I wanted it to be you.”

  “You’re a virgin?” I didn’t mean for my tone to sound surprised but it was something I didn’t expect.

  “Did you really believe Curtis when he said those things about me?”

  “No. I just—”

  “I know it’s probably a little weird to be finding out about that now since we’re just about to—well, you know but it’s special to me and so are you. I want this no matter how nervous I am.”

  “Don’t worry.” I leaned down and grazed my lips on hers. “I’ll be gentle.”

  “I’m ready.”

  I kissed her and Cadence wrapped one of her legs up around me as I slowly and delicately guided my body into hers.

  Cadence immediately pulled away from my lips with a long intake of air and I got instantly worried. “You okay?”

  She nodded repeatedly with her grip tight at my shoulders. “Yeah. Just keep it slow.”

  I did just as she asked and slowly moved my hips over hers, keeping my attention on her behavior. She wasn’t the only one nervous about it. I didn’t want to hurt her. I loved her.

  She soon started to show signs of being more relaxed by my presence but I was still concerned. “Better?”

  “It’s good. You can relax. I want you to enjoy this too.”

  “I am. I just don’t want to hurt you.”

  Cadence pulled my neck down to her and kissed me. “You’re not. Take me like you really want.” I was worried but wanted it all at the same time. “I want you to.”

  She pulled me back down into her lips and immediately put her tongue in my mouth as a gesture of desire. I couldn’t hang on to my worry any longer and began to thrust my hips harder into hers. Her breaths became heavier through her nose as our lips we
re still pressed together and her fingernails found a nice sturdy grip in the skin of my back. I grasped the pillow next to me and halted my kisses from the sudden feeling and was becoming more intense with sexual emotion to hear her moans of pleasure escaping with every breath she made.

  I was hoping it would be good for her because I didn’t know how much longer I could take. She sounded so beautiful when she praised me; I just wanted it to end well for her.

  It was so sensitive that I felt it when she had her orgasm and I was able to end it right there with her.

  It was over timely. Not short enough to be pathetic on my part but Cadence was still breathing heavily even after I moved to her left. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded and looked over with a smile. “Yeah. I know I may not have anything to compare it to but that was great.”

  I smiled. “It was. I’m pretty proud of the outcome.”

  Cadence turned towards me and cuddled against me. “You should be. It deserves a good night’s sleep.”

  “Here.” I got the covers out from underneath us and draped them over us as I wrapped my arm around her. “Go ahead. You’re with me from now on. This is now your room.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “I’ve been waiting to share it with you. Go to sleep. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”

  “Mmm. Okay. I love you.”

  I smiled and kissed her head. “I love you too. Goodnight.”

  I closed my eyes peacefully to finally have her back in my arms and I was never going to let go again.

  Chapter 16


  I’ve been down here for several hours and the party was just about done out of me. I haven’t seen my brothers lately and wondered how they planned to finish their night.

  I found Bryce at a snack table and patted his shoulder with conversation like we haven’t been separated. “Hey, you’ve seen Seth anywhere?”

  “Oh, there you are.” He said with a high tone of amusement in his voice. “You’re not going to believe it.”


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