Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)

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Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) Page 26

by Bowles, April

  “I’m sure you did. Zayden must have been pissed.”

  I sighed and looked down just from remembering what it was really like. “He was but even though I betrayed his trust, he found it in him to forgive me. We moved forward from that point and never looked back.”

  “Was she worth it?”

  “Worth almost losing your mother over? No. I don’t think so.” Dirk looked shocked that I said that. “What? You look surprised that I care about your mother.”

  “I’m not surprised but we’re talking about Adele. I mean, come on. I would have been happy to do her if she let me.”

  I laughed. “Well, look at it this way. Would you give up your life with Lana just to be with Adele one time and only that one time?”

  Dirk paused, finally seeing my reasoning. “Okay, no. I see what you mean.”

  “It wasn’t worth losing my brother over either. Zayden hated me for what seemed like the longest time.”

  “How did he forgive you?”

  “We were nearly killed by a pack of wolves on a trip to Lecca. Zayden saved me and I guess put behind him what I did because he was thankful he didn’t lose me.”

  “I guess that’s lucky.”

  “Come on.” I stood up. I was done talking about this before anyone found out that I actually was. “We should get back in there before they start to worry.”

  “I can’t go back in there.”

  “Why not?”

  “Not after the reason I just left. I can’t.”

  “Sure you can. I’m sure they want you back and besides, you wouldn’t want the guests wondering why there are only eleven of us up there and start making up stories as to why you’re gone, would you?”

  “No.” He sighed and started to stand with me.

  “Good. Oh, and one more thing. Remember what I said about Lana and know that I would never get in the way of that. We all know that you were meant to be together so don’t think twice about her love for you no matter what she may say about anyone else. Understand? You just got her back and I doubt you want to lose her over something this stupid.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Good. Now let’s go.”



  “Thanks for this. We’ve never got that much time to talk before.”

  I smiled and put my arm around Dirk’s shoulders as we started to walk back. “Well, I see more of this for the future if you’d like.”

  “I would.”

  I smiled, liking that even though he was grown up, he still wanted me here. It was a good feeling.

  We walked all the way down the hall and back into the ballroom. I sat down with Ruby and she immediately turned to me. “Where have you been? You took long.”

  “I just had some father and son time with Dirk.”

  “Oh. How’d it go?

  “Well, thanks to you and your stories, he found out what Lana thinks of me.”

  “Well, what’d you say?”

  “I’ve cleared everything up. Everything should be fine now. You won’t have to worry.”

  We both looked over at the other table and Dirk and Lana were kissing rather aggressively but not too aggressively which must have meant they were both over it and we were glad of it.

  Chapter 58


  I wasn’t shocked that Dirk and Lana made up this quickly. He was Dirk and she was Lana. They’ve kind of been attached to each other by their tongues since they met but I was still trying to wrap my mind around discovering Darius and my mother together.

  It was still unbelievable. I mean, it couldn’t have been before my father. They didn’t know each other then so it had to mean it happened while they were together and it was weird that I never seen anything between any of them that said something was wrong. How could they act like it wasn’t?

  My eyes shifted over to their table and my mother’s eyes found me. She started to look concerned like she knew something was distracting me and signaled me to meet her away from everyone else. I really didn’t have a choice now. She wasn’t going to let it go. I never should have looked over.

  “Could you excuse me for a minute? I’ll be right back.” I stood up and Cadence nodded, keeping attention on the conversation about Dirk and Lana’s physical relationship. I was almost glad I would be missing it until I thought about the conversation my mother was about to force out of me.

  I walked just out of the ballroom and my mother met me there. “What’s on your mind?”

  “What do you mean?” I tried to delay it because I knew how she was going to react about me finding this out.

  “I saw that look. You can’t hide it from me. This is a night for celebrating. You shouldn’t be like this. What’s bothering you?”

  “I know about you.” I said quietly while looking at the floor.

  She was rightfully confused. “Know what?”

  “About you and Darius.”

  Her eyes widened in a scary way and she moved in closer to me, speaking vengeful but quiet. “Who told you about that?!”

  “It doesn’t matter who told me. The point is I know. How could you keep something like that from me?”

  “It was something that should have never happened and we all agreed to keep it in the past.”

  “But you told the girls!”

  “Not purposely. It was something that just kind of slipped out when we talked about the past and I’m not the one that said it, believe me. I put it in the past and hoped to keep it there.”

  “And has it really stayed there? I’ve heard about what he was like and the hundreds of women he’s been with.”

  “Seth, you need not to worry your mind with this. Darius and I haven’t spoken of this since the others were told about it and trust me, after that there is no way I would look forward to bringing it up again. A lot of horrible things were said and done and I risked losing your father.”

  “My father? Am I sure that’s who he really is or should I be calling Darius father?”

  I should have not said anything. It only fueled my mother’s rage and she slapped me across the face. “How dare you?! I don’t ever want to hear you say that again! Zayden is your father and you should never doubt it! Do you understand me?!” I was still a bit surprised that she actually struck me but I couldn’t look at her; I was mad myself. “Look at me!” She turned my head back to her but I don’t think she was expecting to see my eyes black. “You fade those right now.”

  I was trying to but I was still angry about this. “What do you want from me, mother?”

  “I want you to stand there and tell me what you know to be true. That Darius is not your father, there’s not the slightest chance that he even could be and that you will never speak of this again or have any kind of thoughts against who your father really is.”

  I put my head down, letting my eyes change back. I knew she was right. How could Darius be my father? If he was I would have his power but I don’t. I have Zayden’s, on top of looking exactly like him. I didn’t have any physical traits of anyone else. “I’m sorry, mother. I guess I just over reacted with the news is all.”

  “Come here.” My mother held out her arms and I leaned into them for a hug. “You should never worry yourself with the mistakes of my past. For they are my mistakes. I’m the one that should have to live with them not you. Now, let’s get back in there and leave all of these thoughts behind us and remember who you came from as it will one day help you know who you are.”

  I sought to take her advice and turned with her so we could walk back into the ballroom.

  We continued on with the night as if the conversations of the past had never came up but I still couldn’t let it go. There was just something about it that was making me be defensive and I had to get something else off my chest but to do it, I would have to get Darius alone.

  It took hours but eventually the guests started to gather and leave. By the time everyone had gone, it was nearly dawn and the final seconds of our victory celebr
ation had ended. All the ones that lived here started heading out of the ballroom to go up to bed but I instantly noticed my mother and Darius talking alone by the windows.

  I hid where I couldn’t be seen but turned my eyes black so I could listen to what they were saying.

  “Darius, Seth knows about us.”

  “I know.”

  “How do you know?!” My mother seemed overly surprised.

  “Dirk brought it up.”

  “Great! Does everyone know now?!”

  “Relax. Everything’s fine.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “It was a long time ago. It’s not like it’s happening again.”

  “Well, it sure feels like it with all of this talk of it and if Zayden finds out we’re speaking of it, you know what he’ll do.”

  “He’ll be pissed for a second. He got over it a long time ago. Letting it go was what’s best, remember? We all knew that and most importantly, him.”

  “So, it’s supposed to be that easy? The horrors of my past resurface and I’m just supposed to look away?”

  “Well, thank you, first of all and secondly, yes, looking away is the right thing to do.”

  My mother sighed like she didn’t like that solution. “I didn’t mean it that way, Darius. I was talking about the aftermath.”

  “I know. I couldn’t help myself.” Darius smiled.

  “Don’t start.”

  “Yes, don’t.” I had enough of this listening when the flirting started and I had to end it, revealing myself.

  “Seth!” My mother glanced over at Darius only for an instant like she was nervous about what I overheard. She didn’t have to be. I changed my eyes back before I let them see me. “Why haven’t you gone up to bed?”

  “I was wondering the same thing about you but had a feeling I already knew.”

  “We’ve already talked about this, remember?” She said in an angry tone. “I don’t want you to say another word.”

  “It’s all right, Adele.” Darius cut in as he put his hand on her shoulder. “Let me.”

  My mother was still mad but pulled her shoulder away and turned to Darius. “No. There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “He clearly thinks so. It’s okay. You don’t have to be here for it. Go up to Zayden.”

  My mother looked between us and probably knew that I wasn’t going to go anywhere. “Just don’t take it too far.”

  “Don’t worry about me, mother.” I said. “He’s the one you’ll have to worry about.”


  “Just go.” Darius laughed. “We won’t be long.”

  My mother sighed as she looked at both of us again but walked out of the ballroom without another word.

  “So.” Darius said as he leaned up against a table. “Go ahead and say whatever it is you wanted to say. I’m listening.” I stood in front of him and tried keeping my eyes from turning black but I didn’t even know where to start. “I see you’re angry but I’m sure you don’t know the whole story.”

  “What’s to know? You slept with my mother while she was with my father!”

  “Which makes me the reason you’re here! Something I’m sure she didn’t tell you!”

  I calmed myself when he raised his voice at me but I still took a step forward in defense. “You are not my father.”

  Darius laughed. “No. I’m not. You’re definitely Zayden’s, that’s unquestionable but I’m still the reason you’re here.” I was beyond confused. I had no idea what that was even supposed to mean. “Come. Let’s take a walk.”

  He walked passed me and I was hesitant to follow but did out of curiosity. “I don’t understand. How can you be the reason I’m here?”

  “That day was approximately a year before you ever existed. This was after the event, mind you but your mother was completely full of guilt that she broke down and told your father.”

  “She did?”

  “He nearly killed me before the others even knew what was happening. When they found out, it took every ounce of attention to keep Zayden to focus on something else that we didn’t notice Ruby had gone to your mother.”

  “Yeah, I know this part already. Some horrible things were said and done. Mother already told me.”

  “Maybe but she can’t tell you what it is she doesn’t know. Your mother died that day, Seth.”

  “What?” I was truly confused about all of this.

  “It’s true. Ruby is the one that killed her but it was a mistake. She was just angry and slapped her across the face but she had red eyes and it broke her neck.”

  “But none of this makes any since. How can that be possible? How can she not know that?”

  “I’m getting to that part. In a frantic desperation to undo what she’s done, Ruby begged Jaylyn to try and bring her back. She was skeptical of course until she felt the sign of life existing in Adele already.”

  “She was pregnant?”


  “By you?”

  “No. Jaylyn had confirmed it was Zayden’s child after Ryon came, telling Jaylyn what needed to be done.”

  “What did he say? It had to have worked.”

  “Yes. Transferring life. Jaylyn was able to give Adele her life back but the life of that baby was no more. We never told Adele the real truth. To this day she believes Ruby had a failed attempt on her life and she never knew about that baby either.”

  “And you being the reason I’m here is what?”

  “Well, think about it. If that affair never happened, your mother would have gone on to have that baby and there would have been no need to create you.”

  “So, I should be grateful?”

  “I should say so. I couldn’t see Dirk or Bryce growing up without you. This is how things were meant to be and if you doubt it than maybe you should rethink your discretion.”

  I was going over all this in my mind, trying to piece it all together but he was right. “I’m sorry. Maybe I did get carried away. I should have just asked instead of just assuming you used her.”

  “And so my past comes back to haunt me. I should have known you knew too.”

  “Why do you make it sound like it was a bad thing?”

  Darius smiled. “Oh, so we’re talking about me now?”

  “This has kind of always been about you. We just changed the subject.”

  “Well, after my parents died when I was just a kid, I followed a path that led me to one mistake then another and another until it took over my life. I guess deep down I always knew that I needed to stop but I never admitted it to myself until I met Ruby. Even though we were in a war that seemed never ending and our meeting was unfriendly, I knew there was something about her and when the plan was set to spare them, we could finally be together.”

  “Okay. Let me figure this out.” I was getting a bit interested in his past since he seemed okay in talking about it. I’ve never talked to Darius alone like this before. Someone else was always there. “You’ve been with hundreds of women before Ruby so how is it we’ve only heard of one that Ruby ultimately hates down to her very core?”

  Darius took a long pause. “Ah—I don’t know if I should really talk about it.”

  “Why not? I won’t tell.”

  “All right. Well, firstly, you’re talking about Meg.”


  “Okay but Meg wasn’t before Ruby. She was after.”

  “After?” The answer was clear. “When you were with her?”

  “It was after your mother too. Zayden had just saved Meg out of Hintus when we were there for her forced wedding to Wyatt and we found out that all of our wives were pregnant when we got home.”

  “Shouldn’t you have known about Ruby first? Dirk is a half a year older than us.”

  “I should have but she kept it hidden because of the way I reacted when there was talk of children.”

  “You didn’t want any?”

  “I didn’t want to think about that far into the future. So, I found out about it
six months in when your mother and Jaylyn always talked of their pregnancies and I guess I became obsessively protective. It was okay for a while but Ruby got mad eventually and told me to back off.”

  “She told you to back off?” I couldn’t believe it. They always seemed so connected.

  “Unfortunately, I listened but weeks were passing and she never showed signs of wanting me back. We never even saw each other through this and I was convinced that she was leaving me.”

  “That must have been awful.”

  “It was but Meg was there and I used her to try to forget about Ruby.”

  I couldn’t help it and I laughed. “Really?”

  “I already know you’re opinion of her and that’s fine. It didn’t matter. All that time was wasted because Ruby was waiting on me.”

  “You were waiting on each other?”

  “Regrettably so. Meg left by then and we worked things out.”

  “I can’t believe I haven’t heard this before.”

  “Were you serious when you said you won’t tell?”

  “Oh, I won’t. I swear.” I watched him for a couple seconds while we continued to walk the halls and I noticed something different. “Is there something else?”

  “I don’t want to scare you but I also don’t want you coming up with some conspiracies and sharing them with the others.”


  “It’s the timing. There’s a fifty/fifty chance that I could be Cadence’s father.”

  His words stopped me from walking and I just froze, my insides feeling all twisted with some kind of fear. “What?”

  “It’s okay.” Darius tapped my shoulder to get me walking again. “If it’s true, I’m not upset that she’s with you.”

  “But how do you know?”

  “I’m still not completely sure that I do. It’s Ruby who’s convinced. That day your mother got back alone and ordered you to go play, that’s when she told us about it.”

  “But—how—wouldn’t—couldn’t—” I honestly didn’t know what to say. I’ve never come to any kind of thought like that.

  “There’s a way to test it but it’s really not a good idea to let her know what we’re doing.”


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