Two Can Play

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Two Can Play Page 11

by K. M. Liss

  I tap her shoulder and her eyes open lazily. I give her a quick kiss.

  “Hey, beautiful, it's after ten. I've made us something to eat.”

  I fling the bedclothes off her and bend down to nuzzle her stomach. That should get her up and running pretty fast.

  She squeals and giggles.

  “You SO need a shave.”

  I rub my chin around her roughly and make her squeal some more.

  I stand up again and she lies there staring at me, her lips slightly parted, her breasts rising and falling with her deep breathing, and one leg tucked provocatively under the other.

  Holy mother...Fucking adorable...

  My eyes blur with the vision lying before me. She looks way too gorgeous to resist. In ten seconds I'm undressed and back in bed at her side. Food can wait a while longer, my need for it has disappeared with the greater need of something else. I want to nibble on something far prettier than a sandwich.

  I'm already breathing hard as I place my finger on the pulse at the base of her throat. I run it down the center of her body, my thumb circling her navel and brushing the soft skin of her stomach with my fingertips. My eyes sweep down, slowly, my rampant gaze dropping lower to her neat strip of hair and the glistening pinkness between her legs. I need a whole lot more of Kate right now. That part of her in particular.

  “I can see you're a morning kind of guy,” she says looking down at my cock, primed and ready for action.

  She rubs her finger round my head and I jerk in response to her touch.

  “Actually, all day suits me just fine.”

  “Oh it does, does it?” She laughs.

  I stroke lower, my fingers sliding down through the slick wetness and she moans in reaction. “Mm mm, you feel so damn good.” I kiss all over her face as my fingers slip inside for some more of it. “Baby, I'm gonna give you the longest, dreamiest wake-up call you've ever had.”

  She gasps loudly as my intense need takes me over and I dive on her, pushing my way impatiently between her legs, and rubbing my rough face around hers. I want to grab, lick and bite every pretty little thing I can get my hands and mouth on. And it might take me a long while, as that's just about all of her.

  I finish my cold toasted sandwich in five bites and sit and watch her eat hers daintily.

  Is there anything I don't like about Kate?

  Nope. Not a single thing.

  She looks up at me, across the table, catching my gaze.

  “What time are we leaving for Rome tomorrow?”

  “It's a six-hour drive, so maybe ten? The concert's at eight so we can have a good old look-see around Rome for a few hours, if you like.”

  “I've never been there before, so I'd love that. Thanks so much, Aaron. I'm really looking forward to it. It must have cost you a fair bit. The car, hotel and all that.”

  “I got a good deal on LastMinute,” I add, which is actually the truth, for once.

  I'm starting to get concerned.

  About my little lies.

  They're building up fast.

  There's a hidden side to everything I do or say to her.

  Apart from the sex and my rapidly growing feelings for her.

  That is completely, one hundred percent honest.

  I'm in a permanent state of lustful euphoria.

  And I've never enjoyed a woman's company so much.

  In and out of bed.

  I was surprised at just how easy it was in the end.

  In fact, as far as first fucks go, it was probably the best one I've ever had in my life.

  And I've gotta be honest and say I've had a lot of those.

  Even more wonderful than that, the second, third, and however many others we've had since, have been just beautiful.

  In fact, everything's beautiful right now.

  Especially the woman sitting before me.

  I feel myself harden again. Desire returning full blast.

  I can't believe I want more already? She's like a fucking drug that I'm hooked on.

  My iPhone bleeps and I cast a glance.

  It's Karen.

  I focus my Kate blinded eyes and read her text.

  Its up on YouTube, AAG private channel. Go see... SO, SO LOVE IT :)

  I look across the table. My heart is pounding with excitement for her.

  “I've got something to show you,” I say with a big smile.

  “What's that?” she asks, smiling back as she wipes the toast crumbs from her mouth with her finger.

  I take her hand and kiss it.

  “Just a sec.” I go and get my laptop from the coffee table and return. She watches as I turn it on, with a grin in her direction. I open Chrome and access the AAG Media private channel on YouTube. I load the new video up. Titled SM-1. I'm more than pumped as I see Shannon's image in the recording studio. Her long blonde hair is styled in big corkscrew curls, and she's wearing the perfect little outfit; black shorts, vest, and lime green converse trainers. The girl knows how to dress cute.

  “Let's get comfy, over there.” I cock my head toward the sofa and she follows me over. We snuggle down closely together.

  “I'm really intrigued. Who the hell is she?” she asks.

  “Meet Shannon Moore. She's a new signing of ours. A sixteen-year-old Venus. And I’ll tell you this, Kate, she's going to be huge.”

  I press play, crank up the volume, and hold my breath. She turns and smiles at me as Shannon writhes her way around during the catchy intro. Then her whole body tenses against me as she launches into her song. I watch her mouth drop open and her eyes widen as the words hit her brain. Not a word leaves her lips until it's over and she turns to face me.

  “How dare you take my song,” she says in a choked voice.

  I start to think I've made a monumental mistake. I should have asked her first, discussed it.

  “How could you do this?” she continues. “It was bad enough that you sneakily read my stuff at all, let alone use any of it without my permission.” Her voice disappears to a tiny squeak. She stands up and stares at me icily as I sit silently watching her, biting my lip. I thought she might have blown for a second or two and come around, but this cold anger is difficult to deal with. Then she huffs at me loudly and grabbing her keys, she leaves, slamming the door behind her.

  I sit unmoving for a while. I'm not sure what to do about this. I'm so damn stupid. Of course she was gonna be angry. How would I feel?

  I'm still sitting there a good while later when she comes back.

  She stands leaning against the door, tears streaming down her face.

  “I'm sorry,” I say in a pathetic voice. “I wanted to help you, with your dream, that's all.”

  She walks up to me and holds out her hand and I take it.

  “I know. But please don't ever do anything like that again. Promise me?”

  “Promise. And you're absolutely right to be angry with me. It was your song. I shouldn't have stolen it, for whatever reason. It wasn't on. I'm really sorry, Kate.” Her face is calmer. She seems more accepting. “But did you like what we did with it?” I dare to ask.

  “Of course, and Shannon's such a perfect fit for that style of song. But I'd have liked to have had more input, written some more verses. Those extra ones aren't up to my standard.” She smiles a tiny smile. “And Aaron, I'm sorry too. For storming off like that, and going into one.” She pauses and a tear trickles down her cheek. “No one has ever done anything as wonderful for me before, as the things you have. Ever. I can't tell you.”

  I squeeze her hand. “Kate. Sweetheart...” I'm suddenly overwhelmed and my stomach squeezes tightly.

  I unceremoniously dump the laptop on the floor and pull her down on top of me on the sofa, kissing her soaked face.

  “Wanna beat me up some more here or in there, where there's more room?” I ask hopefully.

  “Wherever you want, baby...Wherever. You. Want,” she says slowly, every part of her sinking into me.

  Kate seems to be very forgiving of my bad
behavior. I'm not used to forgiving females. My mom and sisters crucify me for years over the tiniest misdemeanor. I'm going to take advantage of this, show her how sorry I really am. And it's going to be a real pleasure to be able to make it up to her. More than a pleasure. Pure ecstasy.

  I get up and lead her off to the princess suite. Sofas are so not my thing. I need a lot of space.

  It looks like my making-up plans will have to wait because she's taking charge and I kinda like that. She tugs my jeans and boxers down my legs and kisses my stomach and hard-on in a frenzy, and then with a little push, she topples me backward onto the bed, pulling my things off. She crawls up the bed, alongside me like a stalking lioness about to go for the kill and I sigh with pleasure, offering myself up for her delicious bite. Her hair sweeps across my chest as she licks and nips her way around, all over. I watch entranced as she slips off her clothes and sits astride me, lowering herself down with an erotic tortured slowness that makes me burn up, all over.

  I slide inside her warm, soft wetness with a low moan of satisfaction.

  I could really get used to this. Every day and every night.

  She kisses me for a long time as I'm buried deep inside her. Her muscles squeeze at my prick and I jerk inside her in response as our tongues swirl. Those wonderful little fingers roam through my hair, twirling it madly around and around and then her fingertips sweep around the back of my neck. Her nails gently scrape down me, making me shiver with dire need. The warmth of her lips trails down my chest and around my shoulders.

  I love every touch and movement she makes.

  I stroke her head as her mouth comes back to mine and she holds my face in her hands. Her hair hangs around our faces like a silky curtain as she starts to move.

  I can't get over this. She simply stuns me.

  And for someone who has been brutally raped and hasn't had sex for over a year, her recovery has been miraculous. I'd like to think that I'm the only thing inspiring her, and there's nothing more than me going on in her head. I want her to need and want me more than anything and anyone. But more than that, I want and need her to care.

  She's found a way to get inside me, past my impenetrable defense barriers. She's brought out a caring side I didn't know I had. This is further than I've ever gone emotionally, with any woman, ever.

  I'm heating up like a nuclear reactor as she holds my shoulders and rides me like a dream. My breathing is fast and loud as my hands are drawn to her breasts. I hold their smooth fullness in a state of rapture as she works us both to a wild fever really fast.

  “Oh God, I'm really feeling the hate here,” I joke with a gasp.

  “You should be. I'm putting a lot of hate into my thank you.” She widens her eyes at me quickly and dips to kiss my lips and then my nose.

  “Oh yeah?” I fling her over, on her back, and lean over her. “Well maybe I wanna thank you now. For writing down those dreams of yours. That was the start of all this, between us.”

  “Thank me then. Do some nice bad things to me.” She flips on her knees and offers up her sweet little ass. “I'm waiting.” She wiggles her hips at me.

  She looks over her shoulder with a filthy look, which turns me on like crazy.

  I ease into position behind her, prod her hard and whisper in her ear.

  “You're a real bad girl, Kate Denton, and don't I love it.”

  A couple of hours later I wake up from an exhausted doze. The things we did bring an instant smile to my face. The way we fit together physically astounds me.

  And for the first time ever, I feel involved with someone. Involved with, needed by, and wanting someone so much it hurts. I'm nervous and excited and want to go forward with it, to see where it leads, although at the same time my inner demon is protesting. It's telling me things about Kate that I really don't want to hear. Telling me she'll hurt me badly. Because she's a woman. That's what they do. Despite my concerns, I'm prepared to take a chance.

  She's not in bed. I call out but there's no answer. I get up and go into the living room. A scribbled note sits on the table.

  Gone out to buy some food - back soon xx

  I text Karen with a “double thumbs up” and read my texts. I have another missed call from the lawyer. I try his number.

  “Ah, caught you. It's Aaron Garcia.”

  “Yes, Ummm... I was going to call you in a couple of hours. Now is not a good time.”

  “Okay, but write this down.”

  I give him the name of my New York lawyer and his address and number.

  “Right, I have that. Thank you, sir.” He's being very strange with me. He is normally more friendly.

  “Is she there, now...?” I ask, suddenly catching on.

  “Yes, that is correct....”

  “Can I speak to her please?”

  A moment passes and then my mother's voice arrives.

  “Yes?” she says simply.

  Don't I deserve a simple hello?

  I force myself to be nice. It's difficult.

  “Hello, Mom. How are things?”

  “Don't try and get around me.”

  “Christ almighty, I was just saying hello.”

  “It was the tone in which you said it.”

  I don't want to have a fight on a phone call. It won't help things.

  “Can I see you before this legal business goes any further?” I ask.

  “I'm here for another hour with Signor Bassi. We're discussing your father's investments with the accountant.”

  “I'll be there in ten. And don't worry. It'll be a short one.” I get dressed in the best of my few T-shirts and rush out the door. I'm almost at the lawyer’s before I remember Kate.

  I text her before I go in.

  - Urgent meeting with mother

  I fly up the stairs and enter the reception area. After waiting for a moment, I'm asked to go in.

  “Mom.” I bend to kiss her cheek. I'm pulling out all the stops. I really don't want to go to court against my own mother.

  Signor Bassi and another guy, who I gather must be the accountant, get up from their chairs.

  “We'll give you both a minute,” Signor Bassi says tactfully. And they disappear out of the room.

  She's sitting straight backed, perfectly turned out as usual in a cream pants suit. My mother always looks neat and perfect. Her grey hair styled immaculately, her outfit smart and coordinated with her purse and shoes. Not a chip in her nail polish. It's a shame she's not as perfect a mother on the inside as she looks on the surface.

  “So…what do you want to say?” she asks icily.

  I'm not entirely sure what I want to say. Not in polite words. I'm really struggling for some. What I really want to know is why she hates me so much and how far she's prepared to push me to prove it. I'm her only son. She's my mother. Things should be good between us, not like this. We have no reason I know of to be enemies.

  “Why are you doing this to me? If you felt the will was unfair, why didn't you speak to me at the time? I'd have been happy to come to an agreement.”

  She laughs and narrows her eyes on me.

  “Oh Aaron, we never speak, do we?”

  “And whose fault is that?” I snap.

  “Look, you have always gone out of your way to side with your father and influence him. You don't like me and I don't like you. It's a shame, but that's life.”

  “What the hell are you saying? I never 'sided' with dad, or tried to influence anything he did. He wasn't the type to be influenced by anyone, anywhere, let alone me. You know that and so do I. Don't try and blame me for your lack of maternal instinct.”

  “You've always been such a painful child to have around.”

  “Why have I?”

  “I'll tell you why, shall I?”

  “Please do, I'm all ears.” My heart is pounding like mad. I don't think I've ever had such an in depth personal conversation with her.

  “He idolized you. Once you were born it was like the rest of us didn't exist. I was sure he only stayed
married to me because of you. He wanted a son and he got one. Never mind the wife and daughters.”

  “And why is that my fault? That doesn't make me painful, does it?”

  “You played up to it. Monopolizing all his attention.”

  “I honestly don't remember that. But if I did, it was only because you ignored me. He was the only one who took any notice of me.”

  “I never ignored you,” she scoffs.

  “I used to cry myself to sleep because you left me on my own so much. You were always telling me off and you never smiled at me. Ever.”

  Her face loses its usual composure and her eyes begin to glass up. I can't believe it. My mother is about to cry? And over me?

  “Aaron, you have to understand, I had severe postnatal depression for a year after you were born. And then I slipped in and out of chronic depression for years. I didn't bond well with you because of it. And your father was...well, not very helpful, because he wasn't there for the worst of it. He only visited us to see you. I had to manage everything all on my own. When he came back, things were never the same. It was a marriage of convenience, I suppose. I'm not saying we didn't care for each other, because we did, but not in the way we should. And he doted on you, much too much. He openly admitted it. It made things so hard for me and the girls.”

  “Mom, why didn't you tell me all this before? I've spent my whole life thinking you hated me.”

  “Of course I don't hate you. I just never learned to love you, that's all.” A tear trickles down her powdered cheek. I zoom in and hug her tight and to my amazement she hugs me back. Tightly. I'm overwhelmed and start to choke up, really badly. I pull back and look at her.

  “You and my sisters can have half the business. It's way too much anyway.”

  “Don't be ridiculous. We only wanted a token gesture on your part,” she says, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue and sniffing.

  “Well then, you've got your gesture and a few million more. I'll get the lawyers on it.”

  “Aaron...,” she says quietly.


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