Return of the High Fae

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Return of the High Fae Page 18

by Tom Keller

  "No, I may need him. I have some people coming to help clean up this mess."

  "Clean up? You are a God. You can do what you will," She remarked, as if it was just that easy.

  I could tell we were gonna have to talk. I turned around and gently grabbed her by the shoulders. "Diantha, be that as it may, this is not the age of Gods. Remember what happened to the last bunch? We're gonna have to do things a bit differently these days. Now, I need you to find some clothes and then I'm going to do as I promised."

  She looked at me quizzically.

  Then I spent some time explaining again what had happened to the old Gods and the situation today as I saw it.

  "I still don't understand," she responded, looking around at the carnage. "What is different? You are a God; you have the right to slay those who oppose you."

  I could see that this was going to be difficult. It was like she had already forgotten the time she had spent in hiding or that this was the modern world. "Perhaps that's true. But as I explained, I'm not ready to reveal myself to the world just yet. You are one of the few that know my secret. I'm going to have to ask you to bear with me for a while. Can you do that?"

  She was silent for a moment and then I saw the light bulb go off in her head. "As you wish, what would you have me do?"

  I could tell she liked the idea of being a confidante but I couldn't help but wonder what else she was thinking. I hoped she would keep to her oath, at least for the most part.

  "First, I need you to get some clothes on. Then we need to talk."

  She nodded and headed back to the trailer.

  While she was gone I moved my car closer to the trailer and then dragged Mr. Beat It to a better position (at least for me). He was still out cold. I went through his pockets and found a set of keys. So he had to have a car somewhere nearby. I concentrated on the concept of his car and an image appeared in my mind. It was parked on the other side of the old brothel. Damn, that was amazing; maybe my magic was finally starting to work on demand!

  Then I caught myself. Here I was trying to tie up loose ends and clean up a crime scene. Did I mention I killed two people, again? Of course they did attack me first, and they weren't exactly people, but still. Sometimes you have to wonder if the fantasies of becoming something else are really worth it.

  I didn't have long to ponder that question as Diantha chose that moment to come out of the trailer. She was wearing another old pair of jeans and a Venus T-shirt. I have to say it; this time she looked a damn site better. It would still be a little while before Siegfried could arrive, time to get back to reality.

  "So how's it feel being back?" I asked as I leaned back against my car with Mr. Beat It on the ground beside me. "You have any idea what you want to do?"

  She stopped a few feet in front of me. "I told you I would serve you as I did Apollo. I will hold to my oath."

  Damn, maybe she did really mean it. If so, this was definitely a different person than the one that I met earlier tonight. "Ok, about that, I made you an offer tonight, are you still interested?"

  She looked at me questioningly. "But that was before you gifted me the necklace."

  "Look, let me put it this way," I said as I stepped closer to her. "I meant what I said earlier. This is a different world than the old one. Your oath is appreciated, but I'm not like that, I don't need you to serve me as you did Apollo. What I need is someone I can trust. I'd rather earn your loyalty than demand it, if you can understand that. Don't get me wrong, I'll hold you to your oath when necessary, but..."

  She crossed her arms and interrupted me, again. "You are the strangest God I have ever met. You can do anything you want yet you wish to negotiate." She shook her head as if I was crazy.

  Hell, maybe I was. "Think of it this way, a kiss is much sweeter when freely given, wouldn't you agree?"

  A smile crossed her lips. "I believe I do," she said as she put her arms around my neck and kissed me. "What next then, my Lord?"

  "First, you can stop calling me that. Just call me Robert. Next, can you keep an eye on this idiot while I go check out his car? We have some guests coming in a few and I want to see what's in it. We're going to turn all this over to them. Oh, and I may need your assistance when they get here, you up to it if I need you?"

  I thought I might know what Siegfried had in mind with the kill two birds with one stone remark. But even so, it never hurt to have two in your hands.

  "My powers have not been lost, if that's what you mean. I will do whatever you need," she said. She looked again at the unconscious Mr. Beat It and then gave him a swift kick. "Are you sure I can't kill this filthy beast for you?" She gave me a pleading look.

  "I'd rather you didn't."

  We talked a bit more and when we finished I walked down the dirt road about half a mile until I got to the old building. The car turned out to be a van parked on the far side that was not visible from the trailer or the dirt road that led to it.

  I tossed the van and found the both kid's wallets and keys under the seat. The back was rigged with some type of animal cage. It was clean but still smelled of corruption. It made sense as the beast hadn't seemed to be something easily controlled. I went through the rest of the van with a fine tooth comb but there was nothing else of interest there. After going through the wallets I sat down for a bit, trying to decide where to go from here.

  Close to an hour later I slammed the van door and started walking back to the trailer. I turned when I heard cars. There were two SUVs coming down the road towards me. I stopped as the first one pulled up next to me. The passenger rolled down his window. It was Michael from Siegfried's office; he had turned in his Armani suit for black fatigues.

  Chapter 19

  "I heard you could use some assistance," he said with a smile as I waved the dust from my face.

  "That was fast," I remarked.

  "Where do you need us?"

  "Just around the corner there's a trailer. You'll see my Lexus," I replied as I pointed the way. "There's one still breathing by my car and two down in the yard. There's a girl, too, she's with me."

  "Siegfried is about 10 minutes behind us," he added as he rolled the window up and the SUV's pulled ahead.

  By the time I got back to my car Michael's people were already bagging and tagging the two stiffs. Diantha was nowhere to be found and Mr. Beat It was in the backseat of one of the SUV's. One of Michael's people appeared to be giving him medical aid. Damn, who'd of thought it? There really was a clean-up team for these kinds of things.

  Michael himself was stooped over the area where the beast had fallen. He stood up and walked over to me. "The lady asked me to tell you she was going to wait in the trailer. You're full of surprises, Mr. Hoskins," he said.

  "As are you, Michael, and call me Robert. I appreciate the help."

  We shook hands and Michael turned and looked around the trailer, surveying the scene. I hadn't noticed it the first time I had met him. But this time I could sense something magical in him. He was a lot like Siegfried but the scent wasn't as powerful. Maybe they were related in some way? My magic was acting more consistent but I still didn't feel the intense information gathering ability that I had when I was in battle mode.

  "No problem. Siegfried told me to handle whatever you need."

  "I apologize for asking, but I'm curious, do these kinds of things come up often around here?" I asked with a smile, hoping I wasn't being too inquisitive.

  "You know how it is," Michael replied as he shrugged his shoulders. "There's not that many of us so it's not too bad most of the time. The hardest thing is keeping the mortals out of it. But hey, it is what it is." He eyed me curiously. "What's your beef with the Weres, if you don't mind me asking?"

  It was my turn to shrug my shoulders. "I've run into these two before. I guess they didn't like the reception I gave them the last time. They must have brought along the beast thinking he would give them an edge. Oh, and I found a makeshift cage in the van they were driving."

  We both wa
tched as two of his people lined the body bags behind the second SUV.

  "That's going to have a few people asking questions," he commented.

  At that moment Siegfried pulled up in his black Escalade.

  "Back to work, Siegfried's going to want to see that thing," he said as he began to walk to the black SUV.

  I watched as Siegfried got out of the Escalade and talked to Michael. There was one more thing—there was a Were in the car with him. This magic thing had its benefits. It had to be Martin Chibeaux. I couldn't see him but I could sense him. I trusted Siegfried so I wasn't worried. Besides, that explained why he wanted to know if I had the scepter. If anything, the day was just getting more interesting by the minute.

  Siegfried leaned in the car to say something to him as he opened the door and stepped out of the passenger side. Chibeaux was a big man with dark brown hair with a smattering of gray above the ear and on his goatee. He looked my way briefly then walked with Siegfried to the body bags.

  I popped the trunk of my car and found a long sleeve shirt in my kit and put it on. Then I removed the scepter from my briefcase and dropped the leather bag the necklace had been stored in over the jeweled tip. I slid it into my back pocket and covered it with my shirt. It stuck out quite a way but I hoped the shirt would hide it. I had an idea in mind but I figured it was better hidden, for now. Grabbing the wallets and keys, I closed the trunk and made my way over to them.

  Siegfried saw me coming and said something to Chibeaux who nodded and walked over to where Mr. Beat It was being attended to. Siegfried came my way and met me halfway.

  "Thanks," I said as I shook his hand.

  "You haven't seen the bill yet," he said with a laugh. "But seriously, this problem aside, how did it go with the necklace and the female?"

  I was startled a moment. Siegfried was more concerned about the necklace than he was the dead Werewolves. How often did this kind of thing occur? But then again, it did make sense. Siegfried was a warrior and was probably used to things like this happening and Diantha was potentially quite a prize as well.

  "She's willing to come with us for now. We need to get her a place at the Neptune for starters and she's probably gonna need some help with paperwork and other things to bring her up to date."

  "That can be arranged. So you've convinced her to work with us?"

  "Let's just say I've made quite an impression on her," I answered. I thought about what else to tell him. "She considers the deal we made personal. I hope Mr. Milagre won't have a problem with that," I finally added

  "He trusts you, as do I. As long as you aren't thinking of going into competition with him in the casino business I doubt there will be an issue."

  "We should be good then," I said, gesturing toward the SUV. "What about Chibeaux, how's he taken me killing some of his pack members?"

  Siegfried turned to look at him, not commenting that I apparently already knew who he was. "He didn't say much until he learned of the creature and confirmed that Turner's son was involved. Apparently he was unaware of its existence. That is not a good thing for a pack master, especially with the other problems within their group"

  I shook my head. "I wouldn't think so".

  "I did not tell him what you have. He is nervous. He knows Turner's people are moving against him and does not know where you fit in. He has asked for my assistance should they try to do anything outside of pack law. He is well thought of by the Milagre's and has assisted me in the past. For those reasons I had to agree. Do you plan on returning the scepter to him? The Fae community is still small and the attacks still worry me. It would not hurt for you to become allies. Whether a foolish move or instigated by Turner himself these events will turn some of the Weres against you."

  "Good point," I said as I clasped his shoulders. I felt a smile coming on; that idea was looking better and better. "Let's go cement that alliance."

  I started walking toward the pack master, not sure if I should feel good or bad for what I was going to do. Siegfried didn't know yet what I was becoming but he was about to find out. I just hoped Diantha was everything she was cracked up to be.

  "It would be best..." Siegfried started to say as we walked towards the SUV.

  "I have an idea," I interrupted. "Introduce me, and follow my lead."

  I watched as Siegfried raised his eyebrows. "As you wish," he replied.

  Chibeaux stepped away from the SUV as we walked up. Siegfried stepped between us and introduced me. I didn't know diddly about Werewolf culture but I was guessing that I had to get some formalities out of the way if I didn't want another enemy. But still, I took a less than subtle approach.

  "Mr. Chibeaux," I began, "Siegfried has informed me that this attack was not sanctioned. Considering that fact I hope that this meeting can alleviate both our concerns."

  Both Siegfried and the pack master seemed surprised at my opening. I thought I glimpsed a hint of anger flash in Chibeaux's expression as I spoke. I didn't need magic to sense that.

  "I also wish to apologize to you," I continued. "I had a prior run in with these individuals and I am sure that had I come to you sooner this altercation may have been avoided."

  My apology seemed to soften his mood. "Their actions were unacceptable. It is forbidden to attack the Fae without provocation or sanction. Can you tell me what happened?"

  "Of course," I answered, and then gave him an overview of our encounters starting with the incident when I first met Delia. I purposely left a few items out.

  "All this over a Lil?" he asked, incredulously. "I can understand Turner's anger at the bar, but this? And they brought a beast as well. What else is going on here?"

  "That I can't answer." Well, at least not yet. "I didn't find anything of value in their van, either." I handed him the wallets and keys. "These were all that were inside, it's pretty clean, but there was a large cage in the back. I assume it was for the creature."

  As he took the items, I asked him about the Turner kid.

  "He's unconscious but alive," he told me, looking concerned. "Things are moving faster than I anticipated."

  He turned to Siegfried. "Even with his son involved, Turner will try to use this to his advantage. This may be pack business but politics is politics, especially when outsiders are involved. I may still need your people if he tries to make a move outside the law. I'm going to have a difficult time without the..." He stopped suddenly and looked at me. I could have sworn he was sniffing.

  "No normal Fae could do what you did to these Weres." He pointed to the body bags. "Beasts like that are killed at birth because they are almost always uncontrollable if allowed to live. You are more than you appear."

  That was an understatement.

  "Siegfried has told me that you are Fae and tells me also that I can trust you."

  "I'd like to think so."

  "Things were much simpler in the old days," he remarked. "There aren't a lot of us in the Valley, let alone the new world. There was a time when pack business was kept private, now it's impossible. There are too few Fae here for us to remain apart. I didn't know any of the Dryad were here but my line has a long history with your clan. Maybe you can be of assistance as well."

  Finally, he'd given me the opening I needed.

  At that moment Michael returned and whispered something to Siegfried, who nodded. Then he turned to Chibeaux.

  "We're ready to remove the bodies. I assume you want them kept for a tribunal. Turner will be taken to one of the healers. Do you have anyone to guard him or should I take care of it?" Michael asked Chibeaux as two of his men moved the body bags to the other SUV.

  "Yes to the bodies. As for young Turner, can you handle it until I send someone over? And I want this kept quiet until I make the proper arrangements."

  Michael glanced over at Siegfried. I saw him give an almost imperceptible nod. "I'll see to it personally," he said as he waved to the driver of the SUV. Then he said goodbye and got into the one that Turner was in.

  We stood silently as
they drove off.

  I turned to Siegfried. "Where will they be taken?"

  "There are agreements among the clans for this type of situation," Siegfried replied.

  "Good," I said and then turned back to Chibeaux. "I understand you have a problem. What can I do to help?"

  Chibeaux hesitated for just a moment. "Something has been stolen from me," he began. "It's just a symbol used in ceremonies, but an important one. I thought Turner had taken it but now I'm not so sure."

  "Can you tell me what you lost?" I asked as I glanced at Siegfried. I almost felt guilty…almost. I was going to return it to him, after all.

  He didn't say anything but I could tell he was curious as to what I was playing at.

  Chibeaux looked around, but there was no one else to hear us. "It's a scepter, given to my line ages ago and passed from father to son. For that reason alone I want it back. Turner has always coveted it." He held his hands apart about eighteen inches. "It is about a foot and a half long, made of oak with a sky blue jewel." Then he gave me a quizzical look. "It's interesting that the Dryad should show up now. Historically, the scepter symbolized my line's alliance with the Dryads of our original home."

  I was afraid for a moment that he suspected me.

  "But maybe it's just fate. Will you help me?" he asked.

  I couldn't help it; I started to chuckle, then caught myself. "I have heard that fate has a sense of humor. But seriously, I believe I have a way to answer some of your questions. Come with me."

  I turned and led them towards Diantha's trailer. It was time to forge an alliance as well as make a statement. Bernd had said to use the magic sparingly but I was hoping that a little extra now and then was ok.

  I led them up the stairs to Diantha's trailer. I knocked, and then entered. She had replaced the stool to its original location and was standing by it when I came into the room. She didn't say anything but just watched as I stood at the doorway and motioned for Siegfried and Chibeaux to come in. Even in her jeans and t-shirt there was something special about her, and it wasn't just her looks.


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