Return of the High Fae

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Return of the High Fae Page 26

by Tom Keller

"We defeated these four easy enough," Delia boasted. "What is different?"

  "The other one may be a High Fae," I answered.

  "What of it, you are here as well. We are at worst evenly matched," Delia snickered.

  "I agree," Siegfried chimed in. "We are indeed evenly matched. While not of our choosing, this may be our best chance to defeat him."

  "Maybe, but even with the clearing of the skies something about this place is still obscuring my magic. I can't sense much and that worries me."

  "Well," he said, "there has been no counter attack so perhaps their magic will also be obscured."

  "We can only hope," I answered. I turned to Delia. "Come here a minute," I said, leading her around the rock wall until we were out of sight of the others. "How are you doing?"

  "I can hold my own."

  "I'm sure you can, and while and I'm sure Fae blood works wonders it can't last forever, not as badly wounded as you were. I need you at your best." I started rolling up my sleeve. I watched as her eyes widened and then she backed away.

  "No, I will be fine. I don't need your blood, Fae."

  "Don't be an idiot," I said. "I got you into this mess so the least I can do is try to help you survive." I pulled her closer to me and held out my arm. "Take it."

  Her green eyes stared into mine as she moved her mouth to my arm. The look she got as she took in my blood was almost erotic. After a minute or so I pulled my arm away. Hesitantly, she let go.

  "Mmm...," she purred. "I see now why this was forbidden, Fae."

  Oh, great, and I was setting them free.

  She looked up at me and smiled. "Fortunately, we are not the same Lil as those your ancestors fought against."

  "I'd love to discuss this later," I said, pulling down my sleeves, "but we've got a battle to win. You ready?"

  "Oh, yes," she answered, glowing with the strength the Fae blood had given her. Still fingering her bow, we rejoined the others.

  "How do you wish to proceed?" Siegfried asked as we approached.

  Wait a minute, wasn't he the warrior? Another disadvantage to being the King, you have to make all the decisions. I was just about to come up with a brilliant plan when Charlie appeared, almost knocking me over as he ran up to greet me. My face wet, I pushed him away.

  "Charlie, down. What's happened?"

  He stayed close and once again I heard him in my head as he spoke. "Danger, she waits, Bernd says must come."

  Wow, that's the most I'd ever heard him speak. Wait, did he say she?

  "Charlie, did you say, she?"

  "She," he repeated. "Bad, danger, Bernd says must come."

  I heard a guttural growl from Lucinda and then looked at the others.

  "It matters not," Siegfried commented. "God or Goddess, we are committed to battle."

  "True," I noted. "Ok, she knows we're here and she's gotta know we already took out a few of her Mages. If Bernd sent Charlie to get us I don't see any reason to use stealth, we're just going in. Siegfried, how many entrances to that temple do you remember?"

  "At least twelve, one between each throne. What are you thinking?"

  "Well, I'm hoping her powers are as muted as mine. Maybe she can't tell how many of us there are. I wanna go in the same way we came out while you and Delia take the entrances to each side. Charlie will be with me. Lucinda, you pick a spot halfway around. Diantha, can you lay back on the other end and just keep an eye on us? You've got my gun and I'd prefer to keep you two a secret for as long as I can."

  She nodded and then gave me a wink. Good.

  "I may need a diversion so find a good place but try and keep out of sight."

  "You wish to challenge her then?" Siegfried asked, checking the sharpness of the sword he was carrying with his thumb.

  "Not necessarily, but I will if I have to. There's a lot going on that we don't know about. I'm hoping to get a few answers before we go to war."

  "You cannot trust one as this. We should go in fighting."

  Maybe he was right. But I had to think there was more going on here than just another battle. Hell, the dead didn't sink into the earth and the skies clear in this place for nothing.

  "No, I don't think so. But that doesn't mean we won't be ready."

  I removed my seax and then picked up the Fae sword, Charlie was already at my side. "Ok, let's do it," I said.

  Delia had an arrow nocked and Siegfried was armed as I was. Lucinda was already out of sight but as we started around the pool and back to the temple Diantha ran up to me.

  "Be careful," she said as she hugged me, "and remember what I said, I will be there when you need me."

  "Just don't do anything foolish," I sighed.

  "Only if I have to," she countered before sprinting off to the other side of the temple with Lucinda. That girl was gonna be the death of me, I mused.

  We halted a few feet from the entrance to the temple. This wouldn't be the first time I'd walked into an unknown situation. Since it was clear I was going to be at a disadvantage, four dead Mages down or not, I took a cue from some past experiences and decided to play it unconventional. I was hoping I could at least keep her off guard long enough to know what I was up against.

  "You guys ready?" I asked.

  Both Siegfried and Delia nodded.

  "Ok, come in after me and just follow my lead. Let me do the talking but be ready for anything. If it comes to force we'll let them make the first move."

  With that said, they took off toward their respective entrances and as they reached them, with Charlie at my side, I went in.

  The moment I went through the arch I felt something. It reminded me of when I put the jewel on Diantha. There were no tendrils of green magic coming at me but it was almost as if the temple itself was trying to talk to me. I glanced at the stone column, it looked the same. Whatever had happened outside had not made it into here, but yet there was something. It almost seemed like it was waiting for me to wake it up but that didn't make sense, did it?

  I'll have to admit I was nervous. Other than another High Fae I had no idea who, or what, we'd be facing. But something had passed between the temple and me, and although I wasn't sure what it was, it gave me comfort. Then the magic kicked in. It wasn't quite like before, less intense, and although it was muted, at least I felt like it was part of me again.

  As I passed through the arch I sensed her presence but I also sensed something more. There were six others with her, two Mages and, damn, the other four were Fae. They weren't High Fae of course, but they were still an unknown I'd have to deal with.

  I had a second to see our adversaries as I stepped fully into the temple. The two Mages were like the others we'd encountered outside, maybe a little stronger looking, and they carried bows. The Fae reminded me of Siegfried, they were probably warriors as well...and then I saw her on the main floor in front of the Dwarves.

  She didn't look like some High Fae Goddess but then again I wasn't the spitting image of Zeus either. She was dressed in leather like and I couldn't see a weapon. Of course that didn't mean she didn't have one or make her any less dangerous, for that matter. She had long dark hair woven into a single braid that reached to her waist. I wouldn't guess her age, but she had to be younger than Meredith. I suppose you could say she was beautiful, as most Fae are, especially with those pointed Elfin ears. But the beauty faded when she turned to face me. Her blue eyes were cold and I could almost feel the hatred as she stared up at me.

  "You," she whispered and then turned to the Dwarves. "Surely this is a jest, Motgnir; you cannot have chosen this one over me," she said, gesturing widely.

  Interesting, she hadn't known it would be me.

  "What'd I miss?" I asked as I took a few more steps.

  Like I said, unconventional.

  "Sorry I was delayed. I hope you aren't waiting for those other guys, because if you are...well, I don't think they're gonna make it." I may have overdone it a bit.

  "I have had enough!" she exclaimed, pointing at Motgnir. "This half-br
eed is nothing, I claim what is mine."

  "He has bested everyone you have thrown against him, Marissa. Besides, he has the stronger claim and is no half-breed, as you should well know," he replied, angrily.

  So now I knew her name but what did the rest mean? I watched as she threw her arms up in frustration.

  "I have had enough of false rivals and of Dwarves," she said and then she paused. A half smirk came to her face. "Kill him and then kill them all."

  I dodged as two arrows came my way from the Mages. Damn they were fast. One missed me but with my still diminished magic the second one should have hit me. Instead there had been a blur and I heard a yelp. Charlie and taken the arrow, that damn lovable mutt! He was down but at least he was still alive. I didn't have time to check on him any further as I expected more arrows to be coming my way.

  I shouldn't have worried. Not seconds had passed and both Mages were down as Delia strung a third arrow in her bow. I watched her start to aim but the two Fae were moving too fast. She dropped it and pulled her sword as Siegfried showed up beside her.

  Then I had problems of my own as the other two Fae warriors came towards me. The first one swung at me running and I ducked and stabbed, he was down but the other caught himself and we traded blows for a few seconds. He seemed clumsy and I found an opening, it took a moment but he was no match for my Fae sword.

  I didn't think about it at the time but it had to be that whatever had muted the magic had given me an advantage. I think they were surprised that their magic wasn't stronger whereas it was all new to me and I didn't depend on it as they apparently had. That was something to remember for the future. Then again, it could have just been that I was pissed off that Charlie had been hurt.

  Seeing Siegfried and Delia holding their own I left the other warriors to them and started down the stairs towards Marissa. She pulled a sword from behind her back. Damn, I hadn't even seen it. But her next move was worse. She reached down and grabbed something.

  "That's close enough or this one dies," she uttered as I realized that the tiny form she had picked up was actually the Faerie healer, Elithia. "Drop your weapons."

  Then Elithia screamed as Marissa held her by the neck and drew her sword closer.

  The problem was that I knew that Marissa was serious, which meant that Elithia was already as good as dead and there was nothing I could do. On TV, the good guy always puts down his weapon and a moment later miraculously saves the day. Unfortunately, the real world is somewhat different. I knew that if I dropped my sword or ordered Siegfried and Delia to drop theirs, Marissa would not only have Elithia as a hostage, but us, too. Judging from what I had seen so far, she'd kill us all when she got the chance. Sometimes the real world just sucks. I took a few steps closer. Her sword point moved closer to the Faeries neck.

  "Marissa, stop this foolishness," I heard Bernd say.

  "I have had enough of you, Dwarf," she jeered, "I tire of your kind and their ways." She cut the Faerie's neck and threw her broken body to the ground. Stepping toward him she raised her sword at both Bernd and Motgnir as she closed the distance.

  I started to run towards them but knew I was still too far away to get there in time. Suddenly I heard a shout and then shots rang out; it was Diantha with Lucinda close behind. She had stopped halfway down the steps and fired, the gun still smoking in her hand. Marissa stared down as her leather shirt became stained with blood.

  "Whore of Apollo, you shot me," she said with disbelief and then collapsed to the floor. Whatever power she had given to aid the Fae warriors failed at the same instant as I watched Siegfried and Delia incapacitate both their opponents moments later.

  I stopped for a second to see if Marissa would heal as I had when fighting the Weres but she didn't move so I immediately ran to Charlie's side. The arrow had pierced his left rear leg in the upper muscle and continued on and grazed the other. He was breathing but didn't seem able to move his legs.

  "This is a Fae arrow," I heard Bernd say as he bent down to examine the wound. "Its spell prevents him from moving. Have no fear. As I have said, this one is no ordinary hound."

  "Steady boy, it must come out," he said as he reached for the arrow. He placed his other hand on Charlie's chest.

  Charlie gave a short bark which I knew meant that he understood and I told Bernd to do it. Grabbing the arrow gently he used both hands to break it on each end and then slid the shaft out of the wound. Blood gushed as Charlie immediately tried to stand. Bernd placed his hand on the wound and it slowed but did not stop completely.

  Holding him down I pulled my seax and cut a few long strips from my shirt, binding the wound to stem the bleeding. It wasn't perfect but it'd do until I could get him to a vet or a Fae healer. Then I hugged the big dog and told him thanks. I heard him say "safe" and he began licking my face. Between him and the others there was no one I'd rather be in a battle with. Then the earth began to shake.

  I turned to see what was happening and I saw the temple vibrating. No, that wasn't right. It was more like it parts of it had turned molten. The floor on the other side of the pool from Motgnir began to rise and before long a giant figure began to come into focus. It was like watching a mold pour upward and form from the floor. It took a few moments but it slowly coalesced and then the shaking stopped. The giant form had become a huge nude figure of a man some 20 or so feet tall.

  Bearded, it reminded me of a statue of a Greek God, although I had no idea which one it could be. Turning its head as its eyes rested on us it began to laugh. Like THX in a movie theater, the walls seemed to reverberate to the sound and the giant's arms came to rest on its hips as it turned its attention in my direction.

  "Well played, well played indeed," the creature declared. Then it turned to Motgnir. "You have chosen well, Dwarf."

  Not knowing exactly what the hell was going on I started to say something but Bernd put his hand on my shoulder. "Wait," he whispered.

  The creature bent down and placed its hand over Marissa. I heard a gasp as she took in breath and her eyes opened. She looked aghast as the creature picked her up.

  I watched as she struggled against it but the creature just seemed to examine her.

  "Let me down!" she exclaimed, beating at his giant hand.

  "I think not, little one. Too much like my other offspring are you." he said, shaking his head. She continued to struggle as he spoke. "You chose the dark path and have been beaten by the light." Then he laughed again and walked a few steps, holding her up as he continued to examine her. "Perhaps you can learn from your opponent. His allies fought for him out of loyalty, not fear.

  "But I believe what you need most is time to think about your failure. I will give you that which made me stronger. To Tartarus I will send you," he said in a commanding voice and I saw a look of terror come over her face. "If you escape, you may fight again. If not, well, then perhaps you were not meant to have come this far."

  Then a shimmering light surrounded her and with a bright flash she was gone.

  "That's it?" I said out loud as she disappeared.

  The creature turned its attention back to me. "Disappointed? Today was not her day to die young Fae. I would have done the same for you if it is any consolation"

  "Then what was this all about?" I asked.

  "A test," he answered, "and you have triumphed. Olympus is awake and I have witnessed your return. Be content with that."

  "Content!" I yelled back as I stood up. "My dog just got shot with an arrow. And what about Elithia, the Faerie?" I yelled, pointing down at her broken body still lying on the floor. "Are you gonna bring her back to life as well?"

  "She is not my concern," he answered and waved his hand as a throne rose from the floor. Sitting down upon it he looked back at me. "There are as many ways to die as jewels in my crown." He pointed upwards and the sky darkened as the clouds parted and the stars appeared. I watched as several brightened and then faded to be replaced by blackness. "Can you save them all?"

  "I can try," I rep
lied. I would have said more but once again Bernd stopped me. I guess that was wise since the giant was three times my size, but still.

  "Then perhaps next time it will be you who fails," he commented as he then turned to Motgnir. "Is it not enough that I have thwarted Gaea and given him a godsend? Why must all my children's children be so ungrateful?"

  "He is still young and does not understand his role, great Ouranos," Motgnir replied with quick bow of the head. "He still has much to learn."

  Oh shit, I thought to myself, Ouranos, also known as Uranus, had been father of the Titans and husband of Gaea. This guy was as close to a real God as they came. That's who I had been arguing with!

  Motgnir then removed what looked like a short scepter from beneath the Dais he had been standing behind. He held it outward toward Ouranos with both hands. "He has triumphed, has he not?"

  "Indeed he has," he answered, and then with a nod laughed and turned his head towards me. "You have indeed triumphed today, my young Fae Lord. As you have proven yourself, I welcome your return. You have earned the right to fulfill the prophecy, if you can, and I have gifted you some time. Light you may be, but the darkness will not be chained forever, even in Tartarus."

  He stood and bowed his head at Motgnir. With a nod to me and a wave of his hand the temple vanished and the eight of us now stood where we had started, back in my own backyard.

  Chapter 28

  "What the hell just happened?" I asked.

  Motgnir ignored my question. He held up what I thought had been a scepter but I now saw was the hilt of a sword. He pushed it into my hand. "Light has triumphed over dark and here is the prize, the sword of Cronus, most powerful of the Titans. This is the same sword that was carried by Zeus and prized by all the Gods. Wield it wisely. The prophecy has been fulfilled. The High Fae have returned and the light is now a beacon against the coming darkness," he answered.

  "Well ain't that just dandy," I replied sarcastically. Sorry, but I was pissed. "You don't think maybe a word or two about what was going on might not have been prudent? Maybe Elithia wouldn't be dead and Charlie wouldn't have taken an arrow if we'd have known what we were getting into."


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