Dark Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 6)

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Dark Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 6) Page 18

by James, Marysol

  “I thought you said that my clothes were wrecked.”

  “They are. Trashed, boy.”

  She blinked. “I thought you also said that there were no clothes for me.”

  “That’s not what I said.” He flashed her a smart-ass grin, and she found herself smiling back. “I said that you don’t have any of your own clothes. But there are some things here that I think’ll fit you, though they’re going to be baggy.” He paused, then cocked his head. “I’m not sure they’re really your style, but hey. Beggars can’t be choosers, huh?”

  “Uh.” She stared up at him, wondering at the teasing look in his eyes. “I guess?”

  “Sit tight. I’ll bring a few things that I dug out while you were in the shower.”


  In less than a minute, he was back carrying a large plastic bag. She saw something gray peeping out from the top, and she stared at it.

  “Ohh-kay,” he said with something suspiciously approaching a smirk. “Brace yourself.”

  She eyed the gray thing again. “I’m not sure that I like the sound of that.”

  “Smart girl,” he said. “OK, so… here we go.”

  With a flourish that would make a game-show hostess proud, Warren produced the world’s ugliest pair of steel-gray sweat pants. Shay gave a strangled little scream, and he grinned wider.

  “I know, right?” he said. “Wanna see the top?”

  “No,” she said, definitively. “I do not want to see the top.”

  “Too late.” He pulled it out, and she sighed. God, it was worse than the pants, and that was hard to comprehend. “So… what do you think?”

  “I think I’m staying in the towel.”

  His eyes flared. “Now that sounds like a plan.”

  She pointedly ignored all that sexy innuendo. For now. “This is all there is for me to wear? Really?”

  “Well…” He hesitated. “There are some women’s clothes here. But…”

  She looked at him. “But what?”

  “But they’re tight,” Warren said. “And you can’t have anything tight on your leg.”

  She stared at him harder. There was more to this, and she knew it. “And?”

  “And.” He paused again. “And – well… these clothes were left behind by women that stayed here with the guys, and so the clothes are… uhhh…well. Let’s just say that the ladies did not go for comfort, or covering up. We’re talking about skirts that look like postage stamps with belts. Jeans that I think would cut off your circulation. Tops that reveal way more than they conceal.”

  “Oh. Right.” She forced a grin. “So – definitely not my style.”

  “Nuh-uh. And besides…” He stopped again.

  “Besides what?”

  “Well.” He cleared his throat. “I just – I remembered what you said about the MC forcing you to dress a certain way, and I just – well, I just figured that the clothes would have looked something like the ones that I found here. And I didn’t want you to… to look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself like that.”

  Unbelievably touched, Shay gazed at him. “You are such a good man.”

  “I’m trying to be, baby,” he said quietly. “I haven’t had much practice at it lately, but I’m trying like hell to recall how to be just that. For you.”

  “You’re doing a great job.”

  “You think?”

  “I think.”

  He blushed, and something about seeing this huge, strong man go all pink hit Shay smack in her heart. His astonishing physical attractiveness to her aside, she liked this guy; she really, really liked him.

  God help my heart.

  “OK, so,” he said now. “I’ll throw this stuff in the washing machine for you, since I have no clue when it last saw any laundry soap.”


  “I agree. I can loan you another long shirt and some socks for now… is that OK?”

  “Sure it is.”

  “Good. Let me go and get them, then I’ll make us some lunch. Do burgers sound good to you?”

  “Yes.” She smiled at him, wishing with everything that she had that he could be hers for longer than just a few more days. “It all sounds perfect.”

  Chapter Eleven

  With a start, Shay woke up. She blinked, trying to get her bearings. She sat up, squinting in the dark, and that was when she realized that she was back in their bedroom. Alone this time, most unfortunately.

  The last thing that she remembered was sitting on the sofa with Warren after a long, lazy lunch, watching a movie. It had been so warm and cozy, and her eyelids had gotten heavier and heavier. She must have dropped off, and Warren must have put her to bed.

  She stretched gingerly, waiting for the bolts of pain to shoot up her leg. There were none this time, though, and she sighed in relief. It seemed that her leg was finally getting better, and she got to her feet with a bit more confidence. She wavered, just for a few seconds, then regained her balance and reached for her glasses.

  Slowly, she made her way to the half-open door, stuck her head out. All was silent and still, and she wondered if Warren had fallen asleep in front of the fire. She knew that he’d barely slept while he’d been caring for her, and that he’d only gotten a full night’s rest the night before. He hadn’t uttered one word of complaint, but she knew that he had to be wiped out.

  She crept down the hallway, trying to not drag her leg too much, holding on to the wall for support, and when she got to the living room, she paused in the doorway. The fire was still burning steadily, though the flames were way lower than she remembered them. She glanced at the clock on the stove, and was shocked to see that it was going on midnight.

  Shay walked in to the large main room, and that was when she saw Warren. Sure enough, he was fast asleep, all stretched out on the sofa. She inched closer, holding her breath the whole way, trying to not wake him up.

  She stood at the end of the sofa, looking at him. After all, he’d spent days gazing at her as she’d burned up with fever, and shaken with chills, and finally slept peacefully. But she certainly hadn’t had the chance to be able to openly ogle the man, to just stare until she got her fill of looking at him.

  Like that would ever happen.

  He was on his back, his face turned to the fire, his left forearm covering most of his gorgeous face, sadly. That broad chest rose and fell with every deep, steady breath, and even through his t-shirt, she saw the defined groove of muscle. Her fingers itched to touch him again; the man had the kind of body that begged for a woman’s touch. It was a body of pure, wicked temptation, and very few women would be willing or able to resist it.

  The thought that some other woman was going to come along and put her hands on Warren, after Shay had to let him go, was met with a blinding flash of jealousy. No, Shay had no right to feel anything about some future woman – or future women, more likely – but she did. Oh, hell, yeah… she did. Mentally, she saw herself drawing a six-shooter, pointing it at a tittering bunch of blondes in short skirts waving their fingertips at Warren.

  Stay the fuck away from him, ladies. He’s mine.

  Stupid, stupid, wishful thinking. He’s not mine after this all ends.

  But he was hers for now, no denying that. Shay wanted him.

  And she was going to take him.

  Trying to not jostle her leg, Shay sat down next to the sofa, stroked his forehead with a feather-light touch. He sighed, turned his face to her fingers, smiled in his sleep. Encouraged, she traced the curve of his lips, his stubbled cheekbones, his dark-blond beard. When he tensed a bit, made a small sound, she leaned in, pressed the tiniest, softest kiss in the history of the world on his mouth.

  His eyes opened now, and she smiled at the sparks of desire burning bright in those depths.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

�� he responded. “You sleep OK?”

  “Yep. I’m sorry I flaked out on you. It feels like all I do lately is eat and sleep.”

  Those sparks burst in to flame now, and he slid his hand to the back of her neck, held her in place. “That ain’t all you do lately, baby.”

  She gasped, and then he pulled her down to his mouth. The kiss was a miracle of sweetness and possession, and she was immediately ready for him. For all of him.

  “Warren, please,” she moaned in to his mouth, and he heard it. He froze, pulled back.

  “You sure?” he asked, his thumb stroking the side of her throat, feeling her heart beating wildly. “You sure you want this?”


  “Say it.”

  “I want this. I want you.” She swallowed, seeking courage. She knew that she had to say it all out loud, or he’d never believe her. “I want to make love with you.”

  “Your leg?” he asked softly, still stroking her skin.

  “It’s alright.”

  “And you? You feeling OK about all that happened earlier?” His eyes weren’t letting her go. “No regrets? No bad dreams? No flashbacks?”

  “No. None of any of those things.”

  “It’s not too fast?”

  Warren seemed determined to talk her out of sleeping with him, and although she appreciated his concern and protectiveness, she also really, really wanted him inside her body. She smiled at him, knowing that he needed to be sure that she was OK. He’d never forgive himself if he scared her, and she knew that as sure as she knew her own name. So she took a deep breath, got to reassuring him.

  “It’s not too fast,” she said. “I’m not in any pain, and I’m not afraid. I’m ready, Warren. Ready to love you all the way.” She held his gaze. “Will you love me the same way?”


  She blinked, kind of surprised that he’d agreed so easily in the end. “…Yes?”

  “Yes, kitten.” He smiled, removed her glasses and set them on the table, took her face in his hands. “Yes, I will.”

  “Oh. Good.”

  That was all she managed to get out before he was on her. In one strong movement, he’d lifted her up off the floor and in to his lap. Her long legs dangled on either side of his body, her socked feet curled on the soft rug. She was open to him, but she didn’t feel helpless: being on top gave her a sense of calm and control, and she knew right away that that’s why he’d arranged her in this position.

  When he kissed her this time, it had an edge. Something dangerous, something risky. Shay knew that what was about to happen was going to change everything, and not just between them. It was going to change her, and in ways that she could never see coming.

  And she wanted that – God, how she wanted that. She wanted to feel totally safe and free in a man’s arms, with no small moments of tension, or flashes of fear. She’d damn near turned herself inside out to be able to get naked with a man, get in to bed with a man… but if she were being totally honest with herself, she’d never been able to totally give herself to a man sexually. Not even once.

  Tonight, though, she would. And that was going to change her forever.

  He was undressing her now, and she saw how he was watching her the whole time. Checking in, making sure she was alright. Her heart expanded until it filled her whole chest, and she realized that she was almost drowning in her feelings for this man.

  Yeah, he was dangerous and risky. And he was worth every single danger posed, and risk taken.

  She kicked off her thick socks and then reached for him, lifted his t-shirt up and off. She found the top of his boxers, slid them off, threw them on the floor. When she lowered herself again, his massive erection pushed in to her belly, and she pressed up against it, loving the heat and steel.

  “Shay,” he said, in that voice that turned her knees to water. “I want you.”

  “You have me,” she replied, her hand busy between their bodies now, stroking his length. “So take me.”

  He opened the drawer in the table next to the sofa, and pulled out a condom. Stunned, she stared at it.

  “Um, really?” she said. “Condoms in the living room side table?”

  Warren grinned at her, gave a shrug. “This is a hide-out for an MC, kitten, and the boys bring women up here with them to help pass the time. This cabin is barely one step above a brothel, in some ways, so believe me, there are condoms stashed all over the place.”


  “Oh, hell, yeah.”

  “You think there are enough?” she breathed, watching him roll the condom on. “Because I have to tell you, Warren, I don’t think I’ll be able to get enough of you once we start this.”

  He leaned back against the sofa, slid his hand to her tender folds. She gave a small cry as he stroked her sex, and she knew that she was soaked already.

  “Oh, God, baby.” His fingers slipped inside her, testing her, finding her totally open and ready for him. “I’ll never get enough of you, either.”

  Without another word, she slowly moved forward, moved up on his body. His hands were on her hips now, just holding her, but not guiding her at all, certainly not setting the pace. No, he just held her curves in his large palms and watched as she grasped his hardness, rubbed it against her clit. She shuddered at even that small contact, and then she felt his head at her entrance. She paused, loving the way that he was opening her up, and his one hand moved to her face.

  “You good, baby?” he asked, his voice rumbling from deep in his broad chest. “You with me?”

  Shay smiled at him, and in response, she lifted her hips, slowly lowered on to his cock. He hissed a shocked breath from between his lips, and she kept going. He was thick and she was still adjusting to him, but she loved the feeling of being so filled by Warren.

  She took about half of him, then she rolled her hips, just to get some relief. His cock pushed against something inside her, something melting and intense. She gasped, slid down more, took more of him, kept going until she was sitting on his thighs, and he was fully sheathed inside her body. She felt him throbbing against her inner walls, almost massaging them, and she shut her eyes to better experience this amazing sensation.

  Warren cursed under his breath, fighting to stay still under her. Christ, she was so damn hot and tight, and he knew that he wasn’t going to last long. It had been years since he’d done this, and his stomach was already clenching hard with the need to come.

  But not yet. Not until she got there. And from the look on her face, she wasn’t going to take too long.

  Thank the Lord for small mercies.

  “Baby, you gotta move,” he grunted. “I’m so close already, but you’re in charge here.”

  Those astonishing green eyes opened again, and she stared down at him. “Warren…”

  “Right here, kitten.” He sat up, wrapped his arms around her, captured her lips in a bruising kiss. “I’ve got you.”

  When she gripped his shoulders and started to ride him, he honestly thought that he was going to lose it within seconds. Her hips were gyrating so perfectly, and she was taking him so deep, and she was so warm and sweet in his arms. She was an angel come to life, and as she took him harder with every stroke, he started to thrust up, trying to find that magic spot that made her unravel. She gave a sharp cry, shifted her hips a bit, planted her feet more firmly on the floor. Her rocking movements became stronger, faster, and he knew that she was riding the wave.

  His hands moved to her rounded ass, slid under her. Gently, he started to help her, lifting her up and down on his cock, and she kept rolling her hips as she descended. The grinding friction was too much, much much too much, and before long, they were gasping and clutching at each other, trying to breathe between sizzling kisses.

  It was nothing but feeling now, and they were both slaves to it. Over and over, they surged against eac
h other, not even one inch of space between their heated, writhing bodies. Shay’s nipples rubbed against the hair on his chest, and it just added one more layer of sensation for both of them. It was all sexual, all animal, all hunger.

  And it had never been better for either of them.

  Warren managed to slide his hand between them now, found her clit. He wasn’t gentle at all – his touch was all about dark possession and darker need, and he squeezed her little pearl between his rough fingers, released, then squeezed again. Shay cried out and buried her face in his muscled shoulder as his thrusts got wilder, harder.

  “You’re gonna come now, baby,” he growled in her ear, and she knew he was back in charge here. “You’re gonna come all over me, and you’re taking me with you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her nails digging in to his strong upper back, leaving half-moon gouges in his Fallen Angels tattoo, her orgasm so close that she could taste it. “Yes… Warren…”

  “Fuck,” he muttered as she started to clutch at him, her pussy muscles rippling on his cock. “Oh, God, Shay… I can feel you…”

  Those words threw her right over the cliff, and suddenly, she was falling through space and time, her whole existence reduced to the clenching and releasing between her legs. She gave a scream, then another, her back arching, her lower body moving without any conscious thought on her part. He fucked her through her orgasm, fucked her until she fell forward on to his chest, fucked her until his own climax exploded through and out of him.

  But it wasn’t fucking, and he knew that. He was making love to Shay, just as she’d asked him to. He was loving her with his body, and not just his body. He was loving her with everything that he had and that he was.

  He was just… loving her.

  When Warren came back to himself – maybe seconds later, maybe months later – he found Shay trembling in his embrace, almost sobbing, her face still hidden in his chest. Right away, he eased her away from him.

  “Shay? Talk to me, kitten. You alright?”

  “Y – yes,” she stammered. “I’m just – I’ve never – it was –”

  “I get it,” he said softly. “It was intense, huh?”


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