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Page 16

by Elizabeth Kelly

  “Sadora,” I murmured into her ear, “should I go?”

  “No,” she said sleepily before wrapping her arm around my waist, “please stay with me, Quill. Will you?”

  “Yes.” I kissed her forehead. “Yes, my sweet sadora.”

  * * *


  “Hello, my King.” I smiled happily at Quill when I opened the door to my apartment.

  “Good evening, Sabrina,” he replied. “May I come in?”

  I nodded and followed him into the kitchen. He carried a large tray in his hands and it was filled with food. I hadn’t seen him since he left my bed early this morning, and I sat down at the table as he opened a bottle of gallberry juice and handed it to me.

  “Did you have a good day?” I took a drink of the juice.

  “Busy. How was your day?”

  “Good. Teo took me for a walk in the garden after breakfast, and Faro and I went for another tour of the palace after lunch. We got lost.” I grinned at him and he laughed before handing me a plate of food.

  “Faro is fairly new to working and living in the palace and is not known for his sense of direction,” he said. “I am sorry I could not spend more time with you today.”

  “That’s okay,” I said. “Teo told me that you were very busy today. Were you working with Roden again?”

  He shook his head. “No, I was meeting with Bitta for most of the day.”

  “Is there something wrong?” I asked. He seemed tired and a little moody.

  He fidgeted in his chair before pushing his plate of food away. “What I’m about to tell you, only myself and Bitta knows.”

  “I won’t say anything to anyone else.”

  “Bitta oversees our communication equipment. He keeps it in working order, and he sends and receives messages and holograms on behalf of the kingdom.”

  “Okay,” I said. “So, he’s like your IT guy. Got it.”

  “What is IT?” Quill asked.

  “Information Technology. On earth, IT guys work in offices and they fix computers or the hologram machines, download new software – things like that.”

  Quill nodded. “Yes, that is what Bitta does.”

  He drummed his fingers on the table. “During storms, Bitta is not as busy as he normally is. We cannot send out messages or holograms nor receive them until the storm eases. Yesterday, he was doing routine maintenance work on our system and found something.”

  I leaned forward. “What did he find?”

  “A series of encrypted messages sent to the planet of Gokmard.”

  My jaw dropped. “Gokmard? You’re kidding me.”

  “I am not, little human.”

  I studied him for a moment. “How bad is this?”

  “Very bad,” he said. “After we defeated them, the Gokmards returned to their planet. They continued their practice of raiding other planets but stayed away from this star system, until two moons ago.”

  “What happened two moons ago?”

  “The eastern province was attacked by the Gokmard army.”

  “What?” I gave him a look of stunned surprise. “I – there wasn’t anything on the news back home about Draax being attacked.”

  He shrugged. “Humans often cannot see past their own noses. They are grateful to us for our protection against the Gokmards, but their obsession with gallberry juice and what it can do for them is all they really care about.”

  I gave him a look of shame. I couldn’t even argue with his logic – humans really did just want the gallberry juice and they didn’t give a second thought to anything else.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  He reached out to squeeze my hand. “You have nothing to apologize for, Sabrina. Besides, we are not innocent in the arrangement. We use the gallberry juice to take what we need from the humans.”

  I must have still looked miserable about it because he reached over and urged me to sit in his lap. His tail wrapped around my waist and squeezed comfortingly as he pressed a kiss against my mouth.

  “All races take what they want without much thought for other races. It is the way of the galaxy, little human.”

  “I guess. But if you guys talked to our government, told them that you were being attacked by the Gokmards, maybe they would – I don’t know – send humans to help. We have armies and -”

  He laughed. “Your human army is pitiful, Sabrina. You would fall quickly against the Gokmards and be more of a liability to us than useful. We are a warrior race and can handle the Gokmards.”

  I wondered if he even heard the arrogance in his voice. Probably not. Besides, was it arrogant if he was being truthful? I had seen the way he and Galan sparred and could only imagine how fierce they were when they fought.

  A shiver went through me. The thought of Quill fighting, of possibly being injured or even killed sent dread through me and I unconsciously leaned into him. “You – you aren’t allowed to fight because you’re the king, right?”

  “Yes. But I am still a warrior and will do what is necessary to protect my people.”

  “But if you die without an heir, that’s really bad. You can’t fight anymore.” My relief was quickly disappearing.

  “I would not die in battle, sadora. Do not worry.”

  I scowled at him. “You don’t know that. What if you’re having an off day with sword fighting or something? You could die and then I’ll be all -”

  I stopped abruptly. I was about to say I would be all alone and Jesus, could I be any more selfish? If Quill died, the Draax would lose their king. What did it matter if I was alone? Besides, Quill wasn’t mine. He belonged to Evelyn and when the storm ended, I would be alone anyway.

  “Sadora? What is wrong?” Quill was rubbing my lower back as the end of his tail rubbed my hip.

  I made myself smile at him. “Nothing’s wrong. Just worried about you fighting.”

  “I am the best warrior in the western province.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. Quill’s arrogance could from time to time be somewhat charming. “Right, I keep forgetting that. These encrypted messages – have you figured out what they say?”

  “No, not yet. Bitta is working on it, but he says it will take quite some time. They are heavily encrypted.”

  “So, it’s someone who is smart at computer stuff,” I said thoughtfully. “Is there anyone in the palace other than Bitta who is good at that sort of thing?”


  “You don’t honestly believe it’s Galan, do you?”

  “No, I do not. Galan would never betray his people.” His face turned a dark green and his eyes flashed silver fire. “But when I find out who is the betrayer, Krono help them. I will show no mercy.”

  I shivered again, and Quill returned to rubbing my lower back. “So,” I said tentatively, “is everyone in the eastern province, um, okay?”

  He grinned at me. “Yes, little human, they are fine. They destroyed the Gokmard army easily.”

  “Really?” I had seen the holograms of the war and watched the Draax defeat the Gokmards, but I was still a little surprised. The Gokmards were large, hulking beasts covered in thick brown fur, who looked more comfortable on all fours rather than walking upright. They looked like mindless beasts and acted like mindless beasts, but they weren’t. They were incredibly intelligent, and their level of technology was superior to ours.

  “Why are you so surprised?” He raised his eyebrows at me and I could hear a hint of irritation in his voice.

  “Because they have guns and long glowing stick thingies that can cut a person in half, and you fight with swords.”

  “The energy from their rayguns can barely pierce our skin,” he said with a roll of his eyes, “and they have no talent for sword fighting. Their energy blades are only dangerous if they can get past our swords and they cannot.”

  He grinned at me with bloodlust in his eyes. I probably should have been nervous, I had never seen this side of Quill before, but I wasn’t. Truthfully, I was a little turned on. I t
hought back to the way Quill had looked when he was sparring with Galan and my damn pussy dampened.

  My face burned bright red when Quill inhaled deeply. He grinned and cupped my breast through my shirt as he nuzzled my neck. “I can smell your arousal for me, little human.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  “Yes, I can. Quite easily.”

  “The polite thing to do would be to not mention it,” I said.

  He laughed and reached between my legs to cup my pussy. I was wearing jeans and he pressed the denim against my clit. “I like knowing you are so needy for me.”

  “I’m not that needy,” I muttered. He pressed harder and I was helpless to stop my soft moan.

  “No, not at all,” he said teasingly. “Why are you not wearing your thin pants? I do not like these pants.” He pulled at the stiff material of my jeans. “From now on you are to wear dresses without panties or the thin, tight pants so that I can easily access your pussy.”

  I laughed. “Do you really think you can tell me what to wear and I’ll just obey, my King?”

  “It was worth a try, was it not?”

  “Sure.” I cupped his face and kissed him. We kissed deeply for long moments. When his big hand cupped my breast, I arched into his touch. He frowned and pulled at my bra strap through my shirt.

  “I dislike this as well, little human. Stop wearing it.”

  “Not a chance. I have enough problems with gravity, thank you very much,” I said. “Besides, I have a feeling that you really won’t be happy unless I’m walking around naked.”

  His silver eyes turned slate grey and I moaned when he bit my neck lightly. “You are a very clever little human.”

  “Thank you.”

  Quill was nipping at my neck and his hand was under my shirt and worming its way under my bra. With a growl of impatience, he pulled my shirt over my head and flicked open my bra then dropped it on the table. His hot tongue circled my nipple before he sucked heavily.

  I cried out and clutched at his head, rocking my ass against his hard dick as he laved and licked and sucked both of my nipples until they were dark red and hard and swollen. When he lifted his head, I moaned in disappointment.

  He plucked at my nipples. “You did not eat all your dinner, sadora.”

  “I’m not hungry for food.” I bit my bottom lip. “Please, Quill.”

  “What are you hungry for?” He asked.


  “Be more specific, human.”

  I glared at him. “Oh my God, are we going to have sex or not?”

  He laughed. “So impatient, little human. We will have sex when you tell me what I want to hear.”

  “Fine!” I huffed. “I’m hungry for your cock, all right? I want it in my pussy.”

  There was a knock on the door. I squeaked and automatically covered my breasts as I stared at Quill. “Who is that?”

  “Answer the door and find out, sadora.”

  “I reached for my bra and my shirt and he shook his head. “You do not need those.”

  “Like hell I don’t!” I tried to grab my bra, but he was faster than me and tossed it behind him to land on the floor.


  He handed me my shirt as there was another knock on the door. “Your modesty is very cute, little human. Go and answer the door.”

  I yanked my shirt over my head, huffing at him again when I slid off his lap and he gave me a light spank on the ass. As I reached for the door, I took a quick glance at my chest. My nipples were still rock hard and poking against my thin t-shirt. I clamped my arm over my chest and opened the door.

  “Galan?” I blinked at him as he smiled politely at me.

  “Good evening, Sabrina.”

  “Um, hi. What – what are you doing here?”

  He gave me a puzzled look. “The king requested my presence in your quarters this evening.”

  I clutched at the door and turned my head to stare at Quill. He grinned at me and a funny little cramp of pleasure went through my lower belly.

  Don’t be silly, my inner voice whispered. He probably just needed to talk to Galan about something. He didn’t bring his best friend to tag team you tonight.

  “Let Galan in, Sabrina,” Quill said.

  I turned back, and my cheeks flushed bright red when I realized that I had dropped my arm. Galan was staring at my tits, at the way my nipples were clearly visible against the material of my shirt. When he raised his gaze to my face, my mouth went dry. Fuck, his copper eyes had darkened to burnt bronze and I could almost feel the heat of them on my skin.

  I backed up, stumbling a little over my own feet and crossed my arms over my breasts. “Uh, come in, please, Galan.”

  My voice was little more than a whisper. Still staring at me, Galan stepped into the room and shut the door behind him.

  Don’t look at his crotch. Don’t look at his crotch, I repeated inwardly in a desperate litany as my eyes wandered to his crotch. The bulge of his erection was obvious against his pants and he adjusted himself without any shame as I stared at him.

  The hard warmth of Quill’s body was suddenly against my back and I didn’t resist when he tugged my arms to my sides. Galan immediately stared at my tits again and Quill nuzzled my neck.

  “Hello, Galan.”

  “Hello, my King. I am sorry I am late.”

  “You are not. We were just getting started. Were we not, little human?”

  “Starting what?” I moaned when Quill cupped my breast and rubbed his thumb across my nipple.

  “Bringing you pleasure,” he whispered into my ear. His fingers tugged on the hem of my t-shirt. “Lift your arms, my sadora. Galan wants to taste the sweetness of your nipples.”

  Moaning again, I lifted my arms and allowed Quill to pull my shirt over my head. He dropped it to the floor and took my arms, pulling them back behind me until my back arched. My breasts were thrust forward on display and Galan drank in his fill of them as Quill kissed my shoulder.

  “Would you like Galan to suck on your nipples?”


  “Yes what?” He nipped my neck and my hips bucked.

  “Yes, please,” I moaned.

  “Galan, give Sabrina what she wants,” Quill said.

  “Yes, my King,” Galan replied.

  He stepped forward and I couldn’t hold back my moan when he cupped my breasts. His hands were warm and rough, and he toyed with my nipples as I gasped. Quill kissed my neck and my hands tightened into fists when Galan leaned down and licked my right nipple. He blew on it and it puckered into a tight little bud.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered before sucking my nipple into his mouth.

  “Oh my God!” I arched forward, and Quill held me in a hard grip as Galan teased and licked both of my nipples. Each tug of his mouth sent a bolt of pleasure straight to my crotch and I pumped my hips uselessly back and forth.

  Quill released my arms and I immediately clutched Galan’s head, threading my fingers in his dark hair and holding on for dear life as Quill rubbed my belly and Galan sucked hard on my throbbing nipples.

  “Please,” I whimpered.

  Quill licked my throat as his fingers unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. He tugged my jeans and my panties down over my ass and pushed them down my legs.

  “Galan,” he murmured.

  Galan released my breasts and crouched at my feet. I squeaked in surprise when Quill’s arm slipped around my waist and he lifted me. Galan pulled my jeans and panties off my feet and tossed them aside as Quill set me back on my feet.

  Galan leaned forward and pressed a kiss against my upper thigh. I moaned and parted my legs immediately. Galan made a hoarse sound of need and Quill cupped my pussy and rubbed it lightly.

  “Galan wishes to taste your sweet pussy, sadora. Would you like that?”

  “Yes,” I said. “God, yes. Please.”

  Both Quill and Galan laughed quietly, but I didn’t feel any shame as Quill lifted me and carried me to the bedroom. He set me on the m
iddle of the bed on my knees, but when I tried to roll onto my back, he shook his head.

  “No, sadora. Stay on your knees and spread your thighs wide.”

  I gave him a confused look and he kissed me hard, sucking on my tongue as I moaned and melted against him. When he released my mouth, I gave him a dazed look of need and he smiled at me. “Do as I say and spread your legs.”

  I spread my legs as I felt the bed dip behind me. I jerked when Galan’s warm and naked chest pressed against my spine and his arm slipped around my waist. He had undressed while Quill and I were kissing, and I ground my ass against his cock. He groaned and cupped my face, turning it to the side so he could angle his mouth over mine. He kissed me, sliding his tongue into my mouth and tasting me with long slow strokes as I leaned against him. Where Quill’s kisses were hard and demanding, Galan’s coaxed and teased. Both drove me crazy with desire. When he cupped my tits and pulled on my nipples, I reached behind me and dug my fingers into his rock-hard thighs, silently begging him for more.

  He broke the kiss and smiled at me. “Such a sweet tasting human.”

  “Please,” I whispered.

  He kissed me again before sliding off the bed. I whined in disappointment, but Quill was standing next to the bed and he reached out and stroked my breast. “Shh, sadora. We know what you need.”

  He was naked now and I reached eagerly for his cock, stroking it from base to tip. He groaned and gave me a hazy look of need before pulling on my thigh. “Wider, my sadora.”

  I was confused but I spread my legs even wider until I could feel the burn in my thighs. “I thought Galan was going to eat my pussy?” I was a little embarrassed by the whine in my voice.

  “He is,” Quill said as the bed dipped again.

  My eyes widened when I felt Galan’s shoulders brush against my inner legs. He was lying on his back between my legs. He wedged his upper body between my thighs and I stared down at him in shock before automatically reaching down to cover my pussy. I was soaking wet and I was worried that I’d drip all over his damn face.

  “Move your hand,” Quill said from my left.


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