Fighting Demon: Devil's Knights Series

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Fighting Demon: Devil's Knights Series Page 17

by Winter Travers

  A sob escaped my lips as his words, and everything was right. No matter what happened in our lives, I knew that as long as I had Demon with me, everything was going to be perfect. “I need you to kiss me,” I whispered.

  Demon growled and leaned back, his hand cupping my cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He slammed his lips down on mine, taking and giving with each stroke and thrust of his tongue. My hands roamed over his body, feeling every soft and hard plain of his wet, slick skin.

  I ground my hips into his rock hard dick, needing to feel him buried deep inside me. His hands traveled down my body, grabbing my ass and he squeezed hard making a moan escape from my lips. “Tell me,” he growled low.

  I leaned back, taking in the man before me. “I’ve loved you for seven years, Demon. I never stopped.”

  “All mine,” he bragged. He threaded his fingers through my hair and gently pulled my head down to him. “It’s always been you, Paige. No matter what you think, it was always you.” His hips bucked underneath me, and I lifted up on my knees and reached down into the water. My hand connected with his cock, and I gently stroked him up and down.

  “I thought about you all the time. Even when I shouldn’t have, my thoughts always came back to you.”

  “Me too. Every hour of the day I wondered where you were, what you were doing and who you were with. We missed so much, but now I get to make up for those years for the rest of my life.” His words wrapped around me and I felt like I was home again. I was finally where I should be.

  I lifted up a little higher and scooted closer to him. “Good, now make me yours, Demon.” His dick throbbed in my hand, and I knew he needed this as much as I did. I slowly slid down on him, his cock stretching me open and I closed my eyes. “Yes,” I gasped.

  Demon’s hands traveled down my body, grazing my breasts and land on the curve of my hips. “You ready to ride me, baby?”

  I nodded my head, unable to speak. I felt so full, feeling Demon in me all the way to the root of his cock. His hands grasped my hips and slowly pulled me up and down. The water swirled around us, and I rested my hands on his shoulders as I felt everything he was giving me.

  “So fucking tight,” he grunted as he picked up the pace, his hips slapping against me with every thrust. “You like that?” he snarled.

  I arched my back, thrusting my breast into him and his mouth clamped down on my nipple. “Yes, God yes,” I called. His teeth nipped at me, sending shivers down my spine. “Please,” I called over and over. My nails dug into his back as I felt the edge come closer, knowing it was only a matter of time before I shattered.

  “Take it, baby. Take all of me.” I shivered at his words, knowing that I finally had my dirty talking biker back.

  He slammed into me over and over, his lips on my neck when I fell apart in his arms, and I knew that he would put every piece back together just so we could do it all over again. I collapsed into his arms as his grunts and groans of pleasure surrounded me knowing that I was the one to give that to him.

  The jets of the hot tub turned off, and the sound of our heavy breathing mingled with sounds of nature. “Hot tub sex. Can check that one off the list,” I laughed.

  “I can tell you one thing, baby, that won’t be the last time.”

  “How come the jets turned off?” I asked as I twirled my hand in the water.

  “Timer. They’ll kick back on in a little bit.”

  “Hmm,” I hummed. “You were amazing, by the way.”

  “So were you, Paige. I could never get tired of being with you.” He pressed a kiss to the side of my head and his hands gently rubbed my back.

  Snowflakes started falling from the sky, adding an extra coat of flakes to the ground. “Were you always this romantic?” I asked, leaning back. “I mean, sledding, a horse-drawn sleigh ride, and now sexy time in the hot tub. Your woo game is strong,” I laughed.

  “I think it was always there, I’ve just refined it over the years. I used to bring you flowers all the time. Now it’s a romantic kidnapping.”

  I snorted and slapped my hand over my nose but couldn’t stop laughing. “No one has ever had a more romantic kidnapping,” I agreed. I laid my head down on his shoulders and sighed. “I love you, Demon.”

  “I love yo-”

  “Oh my God! Not the hot tub!” Meg screeched. “I’m blind!” Demon wrapped his arms around me, turned me around pressed me into the side of the tub, shielding me from anyone seeing me. “Ah, now I can see your ass!”

  “Then close your damn eyes,” Demon growled.

  A laugh bubbled out of me, and I buried my face in Demon’s neck. “I have my hands over my eyes, but you should have warned me that you were going to twirl around and show me your lily-white ass.”

  “I don’t fucking twirl,” Demon grunted back.

  “That was a twirl, definitely. Ow, shit.” Something rattled on the deck, and it sounded like Meg stumbled.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Demon demanded. “Just go in the house.”

  “I’m trying, but I don’t want to open my eyes. I knew I should have brought Blue with me even though he wanted to stay with Lo. He would have guided me out of this horrible situation. Why am I the one who always walks in on people bumping uglies?” Meg gripped. “Like I haven’t been punished enough seeing Troy’s ass, now I have Demon’s to add to my memory bank of traumatic shit. Nightmares, all of them,” Meg rambled.

  “Slider,” Demon hollered. “Get this crazy woman out of here!”

  I heard another set of footsteps but was too embarrassed to look. “Woman, I told you to leave them alone,” Slider barked.

  “How was I supposed to know that they were naked playing hide the sausage? Give me your hand and guide me. I’ve been blinded by Demon’s white ass.”

  “I swear to Christ, it wasn’t bad enough babysitting Fayth, now I’ve got your crazy ass to deal with,” Slider snarled.

  “There, just pull me along and tell me when there’s a step.” I peeked over Demon’s shoulder and saw Meg with her arm stretched out, and Slider tugged her back into the house. “Oh, and Demon, you’re an ass,” she snapped. “If you’re going to talk about my ass, as least say I have a sexy, crazy ass, it lessens the blow.”

  Slider shook his head. “Step,” he growled. Meg lifted her foot but not high enough and fell into Slider.

  “Good God man. Have you never guided someone blinded by ass before? Give a girl some warning, would you?” Meg scolded. She tried again and managed to make the step this time into the house, and Slider slid the patio door shut.

  “They gone?” Demon growled.

  “Yeah, at least for now. We should probably get out before Meg comes out with disinfectant for the hot tub,” I laughed. “We forgot towels,” I shivered, looking around at our clothes that were scattered all over the deck. Thankfully Slider and Demon had shoveled it off earlier, and they were sitting in a pile of snow.

  “There’s towels in a cubby on the side. Fucking thing is heated.” Demon set me down in one of the seats, and he moved to the other end if the tub where he leaned over and pulled out two towels.

  I stood up, wrapped it around me. “It’s almost like you have this planned.”

  “I did, baby. You’re wearing off on me,” he winked as he stood up and wiped down his body. He slid out of the hot tub and gathered our clothes. “Let me get dressed first, and then I’ll help you.” He made quick work of pulling clothes on, and I just watched.

  “Did you just admit to planning this?” How strange was it that the thought of Demon planning something made me want to pull him back in the hot tub and show him my appreciation?

  Demon helped me out of the tub and wrapped me up in another warm towel. “You’ll never hear me admit it again, baby, but, yeah, when I was out here shoveling the deck, I scoped out the tub and knew I needed to get you out here.”

  I used the towel he had given me before and dried my hair. “I promise not to tell anyone,�
� I laughed.

  Demon wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. “I think Meg interrupted me before from something very important that I was going to tell you.”

  “Oh really?” I said as I batted my eyelashes at him. “And what would that be?”

  “I love you with everything I am, Paige Lawson, and I’ll never let you go.” Demon’s eyes were warm and showed me everything I needed to see to know that this time, Demon and I were going to make it, and nothing was going to stand in our way. The past was where it belonged, in the past, and Demon and I were right where we were supposed to be.

  “I’ve never wanted anyone but you, Demon. I love you, too.” He kissed me long and hard, and I knew that this was right where I was meant to be.

  I was Demon’s, and he was mine.


  Chapter 26


  “I need to make a phone call.” Fayth stood up from the couch and headed to the front door.

  “You really need to go outside? I just got comfortable, and now I need to follow your ass outside?” I asked, annoyed as fuck. All I wanted was just a quiet night. Demon and Paige had headed back to their cabin after their escapade in the hot tub, and now we were waiting for the pizza Meg had ordered to be delivered.

  Remy was camped out in his room, and Meg was in the kitchen making something.

  “I’ll be fine. I won’t lose sight of the cabin. I just want a little privacy. You know, that thing I haven’t had since I moved to Rockton,” Fayth bit off.

  She acted like everything that was going on was my fault, and I was at my wits end trying to not tell her we were all put out by all the shit going on, but I held it together. For now, at least. “Five minutes, and if you’re not back by then, and I have to find you, you’re going to have a sore ass.”

  Fayth saluted me with her middle finger and headed out the front door. I knew I was going to have to find her because she was just going to spite me and not come back.

  “You do realize that you told her she was going to have a sore ass after you were done with her, right?” Meg laughed from the kitchen. “Those words can be taken in so many ways.”

  “Yeah, well, I can guarantee they’re not meant the way you’re thinking.” I peeked out the window and saw Fayth by the tree line with her phone to her ear, and it looked like she was yelling to whoever was on the other end. “That woman is going to drive me fucking insane before all of this bullshit is over.”

  “When I talked to Lo this afternoon he said hopefully soon they’ll have Big A.”

  All I could do was grunt because King might think that, but none of them knew when this was all going to be over. The mother fucker had been running from us for a long time, and I didn’t see the end in sight. Especially after the shit he had been pulling lately. Sending a fucking morbid message that we better hide the women and children did not seem like he was going to go down easy.

  “Fayth is going through a lot more than we are. We at least weren’t ripped from our homes and thrown into this mess.” Meg pointed her finger at me. “You need to cut her some slack and not give her such a hard time. I was talking to her today when we were shopping, and she seems pretty amazing, Slider.”

  I again grunted because honestly, Meg was fucking right, but there was no way in hell I was going to admit that to her. I had been with Fayth for over a month, and there were times when she thought I wasn’t watching, and I saw a completely different person from the front that she put on. The woman was a mystery that I was way too curious to figure out.

  My phone that was on the island started ringing, and Meg tossed it to me as she grabbed a cup of coffee off the counter and made her way to the couch.

  “Sup,” I grunted as I put the phone to my ear.

  “Something's happening, but I have no idea where. Get everyone and stay alert.”

  I sat up and slammed my cup down on the coffee table. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “It means I just got another message from Big A.”

  “What does it say?”

  “One down, seven to go.”

  The blood drained from my face, and I knew exactly what that meant. “I’ll get everyone together. You get headcounts from everyone else?” I stood up and headed to the front door.

  “Yeah, just waiting on you.”

  “I’ve got Meg and Remy with me, and Demon and Paige just left.”

  “What about Fayth?”

  “She’s outside. You really think Big A is dumb enough to go after Leo’s sister?” Fucking with a notorious mafia boss’s sister was not something I would do.

  “I wouldn’t think so, but Big A has already shown that he’s not playing with a full deck. Get Fayth and report back to me.”

  I shoved my phone back into my pocket and grabbed my coat. “You and Remy need to come with me. I’m not letting either of you out of my sight.”

  “What? Why?” Meg asked as she stood up.

  “That was King. Something is going on. I just need to keep you two with me. Run up and get Remy. Quick.”

  Meg nodded her head, knowing that something wasn’t right, and headed up the stairs. “Wait, Meg. Who was on the phone before?”

  “I don’t know. It said unavailable, and all I could hear was someone breathing.”

  A chill ran down my spine, and I knew it wasn’t a coincidence that Meg got that phone call. I nodded my head and shoved my feet into my boots. I heard Meg telling Remy to get up and head downstairs.

  I headed to the closet next to the door and pulled down my Glock that I had on the top shelf. I checked to make sure it was loaded and put it in the waistband of my jeans.

  Someone was going to get hurt tonight, that much I knew for sure. I just didn’t know who.



  “God dammit,” I cussed as I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Leo still wasn’t telling me what was going on, and I was ready to go crazy being stuck in that cabin with Slider.

  Something was going to have to give between us, and I was worried that something was going to end up with both of us in the same bed. I looked around realizing while I was talking to Leo, I had wandered away from the cabin, and now I had no idea which way to go.

  I pulled my phone out again hoping that I could pull up my GPS or something, and that would help me figure out how to get back. I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation I had gotten myself into. Who got lost in the middle of nowhere because they were too busy yelling at their brother. That would be me, Fayth Banachi.

  “How in the hell did I manage to find the one spot in the woods that does not have reception.” I held my phone up to the sky, praying to the gods of reception that my Google would connect, and I could find my way back to the cabin.

  I heard a branch break to my left and froze. Someone or something was close by. It was more than likely Slider who had followed me, but a shiver ran down my spine when a branch broke to my right.

  What the hell was going on? “Slider?” I called out, hoping that he was to the right of Bambi and me was to the left of me.

  “No Devil’s Knights here to save you, Chiquita,” I heard from my left.

  Oh, fuck. I took a step back trying to figure out what to do. I cursed my choice of style over sensible shoes and knew I wouldn’t be able to run fast. “Shit,” I whispered.

  “I’ve been waiting for you. I watch all the other women with their men, and I knew you were going to be the one who would be my first.” First? First for fucking what? “You know the most ironic thing about this?” A man finally stepped out from behind a tree to my left, and I felt the blood drain from my face. Big A. “You’re not even with one of those Knights, but I’m still going to kill you.”

  “Wh… why?” I stuttered.

  “Because they took my family from me, and now I'm going to take everything they care about. Including you. You know war, Chiquita, there are always innocent people who die. But I think this is for the best. It sends the best message. I’M NOT

  I jumped at his words, and he lifted his arm and pointed a gun at me. “Say hello to Nick for me, and tell him I’ll kill every one of those Knights, just for him.” I heard the gun click as he cocked the trigger and I screamed the only name that I could think of that I knew would save me.

  “Slider!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. The world slowed down as I saw Slider barreling down on Big A, but he was too late. The gun exploded in Big A’s hand, and I fell to the ground, my head shattering with pain. I felt warm, sticky blood trickle down my cheek, and my world went dark.

  The End

  (For Now)

  Coming Soon


  Skid Row Kings Series

  Book 3

  Kurt Jensen has had enough. He couldn’t stand by and watch his family move on without him, especially with the one person who had pushed him away. California was supposed to be the new start he craved and needed, but one wrong turn brought everything crashing down around him, literally.

  Leelee Perez messed up any chance she had with Kurt by pushing him away. Kurt had been Leelee’s knight in shining armor a year ago, saving not only her but also the small family she clung to.

  Now is her chance to make things right.

  Except the only problem is, Kurt is done.

  Done with his family.

  Done with Leelee.

  Relationships will be tested, and bonds will be broken in this thrilling conclusion of the Skid Row Kings Series.

  Haven’t had a chance to meet the Jensen Brother’s yet?

  Here’s a glimpse into DownShift, Luke and Violet’s Story and the beginning of the Skid Row Kings Series!


  Skid Row Kings Series


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