Game of Survival

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Game of Survival Page 31

by T R Tells

  Nobius was standing with a crate in hand waiting for her. He grinned at her when she approached. “You seem to be lagging, anything you need to talk about or confess?”

  “Um, no. Not that I would know how to confess or pray, I have my gods, and I barely know how to communicate or talk to them.” I feel responsible for Hapy’s death, Thea finished in her mind. I shouldn’t have made him make the trip . . . but at least he got some joy in his life before passing.

  “Walk with me, Thea. Do you see these walls?” Nobius gestured with his chin, as they walked inside, interrupting Thea’s thoughts. “The entire building is constructed of dry stone to create a level terrace for the monastery. It’s fortified to keep out the wind and snow, preserving our food. Now, do you see the paintings on the wall?”

  At first, Thea hadn’t paid any attention to the walls, but when he pointed it out, she saw the walls had several portraits of men and women in beautifully dressed clothing.

  “All of these faces that you see were followers of the All-Father and I can tell you all of them had either a traumatic experience or committed a cowardly act, good intentions or not. Do you know what all these people had in common?”

  Thea shook her head, knowing it wasn’t much of a question.

  “They were all accepted by the All-Father, not because one could talk to him the most or the one who had the most confessions, but because it was them he saw. You’re a courtesan. Yes, you’ve most likely killed and stolen, but none of it was your choice. All that matters is who you are, not what you have done or will do. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I guess it’s hard to think that anyone would want me after all that I have been through.” Thea solemnly said. She felt her throat tighten and squeezed her eyes shut.

  “And that’s what makes you, you. You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and the cards you’ve been dealt. Now, shall I quickly show you around? It’ll be brief and then we’ll head to see the others.”

  “Oh, um, yes, of course,” Thea said. She looked up and saw that they were in a hallway. There were three sets of stone steps that led straight and two next to one another to the right. “So which way should we go?”

  “Well, first off, there are four floors of the monastery. You have your North range,” Nobius pointed forward. “The presbytery is where officials and the high priests sleep, the exalted workers, we call them. They have spent a long time in the monastery, so they work to give back what they can. If you need to say a few words and want to sit and talk to anyone or be by yourself, you’ll want to go that way to the high altar.”

  Thea nodded and made a mental note of that in her head.

  “The second set of stairs, the ones closest to us, is the West Range. Your basic necessitates. You have the supply closet for the food, the kitchen, the dining room, infirmary, and the dorms. The one next to it is the East Range, they have more dorms, the Chapter House where Nathan went, it is where officials and high priests meet. Lastly, is The Cloister, there’s a garden there for people to relax and get some fresh air since it is roofless in that area. It is also where the maidens pray and worship there. You will also find the stables and a small bakery there too.”

  Other Magi? “And the fourth area?” Thea asked, even though she wouldn’t be able to remember any of what he said.

  “To get to the South Range, you’ll need to go through the East Range first. That’s just the basics — library to study, toilets, storage for valuables, and more dorms. We’re lucky we won’t have to go far because the girls are in the West Range.”

  “And my sister, where is she?” Thea asked before he could climb up the steps. She couldn’t read the look on Nobius’ calm face, but she couldn’t help but feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as he stared at her. He slowly pulled one side of his lip into a sideways grin.

  “Of course, of course. She’s in the South Range, but as I’ve told you we have to get through the paperwork, so if you will be patient?”

  Thea pressed her lips together and forced a smile on her face. She nodded to Nobius, but in her gut, she couldn’t help but feel that something was off. Just follow the rules, Thea. It’s only protocol. As she followed Nobius to the dorms, a burning sensation blossomed in her chest.

  Chapter Forty

  Angeal sighed over the book on the desk in front of him. He was learning more about the political history of Kingsland, and his father seemed to think he needed to read it over and over. Angeal was bored with reading about his father’s victory over the Ördög King. He’d grown up with constant stories about the war, so he didn’t need to be reading it too — at least that’s what he thought as he skimmed the pages.

  As he turned a page, he saw his brother Donnell out of the corner of his eye waving him over. With a grin, Angeal quickly closed the giant tome and practically leaped out of his chair to get to his brother.

  Donnie greeted Angeal with a smile of his own. "I thought you might need a break from the oh so interesting history of Kingsland."

  "You know father might kill you for ‘disturbing me from my studies,’” Angeal joked, making his voice sound deeper imitating their father’s curt tone.

  "Yeah, well, maybe he needs to get that stick out his ass and take a break too," Donnie snorted, clapping his brother on the back. “Come on, let’s get some fresh air.”

  The pair walked through the palace’s backend courtyard path that overlooked the ocean. The path stretched for miles, wrapping around the castle, and was suspended right above the water. This was a usual favorite spot for the brothers, where the sun glistened off the water just enough to make it sparkle, it made the boys feel like they were overlooking the sea. It was just too beautiful to exist in the Realm.

  As they walked, Angeal dreamed of crossing the sparkling sea and exploring it. He frequently felt trapped by his father, by his responsibility, but he knew that he had to for the kingdom’s sake. The castle felt more like a prison to him sometimes, there has to be more than Kingsland, he thought to himself, the world is full of mysteries I want to discover, experience and not just through the tomes in the library.

  “Copper for your thoughts?” Donnie asked him, seeing his brother staring longingly out towards the sea.

  "Don't you ever wonder what's out there, Donnie?” Angeal asked. “Looking at the beauty that’s stretched out before us, the azure sky and adjacent sea go on for miles past the horizon. There’s possibly islands out there filled with people who don’t know us, who aren’t mundane. The world is so much bigger than Kingsland, but we’re trapped here by our birth.”

  Donnie looked up from the sword hilt he’d been polishing and quirked an eyebrow at his brother. “Since when did you get so philosophically poetic?”

  Angeal rolled his eyes at his brother’s teasing. "Well, you could always pick up a book instead of going around town picking up women" he joked, nudging Donnie with his elbow.

  "Hey, I'm not like those assholes who whore around women and don't give two shits about them the next day,” Donnie said with an eye roll. The thought of the scumbags who use women like that made Thea flash in his mind, with little Kadda and Maggie following. He sincerely wished that he could do something for them.

  Angeal shrugged his shoulders. "Well, that doesn't make you any better, brother. But, don't you ever want to know more about your culture, your people? What happened to you finding more about the Horai? You can't seriously think sitting behind these walls is more exciting than seeing the world."

  Donnie didn’t say anything for a moment and shrugged. He didn’t think his brother realized he was as trapped as him. While Angeal was trapped here by duty, Donnie had no money. He was a bastard with a Bastard surname, Blackstone. If his mother had not pleaded for his survival, he might have been dead somewhere.

  To distract himself from his thoughts, Donnie turned to his brother.

  "Hey, let’s spar. We missed our last one," Donnie tossed a sword to Angeal as he spoke, which his brother caught easily with one hand and

  "That's because you were out all day,” Angeal teased. “Who was it this time, dear brother?"

  They walked to the sparring courtyard. It was smaller than the central courtyard where nobles loved to stroll. This courtyard had a hard dirt ground and instead of flowers and other plants decorating it, there were sparring dummies and racks of different weapons. Angeal walked into the middle of the courtyard, sword in hand, while Donnie selected a sword for himself.

  "Well, I don't remember her name -" Donnie started.

  "Which is my point exactly," Angeal said. "You know women are more than just side pieces to croon over." As he spoke, Angeal lunged at his brother, and Donnie parried his attack with ease, stepping to the side.

  "Oh gosh, you sound like Khloette,” Donnie said with an eye roll, circling his brother. “When is she coming back, by the way? Wasn't she visiting one of father's friends?"

  "Yes, in Wrenada. Father hopes to get her to marry King Peregrine's son."

  Donnie lunged at Angeal, missing him by just a hair as Angeal twisted gracefully to the side. Angeal’s move allowed him to go for his brother’s feet, and Donnie stumbled a little bit.

  "No foul play!" Donnie exclaimed, righting his position again. "Didn't I almost beat up that prince when we were children because he cut Khloe's hair?"

  Angeal snickered a little, remembering the moment before the consequences of his brother’s actions came to mind. "And you were beaten for it,” he said somberly.

  Their swords met in the middle, clanking together once before they stepped away from each other. In a move they’d practiced many times, they held their swords up close to their faces and began circling each other.

  "But, he's an upstanding gentleman now," Angeal said, not believing it himself.

  Donnie scoffed, “Right, I call bullshit. Kholette would never fall for such a scumbag. She’d see through him instantly.”

  The swords clashed for several seconds before Angeal spoke over the noise.

  “Speaking of women, Donnie, might I ask you a question?”

  Donnie’s brow raised and he smirked. “Eh, Birds and the bees? You sly prince you, didn’t know you had a girl lurking behind Father’s back.”

  Donnie lunges at Angeal, but Angeal parried and pushed Donnie back some.

  “I’ve never met her and . . . don’t know what she looks like, but she’s in my dreams.”

  Donnie frowned. For a moment, he almost forgot where he was and Angeal’s sword nearly collided into him.

  “Come again? You never met this girl, but you are dreaming about her?”

  “Yes. I know it seems odd, but I’ve had that dream a few times.”

  The brothers parried and dodged, evading one another’s attacks.

  “Well, what’s it about? They always say dreams represent something.”

  “It’s the same dream every time, I know we are in the palace and . . . we’re laughing. It’s simply about normal things and we kiss. But the kiss seems so real like I’m there.”

  Angeal's eyes twinkled as he spoke of the mystery woman. Donnie had seen his brother's eyes shine like that when talking of the beauty of nature and his dreams of exploring: it was one of love and wonder. Angeal looked to his brother, hoping he would have an answer as to the mysterious woman who had slipped into his dreams. He couldn’t help but feel a yearning at that moment, a desire even, but how could he desire what may only be a figment of his imagination? Could he genuinely have manifested someone because he felt so trapped in the layers of the very walls he grew up in? Angeal didn’t want to think it was true. He wanted there to be some personal hope. The feelings he had for this mystery woman were too strong just to be a dream.

  “Well,” Donnie started, looking at the shift in his brother’s posture. “It could mean a sign of hope. Hell, even in a world like this who says there isn’t a thing called hope? I’d say wait for it, Angeal. You never know what could happen and you might find your mystery girl sooner than you think.”

  Donnie stepped toward his brother, hoping to catch him off guard and go for a quick strike. Their swords clashed, feet dancing as they worked their way around the courtyard. The determination set in their faces and for the next couple of minutes, all conversation died as they fought. Angeal focused entirely on his brother as they danced, lunging, parrying, whirling away.

  Eventually, Angeal broke the silence. "You’re a good brother, you know that, right? To Kholette and me.”

  The corner of Donnie’s lip quirked in a half-smile, "Well, someone has to watch out for you two in this shitless world."

  "Well you are too kind brother, but I would think it is you," Angeal started, his sword going for Donnie's hand to attempt to disarm him. He hooked the sword hilt, and its blade soared through the air, gleaming in the sunlight. The tip of Angeal’s sword pointed toward Donnie’s face. "Who needs to be watched. Do you surrender?"

  Donnie sighed in resignation, raising his hands. "The student has surpassed the teacher, I see. Fine, fine I yield." Donnie bent to grab his fallen sword. "But protecting people extends beyond family.”

  "What do you mean?" Angeal asked, tilting his head in confusion.

  "The brothels, one in particular called the Meretrix. It's terrible conditions there, the management is terrible. . ." Donnie’s face began turning red as he spoke, thinking of poor little Kadda.

  “Donnell?” Angeal started, worry in his voice. “What is it?” He put his hand lightly on his brother’s forearm.

  "I know this girl, it's simply platonic, I swear. But her and her friend . . . It's madness there and with you becoming king, you can make something happen." Worry made Donnie blurt everything out instead of organizing his thoughts.

  Donnie took a deep breath, then began explaining everything to his brother. About Thea and her attempted suicide, her poor mute daughter, and Maggie, who was so kind and loving, and Donnie could see the Meretrix slowly taking that away from her. He’d been to visit the Meretrix regularly since Thea left, making sure Maggie and little Kadda were doing alright, bringing them little treats — the way little Kadda’s face lit up warmed his heart.

  Angeal listened silently to Donnie, taking in everything his brother told him. He’d known there were problems in the kingdom but learning of the atrocities that are allowed to happen under his father’s rule was still a shock to him. This was something that needed to be addressed, but he didn’t think his father would care much about the “lesser” people. Angeal disagreed with many of his father’s decisions, especially concerning those his father deemed beneath him; like when he forced all the Ördögans out of Kingsland all those years ago. Angeal worried that by the time he became king his father would have done irreparable damage to the kingdom, leaving him with a mess to untangle.

  Angeal took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts so he could share them with his brother. “Donnie—” he started

  “Angeal!” Their father’s angry voice rang out across the courtyard, startling the boys.

  The king strode with a purpose toward them, glaring daggers at Donnie. Angeal bowed to his father out of respect, and habit, but Donnie ignored him completely.

  "You are supposed to be attending to your studies, why are you out here?" He demanded when he reached them.

  "Forgive me, father. It was high time for a break. Doesn't a good king know when to take a break and when to return to his duties?" Angeal said, his tone respectful even though inside he wanted nothing more than to confront his father.

  "He does. He also knows when it is time to get rid of childish things and become a man," he replied, continuing to glare at Donnie. "You will return to the library at once, finish your history lesson and then be ready for brunch."

  Angeal withheld the sigh he so wanted to release, bowed to his father and walked back to the boring lessons about Kingsland’s political history.


  Alone with his father, Donnie silently hoped he would ignore him and return to his business; but as the king looked at h
im, he knew he wouldn’t be so lucky.

  "You'll be attending, Donnell, won't you? Or do you have some rift raft hole to be in?" His father towered over him, hands clasped behind his back, wearing his usual stoic expression.

  Donnie smirked. "Why father, I didn't think you cared enough to be seen with a bastard such as myself? Shall I call the press? Make a huge announcement that the King has accepted his bastard!" His voice rose as he spoke, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

  The king glared at his son. "Do not test my patience, Donnell. You are only here, unfortunately, because your mother wanted it. You mean nothing to me. So, when you are called to attend brunch, you will attend and respect whose house you are in," Donnie balled up his hands at his father’s comments, accidentally cutting himself with his sword. "Now change into something more appropriate, you look like you've slept in a whore house."

  With that, the king walked away. Donnie looked at his cut hand, his blood running the length of the blade, dripping onto the ground beneath him. The land greedily drank the blood and his veins were happy to continue producing more for it. Donnie set aside his sword and shook out his bleeding hands, sending splatters everywhere and each drop absorbed into the thirsting land.


  Thea and Nobius headed through the gray stone hallway and the décor were precisely the same as the entryway, with paintings on the walls of past leaders and potpourri sat nestled in a bowl on tables under some of the pictures. The smell of fresh pine wafted up Thea’s nose when they passed it and headed toward a door just across the hall.

  “This here is the room. Three to a room, but the girls like to gather and have a prayer circle once a week. I’m sure you girls will get along just fine,” Nobius said with a smile as the door opened. Fourteen girls were sitting on the floor, in a circle, wearing matching white gowns. A person stood in the doorway, and Thea had to crane her neck up to look at the seven-foot-tall woman with ebony colored skin. Her dark black hair was twisted and hung past her shoulders, and her bright blue eyes looked down at Thea quizzically.


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