Game of Survival

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Game of Survival Page 47

by T R Tells

  “He sees you. He sees all his children who are suffering and unloved. You are no different and accepting him will grant immunity into the new world. You will be loved and recognized for who you are, not what you can give. You just have to do one thing.”

  Freya stared into the woman's eyes. She knew that she couldn't trust anyone, man or woman, there's was no one to look after her but herself. Yet, she couldn't help but feel acceptance from this woman and the offer that was proposed to her. All she wanted was for someone to love her and be there for her, she only had the child inside of her, but what if she could have more?

  “What is it that I have to do?”


  Leaving everyone behind had been the hardest thing that Thea could do, but Maggie had insisted that she go, that everything would be fine, and that she should do something for herself for change.

  Thea hoped that she made the right decision.

  "Are you ready?" Angeal asked her. They were in front of the castle gates, the Kingsland Guards were already standing out in front.

  Angeal had waited several days for Thea to make her decision on whether to come with him or not. The minute she said ‘yes' he had announced to the entire castle and his father of the ‘mistress' that he would be bringing home. Angeal knew that his father would have words to say about his decision and all before he was married.

  Thea sighed heavily and nodded. She held Kadda close to her chest, the child sleeping soundly in the crook of her arm. This was something that Thea didn't know what to expect. She knew nothing about the life Angeal lived and she was merely going by chance.

  But I should be happy for once, shouldn’t I? That darkness I felt showed me I needed change, a new constant in life. Could that be Angeal?

  The carriage doors opened and Angeal got out first, he held out his hand and helped Thea. They both walked through the twenty-foot tall iron wrought gates. Eight Kingsland Guards, on either side of them, stood at attention waiting for them to pass. However, when Thea turned to her left, she recognized one of the Knights as Leo.

  The two briefly locked eyes, a look of shock crossed his face, but it immediately disappeared. Thea turned away and hoped she would not have to run into him.

  “Once we get you situated into a room, I’ll have the cook make you anything you want.”

  There was a giddiness in Angeal’s tone that Thea loved hearing and she couldn’t contain the grin on her face as he spoke.

  “That sounds great.”

  They walked up the first twelve steps of the castle and reached the first set of golden bronze doors. Two Kingsland Guards stood on either side. Thea had never been around one for too long without evading detection; however, she wanted to put her Sicarri nature behind her and start anew.

  They walked down the red-carpeted hallways and Angeal pointed toward several paintings on the wall. Thea marveled at crafted marble pillars that held up the cream-colored ceilings and the beautiful paint of the walls.

  There was an innate beauty inside the castle walls. They walked up the flight of stairs to the next floor of the castle walls, when a high-pitched voice called out Angeal's name.

  The girl who approached them wore a bright yellow gown with lace trimmings at the bottom. She looked exactly like Angeal in every way. They had similar face shape, noses, and golden blonde hair. The only difference was the Princess' hair was longer.

  “So, this is her?" Khloette asked. She darted her ups and down, examining Thea, who had never been shy before but felt like stepping back into the shadows. "You're beautiful. Thea, right?"

  Thea nodded and smiled. “Thank you, that’s really kind of you to say.”

  Khloette waved her hand gracefully and smiled at her.

  “Well, it’s the truth. I actually can’t wait to spend time with you. I’ve heard good things about you. And, who’s this adorable little girl?”

  Sometime throughout the conversation, Kadda had begun to stir and she lazily rubbed her eyes to remove the sleep. She looked around her surroundings, realizing that she was in a completely different area.

  “Here name is Kadence . . . She’s my daughter,” Thea introduced the little girl, unsure how Khloette would react to her daughter.

  "She's too cute, do you think I can hold her? I do hope that isn't too imposing." She cooed at Kadda and started making faces, making Kadda giggle and clap her hands.

  “It seems she likes you.”

  Thea noted Kadda’s outstretched arms to Khloette and the careful way she held her in her arms.

  “It seems like you girls are enjoying your time together, but I should get them comfortable, Khloette,” Angeal told her.

  "Oh, that's right. You just got here," Khloette apologized and handed Kadda back to Thea, who reached out her arms to be held again. "Perhaps, I'll come by your room tomorrow, Thea? It does get lonely sometimes and with me being the only girl I don't have many friends."

  “I would love that Khloette, thank you.”

  As they departed from each other, Thea suddenly stopped in her tracks, and her shoulders became rigid. Her eyesight grew blurry and her head began spinning as she began to have a vision.

  The earth began to shake, and the sky was a dark red. Lightning and thunder skewed the skies. Thea stood watching from a bird's eye view of the Kingdom's walls as they started to slowly crack at the foundation. The sound of an ominous roar made her flinch and despite not having a physical presence, she tried to block the noise out.

  Then, everything went black.

  “. . . Thea!”

  Thea blinked several times and noticed that Angeal stood in front of her, with a terrified look on his face. While Kadda cried loudly at the top of her lungs. Immediately, Thea consoled the grieving child and began to rock her up and down.

  “W-What happened?”

  Angeal frowned.

  "You were walking, and then you stopped. I tried calling for you, but you wouldn't answer and . . . Your eyes . . . They suddenly turned this bright gold color. I've always known—"

  “Shh!” Thea immediately shushed him, stopping him from finishing his sentence. He looked at her confused. “My kind, my eyes, that was the very reason your father sentenced us to death.”

  There was a knowing look in Angeal’s eyes as she understood. He didn’t ask questions, knowing that the topic might have been difficult. Though despite that, he knew that she would want to hear one piece of information he had found out.

  “By the way, I have good news.”

  Tilting her head to the side, Thea wondered what it could have been.

  “My men, they found your sister’s location.”

  News of her sister brought euphoria to Thea. She had thought she had lost her sister—not once, but twice—only to finally know that she was safe and sound. Thea quickly agreed and the two made it to her new quarters. Thea didn't care about the king size bed or the decorative paintings on the ceiling, she placed Kadda on it and turned to Angeal.

  “Where did they find her?”

  “My men say they saw her aboard a ship, The Half-Blood. Does that ring a bell to you?”

  A broad grin graced Thea’s lips as she ecstatically nodded.

  "That's Clovis' ship. Yes, he's a friend of ours. Did they say when they were coming back? Is she alright?" Thea rounded off question after question that she had to take a few pauses to catch her breath.

  “That’s the bad news,” Angeal told her. His lips formed into a tight lip smile, seeing Thea’s smile turn into a frown. “The weather in Svarta has been getting increasingly worse. I was only able to receive the one letter that they were able to find her . . . I’m sorry, Thea.”


  The sound of defeat laced Thea's words and Angeal felt guilty that he couldn't do more for her. He slowly approached her and with a steady hand and wrapped his arms around her, where she leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder. Her body violently shook, and Thea wrapped her arms tightly around Angeal's waist.

  He held onto
her tighter and ran his hands through her hair, consoling her. He didn’t whisper to her and tell her that everything would be okay. He didn’t lie to her and tell her he wouldn’t rest until he found her sister.

  He just held her as she cried.

  Chapter Sixty

  Thea's arrival was an interesting turn events in the courts of Kingsland. While many did not care who the prince took an interest in, there were many royals, like the King himself, who did not appreciate having a whore infiltrate their walls. King Godfrey was most displeased with his son and had called him forth to meet in the throne room.

  It was rare for Angeal to enter into the throne room, primarily if there was not already a meeting present. While King Godfrey wanted to prepare his son for the throne, he did not believe him to be ready and the action that showed bringing in the prostitute had proved his thoughts to be true.

  “You called for me, Father?” Angeal said and bowed to his father. When he sat his head up, he noticed his father was clutching onto the arms of his throne rather tightly. Angeal knew that his father would be furious about Thea’s arrival and he was very much prepared to deal with the consequences.

  "Angeal, my son, my firstborn."

  Even though Donnie was not his birth son, Angeal thought his father’s comment to be disrespectful and if their mother was still alive, she wouldn’t be happy with how the king was treating Donnie. Angeal was surprised that he had abided by their mother’s wishes to accept him as his son. He wanted to call his father out but held his tongue, not wanting to anger his father unnecessarily.

  "You are a smart boy, very observant, you get that from me. You are well-equipped to handle a sword and you might very well be on your way to becoming king . . ."

  Angeal furrowed his brows at his father, unaware where the conversation was going.

  “. . . But you have started to falter, all because you have decided to bring a whore into our walls. My walls mind you; I have every right to throw the bitch back on the streets where she came from. I’ve heard from a few Kingsland Guards how you’ve been sauntering over to the brothel for the last year.”

  Angeal’s fist tightened and narrowed his eyes at his father. On other occasions, he would merely simper and do what his father told him to do, but things have changed. Notably, he was to be king someday, he would need to stand up to people like his father.

  “I will not have you disrespect her, Father. She is my guest whether you like it or not. You might have built these walls, but this is still my home, and I have every right to do as I please. I will one day be king, after all."


  King Godfrey tilted his head to the side and glared at his son. He had always taught him to be obedient and mind his elders, never to speak out of turn. He expected an attitude from his Bastard son, not his flesh and blood.

  “Do you see how you address me? It is because of that whore and you dare to call her mistress?” King Godfrey exclaimed with a sharp tongue and crossed eyes. “What’s next—wife? I will not have you sully this kingdom’s name and breed bastard children along the way.”

  “Yes, Father, that is the plan,” Angeal pointed out in a matter of fact tone. “I do intend to marry; Thea and I would appreciate if you would learn the name of my future wife and your daughter-in-law.”

  There was silence between Father and Son, no one spoke a word as they glowered at one another.

  “Angeal Justinian Kharma,” King Godfrey enunciated Angeal’s full name. However, Angeal did not flinch despite the vindictive tone his father used. “You will do no such thing; you will release that girl and her bastard back where they came from and you will marry someone appropriate. Is that understood?”

  Angeal gave his father a sly smirk and casually shrugged his shoulders.

  “I’m sorry, Father, I give you no disrespect. But it’s high time I follow my own destiny and path.”


  Thea had not been pleased with the recent news in regard to her sister. Once again, she had been so close to finding her, only to have her snatched from her grasp. At least, the last thing they found out was that Dominya was alive. She sighed heavily under her breath and rested her arms on the stone windowsill and looked out toward the city, watching as heavy snow covered the houses. At the high distance, she saw the many buildings of Kingsland and they did look small and insignificant. With the arrival of the blanket of white smother the city streets, it was almost impossible to see the city below her.

  Thea looked up, not seeing a cloud was in the sky, just dense fog where the snow had come out. It had been snowing for two days, never letting up, even when it looked like it had stopped, the storm continued. Thea had recalled a part of the impending prophecy:

  The eve of the third day, when the winter was the heaviest.

  Would the end of the world indeed happen as Kalevus had said? Would Fenris reign havoc over the realm and shape it in his vision? He had told her that it was inevitable; but magic, pure magic would be able to rid of the sin and evil. Thea could barely control the feelings inside her. She was no hero and despite the support she was getting, she didn’t want to be anyone’s savior.

  For once, she wanted to save herself and live in peace, with her family, free of worries.

  She turned away from the window and shut it, before turning to the king-sized bed where Kadda slept. Thea slowly approached the bed and peered at her sleeping child, her curls sprawled over the white pillowcase and her body neatly tucked inside of the covers.

  Thea leaned against the bedpost, watching her daughter's chest rise and fall soundly. When Thea looked at Kadda, she was reminded of why she must stop the evil. Thea wanted her daughter to grow up in a world where people didn't judge her by her status or gender. She thought about Maggie and the rest of the girls in the Meretrix who had grown up living as whores and had nothing to their names. Everyone deserved to have something to call their own and not live in fear of being themselves.

  There was knock on the door that pulled Thea’s attention away from Kadda. She headed for the door, thinking it could be Angeal, Donnie, or even Khloette, but it was none of them.

  "Leo, what are you doing here?" Thea hadn't meant to sneer at him, but the look he gave her was one of pure disgust and she was every bit wary of him.

  “Oh, so that’s the greeting I get? I’m surprised, Thea. I thought whores were supposed to treat their customers with respect. I thought my cock was the best you ever had.” Leo’s words were laced with venom and any kindness she thought he had was thrown out the window.

  “You need to leave, Leo. Now. You aren’t welcomed here.”

  Thea tried to slam the door in his face, but he banged his hand on the door and forced it open. Leo stepped into the room as Leo stepped inside, shutting the door.

  “Leo, I said, get out. Or, you’re going to regret it.”

  Thea noticed the uncoordinated movements of his feet as he approached her. She immediately assessed that he was drunk and would be increasingly violent if she didn’t subdue him.

  "Mommy?" Kadda's tiny voice called out from across the room. Thea spied her sitting up in bed, staring at Leo hovering over her mother.

  "Kadda, stay where you are. Mommy is fine," Thea instructed her daughter. As long as she knew that her daughter was out of harm's way, she would be able to take Leo down no problem.

  “That’s cute, you don’t want your bastard seed to—”

  Leo's words were cut off when Thea connected her fist to his nose. His head jerked to the side and when he lifted his hand to touch his nose, pulling it back, dark crimson blood started gushing out of his nose.

  Leo glared at her, his eye twitched, and he sneered at her.

  “You bitch, I’ll kill you.”

  Leo lunged for Thea and with his hands grabbed her around her throat, slamming her against the wall. Thea let out a gasp as the back of her head hit the stone wall, her vision slightly blurred. Kadda let out a high-pitched scream that pierced the heavens as she watched her mother being choked
to death.

  “What? Now you think your hot shit because you gave the prince your pussy?” he scoffed at her, a moronic smile on his lips. “I’m glad I’m done with you. You’re right, I wouldn’t be able to deal with a whore like you.”

  Without any effort, Thea’s eyes turned bright amber. The sudden color change made Leo’s angry eyes change to one of surprise and his grip loosened around her neck, giving Thea ample opportunity to use her levitation to force him away from her.

  “W-What are you doing to me?” Leo stammered over his words. He couldn’t move any part of his body. With fear, he only saw Thea’s different colored eyes. “Y-Your one of them, the Magi that were supposed to be killed off.”

  Thea grinned. “Then, I guess it was a good thing you weren’t courted to me.” Thea stretched out her hand, her palms toward him, to invoke the magic inside of her to change his memories. However, before she got the chance, Leo started gagging.

  The reaction startled Thea, breaking her focus. Her eyes changed back to their usual hue, but Leo still levitated in the air. His eyes bugged out of their sockets and his face turned red, the veins in his neck ready to burst.

  “Leo? Leo!” Thea shouted. She tried to pull him out of the state he was in, but his body was as still as a statue. Blood red tears trickled out of Leo's eyes and his red face started to turn blue—any longer and Leo would die from suffocation.

  Thea grabbed his shoulders, hoping to shake him out of it. She had thought that her powers had lost control and now were irreversible, but from Thea's peripheral, she noticed Kadda staring intently at Leo with an expressionless look on her child-like face.

  “Kadda . . .”

  Snap. Thea's attention pulled away from Kadda to Leo whose neck had been twisted. His body fell from the levitated height it had been in and Thea had barely caught him in her arms as she plummeted to the ground. However, Thea was not worried about the dead corpse, her attention solely on the cherub face of her daughter.


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