Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

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Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2) Page 7

by Kinney, DeAnna

“He’s considering suspending me.”


  “Jackson said I walked up to him in the lunchroom and punched him in the face. He said there were witnesses. And he had a black eye.”

  “But why would Jackson say that?”

  “I don’t know, but the principal believed him. He called my parents and they’re meeting with him later today.”

  “I won’t let him suspend you, Levi. You’re making good grades and you’ve not caused any trouble. This could wreck everything for you. It’s almost graduation for Pete’s sake.”

  “It’ll be fine, Charity. I don’t want you involved in any of this. Do you hear me?”

  “Sure,” I said, chewing on my nail while deep in thought.


  I looked up at him and smiled. “You’re the boss.”

  He narrowed his eyes in suspicion but didn’t comment any further.

  He followed me all the way home, waiting until I was in the house to leave, and once he was gone, I ran to my car and headed back to school. I sat in my car and waited. When I spotted Jackson walking through the parking lot, I hesitated until he was by his car before approaching.


  He sighed. “What, Charity?”

  “What are you doing? Levi didn’t hit you today.”

  “Yes he did.”

  “That’s impossible. Levi was with me when that fight broke out. We were behind the building making out when we heard the commotion.”

  He looked confused. “Well I wondered, but he did hit me.”

  “What will it take for you to remember differently?”

  “Hmm, well, I might’ve forgotten to put my contacts back in after my shower after gym class, and there are more than a few guys who have reason to be mad at me right now.”

  “And what would it take for you to tell the principal that?”

  “Another date with Missy.”


  “Shouldn’t you check with her first? She hasn’t spoken to me since Prom.”

  “She adores me. She’ll do it if I ask her to. You just treat her good. I’ll get you the date, but it’s up to you after that. So, is it a deal?”

  “It’s a deal.” We shook hands and walked away smiling.

  While I drove home I was both happy and confused. I was happy that Levi would no longer be suspended, but I was also confused as to how Jackson could’ve mistaken Levi in the first place. For a while now they’ve been friends. Maybe he really did forget to put his contacts back in.

  After I was showered and dressed, I went downstairs and heated up a ham and cheese Hot Pocket in the microwave. I was in the process of eating it, walking into my room, when I noticed Levi sneaking in through my window. “Levi, shouldn’t you be with your parents right now? Aren’t they meeting with the principal?”

  “Yes, but he wanted to speak to them alone.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about Mr. Lewis suspending you. I talked to Jackson and he didn’t really see you after all.”

  “What? What did you do?”

  “Well, let’s just say he had a change of heart. He likes you, Levi. He said he didn’t put his contacts back in after gym so maybe he had mistaken.”

  “And did he tell this to the principal?”

  “He said he was going to.”

  “Hmm. I’m guessing I have you to thank for this new turn of events.”

  “You don’t seem happy. Did you want to get suspended for something you didn’t do?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I’m happy. I just wish you would’ve let me handle it. I’d rather you not get involved.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He laughed. “Thanks.” I walked into his arms and let his lips thank me properly. At first his lips were eager, his hands in my hair as he trailed soft kisses down my neck. At once he froze as if he just remembered something important.

  “Levi, are you all right?”

  “Um, I should probably go.” He backed away, as if I had suddenly developed Chicken Pox, and headed for the window.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I-I should be getting back to school. I want to know how the meeting’s going.”

  “Oh—okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll see ya.”

  He didn’t even kiss me goodbye. So weird, but unfortunately it was a behavior I was becoming accustom to.

  At school the next day the buzz was inescapable. Everyone was talking about the food fight. But more alarming was how everyone was wondering why Levi had started it. He’d only been at our school a short time but everyone knew he was a great guy and not one to start a fight.

  “Hey kitten, guess what!” Levi said, wrapping his arms around me as he approached me in the hallway after my first class.

  “You seem happy. What is it?”

  “The principal isn’t going to suspend me after all.” My mouth fell open as I gaped at him in disbelief. “It seems that Jackson didn’t put his contacts in after gym class. He said he wasn’t totally sure it was me. Isn’t that great?”

  “Levi, are you for real?”

  “I know. I was so relieved.”

  “Levi! I already knew that.”

  “You did? Who told you?”


  “Don’t tease, kitten. I just came from the principal’s office. How did you know? Charity, did you have something to do with this? I told you to stay out of this.”

  “You’re kidding, right? This is some kind of joke.”

  “Baby, are you all right?”

  “Levi, are you all right?”

  “I’m great, actually.” He was smiling, but he was also dead serious.

  I shook my head. “You really don’t remember me telling you yesterday?”

  “You knew yesterday and you didn’t tell me!”

  “Oh, forget it!” I started to walk off.

  “No, wait. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I spun to face him. “I did tell you! We had a long conversation about it! Why don’t you remember?”

  “Baby, if we’d had a conversation about Mr. Lewis canceling my suspension I would’ve remembered.”

  “Obviously not.”

  Now I was more confused than ever. Someone, or something, was really messing with my brain, and I was beginning to think Levi’s too.

  “Okay, Ash, here’s what we’re gonna do. We’ll watch his every move, even following him between classes. You let me know if he does something odd. We’ll meet after school and compare notes, got it?”

  “Got it. This is gonna be so much fun!” she squealed.

  At lunch Levi was talking to Josh while Ash and I were nibbling on our food and watching, exchanging glances often. When he looked over at us we quickly glanced down at our food and took bites, or at least I did. Ashley began leaning in—too closely, trying to hear what they were saying, when I kicked her under the table.


  Levi’s eyes darted over to her.

  “Here, Ash, try this,” I said quickly, shoving a spoon full of my dessert into her mouth.

  He narrowed his eyes in suspicion, looking first at me then her. She chewed and smiled at him. When he turned back to Josh and continued his discussion, she gagged silently, grabbing her throat and spitting the food into her napkin, then taking another napkin and scrubbing off her tongue.

  I rolled my eyes. So much drama.

  “What is that god-awful stuff?” she whispered.

  I shrugged. “I dunno, some kind of custard I grabbed when I was going through the line.” I leaned in and whispered lower. “You do know we’re supposed to be watching inconspicuously, don’t you?”

  “Of course. I’ve done this before, you know.”

  When the bell rang I told Levi I needed to go with Ashley to get something from her locker and would see him later. We kissed and split up. As soon as he was around the corner, Ash and I followed, sneaking in and around things so he wo
uldn’t spot us.

  He went to his locker, retrieved his books, and headed to his class—very non-eventful. I was actually disappointed.

  I met Ashley after school, but she had nothing. Neither of us saw him doing or acting strange at all. Hmm, maybe tomorrow.

  Levi and I were walking through the almost empty parking lot, heading toward my car. “So,” he said, “what’s up with you and Ash following me?”

  I gasped, spinning to face him.

  He laughed. “I’m a werewolf, remember? Besides Ashley’s shoes click really loud.”

  “Dang it! I told her to take off those stupid shoes. Anyway, we were just having a little fun, that’s all. You know, practicing our sneaking skills. You’re not gonna deny your wife a little fun, are you?” I smirked.

  “Never. Especially since we all know how much you need your sneaking skills—Charity code and all that.”

  It was a windy day and my hair suddenly flew out wildly and smacked Levi in the face.

  “Oww,” he said, rubbing his eye.

  “Oh, sorry.” I laughed, covering my mouth to hide my snicker.

  All of a sudden Levi stopped. “Wait,” he said, taking my hand and stopping me. He grabbed a handful of my hair and sniffed, taking in the full scent of me. He moved his face down to my neck, nuzzling me there.

  “Mmm, don’t stop.”

  His head shot up and his eyes briefly shifted yellow. “You’ve been with someone!”

  I laughed. “What?”

  “Charity, someone’s scent is all over you, in your hair, on your skin! What have you done?!”

  My smile quickly faded as I realized he was dead serious. “Levi? What are you talking about?”

  He growled and tried hard to gain control.

  “Levi! What’s wrong?!”

  “Tell me the truth,” he said, his voice composed again.

  “I’m telling you the truth! I’ve been with only you! I could never be with anyone else!”

  He searched my eyes as his own expression turned to confusion. He stepped back, pain on his lovely face, and then turned and headed back in the direction of his car, got in, and sped away.

  I was left there alone, mouth agape, wondering what in Hades just happened.

  Chapter Ten

  Levi wouldn’t answer his phone. I tried several times. How could he ever think I could be with someone else? Had I not proven my devotion to him? What was it he said about a scent? I began to think. Besides Ashley this morning, he was the last one I was with—yesterday afternoon in my bedroom, when he was acting so strange. Wait.

  I got in my car and headed for the Drake House.

  Once I was deep in the forest, I pulled down my visor, hit the button, and the ground dropped down as I entered the massive parking garage. As soon as I was in, the ramp closed back behind me.

  Levi was nowhere to be found and no one knew where he was, so I headed for Joseph’s office.

  Joseph was sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. “Joseph, can I talk to you?”

  “Yes, of course, my dear. Have a seat.”

  “Joseph, something’s going on. Levi’s accused me of being with someone else. He caught an unfamiliar scent on me, but I’ve been with no one except him. However, I’ve been having some odd encounters with him lately.”

  His expression changed, and suddenly he became very serious. “Odd encounters? Tell me everything.”

  I explained the odd behavior at the Prom, the times in my bedroom, and his forgetting about our conversations.

  He puzzled over things for a long moment, and then jumped up and said, “I think I might know what this is about, but I have to leave for a while. I’ll see if I can get to the bottom of this. If Levi acts strange again, get away from him as soon as possible. I think he might be dangerous.”


  “Charity, just trust me. If he starts acting strange, make an excuse and get away. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl. This will all work out, you’ll see. Now, I have to go. Goodbye.” Then he was gone.

  That night I tried studying, but my mind wouldn’t stop thinking about Levi and what he had accused me of. I picked up my phone and called him again. I got his voice mail. This time I left a message. “Levi, please call me. I promise you I haven’t been with anyone but you. That scent was yours. Do you hear me? It was yours!” I closed my phone and fell across my bed, exhausted by the emotion of it all. This must’ve been how Levi felt when we had that altercation some weeks back. And I tell you it rots.

  I didn’t sleep very well. I tossed and turned all night. How could Levi think I’d cheat on him? Did he have no faith in me at all?

  The next day Levi didn’t show up at school. I was miserable and everyone around me knew it. At lunch his table was empty. The guys were ditching too. Even Ashley was puzzled by Josh’s absence. He hadn’t contacted her either.

  Sitting in the cafeteria, trying to make myself eat something, I was in full panic mode. “Something is very wrong, Ash.”

  “Well, werewolves can tell if someone is lying and you said Levi looked into your eyes when you told him the truth. He had to know.”

  “Yeah, but he looked so confused. He didn’t believe me. He wanted too, but I don’t think he did.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Take matters into my own hands.”

  Her eyes registered alarm. “Oh, Charity, no. Every time you do that something bad happens.”

  “Hey, whose side are you on?”

  “The side where nobody dies and everyone lives happily ever after.”


  Toby plopped down beside us. “Are you guys ready for exams next week?”

  “Yeah, as ready as I can be,” Ashley said.

  “Delaney and I are dating now. Did she tell you guys?”

  “Um, no I’m sorry to say she didn’t.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know why she wants to keep it a secret.”

  “You know what, Toby,” I snapped, “you deserve better than her. You’re a great guy. You’re good-looking, smart, funny, and we all love you. Don’t take her crap!”

  Their mouths fell open as they glared at me in shock.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I’m just tired of all the bull, that’s all.”

  “So, does this mean we can say the word ‘crap’ now?” Toby asked.

  “No!” I got up and left the cafeteria without another word.

  “She’s such a hypocrite,” I heard him whisper.

  After school, I was heading to my car when I spotted Levi’s car parked beside mine. I sighed in relief, though that emotion was short lived as my happy face fell. Noting his hard expression, my heart instantly filled with dread.

  “Get in,” he demanded, his voice sharp but controlled.


  “Get in.”

  This was a side of him I’d never seen before, and to tell you the truth, one I didn’t care for, but I knew well enough to obey, so I did as he said. He didn’t say a word to me as he drove. I’d rather he yell at me than this. Whoever invented the silent treatment was totally evil. The silence was deafening, and by the time we entered the Drake House parking garage, my heart was pounding in my chest so hard I couldn’t hear myself worry. I felt like I was on my way to an execution.

  He got out and walked through the garage, expecting me to follow, I assumed. And I did.

  Soon, we were in the large meeting room and all the key players were present, Levi’s elite five, and Hector, my elite one. Joseph was the only one missing in action.

  “Charity,” Levi began. His blank face betrayed no emotion. “Take a stand in the center please.”

  I did as he said.

  “Now, each of you are going to take in the scent surrounding Charity. Keep in mind it’ll be weak.”

  One by one each werewolf took his turn sniffing me. I was instantly glad I wore deodorant beforehand. The first sniff seemed routine u
ntil their faces turned to confusion, taking another sniff. When it was Hector’s turn he sniffed once then twice. On the third time his eyes turned apologetic. Uh oh. Salem Witch Trials here I come.

  “Well, Levi,” Josh spoke, “it smells a lot like your scent only off somehow—but unfortunately, I don’t believe it is. I’m sorry, Charity.”

  I shook my head in disbelief.

  Levi lowered his head in pain. “Okay, do you all agree it’s not my scent then?”

  Reluctantly their heads nodded in agreement.

  Oh, this is so bad. “Levi, may I say something?”

  “There’s nothing for you to say.”

  “Yes there is!”

  “That’s enough! The punishment for an alpha female who’s betrayed her alpha is exile from the pack, or worse depending on the degree of betrayal.”

  “What?! Exile! Levi, I have not betrayed you! Hector, tell him! You’ve been watching me. Tell him I have not betrayed him! I would never do that to Levi! You have to believe me!”

  Hector’s expression was pained and confused. “It’s true I have not seen her with anyone but you, Sir.”

  I ran to Levi, grabbing his face in my hands. “See! Look at me. I love you more than my own life. I would die before I would ever betray you. How can you not know that after all we’ve been through? How can you question me like this?”

  His expression was also filled with pain and confusion as he peered down at me. He whispered, his eyes becoming moist, “Charity, the scent is all over you. This guy, whoever he was, had his hands all over you.”

  “Screw the scent!” I screamed. “It’s yours!”

  “I’m sorry, Charity. I want to believe you with all my heart, but our decision is unanimous. It’s not my scent. I don’t have a choice.” He lowered his face, covering it with his hands and sighed. “Take her, Josh.”

  Josh approached, taking my arm gently.

  “Levi, please! You are the one who had your hands all over me! You came to my room after school while your parents were meeting with the principal! Please remember!”

  He looked at me then, disbelief in his sad eyes. “Charity, I didn’t come to your room. I was with my parents during that entire meeting with Mr. Lewis. They wouldn’t let me come to you afterwards, they were so mad.”

  I shook my head, trying to make sense of the confusion. “No—that’s not true! Levi, that’s not true!” The tears streamed down my cheeks as Josh began leading me out of the room. “Levi! You have to believe me! Why have you forgotten? Levi! Wait!”


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